kısa cevplar: 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 ================================================================== 1st key Sentinel of the key Karus: ==== Recon (941.1661) GraveYard (1033.1386) Eslant Gate (1374.1847) Tyon farm (389.1174) ================================================================== 2nd Key Watcher of the key Karus: ==== Tyon farm (389.1174) Trolls (1282.316) Lamias (801.530) Raon House (933.973) =================================================================== 3rd Key Protector of the key Karus: ==== Linate-South (1680.611) UrukTrons (1543.332)(1585.281) Harpies (1682.1240) PumpkinFarm (1508.1598) ==================================================================== 4th key Ranger of the Key Karus: ==== Bellua (386.692) Kalluga Gate (953.168) DTS (826.677) ==================================================================== 5th key Patroller of the Key Karus: ==== Haungas (1343.1352) Apes (307.1272) Deruvishes (1527.902) Linate (1735.833) ==================================================================== 6th key Recon of the Key Karus: ==== Linate-South (1676.603) Goblins (377.215) UrukTrons (1543.332)(1585.281) Treants (1071.336) ==================================================================== 7th key Keeper of the Key Karus: ==== DKs (1080.992) GrayOozy farm (699.1042) Scorpions (732.1356) ((((Yasasın Karuslar)))