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W810 Flash Tema, Ses Ayarları (Acoustic) ve CamDriver (11. sayfa)

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  • Arkadaslar yabancı forumlarda yenı bılgısayarı olan yanı usb 2.0 ı destekleyenlerın daha hızlı işlem yapabıldıgını soyluyor. benımkı 1.1 ona gore haberınız olsun dedım. bu arada yabancı forumlarda telefonun baska muzık formatlarını destekledıgını fsx yoluyla aktarılabılecegını falan yazıyor. Lutfen artık benımkı 6 saat surdu benımkı 40 dakkada bıttı yerıne bıraz arastırma yapalım konu bellı baslık bellı zaten sonucta bu işlemı assagı yukarı yapmayı ogrendık. lutfen artık ılerı gıdelım ve oldugmuz yerde saymayalım. su mukemel otesı w810i yı dahada mukemmellestırelım. ben arastırma yapıyorum bakın adamın bırı yabancı forumlarda aynen soyle yazmıs
    I'm uploading some audio drivers with FSX

    uploading a new audio driver with FSX took only an hour and half! Amazing, great work!

    bilginiz olsun dedım kolay gelsin

  • ewet mutlu sona europa ile ulaştım flashı yaptım şimdide fsx yapıyorum ama direk olarak fsx e mi basıyoruz
  • evt sadece fsx e bas
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: morrigan2

    evt sadece fsx e bas

    sadece flash yeterli değilmidir
  • yan yan konudaki işlemi yapıyorum ama europa ile yapsam bir şey olurmu ne fark eder
  • ben bı kere sadece flash yaparakta temaları acmıstım yanı fsk e gerek kalmadan. ama sımdı flash yaptım fsx yapmadım telfonumda flash temalar yok o yuzden hıcbırseye dokunmadan fsx yapmanız yeterlıdır. aslında fsx le baska dosyalarda gıdıyor telefona baska muzık ve fılm formatları ama onu daha cozemedım ugrasıyorum.
  • iyi hadi gözün aydın
    direkt olarak fsx'e basıyosun hiçbir ayar yapmana gerek yok

    Orjinalden alıntı: sierratr1

    ewet mutlu sona europa ile ulaştım flashı yaptım şimdide fsx yapıyorum ama direk olarak fsx e mi basıyoruz

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi BlackEagle -- 20 Ocak 2007; 12:43:06 >
  • 1.denememde fsx yapmak istedim 70 dk sürdü dosya aktarım moduna geçti ama tlf açıldı
    2.denemede 85 dakika sürdü busefer direk flasha basmıştım yine dosya aktarım moduna gecti tlf yapılandırma hatası verdi
    3.denemede yanşıl cda secmişim sonra farkettim durdurdum ama busefer tlf açılmadı
    şarj tak çıkar olmadı o anlar baya kötü oluyo insan:)
    4.denememde 75 dakika sürdü flasha basarak başladım yine dosya aktarım moduna girdi yapılandırma hatası verdi ama buna bile sevindim
    5.dememde EUROPE_2(CDA102494/15) bunu sectim flasha bastım 63 dakika sürdü ama bu sefer oldu
    emeği gecen herkese tşk
    versiyon r4db005 flas temalar çalışıyor hafıza kartındaki herşey duruyor
    arkadaşlar sakın pes etmeyin eğer yapılandırma hatası felan aldıysanız sabırlı olun ama kendinize güvenmiyorsanız asla denemeyin oldukça sinir bozucu bir durum slmlar
  • sadece flash atarsan orj.temaları flash haline getirirsin
    yeni temalar için fsx yapman gerekir

    Orjinalden alıntı: dimsag


    Orjinalden alıntı: morrigan2

    evt sadece fsx e bas

    sadece flash yeterli değilmidir
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: *BlaCkEaGLe*

    sadece flash atarsan orj.temaları flash haline getirirsin
    yeni temalar için fsx yapman gerekir

    Orjinalden alıntı: dimsag


    Orjinalden alıntı: morrigan2

    evt sadece fsx e bas

    sadece flash yeterli değilmidir

    ben bu sürüme dönmek istiyordum amacım flash temalar değildi birdaha asla bu işe girmem:) dün geceden beri uğraşıyorum sonny ne müşteri hizmeti nede ürün hizmetinde maalesef geri kaldı bu resmen eziyet başka birşey değil
  • walla flashi yükledim menüler flashlı oldu şimdide fsx yapıyorum emeği geçen herkese saygılar.İnşallah bundanda alnımızın akıyla çıkarız.
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: funy251

    yan yan konudaki işlemi yapıyorum ama europa ile yapsam bir şey olurmu ne fark eder

    bende seninle aynı konuda işlem yaptım europa ile sonuca ulaştım aşağıdaki değerlerle seninkileri kontrol et
    This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30) buraya dikkat et bu This loader is UNLOCKED böyle olduğuktan sonra asıl işlem başılıyor ve 1 dk sürüyor

    11:11:27| Phone-XS GUI Build V2.10 Alpha Ready!
    11:11:27| System Diagnostics check: OK!
    11:11:49| Shutting down...
    11:13:52| Phone-XS GUI Build V2.10 Alpha Ready!
    11:13:52| System Diagnostics check: OK!
    11:14:03| Shutting down...
    11:37:30| Phone-XS GUI Build V2.10 Alpha Ready!
    11:37:30| System Diagnostics check: OK!
    11:37:39| Attempting to open the interface...
    11:37:39| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    11:37:39| Turn off phone
    11:37:39| Hold C Button on phone and connect phone.
    11:37:39| You have 30 seconds.
    11:37:39| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    11:37:44| PORT STATUS: ACTIVE
    11:37:45| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    11:37:45| proto: 3.1
    11:37:45| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    11:37:45| QH00 Header
    11:37:45| Wait for EsB
    11:37:45| Wait for EhM
    11:37:45| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    11:37:45| Wait for EaTEbS
    11:37:45| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    11:37:45| Wait for EdQ
    11:37:45| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    11:37:45| Activating GDFS...
    11:37:46| phone name detected
    11:37:46| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    11:37:46| PHONE INFO
    11:37:46| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    11:37:46| DBID: db2010
    11:37:46| OPT CID: 49
    11:37:46| EROM CID: 49
    11:37:46| EROM color: red
    11:37:46| IMEI: 35233601xxxxxx
    11:37:46| Phone: W810
    11:37:46| Operator: C_ASIA
    11:37:46| CDA: CDA102494/73 R2A
    11:37:46| Firmware: R4DB005
    11:37:46| EROM: n/a
    11:37:46| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    11:37:46| ready for operation!
    11:38:41| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_flash_p5g.bin
    11:38:41| Header
    11:38:41| Prologue 6520 bytes
    11:38:42| Payload 54000 bytes
    11:38:42| This is a FLASH loader
    11:38:42| +++ Now flashing firmware main...
    11:38:42| Sending flashfile C:\Documents and Settings\orrr\Desktop\w810i rd4b005\W810_R4DB005_MAIN_GENERIC_HN_CID49.mbn
    11:38:42| 343 flashblocks
    11:41:26| Finishing flash
    11:41:26| Done flashing
    11:41:26| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_flash_p5g.bin
    11:41:26| Header
    11:41:26| Prologue 6520 bytes
    11:41:26| Payload 54000 bytes
    11:41:27| This is a FLASH loader
    11:41:27| +++ Now flashing filesystem...
    11:41:27| Sending flashfile C:\Documents and Settings\orrr\Desktop\w810i rd4b005\W810_R4DB005_FS_C_ASIA_RED49.fbn
    11:41:27| 161 flashblocks
    11:42:45| Finishing flash
    11:42:46| Done flashing
    11:42:46| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    11:42:46| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    11:42:46| Header
    11:42:46| Prologue 6520 bytes
    11:42:46| Payload 478225 bytes
    11:42:49| This is a CS loader
    11:42:49| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    11:42:49| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    11:43:17| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    11:43:17| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    11:43:17| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    11:43:17| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    11:43:17| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    11:43:31| 1000...
    11:43:44| 2000...
    11:43:57| 3000...
    11:44:09| 4000...
    11:44:12| ...4201
    11:44:12| Matches: 0:0003940, 1:000260, 2:0001, 3:0
    11:44:12| Totals : 0:0003940, 1:000260, 2:0001, 3:0
    11:44:12| Theory : 0:0003938, 1:000261, 2:0001, 3:0
    11:44:12| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    11:44:12| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    11:44:12| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    11:44:15| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    11:44:15| proto: 3.1
    11:44:15| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    11:44:15| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    11:44:15| QH00 Header
    11:44:15| Wait for EsB
    11:44:15| Wait for EhM
    11:44:15| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    11:44:15| Wait for EaTEbS
    11:44:15| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    11:44:15| Wait for EdQ
    11:44:15| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    11:44:15| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    11:44:15| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    11:44:15| Header
    11:44:15| Prologue 6520 bytes
    11:44:15| Payload 478225 bytes
    11:44:17| This is a CS loader
    11:44:17| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    11:44:17| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    11:44:45| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    11:44:45| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    11:44:46| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    11:44:46| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    11:44:46| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    11:44:57| 1000...
    11:45:07| 2000...
    11:45:18| 3000...
    11:45:28| 4000...
    11:45:31| ...4201
    11:45:31| Matches: 0:0003940, 1:000261, 2:0000, 3:0
    11:45:31| Totals : 0:0007880, 1:000521, 2:0001, 3:0
    11:45:31| Theory : 0:0007876, 1:000523, 2:0002, 3:0
    11:45:31| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    11:45:31| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    11:45:31| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    11:45:34| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    11:45:34| proto: 3.1
    11:45:34| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    11:45:34| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    11:45:34| QH00 Header
    11:45:34| Wait for EsB
    11:45:34| Wait for EhM
    11:45:34| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    11:45:34| Wait for EaTEbS
    11:45:34| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    11:45:34| Wait for EdQ
    11:45:34| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    11:45:34| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    11:45:34| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    11:45:34| Header
    11:45:34| Prologue 6520 bytes
    11:45:34| Payload 478225 bytes
    11:45:36| This is a CS loader
    11:45:36| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    11:45:37| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    11:46:04| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    11:46:04| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    11:46:04| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    11:46:04| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    11:46:04| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    11:46:15| 1000...
    11:46:25| 2000...
    11:46:36| 3000...
    11:46:46| 4000...
    11:46:48| ...4201
    11:46:48| Matches: 0:0003938, 1:000262, 2:0001, 3:0
    11:46:48| Totals : 0:0011818, 1:000783, 2:0002, 3:0
    11:46:48| Theory : 0:0011815, 1:000784, 2:0003, 3:0
    11:46:48| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    11:46:48| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    11:46:49| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    11:46:52| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    11:46:52| proto: 3.1
    11:46:52| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    11:46:52| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    11:46:52| QH00 Header
    11:46:52| Wait for EsB
    11:46:52| Wait for EhM
    11:46:52| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    11:46:52| Wait for EaTEbS
    11:46:52| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    11:46:52| Wait for EdQ
    11:46:52| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    11:46:52| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    11:46:52| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    11:46:52| Header
    11:46:52| Prologue 6520 bytes
    11:46:52| Payload 478225 bytes
    11:46:54| This is a CS loader
    11:46:54| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    11:46:54| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    11:47:22| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    11:47:22| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    11:47:22| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    11:47:22| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    11:47:22| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    11:47:32| 1000...
    11:47:43| 2000...
    11:47:53| 3000...
    11:48:03| 4000...
    11:48:05| ...4201
    11:48:05| Matches: 0:0003897, 1:000303, 2:0001, 3:0
    11:48:05| Totals : 0:0015715, 1:001086, 2:0003, 3:0
    11:48:05| Theory : 0:0015753, 1:001046, 2:0004, 3:0
    11:48:05| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    11:48:05| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    11:48:05| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    11:48:08| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    11:48:08| proto: 3.1
    11:48:08| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    11:48:08| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    11:48:08| QH00 Header
    11:48:08| Wait for EsB
    11:48:08| Wait for EhM
    11:48:09| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    11:48:09| Wait for EaTEbS
    11:48:09| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    11:48:09| Wait for EdQ
    11:48:09| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    11:48:09| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    11:48:09| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    11:48:09| Header
    11:48:09| Prologue 6520 bytes
    11:48:09| Payload 478225 bytes
    11:48:11| This is a CS loader
    11:48:11| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    11:48:11| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    11:48:39| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    11:48:39| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    11:48:39| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    11:48:39| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    11:48:39| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    11:48:49| 1000...
    11:48:59| 2000...
    11:49:09| 3000...
    11:49:19| 4000...
    11:49:21| ...4201
    11:49:21| Matches: 0:0003932, 1:000268, 2:0001, 3:0
    11:49:21| Totals : 0:0019647, 1:001354, 2:0004, 3:0
    11:49:21| Theory : 0:0019692, 1:001307, 2:0005, 3:0
    11:49:21| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    11:49:21| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    11:49:21| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    11:49:25| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    11:49:25| proto: 3.1
    11:49:25| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    11:49:25| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    11:49:25| QH00 Header
    11:49:25| Wait for EsB
    11:49:25| Wait for EhM
    11:49:25| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    11:49:25| Wait for EaTEbS
    11:49:25| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    11:49:25| Wait for EdQ
    11:49:25| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    11:49:25| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    11:49:25| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    11:49:25| Header
    11:49:25| Prologue 6520 bytes
    11:49:25| Payload 478225 bytes
    11:49:27| This is a CS loader
    11:49:27| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    11:49:27| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    11:49:55| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    11:49:55| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    11:49:55| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    11:49:55| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    11:49:55| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    11:50:05| 1000...
    11:50:15| 2000...
    11:50:25| 3000...
    11:50:36| 4000...
    11:50:38| ...4201
    11:50:38| Matches: 0:0003936, 1:000264, 2:0001, 3:0
    11:50:38| Totals : 0:0023583, 1:001618, 2:0005, 3:0
    11:50:38| Theory : 0:0023630, 1:001569, 2:0006, 3:0
    11:50:38| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    11:50:38| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    11:50:38| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    11:50:41| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    11:50:41| proto: 3.1
    11:50:41| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    11:50:41| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    11:50:41| QH00 Header
    11:50:41| Wait for EsB
    11:50:41| Wait for EhM
    11:50:41| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    11:50:41| Wait for EaTEbS
    11:50:41| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    11:50:41| Wait for EdQ
    11:50:41| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    11:50:41| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    11:50:41| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    11:50:41| Header
    11:50:41| Prologue 6520 bytes
    11:50:41| Payload 478225 bytes
    11:50:43| This is a CS loader
    11:50:43| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    11:50:43| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    11:51:11| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    11:51:11| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    11:51:11| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    11:51:11| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    11:51:11| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    11:51:22| 1000...
    11:51:32| 2000...
    11:51:42| 3000...
    11:51:52| 4000...
    11:51:54| ...4201
    11:51:54| Matches: 0:0003949, 1:000251, 2:0001, 3:0
    11:51:54| Totals : 0:0027532, 1:001869, 2:0006, 3:0
    11:51:54| Theory : 0:0027569, 1:001830, 2:0007, 3:0
    11:51:54| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    11:51:54| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    11:51:54| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    11:51:57| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    11:51:57| proto: 3.1
    11:51:57| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    11:51:57| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    11:51:57| QH00 Header
    11:51:57| Wait for EsB
    11:51:57| Wait for EhM
    11:51:57| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    11:51:57| Wait for EaTEbS
    11:51:57| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    11:51:57| Wait for EdQ
    11:51:57| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    11:51:57| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    11:51:58| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    11:51:58| Header
    11:51:58| Prologue 6520 bytes
    11:51:58| Payload 478225 bytes
    11:52:00| This is a CS loader
    11:52:00| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    11:52:00| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    11:52:28| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    11:52:28| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    11:52:28| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    11:52:28| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    11:52:28| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    11:52:38| 1000...
    11:52:48| 2000...
    11:52:58| 3000...
    11:53:08| 4000...
    11:53:10| ...4201
    11:53:10| Matches: 0:0003913, 1:000285, 2:0003, 3:0
    11:53:10| Totals : 0:0031445, 1:002154, 2:0009, 3:0
    11:53:10| Theory : 0:0031507, 1:002092, 2:0008, 3:0
    11:53:10| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    11:53:10| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    11:53:10| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    11:53:14| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    11:53:14| proto: 3.1
    11:53:14| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    11:53:14| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    11:53:14| QH00 Header
    11:53:14| Wait for EsB
    11:53:14| Wait for EhM
    11:53:14| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    11:53:14| Wait for EaTEbS
    11:53:14| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    11:53:14| Wait for EdQ
    11:53:14| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    11:53:14| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    11:53:14| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    11:53:14| Header
    11:53:14| Prologue 6520 bytes
    11:53:14| Payload 478225 bytes
    11:53:16| This is a CS loader
    11:53:16| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    11:53:16| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    11:53:44| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    11:53:44| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    11:53:44| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    11:53:44| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    11:53:44| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    11:53:54| 1000...
    11:54:04| 2000...
    11:54:15| 3000...
    11:54:25| 4000...
    11:54:27| ...4201
    11:54:27| Matches: 0:0003950, 1:000250, 2:0001, 3:0
    11:54:27| Totals : 0:0035395, 1:002404, 2:0010, 3:0
    11:54:27| Theory : 0:0035445, 1:002354, 2:0009, 3:0
    11:54:27| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    11:54:27| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    11:54:27| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    11:54:30| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    11:54:30| proto: 3.1
    11:54:30| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    11:54:30| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    11:54:30| QH00 Header
    11:54:30| Wait for EsB
    11:54:30| Wait for EhM
    11:54:30| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    11:54:30| Wait for EaTEbS
    11:54:30| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    11:54:30| Wait for EdQ
    11:54:31| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    11:54:31| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    11:54:31| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    11:54:31| Header
    11:54:31| Prologue 6520 bytes
    11:54:31| Payload 478225 bytes
    11:54:33| This is a CS loader
    11:54:33| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    11:54:33| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    11:55:01| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    11:55:01| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    11:55:01| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    11:55:01| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    11:55:01| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    11:55:11| 1000...
    11:55:21| 2000...
    11:55:31| 3000...
    11:55:41| 4000...
    11:55:43| ...4201
    11:55:43| Matches: 0:0003930, 1:000270, 2:0001, 3:0
    11:55:43| Totals : 0:0039325, 1:002674, 2:0011, 3:0
    11:55:43| Theory : 0:0039384, 1:002615, 2:0010, 3:0
    11:55:43| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    11:55:43| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    11:55:44| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    11:55:47| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    11:55:47| proto: 3.1
    11:55:47| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    11:55:47| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    11:55:47| QH00 Header
    11:55:47| Wait for EsB
    11:55:47| Wait for EhM
    11:55:47| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    11:55:47| Wait for EaTEbS
    11:55:47| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    11:55:47| Wait for EdQ
    11:55:47| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    11:55:47| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    11:55:47| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    11:55:47| Header
    11:55:47| Prologue 6520 bytes
    11:55:47| Payload 478225 bytes
    11:55:49| This is a CS loader
    11:55:49| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    11:55:49| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    11:56:17| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    11:56:17| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    11:56:17| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    11:56:17| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    11:56:17| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    11:56:27| 1000...
    11:56:38| 2000...
    11:56:48| 3000...
    11:56:58| 4000...
    11:57:00| ...4201
    11:57:00| Matches: 0:0003953, 1:000247, 2:0001, 3:0
    11:57:00| Totals : 0:0043278, 1:002921, 2:0012, 3:0
    11:57:00| Theory : 0:0043322, 1:002877, 2:0011, 3:0
    11:57:00| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    11:57:00| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    11:57:00| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    11:57:03| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    11:57:03| proto: 3.1
    11:57:03| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    11:57:03| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    11:57:03| QH00 Header
    11:57:03| Wait for EsB
    11:57:04| Wait for EhM
    11:57:04| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    11:57:04| Wait for EaTEbS
    11:57:04| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    11:57:04| Wait for EdQ
    11:57:04| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    11:57:04| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    11:57:04| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    11:57:04| Header
    11:57:04| Prologue 6520 bytes
    11:57:04| Payload 478225 bytes
    11:57:06| This is a CS loader
    11:57:06| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    11:57:06| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    11:57:34| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    11:57:34| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    11:57:34| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    11:57:34| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    11:57:34| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    11:57:44| 1000...
    11:57:54| 2000...
    11:58:04| 3000...
    11:58:15| 4000...
    11:58:17| ...4201
    11:58:17| Matches: 0:0003955, 1:000244, 2:0002, 3:0
    11:58:17| Totals : 0:0047233, 1:003165, 2:0014, 3:0
    11:58:17| Theory : 0:0047261, 1:003138, 2:0012, 3:0
    11:58:17| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    11:58:17| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    11:58:17| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    11:58:20| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    11:58:20| proto: 3.1
    11:58:20| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    11:58:20| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    11:58:20| QH00 Header
    11:58:20| Wait for EsB
    11:58:20| Wait for EhM
    11:58:20| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    11:58:20| Wait for EaTEbS
    11:58:20| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    11:58:20| Wait for EdQ
    11:58:20| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    11:58:20| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    11:58:20| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    11:58:20| Header
    11:58:20| Prologue 6520 bytes
    11:58:20| Payload 478225 bytes
    11:58:22| This is a CS loader
    11:58:22| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    11:58:23| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    11:58:50| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    11:58:50| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    11:58:50| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    11:58:50| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    11:58:50| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    11:59:00| 1000...
    11:59:11| 2000...
    11:59:21| 3000...
    11:59:31| 4000...
    11:59:33| ...4201
    11:59:33| Matches: 0:0003956, 1:000243, 2:0002, 3:0
    11:59:33| Totals : 0:0051189, 1:003408, 2:0016, 3:0
    11:59:33| Theory : 0:0051199, 1:003400, 2:0013, 3:0
    11:59:33| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    11:59:33| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    11:59:33| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    11:59:36| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    11:59:36| proto: 3.1
    11:59:36| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    11:59:36| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    11:59:36| QH00 Header
    11:59:36| Wait for EsB
    11:59:36| Wait for EhM
    11:59:36| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    11:59:36| Wait for EaTEbS
    11:59:36| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    11:59:37| Wait for EdQ
    11:59:37| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    11:59:37| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    11:59:37| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    11:59:37| Header
    11:59:37| Prologue 6520 bytes
    11:59:37| Payload 478225 bytes
    11:59:39| This is a CS loader
    11:59:39| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    11:59:39| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    12:00:07| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    12:00:07| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    12:00:07| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    12:00:07| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    12:00:07| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    12:00:17| 1000...
    12:00:27| 2000...
    12:00:37| 3000...
    12:00:47| 4000...
    12:00:50| ...4201
    12:00:50| Matches: 0:0003935, 1:000263, 2:0003, 3:0
    12:00:50| Totals : 0:0055124, 1:003671, 2:0019, 3:0
    12:00:50| Theory : 0:0055138, 1:003661, 2:0014, 3:0
    12:00:50| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    12:00:50| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    12:00:50| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    12:00:53| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    12:00:53| proto: 3.1
    12:00:53| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    12:00:53| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    12:00:53| QH00 Header
    12:00:53| Wait for EsB
    12:00:53| Wait for EhM
    12:00:53| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    12:00:53| Wait for EaTEbS
    12:00:53| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    12:00:53| Wait for EdQ
    12:00:53| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    12:00:53| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    12:00:53| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    12:00:53| Header
    12:00:53| Prologue 6520 bytes
    12:00:53| Payload 478225 bytes
    12:00:55| This is a CS loader
    12:00:55| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    12:00:55| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    12:01:23| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    12:01:23| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    12:01:24| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    12:01:24| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    12:01:24| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    12:01:34| 1000...
    12:01:44| 2000...
    12:01:54| 3000...
    12:02:04| 4000...
    12:02:06| ...4201
    12:02:07| Matches: 0:0003957, 1:000243, 2:0001, 3:0
    12:02:07| Totals : 0:0059081, 1:003914, 2:0020, 3:0
    12:02:07| Theory : 0:0059076, 1:003923, 2:0015, 3:0
    12:02:07| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    12:02:07| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    12:02:07| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    12:02:10| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    12:02:10| proto: 3.1
    12:02:10| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    12:02:10| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    12:02:10| QH00 Header
    12:02:10| Wait for EsB
    12:02:10| Wait for EhM
    12:02:10| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    12:02:10| Wait for EaTEbS
    12:02:10| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    12:02:10| Wait for EdQ
    12:02:10| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    12:02:10| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    12:02:10| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    12:02:10| Header
    12:02:10| Prologue 6520 bytes
    12:02:10| Payload 478225 bytes
    12:02:13| This is a CS loader
    12:02:13| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    12:02:13| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    12:02:40| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    12:02:40| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    12:02:40| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    12:02:40| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    12:02:40| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    12:02:51| 1000...
    12:03:01| 2000...
    12:03:11| 3000...
    12:03:22| 4000...
    12:03:24| ...4201
    12:03:24| Matches: 0:0003938, 1:000263, 2:0000, 3:0
    12:03:24| Totals : 0:0063019, 1:004177, 2:0020, 3:0
    12:03:24| Theory : 0:0063015, 1:004184, 2:0016, 3:0
    12:03:24| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    12:03:24| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    12:03:24| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    12:03:27| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    12:03:27| proto: 3.1
    12:03:27| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    12:03:27| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    12:03:27| QH00 Header
    12:03:27| Wait for EsB
    12:03:27| Wait for EhM
    12:03:27| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    12:03:27| Wait for EaTEbS
    12:03:27| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    12:03:27| Wait for EdQ
    12:03:27| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    12:03:27| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    12:03:27| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    12:03:27| Header
    12:03:28| Prologue 6520 bytes
    12:03:28| Payload 478225 bytes
    12:03:30| This is a CS loader
    12:03:30| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    12:03:30| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    12:03:58| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    12:03:58| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    12:03:58| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    12:03:58| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    12:03:58| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    12:04:09| 1000...
    12:04:19| 2000...
    12:04:29| 3000...
    12:04:40| 4000...
    12:04:42| ...4201
    12:04:42| Matches: 0:0003949, 1:000250, 2:0002, 3:0
    12:04:42| Totals : 0:0066968, 1:004427, 2:0022, 3:0
    12:04:42| Theory : 0:0066953, 1:004446, 2:0017, 3:0
    12:04:42| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    12:04:42| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    12:04:42| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    12:04:45| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    12:04:45| proto: 3.1
    12:04:45| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    12:04:45| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    12:04:45| QH00 Header
    12:04:45| Wait for EsB
    12:04:45| Wait for EhM
    12:04:45| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    12:04:45| Wait for EaTEbS
    12:04:45| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    12:04:45| Wait for EdQ
    12:04:45| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    12:04:46| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    12:04:46| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    12:04:46| Header
    12:04:46| Prologue 6520 bytes
    12:04:46| Payload 478225 bytes
    12:04:48| This is a CS loader
    12:04:48| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    12:04:48| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    12:05:16| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    12:05:16| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    12:05:16| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    12:05:16| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    12:05:16| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    12:05:26| 1000...
    12:05:36| 2000...
    12:05:46| 3000...
    12:05:56| 4000...
    12:05:58| ...4201
    12:05:58| Matches: 0:0003930, 1:000270, 2:0001, 3:0
    12:05:58| Totals : 0:0070898, 1:004697, 2:0023, 3:0
    12:05:58| Theory : 0:0070891, 1:004708, 2:0018, 3:0
    12:05:58| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    12:05:58| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    12:05:59| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    12:06:02| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    12:06:02| proto: 3.1
    12:06:02| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    12:06:02| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    12:06:02| QH00 Header
    12:06:02| Wait for EsB
    12:06:02| Wait for EhM
    12:06:02| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    12:06:02| Wait for EaTEbS
    12:06:02| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    12:06:02| Wait for EdQ
    12:06:02| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    12:06:02| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    12:06:02| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    12:06:02| Header
    12:06:02| Prologue 6520 bytes
    12:06:02| Payload 478225 bytes
    12:06:04| This is a CS loader
    12:06:04| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    12:06:04| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    12:06:32| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    12:06:32| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    12:06:32| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    12:06:32| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    12:06:32| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    12:06:43| 1000...
    12:06:53| 2000...
    12:07:03| 3000...
    12:07:13| 4000...
    12:07:15| ...4201
    12:07:15| Matches: 0:0003943, 1:000257, 2:0001, 3:0
    12:07:15| Totals : 0:0074841, 1:004954, 2:0024, 3:0
    12:07:15| Theory : 0:0074830, 1:004969, 2:0019, 3:0
    12:07:15| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    12:07:15| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    12:07:15| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    12:07:19| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    12:07:19| proto: 3.1
    12:07:19| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    12:07:19| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    12:07:19| QH00 Header
    12:07:19| Wait for EsB
    12:07:19| Wait for EhM
    12:07:19| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    12:07:19| Wait for EaTEbS
    12:07:19| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    12:07:19| Wait for EdQ
    12:07:19| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    12:07:19| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    12:07:19| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    12:07:19| Header
    12:07:19| Prologue 6520 bytes
    12:07:19| Payload 478225 bytes
    12:07:21| This is a CS loader
    12:07:21| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    12:07:21| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    12:07:49| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    12:07:49| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    12:07:49| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    12:07:49| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    12:07:49| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    12:08:00| 1000...
    12:08:11| 2000...
    12:08:22| 3000...
    12:08:33| 4000...
    12:08:35| ...4201
    12:08:35| Matches: 0:0003948, 1:000252, 2:0001, 3:0
    12:08:35| Totals : 0:0078789, 1:005206, 2:0025, 3:0
    12:08:35| Theory : 0:0078768, 1:005231, 2:0020, 3:0
    12:08:35| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    12:08:35| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    12:08:35| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    12:08:38| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    12:08:38| proto: 3.1
    12:08:38| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    12:08:38| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    12:08:38| QH00 Header
    12:08:38| Wait for EsB
    12:08:38| Wait for EhM
    12:08:38| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    12:08:38| Wait for EaTEbS
    12:08:38| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    12:08:39| Wait for EdQ
    12:08:39| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    12:08:39| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    12:08:39| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    12:08:39| Header
    12:08:39| Prologue 6520 bytes
    12:08:39| Payload 478225 bytes
    12:08:41| This is a CS loader
    12:08:41| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    12:08:41| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    12:09:09| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    12:09:09| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    12:09:09| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    12:09:09| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    12:09:09| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    12:09:19| 1000...
    12:09:29| 2000...
    12:09:40| 3000...
    12:09:51| 4000...
    12:09:53| ...4201
    12:09:53| Matches: 0:0003952, 1:000247, 2:0002, 3:0
    12:09:53| Totals : 0:0082741, 1:005453, 2:0027, 3:0
    12:09:53| Theory : 0:0082707, 1:005492, 2:0021, 3:0
    12:09:53| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    12:09:53| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    12:09:53| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    12:09:56| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    12:09:56| proto: 3.1
    12:09:56| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    12:09:56| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    12:09:56| QH00 Header
    12:09:56| Wait for EsB
    12:09:56| Wait for EhM
    12:09:56| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    12:09:56| Wait for EaTEbS
    12:09:56| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    12:09:57| Wait for EdQ
    12:09:57| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    12:09:57| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    12:09:57| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    12:09:57| Header
    12:09:57| Prologue 6520 bytes
    12:09:57| Payload 478225 bytes
    12:09:59| This is a CS loader
    12:09:59| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    12:09:59| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    12:10:27| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    12:10:27| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    12:10:27| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    12:10:27| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    12:10:27| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    12:10:37| 1000...
    12:10:48| 2000...
    12:10:59| 3000...
    12:11:10| 4000...
    12:11:12| ...4201
    12:11:12| Matches: 0:0003961, 1:000240, 2:0000, 3:0
    12:11:12| Totals : 0:0086702, 1:005693, 2:0027, 3:0
    12:11:12| Theory : 0:0086645, 1:005754, 2:0022, 3:0
    12:11:12| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    12:11:12| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    12:11:12| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    12:11:15| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    12:11:15| proto: 3.1
    12:11:15| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    12:11:15| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    12:11:15| QH00 Header
    12:11:15| Wait for EsB
    12:11:15| Wait for EhM
    12:11:15| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    12:11:15| Wait for EaTEbS
    12:11:15| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    12:11:15| Wait for EdQ
    12:11:15| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    12:11:15| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    12:11:15| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    12:11:15| Header
    12:11:15| Prologue 6520 bytes
    12:11:15| Payload 478225 bytes
    12:11:17| This is a CS loader
    12:11:17| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    12:11:17| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    12:11:45| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    12:11:45| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    12:11:45| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    12:11:45| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    12:11:45| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    12:11:56| 1000...
    12:12:07| 2000...
    12:12:17| 3000...
    12:12:28| 4000...
    12:12:30| ...4201
    12:12:30| Matches: 0:0003959, 1:000241, 2:0001, 3:0
    12:12:30| Totals : 0:0090661, 1:005934, 2:0028, 3:0
    12:12:30| Theory : 0:0090584, 1:006015, 2:0023, 3:0
    12:12:30| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    12:12:30| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    12:12:30| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    12:12:33| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    12:12:33| proto: 3.1
    12:12:33| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    12:12:33| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    12:12:33| QH00 Header
    12:12:33| Wait for EsB
    12:12:33| Wait for EhM
    12:12:33| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    12:12:33| Wait for EaTEbS
    12:12:33| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    12:12:34| Wait for EdQ
    12:12:34| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    12:12:34| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    12:12:34| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    12:12:34| Header
    12:12:34| Prologue 6520 bytes
    12:12:34| Payload 478225 bytes
    12:12:36| This is a CS loader
    12:12:36| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    12:12:36| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    12:13:04| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    12:13:04| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    12:13:04| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    12:13:04| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    12:13:04| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    12:13:14| 1000...
    12:13:24| 2000...
    12:13:34| 3000...
    12:13:44| 4000...
    12:13:46| ...4201
    12:13:46| Matches: 0:0003940, 1:000259, 2:0002, 3:0
    12:13:46| Totals : 0:0094601, 1:006193, 2:0030, 3:0
    12:13:46| Theory : 0:0094522, 1:006277, 2:0024, 3:0
    12:13:46| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    12:13:46| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    12:13:47| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    12:13:50| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    12:13:50| proto: 3.1
    12:13:50| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    12:13:50| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    12:13:50| QH00 Header
    12:13:50| Wait for EsB
    12:13:50| Wait for EhM
    12:13:50| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    12:13:50| Wait for EaTEbS
    12:13:50| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    12:13:50| Wait for EdQ
    12:13:50| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    12:13:50| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    12:13:50| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    12:13:50| Header
    12:13:50| Prologue 6520 bytes
    12:13:50| Payload 478225 bytes
    12:13:52| This is a CS loader
    12:13:52| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    12:13:52| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    12:14:20| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    12:14:20| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    12:14:20| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    12:14:20| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    12:14:20| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    12:14:31| 1000...
    12:14:42| 2000...
    12:14:52| 3000...
    12:15:02| 4000...
    12:15:04| ...4201
    12:15:04| Matches: 0:0003959, 1:000242, 2:0000, 3:0
    12:15:04| Totals : 0:0098560, 1:006435, 2:0030, 3:0
    12:15:04| Theory : 0:0098460, 1:006539, 2:0025, 3:0
    12:15:04| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    12:15:04| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    12:15:04| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    12:15:08| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    12:15:08| proto: 3.1
    12:15:08| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    12:15:08| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    12:15:08| QH00 Header
    12:15:08| Wait for EsB
    12:15:08| Wait for EhM
    12:15:08| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    12:15:08| Wait for EaTEbS
    12:15:08| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    12:15:08| Wait for EdQ
    12:15:08| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    12:15:08| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    12:15:08| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    12:15:08| Header
    12:15:08| Prologue 6520 bytes
    12:15:08| Payload 478225 bytes
    12:15:10| This is a CS loader
    12:15:10| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    12:15:10| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    12:15:38| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    12:15:38| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    12:15:38| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    12:15:38| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    12:15:38| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    12:15:49| 1000...
    12:16:00| 2000...
    12:16:10| 3000...
    12:16:20| 4000...
    12:16:23| ...4201
    12:16:23| Matches: 0:0003925, 1:000275, 2:0001, 3:0
    12:16:23| Totals : 0:0102485, 1:006710, 2:0031, 3:0
    12:16:23| Theory : 0:0102399, 1:006800, 2:0026, 3:0
    12:16:23| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    12:16:23| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    12:16:23| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    12:16:26| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    12:16:26| proto: 3.1
    12:16:26| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    12:16:26| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    12:16:26| QH00 Header
    12:16:26| Wait for EsB
    12:16:26| Wait for EhM
    12:16:26| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    12:16:26| Wait for EaTEbS
    12:16:26| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    12:16:26| Wait for EdQ
    12:16:26| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    12:16:26| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    12:16:26| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    12:16:26| Header
    12:16:26| Prologue 6520 bytes
    12:16:26| Payload 478225 bytes
    12:16:28| This is a CS loader
    12:16:28| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    12:16:28| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    12:16:56| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    12:16:56| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    12:16:56| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    12:16:56| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    12:16:56| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    12:17:07| 1000...
    12:17:17| 2000...
    12:17:27| 3000...
    12:17:37| 4000...
    12:17:39| ...4201
    12:17:39| Matches: 0:0003954, 1:000247, 2:0000, 3:0
    12:17:39| Totals : 0:0106439, 1:006957, 2:0031, 3:0
    12:17:39| Theory : 0:0106337, 1:007062, 2:0027, 3:0
    12:17:39| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    12:17:39| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    12:17:40| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    12:17:43| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    12:17:43| proto: 3.1
    12:17:43| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    12:17:43| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    12:17:43| QH00 Header
    12:17:43| Wait for EsB
    12:17:43| Wait for EhM
    12:17:43| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    12:17:43| Wait for EaTEbS
    12:17:43| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    12:17:43| Wait for EdQ
    12:17:43| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    12:17:43| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    12:17:43| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    12:17:43| Header
    12:17:43| Prologue 6520 bytes
    12:17:43| Payload 478225 bytes
    12:17:45| This is a CS loader
    12:17:45| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    12:17:45| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    12:18:13| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    12:18:13| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    12:18:13| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    12:18:13| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    12:18:13| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    12:18:23| 1000...
    12:18:34| 2000...
    12:18:44| 3000...
    12:18:54| 4000...
    12:18:56| ...4201
    12:18:56| Matches: 0:0003904, 1:000296, 2:0001, 3:0
    12:18:56| Totals : 0:0110343, 1:007253, 2:0032, 3:0
    12:18:56| Theory : 0:0110276, 1:007323, 2:0028, 3:0
    12:18:56| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    12:18:56| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    12:18:56| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    12:19:00| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    12:19:00| proto: 3.1
    12:19:00| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    12:19:00| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    12:19:00| QH00 Header
    12:19:00| Wait for EsB
    12:19:00| Wait for EhM
    12:19:00| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    12:19:00| Wait for EaTEbS
    12:19:00| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    12:19:00| Wait for EdQ
    12:19:00| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    12:19:00| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    12:19:00| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    12:19:00| Header
    12:19:00| Prologue 6520 bytes
    12:19:00| Payload 478225 bytes
    12:19:02| This is a CS loader
    12:19:02| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    12:19:02| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    12:19:30| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    12:19:30| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    12:19:30| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    12:19:30| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    12:19:30| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    12:19:40| 1000...
    12:19:50| 2000...
    12:20:01| 3000...
    12:20:12| 4000...
    12:20:14| ...4201
    12:20:14| Matches: 0:0003945, 1:000255, 2:0001, 3:0
    12:20:14| Totals : 0:0114288, 1:007508, 2:0033, 3:0
    12:20:14| Theory : 0:0114214, 1:007585, 2:0029, 3:0
    12:20:14| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    12:20:14| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    12:20:14| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    12:20:18| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    12:20:18| proto: 3.1
    12:20:18| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    12:20:18| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    12:20:18| QH00 Header
    12:20:18| Wait for EsB
    12:20:18| Wait for EhM
    12:20:18| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    12:20:18| Wait for EaTEbS
    12:20:18| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    12:20:18| Wait for EdQ
    12:20:18| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    12:20:18| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    12:20:18| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    12:20:18| Header
    12:20:18| Prologue 6520 bytes
    12:20:18| Payload 478225 bytes
    12:20:20| This is a CS loader
    12:20:20| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    12:20:20| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    12:20:48| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    12:20:48| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    12:20:48| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    12:20:48| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    12:20:48| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    12:20:58| 1000...
    12:21:08| 2000...
    12:21:19| 3000...
    12:21:29| 4000...
    12:21:31| ...4201
    12:21:31| Matches: 0:0003916, 1:000283, 2:0002, 3:0
    12:21:31| Totals : 0:0118204, 1:007791, 2:0035, 3:0
    12:21:31| Theory : 0:0118153, 1:007846, 2:0030, 3:0
    12:21:31| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    12:21:31| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    12:21:31| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    12:21:35| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    12:21:35| proto: 3.1
    12:21:35| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    12:21:35| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    12:21:35| QH00 Header
    12:21:35| Wait for EsB
    12:21:35| Wait for EhM
    12:21:35| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    12:21:35| Wait for EaTEbS
    12:21:35| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    12:21:35| Wait for EdQ
    12:21:35| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    12:21:35| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    12:21:35| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    12:21:35| Header
    12:21:35| Prologue 6520 bytes
    12:21:35| Payload 478225 bytes
    12:21:37| This is a CS loader
    12:21:37| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    12:21:37| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    12:22:05| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    12:22:05| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    12:22:05| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    12:22:05| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    12:22:05| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    12:22:15| 1000...
    12:22:25| 2000...
    12:22:36| 3000...
    12:22:46| 4000...
    12:22:48| ...4201
    12:22:48| Matches: 0:0003927, 1:000273, 2:0001, 3:0
    12:22:48| Totals : 0:0122131, 1:008064, 2:0036, 3:0
    12:22:48| Theory : 0:0122091, 1:008108, 2:0031, 3:0
    12:22:48| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    12:22:48| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    12:22:48| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    12:22:52| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    12:22:52| proto: 3.1
    12:22:52| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    12:22:52| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    12:22:52| QH00 Header
    12:22:52| Wait for EsB
    12:22:52| Wait for EhM
    12:22:52| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    12:22:52| Wait for EaTEbS
    12:22:52| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    12:22:52| Wait for EdQ
    12:22:52| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    12:22:52| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    12:22:52| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    12:22:52| Header
    12:22:52| Prologue 6520 bytes
    12:22:52| Payload 478225 bytes
    12:22:54| This is a CS loader
    12:22:54| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    12:22:54| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    12:23:22| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    12:23:22| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    12:23:22| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    12:23:22| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    12:23:22| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    12:23:32| 1000...
    12:23:43| 2000...
    12:23:53| 3000...
    12:24:04| 4000...
    12:24:06| ...4201
    12:24:06| Matches: 0:0003927, 1:000274, 2:0000, 3:0
    12:24:06| Totals : 0:0126058, 1:008338, 2:0036, 3:0
    12:24:06| Theory : 0:0126030, 1:008369, 2:0032, 3:0
    12:24:06| ***** Reset (cmd 01-0C)
    12:24:06| Waiting for the phone to disconnect
    12:24:06| Waiting for the phone to reconnect
    12:24:10| DBID: 8040 (db2010 Marita compact)
    12:24:10| proto: 3.1
    12:24:10| ***** sending PRODUCTION_ID_LOADER
    12:24:10| sending loaders\db2010_cid00_prodid_p3k.bin
    12:24:10| QH00 Header
    12:24:10| Wait for EsB
    12:24:10| Wait for EhM
    12:24:10| QA00 Prologue 6532 bytes
    12:24:10| Wait for EaTEbS
    12:24:10| QD00 Payload 35540 bytes
    12:24:10| Wait for EdQ
    12:24:10| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
    12:24:10| +++ sending CS_LOADER...
    12:24:10| binary sending loaders\db2010_cid49red_cs_r5a.bin
    12:24:10| Header
    12:24:10| Prologue 6520 bytes
    12:24:10| Payload 478225 bytes
    12:24:12| This is a CS loader
    12:24:12| ***** Loader activation (cmd 01-09)
    12:24:12| ***** GDFS activation (cmd 04-05)
    12:24:40| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone model (e.g. K750i)
    12:24:40| Binary answer is: 04-ff
    12:24:40| This loader is LOCKED (errorcode=30)
    12:24:40| ***** Auth startup (cmd 05-50)
    12:24:40| ***** AuthA (cmd 05-42) hacking
    12:24:50| 1000...
    12:25:00| 2000...
    12:25:11| 3000...
    12:25:17| ***** AuthB (cmd 05-43)
    12:25:17| Binary answer is: 05-02 (4500)
    12:25:17| Phone should be unlocked now
    12:25:17| ...3569
    12:25:17| Matches: 0:0003349, 1:000217, 2:0002, 3:1
    12:25:17| Totals : 0:0129407, 1:008555, 2:0038, 3:1
    12:25:17| Theory : 0:0129375, 1:008592, 2:0033, 3:0
    12:25:17| ***** Read GDFS (cmd 04-01) variable 02-0c8f: phone name (e.g. K750i)
    12:25:17| Binary answer is: 04-ff (570038003100300069000000BABE03BC15A8874C500004A06C91B34E60FFFFFF600000100201BABE0A0000000100000000020002000000000033B74C00A83A460C00000001000000)W810iLPlN``3L:F
    12:25:17| This loader is UNLOCKED
    12:25:17| ***** FS activation, please wait
    12:25:30| Sucess! CS-loader has been unlocked!
    12:25:30| +++ Uploading customization files to phone...
    12:25:30| +++ Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_HOOK.itm...
    12:25:30| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa
    12:25:30| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa/preset
    12:25:30| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa/preset/custom
    12:25:30| Delete file (cmd 03-04) /tpa/preset/custom/CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_HOOK.itm
    12:25:30| Upload file (cmd 03-0C) /tpa/preset/custom/CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_HOOK.itm
    12:25:30| Done uploading
    12:25:31| +++ Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/FM_PICTURES_HOOK_3.itm...
    12:25:31| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa
    12:25:31| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa/preset
    12:25:31| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa/preset/custom
    12:25:31| Delete file (cmd 03-04) /tpa/preset/custom/FM_PICTURES_HOOK_3.itm
    12:25:31| Upload file (cmd 03-0C) /tpa/preset/custom/FM_PICTURES_HOOK_3.itm
    12:25:31| Done uploading
    12:25:31| +++ Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/FM_SOUNDS_HOOK_3.itm...
    12:25:31| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa
    12:25:31| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa/preset
    12:25:31| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa/preset/custom
    12:25:31| Delete file (cmd 03-04) /tpa/preset/custom/FM_SOUNDS_HOOK_3.itm
    12:25:31| Upload file (cmd 03-0C) /tpa/preset/custom/FM_SOUNDS_HOOK_3.itm
    12:25:31| Done uploading
    12:25:31| +++ Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/FM_THEMES_HOOK_3.itm...
    12:25:31| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa
    12:25:31| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa/preset
    12:25:31| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa/preset/custom
    12:25:31| Delete file (cmd 03-04) /tpa/preset/custom/FM_THEMES_HOOK_3.itm
    12:25:31| Upload file (cmd 03-0C) /tpa/preset/custom/FM_THEMES_HOOK_3.itm
    12:25:31| Done uploading
    12:25:31| +++ Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/FM_VIDEOS_HOOK_3.itm...
    12:25:31| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa
    12:25:31| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa/preset
    12:25:31| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa/preset/custom
    12:25:31| Delete file (cmd 03-04) /tpa/preset/custom/FM_VIDEOS_HOOK_3.itm
    12:25:31| Upload file (cmd 03-0C) /tpa/preset/custom/FM_VIDEOS_HOOK_3.itm
    12:25:31| Done uploading
    12:25:31| +++ Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/GAMES_HOOK_3.itm...
    12:25:31| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa
    12:25:31| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa/preset
    12:25:31| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa/preset/custom
    12:25:31| Delete file (cmd 03-04) /tpa/preset/custom/GAMES_HOOK_3.itm
    12:25:32| Upload file (cmd 03-0C) /tpa/preset/custom/GAMES_HOOK_3.itm
    12:25:32| Done uploading
    12:25:32| +++ Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/SETT_RINGTONE_HOOK_3.itm...
    12:25:32| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa
    12:25:32| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa/preset
    12:25:32| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa/preset/custom
    12:25:32| Delete file (cmd 03-04) /tpa/preset/custom/SETT_RINGTONE_HOOK_3.itm
    12:25:32| Upload file (cmd 03-0C) /tpa/preset/custom/SETT_RINGTONE_HOOK_3.itm
    12:25:32| Done uploading
    12:25:32| +++ Uploading /tpa/preset/custom/customize.xml...
    12:25:32| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa
    12:25:32| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa/preset
    12:25:32| Make directory (cmd 03-07) /tpa/preset/custom
    12:25:32| Delete file (cmd 03-04) /tpa/preset/custom/customize.xml
    12:25:32| Upload file (cmd 03-0C) /tpa/preset/custom/customize.xml
    12:25:32| Done uploading
    12:25:32| +++ Uploading /files_to_upload to phone...
    12:25:32| ++ Sending shutdown command to phone...
    12:25:32| ++ Customizing was SUCCESSFUL!
    12:25:32| ++ Disconnecting phone...
    12:25:32| ++ You may now unplug your phone.
    12:25:32| ++ Flashing was successful
    12:25:34| Disconnected... Unplug the phone
    12:30:12| Shutting down...

  • bu işlem W810_R4DB005_FS_EUROPE_2_RED49.fbn gerekiyor değilmi öteki dosyası aynı olucak
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: funy251

    bu işlem W810_R4DB005_FS_EUROPE_2_RED49.fbn gerekiyor değilmi öteki dosyası aynı olucak

    ben W810_R4DB005_FS_C_ASIA_RED49.fbn ve W810_R4DB005_MAIN_GENERIC_HN_CID49.mbn ile yaptım
    cda bölümünden EUROPE_2(CDA102494/15) bunu sectim çünkü asia olanla olmadı
  • sölediğini deniyeceğim şimdi


    Orjinalden alıntı: dimsag


    Orjinalden alıntı: funy251

    bu işlem W810_R4DB005_FS_EUROPE_2_RED49.fbn gerekiyor değilmi öteki dosyası aynı olucak

    ben W810_R4DB005_FS_C_ASIA_RED49.fbn ve W810_R4DB005_MAIN_GENERIC_HN_CID49.mbn ile yaptım
    cda bölümünden EUROPE_2(CDA102494/15) bunu sectim çünkü asia olanla olmadı
  • ewet forum dostları kusura bakmayın biraz kestirdim malum meretle uğraşmaktan yoruldum uyandığımda baktım yükleme olmuştu theme lreri yolladım cebe hepsi çalışıyor.Tüm emeği geçenlere saygılar.Ha bu arada tel nolarım uçmuş oda benim hatam yedeklememişim
  • arkadaşlar bendemi bu sürüme geçsem nedir baksana 05 e bir geçemedim bu 12 ye geçip seus tan güncellersekte son sürüm oluyorne yapıcam ben şimdi
  • bende
    active thm
    club pulse ve
    orange thm var
    yeni thm leri nasıl yolliyacaz flash olanları yenidenmi makineyi bağlıyacaz?
  • diğer thm'ler derken mevcut ne kadar flash tema varsa çalıştırabiliyoruz fsx'ten sonra
    sende hala çalışmayan temalar varsa isimlerini yazarsan yardımcı olayım
    Bu arada güzel bir noktaya değinmişsin (benimde başıma geldi) telefon rehberi telefon hafızasında kayıtlı olan kişilerin mutlaka telefon rehberini yedeklemesi gerekir.Konu boşuna not etsem iyi olucak

    Orjinalden alıntı: sierratr1

    active thm
    club pulse ve
    orange thm var
    yeni thm leri nasıl yolliyacaz flash olanları yenidenmi makineyi bağlıyacaz?
  • sorun şu shokwawe flashlarda gözüken female var ama thm olarak yok
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