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#ÜCRETSİZ VPN Fırsatları# (TryVPN 3 Yıl Ücretsiz İlk Mesajda) (54. sayfa)

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  • cahilliğimi mazur görün evde tv box + 2pc + 2 telefn var interneti kullanan bu vpn i her bir cihaza mi yapacz ? bunun modem den bi maskeleme vs. bişey yaparak evde kullanılan cihazları komple gizlesek olmuyor mu.
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  • mgsgsg2010 M kullanıcısına yanıt

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • mgsgsg2010 M kullanıcısına yanıt
    Netflix için fazla alternatif yok.
    En iyisi Cyberghost turkiyede çalışmıyor ama engelli.
    Diğeri torguard
    Biraz yavaş ama surfshark

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • tt.us kullanıcısına yanıt
    Destekleyen modemlerde olabiliyordu sanırım

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  • Onur hocam hani alırsak hangi VPN alalım Netflix ve IPTV izlicem bu ikisi

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  • mgsgsg2010 M kullanıcısına yanıt
    Ben direk size şunu alın diyemem.
    Vpnlerin ücretsiz denemelerini kullanın öncelikle.
    Surfshark. Ücretsiz deneme süresini kullanın.
    Express vpn.
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    Torguard vpn
    Hepsinin öncelikle deneme süresini kullanın. Hangisin hızı iyiyse onu kullanın. Speedtest ve netflixte hd gösteriyor mu deneme yapın. Bazı vpnler devlet tarafından yasaklı. Hiç çalışmayabilirler

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • Bu üyelik isteyen vpn servisleri güvenli mi arkadaşlar ? Opera VPN dahil hiç güvenli gelmiyor bana.
  • Surfshark VPN için üyelik başlatmak istiyorum.Seçeneklerde 1.99 / 24 ay gibi seçenek var ,seçiyorum.Ama bunun anlamı aylık 1.99 değil toptan 47.79 dolar çekilecek demek mi ? Yani çeviri hatası mı var anlamadım ben.48 dolar toptan çekiliyor sana maliyet olarak 1.99 dolara geliyor mu demek istiyorlar ?

    Bir anda 50 dolar vermek ..
  • eyoruk E kullanıcısına yanıt
    Evet aylık 1.99 dolara gelse de tek seferde üye olurken toplamda 47.76 dolar ödüyorsunuz 2 yıl için.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi coolsnowman -- 22 Eylül 2020; 4:44:41 >
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: eagleoneye

    Netflix için fazla alternatif yok.
    En iyisi Cyberghost turkiyede çalışmıyor ama engelli.
    Diğeri torguard
    Biraz yavaş ama surfshark
    torguard bence en iyisi. 20 dolarlık paketi netflix (ya da öyle bişey) koduyla 10 dolara alınabiliyor ve sana özel o ülkede statik ip veriyor.

    netflixin anlaması imkansızlaşıyor nerdeyse
  • WhoiS_AttaCK W kullanıcısına yanıt
    ben yıllık aldım torguard. browserlarda anlayabiliyor. ama netflix android uygulamasında anlamıyor. ve windows 10daki storeden netflix indirince de anlamıyor. sadece browserlarda anlıyor. bazen o da.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: eagleoneye

    ben yıllık aldım torguard. browserlarda anlayabiliyor. ama netflix android uygulamasında anlamıyor. ve windows 10daki storeden netflix indirince de anlamıyor. sadece browserlarda anlıyor. bazen o da.
    streaming paketini aldınız değil mi ? düz vpn değil ? çünkü garantili olan o.

    20 dolardan 10 dolara düşen paket
  • WhoiS_AttaCK W kullanıcısına yanıt
    yok ben normalinden aldım. işimi görüyor. hepsi yüzde 50 indirimli zaten paketlerin. ben aldığımda da öyleydi.
  • Grubu tamamladık

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi thedevilslieutenant -- 4 Ağustos 2020; 1:12:31 >
  • Arkadaşlar cahilliğime verin ama Opera Vpn ile konuda adı geçen ücretli vpn ler arasında temel olarak ne gibi bir fark var?
  • eoktay kullanıcısına yanıt
    Detaylıca yazıya dökmüşler ama çevirmeye üşendim. Bu kadar detaylı bilgileri zaten Türkçe kaynaklarda bulamazsınız.

    Free VPN vs. Paid VPN


    We don’t expect perfection out of products we get for free – we just want to know if they’re good enough for our purposes. If you’re choosing between a new stove and the old, worn-down one your neighbor is giving away, the question isn’t which one is better, but how often do you cook?

    The same idea applies to VPNs. With millions of people using them every day, it’s clear that free VPN services get some things right. They also have their flaws, so you need to know how to spot those flaws and decide if they’ll get in the way of what you want to do online.

    What are the differences between free and paid VPNs, and when does it make sense to pay for a VPN service instead of getting one for nothing?

    Why Some VPNs Are Free and Others Are Not
    The best VPNs keep you completely anonymous online, shield you from cyber threats, and give you access to geo-restricted websites. The thought of getting all that for free is amazing.

    The problem is that running a reliable VPN service – which includes managing a global server network, developing client apps, and providing user support, just for starters – isn’t free. And VPN providers aren’t charity organizations; they’re businesses.

    While paid VPN services make their money from subscription fees, providers of free VPNs have to somehow generate income from your use.

    In some cases, the company can make things work just by limiting the functionality of its free service. If you only need a VPN occasionally for privacy, a limited free VPN might work fine for you.

    What about VPN providers that promise a complete, unlimited service at no cost? That’s where you need to be more careful. Some free VPNs actually compromise your privacy and security to make money. That’s the absolute last thing you want from a VPN.

    Here’s our guide to avoiding risky free services and getting the most out of the ones you can trust. We’ll also explain what the best paid VPNs can do that free services can’t, and how to know when it’s time to upgrade.

    What Are the Risks and Problems with Using a Free VPN?
    The key question is, if companies are making money by letting me use a service for free, what do they know that I don’t? We’ll start with the worst things some free VPN providers do to turn a profit, then look at the minor hassles you can safely live with for occasional VPN use.

    1. They track you online and sell your personal or browsing data.
    Many free VPNs, inluding Betternet VPN, acknowledge that they share your session data with advertisers and blitz you with ads.

    When third parties can access your private information and harvest your data, your online privacy is compromised, defeating one of the most important purposes of using a VPN.

    In addition, some free VPNs even hijack your browser and redirect you to partner websites without your consent.

    2. They give other users access to your connection.
    Hola VPN and many other free providers operate as P2P networks, sending your data through another user’s device and routing other users’ traffic through yours. This setup immediately puts you at risk of malware and DNS attacks, but it gets worse.

    Hola VPN actually sells your unused bandwidth on the global data market. That’s how they make money, and it’s downright dangerous.

    3. They provide weak and easily crackable security.
    As we said, operating a solid, secure network infrastructure is a costly process – unless you cut corners.

    Unlike premium VPNs, many free VPNs use unreliable security measures and weak encryption that can act similar to malware. Often, this poor protection means that your data can be easily deciphered by hackers and spying agencies like the US NSA.

    4. Your browsing will be constantly interrupted by ads.
    Selling advertising is one of the most common ways for free VPN services to profit off your use. Even if the provider doesn’t track your use or sell your data, the constant annoyance of ads might make you regret trying to save a few dollars a month.

    It’s also unlikely that any free VPN screens all those ads for malware and spyware, so one accidental click could bring you big trouble.

    5. They will slow down your internet connection.
    If you’re looking for a free VPN to stream videos, play games, or download torrents, you will almost certainly be badly disappointed. Use of any VPN involves some loss of speed due to the encryption process, but with the best paid VPNs, you’ll hardly notice it.

    It’s a different story with free services. Because of their small networks, constant ads, or intentional speed throttling, they’ll slow your web surfing to a crawl.

    Fortunately, slow speeds are only an annoyance, not a threat to your security or privacy. If you just need to send a confidential email from a wi-fi café, a little patience and a trustworthy free VPN will serve you well.

    6. They offer limited features so you’ll upgrade to a paid service.
    If you manage to find a free VPN that doesn’t collect data and keeps ads to an acceptable level, you’ll likely be dealing with another problem: service limitations. However, depending on your needs, you may be able to live with the restrictions.

    Free services are often offered by premium VPN providers that want to convince you it’s better to pay for a plan. So while the free VPN won’t put your data or devices at risk, the provider will make sure that it doesn’t meet all your needs.

    For example, most free versions of paid VPN services severely limit your usage (in many cases, to 500MB per month) and your network access (sometimes to a single, overworked server). They also won’t unblock US Netflix or the BBC iPlayer.

    But as with speed issues, service limitations are more frustrating than dangerous. If your browsing is light, they might never bother you at all.

    For more insights from our experts on how a “free” VPN could end up costing you in the long run, see our comprehensive guide to the risks of free VPN use.

    When Is It OK to Use a Free VPN?
    In spite of their flaws, the safest free VPNs can work well for occasional, light use. If you’re on a short trip and want to access a weakly geoblocked site back home, or just want a little protection while using public wi-fi, a limited free service could do the job nicely.

    And yes, there are safe free VPNs available, as long as you’re willing to accept their limitations.

    First off, we strongly recommend that you avoid free VPNs that claim to provide unlimited services. Those are some of the riskiest options available.

    While these free VPNs might place limits on your bandwidth, speed, and server access, they offer most of the same security and privacy features as the providers’ paid services. No stand-alone free VPN can compete with that level of protection.

    Just don’t expect these free VPNs to meet all your long-term needs, because the providers want you to upgrade. However, you can trust them to take your security and privacy seriously.

    Remember, though, that our top-rated paid VPNs offer free trials and/or money-back guarantees. Why compromise for short-term use, when you can get everything you want from a VPN at no cost?

    Paid VPNs – Complete Protection and Premium Features for Every Use
    So we’re stuck with the fact that no free VPN offers a complete, safe, high-quality service without limitations. What might surprise you, though, is how affordable many premium VPN subscriptions actually are. That leaves just one question…

    What’s so special about paid VPN services that makes them worth your money?

    1. They offer genuine protection for your private data online.
    When you disconnect from the web, your session data should disappear, and it will with a premium VPN. While some top VPN providers keep partial connection logs, usually for diagnostic purposes, none of them track your activity or share your data, ever.

    Even better, our most highly rated VPNs don’t keep any logs at all, so your activity online is truly anonymous – as it should be.

    2. They have topnotch network security.
    Paid VPNs need subscribers to stay in business, so they literally can’t afford security failures. The best VPNs provide end-to-end, AES 256-bit encryption and support a variety of tunneling protocols, including the ultra-secure OpenVPN.

    Some VPNs even take security to the next level with additional features like split tunneling, Double VPN, kill switches, and DNS and IPv6 leak protection. Your data won’t be exposed even if you experience a sudden disconnection from your VPN server.

    3. They do not impose bandwidth or speed limits.
    Another advantage of using a paid VPN service is that you will enjoy safe browsing without any data caps or speed throttling. This is ideal if you use your VPN for streaming online videos, P2P activities, or gaming.

    In fact, elite VPNs offer optimized servers for each of these activities, so you can say goodbye to buffering and painfully slow downloads.

    4. They give you access to more server locations.
    Paid VPNs give you unlimited access to their entire server networks, which are often gigantic and span the entire world. Therefore, you will have access to more geo-restricted services and websites.

    As a general rule, the more servers, the better for unblocking sites and for connection speed. However, a few of our top-rated VPNs amaze us with how much they can do with relatively small networks, because they manage those networks with such care.

    5. They can unblock Netflix and even work in China.
    Now this is where the very best VPNs truly shine. Even most paid VPNs don’t reliably unblock Netflix or get past the Great Firewall of China because those blocks are reinforced with sophisticated VPN-detecting software.

    Yet without draining your wallet, top premium VPNs will give you access to US Netflix and the BBC iPlayer, and even sneak past heavy filtering systems in notorious locations like China, Russia, and Turkey.

    6. They offer a host of other features for a better experience.
    In addition to better privacy, security, and worldwide content access, you get plenty of other good stuff with a paid VPN. For example, a lot of premium services allow you to use their software on multiple devices at the same time with just one subscription.

    Others offer dedicated IPs, P2P servers, and built-in malware and ad blockers. Some have amazingly responsive customer support, and many have brilliantly user-friendly interfaces.

  • Digital ocean hesap oluşturmak için kart bilgillerimi girmem istendiğinde bir türlü kart kabul olmuyor ? 3 farklı kart denedik hata verdi ? Böyle bir sorun yaşayan var mı
  • eyoruk E kullanıcısına yanıt
    Aynı sorunu bende yaşamıştım. Hatta epey zaman geçti. Destekle mesajlaştığımda suçu bankaya atmışlardı. Ben de üye olmaktan vazgeçmiştim.
  • Arkadaşlar mobile olarak kullanabileceğim şuanda en iyi vpn hangisidir ?

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