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Warcraft kitaplari?

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  • Warcraft hikayesini detayli bir sekilde ogrenmek istiyorum. Warcraft kitaplari oyunla baglantili mi gidiyor yoksa farkli bi konu mu anlatiyor. Altta yazan kitaplari buldum sirasiyla bunlari okuyan var mi?

    War of the Ancients : The Well of Eternity (10,000 Years)
    War of the Ancients : The Demon Soul (10,000 Years)
    War of the Ancients : The Sundering (10,000 Years)

    Rise of the Horde (Pre-First War)
    The Last Guardian (First War/WC1)

    Beyond the Dark Portal (Second War/WC2)

    Lord of the Clans (Post-Second War)
    Day of the Dragon (Post-Second War)

    Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (WC3/Third War)

    Cycle of Hatred (Pre-Vanilla)

    Night of the Dragon (The Burning Crusade)

    Stormrage (Pre-Cataclysm, Post-WotLK)
    The Shattering (Pre-Cataclysm, Post-WotLK)

    Wolfheart (Cataclysm)
    Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects (CataclysM)

    Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War (Pre-MoP, Post-Cataclysm)

    Dawn of the Aspects (Mists of Pandaria/Pre-History)
    Vol'jin: Shadow of the Horde (Mists of Pandaria)

  • bunu bende merak ediyorum
  • Takip bende türkçeye çevrilmis 3 kitabı var

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