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  • arkadaslar 2006 yılında yasıyoruz.
    bu devırde bındıgımız aracın dıreksıyonu,kapı kolu, vıtes topuzu vs caga uygun olmalı.

    oyle golf unki gibi kare yada duz bı sekıl olmamalı. civic hakıkaten bastan asagı gunumuz zamanını yansıtıyo.

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    tabı netıcede tercıh meselesı ama uyansın artık mıllet. cag dısı ve sorunlu araclara paraları bayılmasınlar. servıslerıde ates pahası.
  • silindi gittiii..

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Kalsiyum 17 -- 6 Eylül 2020; 0:40:45 >
  • feanorringenil arkadaşım sana sonsuz teşekkürler hayır şu adamı başka türkü susturamıcaktık işi gücü dalga palavavra sölenen lafları kafasına göre yorumlayıp yaıo.sen teknik bilgini konuşturmuşsun boş konuşup topici meşgul eden arkadaşlara kapak olsun.bu topik burda bitmiştir.arabayı alan aldı geçmiş olsunnnnnnnnnnnn.daha yorum yapmayalım başka topiklerde inşallah
  • araba konusunda ne kadar bılgılı oldugunuz bellı.ben sızın gıbı palavra degıl verıler uzerıne ve tecrubelerıme gore konusuyorum.golf e 2 yıl bındım. 0 performans, cag dısı kokpit ve sorunlar zıncırı.pahalı servıste cabası.
    agırlıkta fransızlar harıc demısın, unutmakı C4 bıle golf ten agırdır.

    euroncap a gelınce o da bır mısyon . adı ustunde euroncap.tutup 5 yıldızı japona vereceklerı yok.eurovısıon gıbı.taraflı bır stratejıdır ncap.sen grande punto 5 yıldız alabılırmı sanıyosun.nıce tenekelere 5 yıldız verıldı orda.uyuyun hala sız.

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    ama amerıkan toplumu oyle degıldır.saglamını ve ıyısını bıner.onlarda tercıhlerını japon arabalarından yana kullanıyolar artık.

    desteksız sallamayın, verılere dayalı konusun.

  • kac tane japon arabasına vermis.

    external ornek vereyim:

    adam soruyo yaris-polo-fiesta hangısını alayım. buna bıle onlarca kısı polo demıs. yuhh artık.

    resmen iyi arac degıl vw fanatıklıgıdır yaptıklarınız.
  • reanault modus e bakın ornegin. sasi bile yamulmus 5 yıldız almıs. accord ve civic tas gıbı duruyo 4 yıldız vermısler.

    cunku bılıyolar bırcok enayı ncap i baz alarak arac satın alacaklardır. bılıyolar bu araclar pıyasayı kasıp kavuracak.

    adamların bıze AB ıcın tutumlarına bır bakın. bu adamlar 3 kagıtcı bır mıllet degılmıdır?
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: rooney1976

    kac tane japon arabasına vermis.

    external ornek vereyim:

    adam soruyo yaris-polo-fiesta hangısını alayım. buna bıle onlarca kısı polo demıs. yuhh artık.

    resmen iyi arac degıl vw fanatıklıgıdır yaptıklarınız.

    Toyota yaris de 5 yıldız aldı.

    ben vw fanatiği değilim.aksine golf ü de son kasada rakiplerinden üstün görmüyorum.zaten erken kasa değişimine gidecekler.

    2008 ilk çeyrek.

    civic ın 4 yıldız alma sebepleri euro-ncap raporunda yazıyor.beklenmeyen bir gelişme.

    4 yıldızlı araç güvensiz demek değildir.

    benim demek istediğim euro-ncap yanlı değil ,grande punto da sandığın gibi teneke değil .

    5 yıldızı nasıl aldığını videolarıyla izleyebilirsin.

    not:şasenin yamulması enerji emdiğini gösterir.önemli olan çarpışma şiddetinin iç mekana en az şekilde yansıtılması.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Sephiroth -- 20 Aralık 2006; 10:42:28 >

  • dostum guzel demısınde sasi aracın darbe emıcı yerı degıldır.

    4 yıldız guvensız degıldır evet. ama forum a dıkkat et adam arac arıyo madde 1: ncap tan 5 yıldız almalı dıyor.

    asagıda ncap la ılgılı her sey var. ozellıkle nerelerde ve nelere dayanarak yapıldıgına dıkkat edın.
    ben sahsen hıc guvenmıyorum ncap testlerıne. siracının sahıdı bozacı mısalı yapılıyo bence.


    1. What is the main purpose of Euro NCAP?
    Euro NCAP provides consumers with independent information about a car's safety. This compliments all the other information available to consumers wishing to buy a new car. The ratings also provide an incentive to manufacturers to continually strive to improve protection. Euro NCAP has an important influence in improving road safety. Independent research has shown that improvements in vehicle safety have been responsible for the greatest reduction in road accident casualties over the last ten years.

    2. How can you know if Euro NCAP has been effective?
    Euro NCAP has been responsible for a dramatic change to overall car safety. This is readily seen in how quickly manufacturers improve their safety equipment and the steps they take to do well in the tests. Real world injury studies carried out by SNRA (Swedish National Roads Aministration) and SARAC (Safety Advisory Rating Committee) demonstrate a reduction in injury risk for every Euro NCAP star received.

    3. Why not use legislation to improve safety?
    Legislation sets a minimum compulsory standard for all cars. Euro NCAP is able to encourage much greater safety by showing consumers the benefit of safety improvements. Introduction of new vehicle safety legislation can also be slow, as all EU Member States' views have to be taken into account. Once in place, legislation provides no further incentive to improve, whereas Euro NCAP acts as a continuing incentive.

    4. How does Euro NCAP provide a truly independent assessment of the safety peformance of cars sold in Europe?
    Euro NCAP was originally developed by the Transport Research Laboratory for the UK department of Transport. Subsequently many other interested parties have joined. Current members include the Catalonian region of Spain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK. Consumer groups in Europe are represented by International Consumer Research and Testing. Motoring Clubs are represented by members of the FIA Foundation and ADAC, the German Motor Club. British Insurers are represented by Thatcham. The European Commission is an observing member of Euro NCAP's board and provides additional support.This wide consortium of members ensures our independence.
    Euro NCAP itself is an International Association under Belgian law. Euro NCAP is independent of the automotive industry and political control. No individual member can bias Euro NCAP towards their individual interests.

    5. Who may sponsor a vehicle for Euro NCAP testing?
    Each member pays an annual subscription and must fund the testing of at least one car model each year. Car manufacturers can also sponsor the testing of their own cars. Once a manufacturer chooses to sponsor a car, control passes to Euro NCAP. The manufacturer is not able to influence the testing, assessment or publication of the results.

    6. How were Euro NCAP test procedures reached?
    The test procedures are based on those developed by the European Enhanced Vehicle-safety Committee (EEVC) for legislation. However frontal impact speed is increased to 64 km/h so as to cover accident severity leading to most deaths and serious injuries. The pole test is based on a test developed in the United States. Cars designed to do well in the Euro NCAP tests should offer improved protection in a wide variety of road accidents.

    7. What tests do Euro NCAP perform?
    There is a frontal impact test at 64 km/h into an offset deformable barrier, a side impact test at 50 km/h, a side impact pole test at 29 km/h and tests with pedestrian head and leg forms at 40 km/h.

    8. Where are the crash tests performed?
    Euro NCAP tests are performed by six laboratories around Europe. These include one based in France (UTAC in Montlhery), two based in Germany (ADAC in Munich and BAST in Bergisch Gladback), one in the Netherlands (TNO in Delft), one in Spain (IDIADA in Tarragona) and finally one in the UK (TRL in Berkshire).

    9. Why not carry out a wider range of tests?
    Car manufacturers should carry out a wide range of tests as they develop safety features. The Euro NCAP tests have been designed to guide car design to provide good protection over a wide range of crash types. Well designed cars will perform well in Euro NCAP and provide better protection in accidents. One that is less well designed will score badly in Euro NCAP and provide less protection in a crash.

    10. Why have you chosen such a high front impact test speed?
    By carrying out frontal impact tests at 64km/h (about 40 mph) we are simulating a car to car impact where both cars are travelling at about 55 km/h, a speed shown by accident studies to address a high proportion of fatal and severe injury accidents.

    11. How is the injury risk to car occupants determined from crash data?
    The injury risk is assessed using a number of sources including data from the dummy's instruments, examination of the high-speed film and examination of the car by crash investigation experts. As there is no instrumentation to measure injury risk in certain areas, adjustments are also made to take account of other potential dangers, including those to different sized occupants. The Euro NCAP assessment protocol is then applied to arrive at the rating for each body region.

    12. Are the barrier tests repeatable?
    Yes. The repeatability of the test procedure was fully investigated in research by the EEVC.

    13. Won’t vehicle manufacturers just design their cars to pass Euro NCAP tests?
    No. Manufacturers have to design and test their cars to meet many more safety issues than are tested in the Euro NCAP tests. However they do use the Euro NCAP procedures as an in house target/standard for those aspects that we test.

    14. What do manufacturers think about Euro NCAP?
    They believe that if such tests are to be carried out, the work should be undertaken in an objective way by an independent expert organisation. There is a general acceptance that Euro NCAP has been responsible for improving overall safety standards. Euro NCAP conducts a regular dialogue with the motor industry, discussing technical issues.

    15. Are manufacturers involved in the tests?
    Yes. Each manufacturer is told of the choice of car, variant and options. Preferably vehicles for the tests are acquired anonymously, but if this is not possible they are randomly selected. Manufacturers are asked to provide test set up information, to recommend child seats and to make any general comments. They are invited to witness the tests and to say whether they are satisfied with the way the test is run. After the test, they are given the test results and invited to comment on any anomalies when compared with their own data.

    16. Do you tell manufacturers what changes are needed to get better results?
    The test reports indicate the areas where improvements would provide safety benefits. However, it is not for Euro NCAP to tell manufacturers how to design their cars. If manufacturers wish to take action on the basis of the results, they are the ones who fully understand the design of their products and are best placed to decide how any improvements could be made.

    17. Which of the cars tested would you recommend to buy?
    Although safety is an important factor, there are other factors that have to be taken into account when buying a car. Most people start by deciding the type and size of car they require and then look at safety. In each size category, it is possible to choose a number of cars that provide good protection for adult and child occupants. Currently it is a little more difficult to find cars, which offer good pedestrian protection.

    18. Which of the cars tested is the safest?
    When buying a new car, Euro NCAP advises that two ratings in particular (adult and pedestrian protection) are taken into consideration. You may wish also to consider Euro NCAP's child protection rating, if you are planning to travel with young children in your car. For adult occupant protection a 5-star performance (out of a possible 5) in the tests is the most impressive. The safest car for pedestrian protection has achieved 4 stars (out of a possible 4).

    19. Will the rating system change in the future?
    The Euro NCAP procedures evolve continuously to take account of new developments.

    20. Are large cars safer than small cars?
    In frontal impacts between cars, the occupants of the heavier car or the one with higher structures tend to fare better than those travelling in lighter lower cars. It should be noted though that higher vehicles tend to be less stable and consequently more likely to be involved in accidents, particularly those involving loss of control, where overturning or an impact with a roadside obstacle may occur. These effects are currently impossible to overcome. As most people decide on the size of the car to buy for other reasons, Euro NCAP only makes comparisons within size categories. The rating of a car within its size category is a function of the quality of its safety design.

    21. Can results be compared between different categories of cars?
    No. Results should only be compared within the same group. The frontal testing method mirrors a crash between two similar sized cars. The Euro NCAP tests cannot be used to predict the outcome of such crashes between cars of different heights and masses.

    22. Has the safety assessment for children changed?
    Yes, Euro NCAP has introduced a separate star rating for child protection from November 2003. A car model will now be shown with a star rating for adult occupant protection, a star rating for child protection and a star rating for pedestrian protection. The child protection rating is for a combination of a car with specific child seats that have been recommended by the car manufacturer. The combination can now earn up to five stars for child protection. The rating depends on the fitting instructions for the child seats, the car’s ability to accommodate them safely and their performance in front and side impact tests. However, there are important limitations to this rating, which are:

    • The child protection rating cannot be used for the car alone, nor can it be used for the car with a different combination of child seats.
    • The tested child seat alone does not have a child protection rating.
    • The same child seat tested in combination with other cars may give a different child protection rating.

    This new system of scoring for child protection encourages car manufacturers to take responsibility for the carriage of children. However, whatever the child protection rating, it is essential that children are always carried in child restraints.

    23. What is a Seat Belt Reminder and how does it influence the star rating?
    A seat belt reminder system is a system alerting the driver by means of sound and visual indications when a seatbelt should be worn. The reminder signal should be loud and clear but not annoying. The target is to remind people, who accept the benefits of seat belts that they have not fastened their belt. The points awarded for systems that meet the protocol requirements are added to the overall points score which in turn generates the occupant protection star rating.

    24. Won’t the design features necessary to ensure good front impact performance inevitably be detrimental for pedestrians?
    No. The strength of the structure to give good frontal impact does not need to be on the outside of the car body. Detailed design of the bonnet structure and the position of hard structures underneath give good pedestrian performance. The two are not incompatible or mutually exclusive.

    25. Why are Points published as well as the Star rating?
    The star rating does not show the relative performance between front and side impact. To show if there is a mis-match between front and side performance we publish the points for each test as well as the total.

    26. What does a star with a strike-through indicate?
    The car is awarded adult occupant protection stars based upon the number of points scored in the frontal and side impact tests. Where a star is struck through, this indicates that there is a serious risk of life threatening injury in at least one vulnerable body region - these regions are the head or chest in frontal impact and the head, chest, abdomen or pelvis in side impact. It is important to note though that it does not mean the star no longer exists.

    27. Is it better to buy a car awarded with 3 stars with a strike through of the last star or a 2 star car?
    The strike through of the last star indicates that in the tests a vulnerable body region sustained a risk of severe injury. However, the number of stars is calculated on a cars overall performance and therefore three stars are better than two.

    28. What effect will the results have on car design in the future?
    In general terms, there should be a trend of cars becoming safer for both occupants and pedestrians as manufacturers incorporate appropriate safety features into new car designs. Since the Euro NCAP programme began, significant improvements have been observed.

  • Euro ncap kritererine göre 5 yıldızlı araba almak isteyen gider seçer birini alır.

    4 yıldızlı almak istemiyorum demesinde bence sakınca yok.
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