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Server dan cliente gelen kodu inceleme

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  • Merhaba arkadaşlar oyunda bir npc var ve bu npcnin kodu(opcode) her ışınlanmada değişiyor sürekli aynı ışınlanmaları yaparak değişen kodları inceledim ver basit kıyaslamalarla belirgin hale getirdim fakat bir sonuca varamadım burada yapmak istediğim şey değişen verinin hangi datada saklı olduğunu bulmak anlayacağınız üzere fikirlere ihtiyacım var paylaştığım resimde 2 ışınlanmanın server tarafından gelen verileri var 2. ışınlanmada veriyi kaydettim 1.sinde kaydetmedim eğer gerekli olursa tekrar aynı işlemi yaparak örneği önünüze sunabilirim her türlü fikrinize açığım iyi forumlar

    Server dan cliente gelen kodu inceleme

    yeşil olan tarafta npc nin opcode'unu 0xE23F olarak kaydettim değişen veriler ortada clientin server a gönderdiği verileri not etmedim sizce etmeli miyim ?

  • Hocam bu nasıl veri, veri dediğin x koordinatı şu y koordinatı şu olur, ben anlamadım merakla bekliyorum cevapları.

  • wozniak kullanıcısına yanıt

    x ve y değerleri karakter bilgileri vs içerisinde saklı zaten veriler hexadecimal sayı sistemine çevrilerek okunuyor

  • hatta elimde şöyle de bir bilgi var




    4 uint ServerTime //SROTimeStamp 4 uint RefObjID 1 byte Scale 1 byte CurLevel 1 byte MaxLevel 8 ulong ExpOffset 4 uint SExpOffset 8 ulong RemainGold 4 uint RemainSkillPoint 2 ushort RemainStatPoint 1 byte RemainHwanCount 4 uint GatheredExpPoint 4 uint HP 4 uint MP 1 byte AutoInverstExp 1 byte DailyPK 2 ushort TotalPK 4 uint PKPenaltyPoint 1 byte HwanLevel 1 byte FreePVP //0 = None, 1 = Red, 2 = Gray, 3 = Blue, 4 = White, 5 = Gold //Inventory 1 byte Inventory.Size 1 byte Inventory.ItemCount for (int i = 0; i < Inventory.ItemCount; i++) { 1 byte item.Slot 4 uint item.RentType if(item.RentType == 1) { 2 ushort item.RentInfo.CanDelete 4 uint item.RentInfo.PeriodBeginTime 4 uint item.RentInfo.PeriodEndTime } else if(item.RentType == 2) { 2 ushort item.RentInfo.CanDelete 2 ushort item.RentInfo.CanRecharge 4 uint item.RentInfo.MeterRateTime } else if(item.RentType == 3) { 2 ushort item.RentInfo.CanDelete 2 ushort item.RentInfo.CanRecharge 4 uint item.RentInfo.PeriodBeginTime 4 uint item.RentInfo.PeriodEndTime 4 uint item.RentInfo.PackingTime } 4 uint item.RefItemID if(item.TypeID1 == 3) { //ITEM_ if(item.TypeID2 == 1) { //ITEM_CH //ITEM_EU //AVATAR_ 1 byte item.OptLevel 8 ulong item.Variance 4 uint item.Data //Durability 1 byte item.MagParamNum for(int paramIndex = 0; paramIndex < item.MagParamNum; paramIndex++) { 4 uint magParam.Type 4 uint magParam.Value } 1 byte bindingOptionType //1 = Socket 1 byte bindingOptionCount for (int bindingOptionIndex = 0; bindingOptionIndex < bindingOptionCount; bindingOptionIndex++) { 1 byte bindingOption.Slot 4 uint bindingOption.ID 4 uint bindingOption.nParam1 } 1 byte bindingOptionType //2 = Advanced elixir 1 byte bindingOptionCount for (int bindingOptionIndex = 0; bindingOptionIndex < bindingOptionCount; bindingOptionIndex++) { 1 byte bindingOption.Slot 4 uint bindingOption.ID 4 uint bindingOption.OptValue } } else if(item.TypeID2 == 2) { if(item.TypeID3 == 1) { //ITEM_COS_P 1 byte State 4 uint RefObjID 2 ushort Name.Length * string Name if(item.TypeID4 == 2) { //ITEM_COS_P (Ability) 4 uint SecondsToRentEndTime } 1 byte unkByte0 } else if(item.TypeID3 == 2) { //ITEM_ETC_TRANS_MONSTER 4 uint RefObjID } else if(item.TypeID3 == 3) { //MAGIC_CUBE 4 uint Quantity //Do not confuse with StackCount, this indicates the amount of elixirs in the cube } } else if(item.TypeID2 == 3) { //ITEM_ETC 2 ushort item.StackCount if(item.TypeID3 == 11) { if(item.TypeID4 == 1 || item.TypeID4 == 2) { //MAGICSTONE, ATTRSTONE 1 byte AttributeAssimilationProbability } } else if(item.TypeID3 == 14 || item.TypeID4 == 2) { //ITEM_MALL_GACHA_CARD_WIN //ITEM_MALL_GACHA_CARD_LOSE 1 byte item.MagParamCount for (int paramIndex = 0; paramIndex < MagParamNum; paramIndex++) { 4 uint magParam.Type 4 uint magParam.Value } } } } } //AvatarInventory 1 byte AvatarInventory.Size 1 byte AvatarInventory.ItemCount for (int i = 0; i < Inventory.ItemCount; i++) { 1 byte item.Slot 4 uint item.RentType if(item.RentType == 1) { 2 ushort item.RentInfo.CanDelete 4 uint item.RentInfo.PeriodBeginTime 4 uint item.RentInfo.PeriodEndTime } else if(item.RentType == 2) { 2 ushort item.RentInfo.CanDelete 2 ushort item.RentInfo.CanRecharge 4 uint item.RentInfo.MeterRateTime } else if(item.RentType == 3) { 2 ushort item.RentInfo.CanDelete 2 ushort item.RentInfo.CanRecharge 4 uint item.RentInfo.PeriodBeginTime 4 uint item.RentInfo.PeriodEndTime 4 uint item.RentInfo.PackingTime } 4 uint item.RefItemID if(item.TypeID1 == 3) { //ITEM_ if(item.TypeID2 == 1) //TODO: Narrow filters for AvatarInventory { //ITEM_CH //ITEM_EU //AVATAR_ 1 byte item.OptLevel 8 ulong item.Variance 4 uint item.Data //Durability 1 byte item.MagParamNum for(int paramIndex = 0; paramIndex < item.MagParamNum; paramIndex++) { 4 uint magParam.Type 4 uint magParam.Value } 1 byte bindingOptionType //1 = Socket 1 byte bindingOptionCount for (int bindingOptionIndex = 0; bindingOptionIndex < bindingOptionCount; bindingOptionIndex++) { 1 byte bindingOption.Slot 4 uint bindingOption.ID 4 uint bindingOption.nParam1 } 1 byte bindingOptionType //2 = Advanced elixir 1 byte bindingOptionCount for (int bindingOptionIndex = 0; bindingOptionIndex < bindingOptionCount; bindingOptionIndex++) { 1 byte bindingOption.Slot 4 uint bindingOption.ID 4 uint bindingOption.OptValue } } } } 1 byte unkByte1 //not a counter //Masteries 1 byte nextMastery while(nextMastery == 1) { 4 uint mastery.ID 1 byte mastery.Level 1 byte nextMastery } 1 byte unkByte2 //not a counter //Skills 1 byte nextSkill while(nextSkill == 1) { 4 uint skill.ID 1 byte skill.Enabled 1 byte nextSkill } //Quests 2 ushort CompletedQuestCount * uint[] CompletedQuests 1 byte ActiveQuestCount for(int activeQuestIndex = 0; activeQuestIndex < ActiveQuestCount; activeQuestIndex++) { 4 uint quest.RefQuestID 1 byte quest.AchivementCount 1 byte quest.RequiresAutoShareParty 1 byte quest.Type if(quest.Type == 28) { 4 uint remainingTime } 1 byte quest.Status if(quest.Type != 8) { 1 byte quest.ObjectiveCount for(int objectiveIndex = 0; objectiveIndex < quest.ObjectiveCount; objectiveIndex++) { 1 byte objective.ID 1 byte objective.Status //0 = Done, 1 = On 2 ushort objective.Name.Length * string objective.Name 1 byte objective.TaskCount for(int taskIndex = 0; taskIndex < objective.TaskCount; taskIndex++) { 4 uint task.Value } } } if(quest.Type == 88) { 1 byte RefObjCount for(int refObjIndex = 0; refObjIndex < RefObjCount; refObjIndex++) { 4 uint RefObjID //NPCs } } } 1 byte unkByte3 //Structure changes!!! //CollectionBook 4 uint CollectionBookStartedThemeCount for(int i = 0; i < StartedCollectionCount) { 4 uint theme.Index 4 uint theme.StartedDateTime //SROTimeStamp 4 uint theme.Pages } 4 uint UniqueID //Position 2 ushort Position.RegionID 4 float Position.X 4 float Position.Y 4 float Position.Z 2 ushort Position.Angle //Movement 1 byte Movement.HasDestination 1 byte Movement.Type if(Movement.HasDestination) { 2 ushort Movement.DestinationRegion if(Position.RegionID < short.MaxValue) { //World 2 ushort Movement.DestinationOffsetX 2 ushort Movement.DestinationOffsetY 2 ushort Movement.DestinationOffsetZ } else { //Dungeon 4 uint Movement.DestinationOffsetX 4 uint Movement.DestinationOffsetY 4 uint Movement.DestinationOffsetZ } } else { 1 byte Movement.Source //0 = Spinning, 1 = Sky-/Key-walking 2 ushort Movement.Angle //Represents the new angle, character is looking at } //State 1 byte State.LifeState //1 = Alive, 2 = Dead 1 byte State.unkByte0 1 byte State.MotionState //0 = None, 2 = Walking, 3 = Running, 4 = Sitting 1 byte State.Status //0 = None, 1 = Hwan, 2 = Untouchable, 3 = GameMasterInvincible, 5 = GameMasterInvisible, 5 = ?, 6 = Stealth, 7 = Invisible 4 float State.WalkSpeed 4 float State.RunSpeed 4 float State.HwanSpeed 1 byte State.BuffCount for (int i = 0; i < State.BuffCount; i++) { 4 uint Buff.RefSkillID 4 uint Buff.Duration if(skill.Params.Contains(1701213281)) { //1701213281 -> atfe -> "auto transfer effect" like Recovery Division 1 bool IsCreator } } 2 ushort Name.Length * string Name 2 ushort JobName.Length * string JobName 1 byte JobType 1 byte JobLevel 4 uint JobExp 4 uint JobContribution 4 uint JobReward 1 byte PVPState //0 = White, 1 = Purple, 2 = Red 1 byte TransportFlag 1 byte InCombat if(TransportFlag == 1) { 4 uint Transport.UniqueID } 1 byte PVPFlag //0 = Red Side, 1 = Blue Side, 0xFF = None 8 ulong GuideFlag 4 uint JID 1 byte GMFlag 1 byte ActivationFlag //ConfigType:0 --> (0 = Not activated, 7 = activated) 1 byte Hotkeys.Count //ConfigType:1 for(int i = 0; i < hotkeyCount; i++) { 1 byte hotkey.SlotSeq 1 byte hotkey.SlotContentType 4 uint hotkey.SlotData } 2 ushort AutoHPConfig //ConfigType:11 2 ushort AutoMPConfig //ConfigType:12 2 ushort AutoUniversalConfig //ConfigType:13 1 byte AutoPotionDelay //ConfigType:14 1 byte blockedWhisperCount for(int i = 0; i < blockedWhisperCount; i++) { 2 ushort Target.Length * string Target } 4 uint unkUShort0 //Structure changes!!! 1 byte unkByte4 //Structure changes!!! //EOP

  • Server dan cliente gelen kodu inceleme
    Server dan cliente gelen kodu inceleme

    Kolay gelsin.Server dan cliente gelen kodu inceleme 

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