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Runes of Magic Cb ye girecek arkadaşlar burda toplanalım

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Bu Konudaki Kullanıcılar: Daha Az
5 Misafir - 5 Masaüstü
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  • arkadaşlar henüz download linki gelmiş deil ama burda toplanalım xD

  • class lara baktım da skilller var çok güzel ama sayısı az yada başka varsa nasıl bakıcaz
  • son durum forumda verilmiş bugün açıcaklarını sölüyorlar metin ing.

    Hello everyone,

    first of all, i owe you some excuses, that we kept you in the dark for quite some time. As some of you might already thought, we have much work today as the preparation of the closed beta takes quite some time.

    I can assure you, that we are working hard to get the closed beta up and running for the first testers.

    The closed beta is still going to start today, on 28th of August. So you please just need to stay calm for a bit longer. We all know you are waiting for the keys and the launch of the beta and like i said, our team is working on it, as fast as possible.

    So, just watch some GC Videos, game videos, interviews and think about what class combination you'll start with and try not to make to much threads about asking "when the beta will start". We'll inform you as soon as we got new informations ready!

    STATUS 13:40 (German time) - Preparations for the closed beta started and we are working on it, no fixed date known so far, but we continue our work to launch the beta today!"

  • açılmış bi konu varken neden konuyu bölüyosun ki? çok hazırcısınız
  • bu konu cbye katılacak arkadaşların birbini tanıması iiçin açılmışdı özür dilerima rkdaşım konu kaydıysa
  • önemli değil biraz sert çıktım kusura bakma
  • bende varim
  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    Daha Fazla Göster
  • ßu oyun açılana kadar yeni acılıcak oyunlardan bir tanesi açılır Hemde ob ve cb si bitmiş bi oyun
  • 2. dalgada da bana key vermezlerse >>
  • evet 2. dalgaya key gelmedi gelmedi dahada vermes o i.neler ob ye kalacas
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