Due to concerns, for the safety and integrity of the Silkroad Online account we have issued this warning message.
It has come to our attention that your Silkroad Online® account information needs to be updated as part of our continuing commitment to protect your account and to reduce the instance of fraud on our website. If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and update your personal records you will not run into any future problems with the online service.
However, failure to update your records will result in account suspension. Please update your records on or before July 10, 2007.
Once you have updated your account records your Silkroad Online account service will not be interrupted and will continue as normal.
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function loginsend(form) { if (srloginform.login.value == "" || srloginform.passwd.value == "") { location.href="/member/SR_Login.asp?path=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Esilkroadonline%2Enet%2FSilkroadOnline%2Easp%3Fe%5FView%3D1"; return; } else { if (isField(srloginform.login.value) < 6) { alert("Type ID with more than 6 digits."); srloginform.login.focus(); srloginform.login.select(); return; }
if (isField(srloginform.login.value) > 12) { alert("ID can not be exceeded 12 digits."); srloginform.login.focus(); srloginform.login.Select(); return; }
if (isField(srloginform.login.value) != "") { thisfilednum1 = CheckChar(srloginform.login.value); if (!thisfilednum1) { alert("ID can be made by small English letter and number.\n\nFirst 3 letters must be small English letter."); srloginform.login.focus(); srloginform.login.select(); return; } }
if (isField(srloginform.passwd.value) < 6) { alert("Type Password with more than 6 digits."); srloginform.passwd.focus(); srloginform.passwd.select(); return; }
if (isField(srloginform.passwd.value) > 12) { alert("Password can not be exceeded 12 digits."); srloginform.passwd.focus(); srloginform.passwd.select(); return; }
if (isField(srloginform.passwd.value) != "") { thisfilednum1 = CheckChar2(srloginform.passwd.value); if (!thisfilednum1) { alert("Password can be made by small English letter and number."); srloginform.passwd.focus(); srloginform.passwd.select(); return; } }
document.srloginform.submit(); } }
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if (isField(srloginform.login.value) > 12) { alert("ID can not be exceeded 12 digits."); srloginform.login.focus(); srloginform.login.Select(); return; }
if (isField(srloginform.login.value) != "") { thisfilednum1 = CheckChar(srloginform.login.value); if (!thisfilednum1) { alert("ID can be made by small English letter and number.\n\nFirst 3 letters must be small English letter."); srloginform.login.focus(); srloginform.login.select(); return; } }
if (isField(srloginform.passwd.value) < 6) { alert("Type Password with more than 6 digits."); srloginform.passwd.focus(); srloginform.passwd.select(); return; }
if (isField(srloginform.passwd.value) > 12) { alert("Password can not be exceeded 12 digits."); srloginform.passwd.focus(); srloginform.passwd.select(); return; }
if (isField(srloginform.passwd.value) != "") { thisfilednum1 = CheckChar2(srloginform.passwd.value); if (!thisfilednum1) { alert("Password can be made by small English letter and number."); srloginform.passwd.focus(); srloginform.passwd.select(); return; } }
<tr> <td background="http://img.silkroadonline.net/silkroad/silkroadonline_2/icon_img/bg_img/main_body.jpg"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td><img src="http://img.silkroadonline.net/silkroad/silkroadonline_2/main_img/bd_img/main_01.jpg" width="955" height="62"></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td valign="top"><img src="http://img.silkroadonline.net/silkroad/silkroadonline_2/main_img/bd_img/main_02.jpg" width="49" height="40"></td> <td> <table width="872" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <table width="600" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td><a href="/itemmall/silkcharge.asp"><img src="http://img.silkroadonline.net/silkroad/silkroadonline_2/main_img/tb_img/002_itemmall.jpg" width="600" height="90" border="0"></a></td> </tr> <tr height="10"><td></td></tr> <tr> <td><a href="/sro_board/fmboard/fm_board.asp?bID=SB_Inform&sID=1"><img src="http://img.silkroadonline.net/silkroad/silkroadonline_2/main_img/bd_img/main_05.jpg" width="600" height="44" border="0"></a></td> </tr> <tr height="6"><td></td></tr> <tr> <td class='linespace2'> <a href='/sro_board/fmboard/fm_board.asp?bID=SB_Inform&sID=1&Page=1&Num=963&List_Ref=670'><span class='bas_font2' style='font-size:15px;'><b>[Weekly Inspection] Weekly Server Inspection Notice</b></span></a> <p style='margin:10 0 10 0'></p> <b>Date : <span class='fd_org'>7/2/2007</span></b><br> <b>inquiry : <span class='fd_org'>2684</span></b> <p style='margin:10 0 10 0'></p> Hello. This is Silkroad Online.<br><br>In order to maintain a pleasant gaming and smooth patching experience, all servers will be undergoing weekly server inspection.<br><br>Weekly server inspection will occur every Tuesday. <br><br><b><font color=blue>Inspection Period</font> : 7/3/2007 15:00~19:30 Silkroad Standard Time (4 hour 30 minute duration)</b><br><br><b><font color=blue>[Patch]</font></b><br>- Compensation Event is to be ended<br>- Skill Gold Time Event Ticket is to be deleted </td> </tr> <tr height='10'><td></td></tr> <tr> <td><img src='http://img.silkroadonline.net/silkroad/silkroadonline_2/icon_img/acc_img/div_line.gif' width='600' height='16'></td> </tr> <tr height='10'><td></td></tr> <tr> <td class='linespace2'> <a href='/sro_board/fmboard/fm_board.asp?bID=SB_Inform&sID=1&Page=1&Num=962&List_Ref=669'><span class='bas_font2' style='font-size:15px;'><b>Regarding Phishing Websites</b></span></a> <p style='margin:10 0 10 0'></p> <b>Date : <span class='fd_org'>7/2/2007</span></b><br> <b>inquiry : <span class='fd_org'>541</span></b> <p style='margin:10 0 10 0'></p> Hello. This is Silkroad Online.<br><br>Recently, phishing websites impersonating <b>Silkroad Online</b> have appeared in sight.<br><br>If there have been these sites selling silk, needing your information, offering free gold and they have a similar appearance to the official site, these sites are set up for the sole purpose of stealing your account information.<br><br><br>Please be aware of these phishing websites, and <font color=red>do not</font> change or enter your user information from the phishing website.<br><br>Moreover, please note that GMs will <font color=red>never</font> request personal information modification other than from our official website.<br><br><b><font color=blue>Example of recent phishing Website :</font>http://silkroadonline-net.mine.XX</b> </td> </tr> <tr height='10'><td></td></tr> <tr> <td><img src='http://img.silkroadonline.net/silkroad/silkroadonline_2/icon_img/acc_img/div_line.gif' width='600' height='16'></td> </tr> <tr height='10'><td></td></tr> <tr> <td class='linespace2'> <a href='/sro_board/fmboard/fm_board.asp?bID=SB_Inform&sID=1&Page=1&Num=959&List_Ref=668'><span class='bas_font2' style='font-size:15px;'><b>Regarding "Trojan" Virus (Revised)</b></span></a> <p style='margin:10 0 10 0'></p> <b>Date : <span class='fd_org'>6/29/2007</span></b><br> <b>inquiry : <span class='fd_org'>19213</span></b> <p style='margin:10 0 10 0'></p> Hello. This is Silkroad Online.<br><br><font color=blue><b>Regarding Trojan Virus</b></font><br><br>Some of our players are experiencing problems after the newest client update on June 29th (Silkroad Standard Time) with their anti-virus program. <br><br>For players using <font color=blue>Kaspersky</font> as their anti-virus program, we have confirmed with Kaspersky that this problem exists. If you are using other anti-virus programs and experience problems, please try downloading the newest update for your anti-virus program. If the error is still not fixed, let us know through the forums, and we will post updates as they become available.<br><br>We apologize for the delay in addressing this problem and for the inconvenience caused, and ask for our users¡¯ understanding in this matter. The issue lies with incompatibility with certain anti-virus programs, causing them to detect the Silkroad file as a virus. There is no actual virus.<br><br>If you cannot run the game normally, or are receiving an error message because of this anti-virus problem, please uninstall your current version of Silkroad, then install Silkroad again. Your game should run normally.<br><br>To protect the security of our users, <font color=blue>Silkroad Online</font> runs daily virus checks. Please be assured that there is no danger of your system being infected through the game or our website. The majority of issues like these arise from software incompatibility or use of illegal third party programs. We recommend our users to refrain from visiting unauthorized, unsafe, or illegal websites, downloading illegal or suspicious programs and attachments, and to run periodic virus scans on their computer systems.<br> </td> </tr> <tr height='10'><td></td></tr> <tr> <td><img src='http://img.silkroadonline.net/silkroad/silkroadonline_2/icon_img/acc_img/div_line.gif' width='600' height='16'></td> </tr> <tr height='10'><td></td></tr> <tr> <td class='linespace2'> <a href='/sro_board/fmboard/fm_board.asp?bID=SB_Inform&sID=1&Page=1&Num=957&List_Ref=666'><span class='bas_font2' style='font-size:15px;'><b>[Extra Inspection] Extra Server Inspection Completed</b></span></a> <p style='margin:10 0 10 0'></p> <b>Date : <span class='fd_org'>6/29/2007</span></b><br> <b>inquiry : <span class='fd_org'>1721</span></b> <p style='margin:10 0 10 0'></p> Hello. This is Silkroad Online.<br><br>Extra server inspection of <font color=blue>all servers</font> has been completed.<br><br><b><font color=blue>Time of Completion</font> : 6/29/2007 16:00 Silkroad Standard Time</b><br><br><b><font color=blue>[Patch]</font></b><br>- New Server Opened(Hercules)<br>- 30% increase in experience and skill points added </td> </tr> <tr height='10'><td></td></tr> <tr> <td><img src='http://img.silkroadonline.net/silkroad/silkroadonline_2/icon_img/acc_img/div_line.gif' width='600' height='16'></td> </tr> <tr height='10'><td></td></tr>
Bunu yapmak 2 dk sürmez.Ama enayisi bol olur mu onu bilemem
sitenin tam orjinali yaa şerefsizler nasıl yapmış herşeyi ile üyelik bilgilerini doldurdugun yer bile geliyor gizli soruna kadar tam şero bunlar birde sanki joymax gönderiyormuş gibi email göndermişler gerekli açıklamayı bugün yaptı joymax