+1 Windows'taki HDR desteğinin problemli olması da deneyimi olumsuz etkiliyor. Windows 11'de iyileştirildi diyorlar ama 11'in kendisiyle şu aşamada işim olmayacağı için, benim açımdan önemi kalmıyor Tabii PS tarafında da HDR desteği sıkıntılı olan oyunlar çok. Ama en azından PS exclusive'lerinde HDR sağlam oluyor. Ayrıca, PS'te TV'ler yaygın olduğu için, TV'lerdeki Dynamic Tone Mapping ve renk canlılığı ayarları sayesinde nispeten iyi sonuçlar alınabiliyor. Monitörlerin çoğunda DTM seçeneği olmuyor veya renk ayarları HDR'de devre dışı kalıyor. Nvidia'nın digital vibrance ayarı renkleri bir nebze telafi etse de, TV'deki seviyeye ulaşılamıyor* Bunun yanında, PC tarafında IPS panelli ve Edge aydınlatmalı monitörlerin yaygınlığı, SDR ve HDR performansını düşürüyor. Hala, 1000:1 native kontrastlı monitörleri high-end model olarak yüksek fiyata pazarlıyorlar. * Mesela Samsung Odyssey G7'de HDR açıldığı zaman, 7-8 yıl önce çıkmış, HDR sertifikasız, quantum dot katmanı falan olmayan bir TV'deki HDR'ye göre renk bakımından daha soluk olabiliyor. Bu durumda tabii monitörlerin gecikme ve tepki süresine öncelik vermesinin etkisi var; ancak son yıllarda çıkan TV'ler de oyun monitörü seviyesinde gecikme ve tepki süresine sahipler. < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Castle Bravo -- 4 Şubat 2022; 8:32:32 > < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı > |
Yeni Nesil Grafikler | PC vs PS vs XBOX vs SWITCH (115. sayfa)
Crossgen olmayan nadir oyunlardan.İncelemeden çıkan sonuç next gen oyunlarda ray tracing isteniyorsa ps5 ve series x 1080p 30fps'de çalışacak.Series S'im yazık rt kullanamıyor bile.1080p 30fps sabit çalışıyor.Yine ps5 ve sx full 4k veremiyor.1800p 30fpsde tıkanıyorlar.60fpsyi anca 1080pde yakalıyorlar.Bu da demek oluyor ki bu konsolların üçünün de nefesi next gen oyunlarda nesil sonuna kadar yetmeyecek.Ben artık bi pro konsol duyurusu bekliyorum ilerleyen dönemlerde.Eski nesile oyun desteği tamamen kesildiği yıl pro konsolların da duyurulması yakındır.Bekleyip görelim.
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Just how big a difference can ray-traced shadows make? Developer Techland returns with a direct successor to Dying Light - hitting new PS5 and Xbox Series consoles with a trio of modes, including a bespoke ray-tracing option. Tom investigates the best ways to play, including a 60FPS performance option and another supporting 4K displays. Join the DF Patreon for pristine video downloads, behind the scenes content, early access to DF Retro, early access to DF Direct Weekly and much, much more: https://bit.ly/3jEGjvx Subscribe for more Digital Foundry: http://bit.ly/DFSubscribe Want some DF-branded tee-shirts, mugs, hoodies or pullovers? Check out our store: https://bit.ly/2BqRTt0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2CPmj8J3KY
Yeni konsollar Turing veya Ampere gibi bir mimariyle çıksa iyi olurdu. Gerek RT performansı, gerek AI bakımından. Özellikle, konsollarda RTX serisindeki gibi ayrı AI çekirdeklerinin kullanılmaması kayıp oldu. FSR bu nedenle DLSS'in uzağında kalıyor.
Öte yandan, Techland de optimizasyona pek uğraşmamış gibi. Dinamik çözünürlük kullanarak daha yüksek değerlere çıkabilirlerdi.
Ayrıca, PS4 ve Xbone'a da çıkan bir oyunun bu kadar yüksek gereksinimleri olması garip geliyor. Detay seviyesi ve RT tabanlı ışıklandırma iyi olsa da, poligon sayısı, animasyonlar ve harita tasarımı geçen nesilden kalma olunca biraz sıkıntılı duruyor. Donanımlar gene verimsiz bir şekilde kullanılmış oluyor
2015'teki ilk oyun PS4 ve Xbone'a özel tasarlanmıştı. Bütün platformlara çıkan ilk next-gen oyundu. Aynı zamanda, ilk kapsamlı next-gen open world deneyimini sunuyordu. Oyunun kendisi gene çok iyi değildi, ama bu yönü sebebiyle merak edip uzun bir süre oynamıştım.
< Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Castle Bravo -- 8 Şubat 2022; 20:18:20 >
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Oyun crossgen olmayan sadece yeni nesle çıkan bir oyun demiştim.Yanlış bilgi vermişim.Eski nesile de çıkmış.Eski nesle çıkan bir oyunun yeni konsollarda bu performansı veriyor olması daha da acıklı.
Bunun yanısıra yeni nesil konsollar yeterince güçlü olmalarına rağmen pc sadece 1 sene sonra farkını hissettirmeye başladı.Konsollardaki ray tracing ayarları ile pcdeki ray tracing ayarları bambaşka boyutta.Pc aydınlatmada da ray tracing kullanıyor.Konsollar sadece gölgelendirmede.Üstelik konsollar bunu yapmak için 1080p 30hz'e çakılıyor.Mimarileri yeni nesil oyunlarda daha iyi iş çıkarır umarım.Yoksa bu gidişat pek iyi değil.
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We've seen Dying Light 2 push PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X hard... so what about the last-gen machines, from the lowly Xbox One S, through PS4, Pro and finally Xbox One X? How do these versions stack up against PS5? The bad news is that there are compromises. The good news is that this is no Cyberpunk 2077-level disappointment... and performance is fine! Please note: while base consoles do target PC's low settings and enhanced target medium, do expect some feature-level tuning specific for each console. Join the DF Patreon for pristine video downloads, behind the scenes content, early access to DF Retro, early access to DF Direct Weekly and much, much more: https://bit.ly/3jEGjvx Subscribe for more Digital Foundry: http://bit.ly/DFSubscribe Want some DF-branded tee-shirts, mugs, hoodies or pullovers? Check out our store: https://bit.ly/2BqRTt0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A435ubG0GCc
Capcom's Resident Evil 4 gets a free HD mod on PC. This mod updates thousands of in-game textures and adds features like a debug mode and FOV slider. Check out our comparison of the 2014 release VS the fan-funded HD upgrade. You can download this mod made by Albert Marin for free at www.re4hd.com The fan-made Resident Evil 4 HD project launches with enhanced lighting, graphical fidelity and improved visuals for both in-game and UI. This comparison video shows off differences in gameplay between the original 2014 PC release and the fan-made HD mod, where over 1,000 textures and models have been updated. Time has been kind to Capcom’s Resident Evil 4. Originally released in 2005 as an exclusive for the Nintendo GameCube, the game has seen it’s number of ports and versions on just about every modern platform. Today, while you’re able to revisit RE4 on your phone or in virtual reality, little has been done to upgrade the 17-year-old graphics and textures. Even with the release of the 2014 PC port, the beloved entry is beginning to show its age. Fortunately, a fan-funded HD mod has been created to overhaul textures and provide the sharpest experience to date. The Resident Evil 4 HD mod by Albert Marin is available now on steam.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAf9R8_cLPo -
Series s de sıkıntı yok.
Yapımcı çöp
Adamlar series x i bile rezil etmişler, öyle berbat optimizasyon var.
2013 üretimi 1.84 tf luk eski nesil cihazda last of us 2, ghost of tsushima gördük. Bu oyunlar yeni nesil teknoloji kullandılar ve ps4 kısıtlı gücüyle haddinden fazla büyük işler yaptı.
Series S in sınavı Starfield, Redfall falan olacaktır. Bakalım microsoft özel oyunlarda neler yapacak
Playstation markasını geçmek istiyorsa xbox, konsola özel optimize edilmiş performans oyunlarını çıkarmalı. Hem pc hem konsol kafasıyla konsol işi olmaz.
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İstanbul'da gün batımında İstanbul turu attık. Xbox Series X üzerinde 4K ve Dolby Vision ile oynadık. Kalkış, tur ve inişi izleyin!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJPbXU_Ni6o&feature=youtu.be
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PS4 Pro: 1080p at 30fps 90,55Gb PS4 Pro: 1800p at 30fps 90,55Gb PS5: 2160p at 30fps / 1800p at 60fps 98,34Gb - I recommend buying this game at Instant-Gaming. It will probably have a discount when it is available: https://www.instant-gaming.com/?igr=analistadebits - This comparison has been made with the launch patch applied to all versions. - PS5 resolution mode applies temporal injection over 2160p (something similar to what we saw in Spider-Man: Miles Morales), achieving greater sharpness and no aliasing. - PS5 FPS mode reaches 1800p resolution, but the difference seems bigger due to the technique mentioned above. - The overall geometry on PS5 is taller. This can be easily seen on rocks or trees. This explains the larger size of the PS5 version, among other things. - There is a higher density of vegetation on PS5 in some areas. However, in this sequel, Aloy interacts with all vegetation on both platforms. - The general quality of the texturing is better on PS5, although there is not a big difference in this aspect. - Reflections in PS5 Resolution mode are considerably better than in FPS mode. FPS mode reflections resemble PS4 quality. - This game does not use Ray-Tracing of any kind. - Particles are one of the elements that differ the most between versions, especially in the vegetation of the plague. On PS4/PS4 Pro there is little quantity and the FPS mode of PS5 reduces its quality. - Framerate is almost perfect during gameplay. PS4 has some minor stuttering issues, but nothing major. In cutscenes, all versions have drops. - Draw distance and anisotropic filtering are larger on PS5. FPS mode also lowers these settings. - Load times are 7 times faster on PS5. - The rendering quality of the water on PS5 is better, but in the case of PS4 the level is also satisfactory. - PS5 adds additional shadows to various assets (particularly vegetation) and general shadows appear more realistic. - The night sky on PS5 also has more stars and lighting effects. - Horizon Forbidden West is a game designed for PS4, which guarantees outstanding performance on this platform. However, the improvements applied in PS5 make for a great look, much more numerous than usual in this type of oldgen ports. - As a personal opinion, I would choose resolution mode on PS5. It is clear that this game has been developed with 30fps in mind and the visual improvements it offers are worth it.https://www.google.com/sorry/index?continue=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D4vDTE7PutHA&q=EgQuLZpEGNjfqZAGIhA67j8jZO32p9rWXNdWD9SpMgFy -
PC için Epic Games tarafında beklemeye başladım. 600 TL üstü olacağı için muhtemelen 1 sene de yüzde 50 indirim beklerim en az.
PS4: dynamic 1080p at 30fps (common 720p) 115,6Gb PS4 Pro: Dynamic 1224p at 30fps (common 1080p) 115,6Gb PS5: Performance Mode: Dynamic 2160p at 60fps (common 1440p) Ray-Tracing Mode: Dynamic 2160p at 30fps (common 1440p) 56,10Gb - Buy games at Instant-Gaming for all platforms with discounts! https://www.instant-gaming.com/es/?igr=analistadebits - According to the official note from CD Projekt, Cyberpunk runs at dynamic 4K on PS5. However, in all tested areas its resolution is 1440p. - The game has been adapted to the PS5 architecture, reducing its size by half and improving loading times. - The most notable improvement is in the general shadows and lighting. - Ray-tracing mode adds contact shadows and enhances others. Ray-tracing does not apply to reflections or global illumination. - The pop-in has improved considerably on PS5, but it is still present in certain elements (especially when we use a vehicle). - There is a texture improvement on certain elements. - In general, a more solid game feels on all platforms. - There is an increase in draw distance and anisotropic filtering on PS5. - PS5 now has more NPCs on screen. - Full Dualsense compatibility has been added. - The framerate in both modes is practically perfect during gameplay (with occasional drops in some cinematics or loads). PS4 still has some performance issues. - Cyberpunk 1.5 is what the release version should have been over a year ago. If it had come out in these conditions, the history of Cyberpunk would have been very different.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VH8PHiqCrgw -
PS5: Performance Mode: Dynamic 2160p at 60fps (common 1440p) Ray-Tracing Mode: Dynamic 2160p at 30fps (common 1440p) 56,10Gb SeriesS: Dynamic 1440p at 30fps (common 1440p) 63,1Gb SeriesX: Performance Mode: Dynamic 2160p at 60fps (common 1440p) Ray-Tracing Mode: Dynamic 2160p at 30fps (common 1440p) 63,1Gb - Buy games with great discounts at Instant-Gaming: https://www.instant-gaming.com/?igr=analistadebits - For the PC version, an RTX 3080 and 3050 have been used. - According to the official note from CD Projekt, Cyberpunk runs at dynamic 4K on Series X and PS5. However, in all tested areas its resolution is 1440p. - Xbox Series X featured a 1800p resolution mode. This mode is no longer available. - Load times have been significantly reduced after this patch on all platforms. - The most notable improvement is in the general shading and lighting. - Ray-tracing mode adds contact shadows and enhances others. Xbox Series S does not have Ray-Tracing. - Ray-tracing for reflections, shadows and global illumination remains exclusive to PC. - SSR reflections increase their resolution on consoles in RT mode. - CD Projekt has added DLSS version 2.3 to PC. Ghosting has been almost completely eliminated. - The pop-in has improved considerably, but it is still present in certain elements (especially when we use a vehicle). - There is a texturing improvement on certain elements. - In general, a more solid game feels on all platforms. - There is an increase in draw distance and anisotropic filtering on consoles. - The framerate in both modes is practically perfect during gameplay (with occasional drops in some cinematics or loads). On PC, it will always depend on the equipment and the configuration. - In general, the improvements applied with patch 1.5 on consoles are appreciable, but I think more could have been used. The PC version is still quite a cut above these Nextgen versions.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1pX3okq4dA -
Hocam tebrik ederim, senelerdir konuyu ayakta tutuyorsunuz. Ben Dahili Bileşenlere girmeyi unutmuşum son 2-3 senedir, bu konunun hala aktif olduğunu görünce şaşırdım.
Watch Dogs'u anımsattı bana
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Concluding our Horizon Forbidden West coverage - for now, at least - John and Rich share their thoughts on how the latest Guerrilla Games masterpiece scales between PlayStation 4, PS4 Pro and PlayStation 5. Join the DF Patreon for pristine video downloads, behind the scenes content, early access to DF Retro, early access to DF Direct Weekly and much, much more: https://bit.ly/3jEGjvx Subscribe for more Digital Foundry: http://bit.ly/DFSubscribe Want some DF-branded tee-shirts, mugs, hoodies or pullovers? Check out our store: https://bit.ly/2BqRTt0https://www.google.com/sorry/index?continue=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DqVdxbaS1BiY&q=EgQuLZpEGO-OwZAGIhCid2Awb515gXcStVuj90ZiMgFy -
Sağolun hocam.Grafik karşılaştırmaları hobi haline geldi benim için.Her gün girip izlerim youtubeda.E izlemişken burada da paylaşıyorum işte
I recommend buying this game with a -28% discount on Instant-Gaming: https://www.instant-gaming.com/es/4824-comprar-elden-ring-pc-juego-steam-europe/?igr=analistadebits PS4: 1080p at 30fps 43,64Gb PS4 Pro: 1800p at 30fps (reconstructed resolution & unlocked framerate) 43,64Gb PS5: 2160p at 30fps (unlocked framerate) 1620p at 60fps (common resolution) 44,80Gb - All versions have the release patch applied. - PS5 has greater draw distance, anisotropic filtering, texture quality, shadows and vegetation, but it is clear that it is a game mainly developed for Oldgen. - PS5 extra vegetation looks worse by pop-in. - Draw distance for PS4/Pro is too low on some assets. - PS4 suffers from quite a few stuttering issues, which are less prevalent in closed environments. - PS4 Pro and PS5 in quality mode should give option to lock framerate to 30FPS. - Shorter loading times on PS5. In general, they have been slightly improved since the beta on all platforms. - If we run the PS4 game on PS5, we get a perfect framerate at 1800p (with temporary reconstruction) sacrificing the graphical improvements offered by the native PS5 version. - Elden Ring's performance is hampered by a graphics engine that has never stood out for its optimization. FromSoftware should think about renewing.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xr1KN0VhNVE -
PS5: 2160p at 30fps (unlocked framerate) 1620p at 60fps (common resolution) 44,80Gb Series S: 1440pp at 30fps (unlocked framerate) 1080p at 60fps (common resolution) 48,90Gb Series X: 2160p at 30fps (unlocked framerate) 1620p at 60fps (common resolution) 48,90Gb PC: 50,04Gb - I recommend you buy the game at Instant-Gaming with a -28% discount: https://www.instant-gaming.com/es/4824-comprar-elden-ring-pc-juego-steam-europe/?igr=analistadebits - This comparison has been made with the launch patch applied to all versions. - The PC version runs on an RTX 3080 and 32Gb of RAM at 2160p. - Xbox Series improves its performance with the use of VRR (if we have a compatible monitor). PS5 does not have this option, although it does have a higher average FPS. - If we run the PS4 game on PS5, we get a perfect framerate at 1800p (with temporal reconstruction) sacrificing the graphical improvements offered on the native PS5 version. - I consider it a bad decision not to lock the framerate in quality mode on consoles. It would also be a good idea to lower the resolution to 1440p in PS5/SeriesX FPS mode. - Load times are faster on PC (with an Nvme m.2 SSD) and PS5. - There are PC drops during loading areas and some fights. It's some kind of bug that should be fixed sooner or later. - FPS mode lowers the quality of shadows, reflections and anisotropic filtering on all console versions. In Series S these settings are lower. - The tall grass pop-in is quite noticeable on consoles. The PC version has a much longer draw distance in this regard. - Same texture quality on all platforms in general. - Overall, a typical performance of a FromSoftware game. Far from being perfect on all platforms, it's likely to get better over time (especially on PC). FromSoftware should consider revamping the graphics engine in their next game. - If you have a VRR compatible screen, I would choose the Xbox version over PS5.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XN-KSDt8nRY
Bu mesaj IP'si ile atılan mesajları ara Bu kullanıcının son IP'si ile atılan mesajları ara Bu mesaj IP'si ile kullanıcı ara Bu kullanıcının son IP'si ile kullanıcı ara