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Swap dışında en hızlı kasmannın yolu?

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  • swap yapmada hızlı bir şekilde kasmanın yolu nedir ?

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    Shower Room Tutorial and 9999 Kills!
    Well i finally had it with all the gunz players asking me how i make it and i went to GzN to find a tut for them but then i found out there wasnt any that were easy enough...so i made one...
    "Shower Room Hack tutorial by me, camxblade"

    1. Create a room, set it to duel, and select Shower Room as the map.

    2. Minimize Gunz and go to your UCE, towards the top you will see value type and a drop down box. Change the value type to Text.

    3. Type in Shower Room (Remember that this is case sensitive and you must include a space), then hit first scan. You should get a bunch of addresses off to the side.

    4. Go back into Gunz and change the map (NOTE: Do not change the gametype). I usually use Battle Arena so I will use this for the tutorial.

    5. Minimize again and return to your UCE. In the same place you typed Shower Room, you're going to now type Battle Arena (Again this is case sensitive and keep the space in between Battle and Arena) and then click Next Scan.

    6. After doing the above step you should have the box on the left narrowed down to two addresses. Double-click both of them to assign them to your CT.

    7. Go back into Gunz and change the map back to Shower Room.

    8. Minimize Gunz and return to your UCE. If you did the above steps correctly, the value of the two addresses from before should be in your CT with a value of Shower Room. Freeze them (Tick the pointer).

    9. Go back to Gunz, change the game type to whatever(preferrably Death Match) and the map will remain Shower Room. Start the game and enjoy.

    Also i am going to put another tut just so you can get 999 kills

    1. Create a room (Works with all game types/maps).

    2. pick a kill limit in the drop down box. In this tutorial, we'll start with 50. So select 50 as the kill limit.

    3. Minimize Gunz and go to your UCE. Set the value type to 4 bytes and type 50 in the topmost box. Click First Scan. You will get a number of addresses in the left chart of your UCE (For those new to scanning: If you have previously scanned something and you are trying to scan something completely different, click new scan before doing the above steps).

    4. Return to Gunz and change the kill limit to 30.

    5. Go back to your UCE and type in 30, then next scan. You should have it narrowed down to one address, if not, repeat the above steps with different kill limits until you get down to one address.

    6. Double-click the address in the chart to assign it to your CT. Once it is in your CT, freeze the value/tick it, then right-click it and choose change record and select value.

    7. Type in whatever number you want (I usually use 999) and this will be the kill limit. While you're in the game room the set kill limit box won't look like it has changed, but when you start the game you'll see that there are 999 kills in this round(or whatever number you chose).

    All credits to- the creator of the uce and tut by me, camxblade

    The UCE is downloadable below :P


  • arkadaş yapmış ondan bakın nasıl açıldına bence en hızlı kasma yolu deatmacth shower room 14 den 21 oldum 2 saatte
  • nie haziranın konusunu hortlatıosunuzki bide ben nedense shower room dmde hiç kasamıorm belkide sprayer olmadıım içindir en yakın zamanda shower room ve questler için bi spray alcam yeter artık
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: emre67380

    arkadaş yapmış ondan bakın nasıl açıldına bence en hızlı kasma yolu deatmacth shower room 14 den 21 oldum 2 saatte

    Oyunu öğrendin mi ¿ Cevap : Hayır !
    Böyle devam edersen nolucak ¿ Cevap : Oynamayı öğrenemicen hep ezik kalıcan… !
  • swap tan başka plvling hack var.Başka da iyi oynuyosan alnının teriyle kasmak var.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Algorithm -- 16 Eylül 2007; 0:02:55 >
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