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Sayfa: önceki 1011121314
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  • Şimdide 46 yaşındaki gey e rastladım.Hay şansıma
  • You: hi
    Stranger: hi there
    You: asl?
    Stranger: asl
    Stranger: :))
    Stranger: brb
    You: brb?
    Stranger: Be right back
    Stranger: so
    Stranger: Asl
    You: male-turkey
    You: 15
    You: you?
    Stranger: male romania 16
    Stranger: homosexual?
    You: no
    You: wtf?
    Stranger: soorry

    adam gay çıktı iyimi
  • Connecting to server...
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Huu, komşu komşu oğlun geldimi?
    Stranger: geldi geldi:)
    You: Ne getirdi?
    Stranger: incik boncuk..
    You: Kime kime?
    Stranger: sana bana.. zuaahhh
    You: Başka kime?
    Stranger: kara kediye..
    You: Kara kedi nerde?
    Stranger: ağaca çıktı:):)
    You: Ağaç nerde?
    Stranger: balta kesti.
    You: Balta nerde?
    Stranger: suya düştüü
    You: Su nerde?
    Stranger: inek içti…
    You: İnek nerde?
    Stranger: dağa kaçtı :)
    You: Dağ nerde??
    Stranger: yandı bitti kül oldu..
    You: baba eywallah.
    You: yıllardır hep oynamak istemiştim:)
    Stranger: zuuahh süpersin ya
    You: hadi bye dostum
    Stranger: byee:)
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

  • süper bişi bana alman kız foto yollıcak söz verdi
  • ya hep ekşi'den denk geliyo millety.
  • You: bro.
    You: it is time to wake up
    Stranger: it gets old so fast........
    You: time to wake up and see what is happening outside
    Stranger: i am looking outside right now
    You: and ?
    You: what can u see
    You: ?
    Stranger: there is the sea
    Stranger: and seagulls
    You: lie
    Stranger: ships
    You: a big lie
    You: u see my balls outside
    Stranger: well, i guess they're too small do you have an microscope?
    You: and my huge pen.s that can see on your window
    You: you can see all of my balls details outside
    You: the wet horrible surface of it
    Stranger: well, frankly i can't
    Stranger: it must be tiny
    You: but it isnt..
    You: it is the sun bro
    You: i am talking about sun
    Stranger: maybe you don't have one
    You: sun is my ball
    You: and the galaxy is me
    Stranger: the sun?....well then you must be god i guess
    You: i guess not .. i am a huge.... huge thing i dont know what am i
    You: can u say u
    You: who i am ?
    Stranger: we must build a statue of yours.....an stabilized cock.....you don't get much fuckin i guess
    Stranger: i always write this fuc.n "a" wrong
    Stranger: what's with the "n".......forget about it
    Stranger: well, we don't see your cock moving lord
    Stranger: you are a virgin i guess?
    You: nooo i am fu.king other sun systems and other galaxies
    Stranger: well as we see the sun doesn't move
    Stranger: it's just your hand i guess....your hand and you
    You: when night come up i am going to find my sex partner
    Stranger: good luck with that
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: McCarty

    ya hep ekşi'den denk geliyo millety.

    Evet.Hep ekşi var.Dh'den kimseye rastlamadım daha.
  • Stranger: please say i'm not turkish
    You: Yes I'm Turkish
    Stranger: :D
    You: Whe ?
    Stranger: whe??
    You: nerelisin lan :D
    Stranger: napcan lan
    You: :D
  • You: hi
    Stranger: hi
    You: asl?
    Stranger: 27 , f, turkey
    Stranger: you
    You: merhaba abi
    You: hangi siteden?
    You: dh mi?
    Stranger: ne abisi abla de
    Stranger: bari
    You: iyi abla

  • Connecting to server...
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hi
    You: asl?
    Stranger: 5 m migros
    You: migros =)
    Stranger: yep
    You: hahahaha and 5
    You: :D:D:D:D:D
    Stranger: yaa bak şu işe sen :D
    You: ne yapçan ya
    You: herkes türk burda ztn
    You: dh den mi?
    Stranger: yok ekşiden
    You: herkesde ekşiden ya :D
    Stranger: oyledir:)
    Stranger: neyse kolay gelsin:)
    You: iyi sana kolay gelsin
  • You: dh denmısın
    Stranger: yok
    Stranger: ekşi
    You: hmm ok

    Stranger: hi
    You: hi
    You: where are u from
    Stranger: you know what time it is ?

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Silkroad_Archer -- 6 Mayıs 2009; 17:37:42 >
  • benim şansa paso türk çıkıyo anlamadm gitti
  • Connecting to server...
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: my daily masturbation is very important
    You: hmm
    You: g.te koyayım o zaman senin
    Stranger: selametle
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  • şuan isveçli biriyle konuşuyom sohbet futbol
  • bende çlinli bir kızla konuşuyorum msn falan aldım . konu sony ye geldi
  • Connecting to server...
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hi m/f?
    You: turk or not ?
    Stranger: türküm :D
    You: :)
    You: forumdan mı
    Stranger: yok
    You: neyse kapat kapat :)
    You: konusmak icin vakit kaybetme,git belki bi mucize olur
    Stranger: :D
    Stranger: tmm
    Stranger: kız arıyorum bn :D
    You: belli
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    or save this log or send us feedback.

    Taze taze

    Connecting to server...
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hi
    You: hey
    Stranger: am i talking to horny woman?
    You: am i talking to an idiot turkish dude
    Stranger: no
    You: türk müsün harbiden
    Stranger: FUCK YOU
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Frick! -- 5 Mayıs 2009; 18:16:20 >
  • bana paso ya türk yada finlandiyalı çıkıyo.
    daha hiç asyalıya denk gelmedim
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: samimseniöldürürüm

    You: bro.
    You: it is time to wake up
    Stranger: it gets old so fast........
    You: time to wake up and see what is happening outside
    Stranger: i am looking outside right now
    You: and ?
    You: what can u see
    You: ?
    Stranger: there is the sea
    Stranger: and seagulls
    You: lie
    Stranger: ships
    You: a big lie
    You: u see my balls outside
    Stranger: well, i guess they're too small do you have an microscope?
    You: and my huge pen.s that can see on your window
    You: you can see all of my balls details outside
    You: the wet horrible surface of it
    Stranger: well, frankly i can't
    Stranger: it must be tiny
    You: but it isnt..
    You: it is the sun bro
    You: i am talking about sun
    Stranger: maybe you don't have one
    You: sun is my ball
    You: and the galaxy is me
    Stranger: the sun?....well then you must be god i guess
    You: i guess not .. i am a huge.... huge thing i dont know what am i
    You: can u say u
    You: who i am ?
    Stranger: we must build a statue of yours.....an stabilized cock.....you don't get much fuckin i guess
    Stranger: i always write this fuc.n "a" wrong
    Stranger: what's with the "n".......forget about it
    Stranger: well, we don't see your cock moving lord
    Stranger: you are a virgin i guess?
    You: nooo i am fu.king other sun systems and other galaxies
    Stranger: well as we see the sun doesn't move
    Stranger: it's just your hand i guess....your hand and you
    You: when night come up i am going to find my sex partner
    Stranger: good luck with that

    Stranger: yo!
    You: i will destroy your planet
    You: go away
    You: you re chosen one
    You: i have to save you
    Stranger: go ahead save me
    You: ok
    You: come outside
    You: with your laptop
    You: your laptop is high technology for us
    Stranger: really?
    Stranger: i don't feel like it right now
    Stranger: maybe later
    You: but i have to save you bro
    Stranger: ET PHONE HOME
    You: really have to
    You: oke
    Stranger: ahaha.
    You: wait
    You: i will think somethimg
    Stranger: ahaha i have a prother
    You: we have to do something
    You: ah ok
    You: look to your screen
    Stranger: ok whats teh plan?
    You: 2 minutes
    Stranger: ok
    You: without closing your eyes
    Stranger: sure
    You: because when you close i cant get you from internet
    You: i have to download you
    Stranger: lol
    Stranger: you're funny
    You: wait
    You: look to the screen
    You: focus bro
    You: you have to focus
    You: and
    You: start to hold your penis
    Stranger: i am damnit
    Stranger: don't have one
    You: no prob
    Stranger: can't do that for you
    You: you have to hold your vagine
    You: it will be succeeded
    You: believe me
    You: chosen one
    Stranger: ahahaha

    ulan iyi güldürüyorum ha milleti
  • You: sdfs
    Stranger: dfgdfg
    You: sdfsfsdfsfs
    Stranger: sdfsdfsdfsdfsdfds
    You: asdawdwddfsdfssdfs
    Stranger: ıdjkdgjdflgjdlfgldglakdjgflkjgda
    You: adasdsasadsadsadasdsadasdsadadaadacvv
    Stranger: sdfsfsdfsdfsdfsjsgklfjdflkglkgdflkgjlkgjerkgjkjgkljglkejlkejrnljgnlkejnglk jgkjgerj ger ljnerjernlkjerlkerkl gjnelkj
    You: sjafhnskjahdfashdsadahdhahdshxhchxzşchşxzhcxhzchzchxzjkchsşhadıaıdohıhdwhdıhdıohdıhdqhdıhdıhdhdhdhsaıhcıxhcxhczşc
    Stranger: fghhhhhhhhhhfghfghfhthrthrtjglrjglkrtjglrktjglkrtjgklrtjgkltrjglkrtjgklrjgklrjgkltrjlkrhlkrhtlkjjşljrtşlgrtşglkrtgşrlhkşlrtkhşrtlkhşrtkhşrltkhşlrkhşrkthşkrthşlkrtşhlkrtşhlkrşhlkrştlhkrştlkhrşltkhşrtlkhşlrkhşlrkşl rkşljrlljrşljhşrltjhşljşlrjtşljşlrjrtşlhjrtşlhjrtşlhjrtşlhjrştıyşrtıyşlrtıyştlryıştlrıyşlrtıyşrltıyrştlyışrtıyşltrıyşrt
    You: daha ne kadar kasıcaz
    Stranger: hiç bi fikrim yok
    You: hehehe
    Stranger: :D
    You: ekşi den mi
    Stranger: evet sen?
    You: Dh
    Stranger: dhda da baya reklam yapıldı sanırım
    You: ewt ya sorma her kez burda
    You: ekşide burda
    Stranger: eet 2500 kişinin 2000 i türk
    You: ehheh zaten yakında geri kalanıda türk olucak
    Stranger: bncede
    You: neyse bakam sana kolay gele
    Stranger: sanada

  • Stranger: Hey
    You: hi
    Stranger: Tell me a secret about yourself. Don't hold back..
    You: lol
    You: im horny
    You: ok?

    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Sayfa: önceki 1011121314
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