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Audience with the Land Dragon Questi

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2 Misafir - 2 Masaüstü
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  • Bu quest antharasın kapısından girmeye yarıyor arkadaşlar sizden bu questin türkçesini isticektim dalga geçercesine cevap verecek arkadaşlar varsa okumakla yetinsinler

  • Araştırayım Hemen buLursam Yazarım
  • 1. Speak with Gabrielle who is located in Giran. She will tell you to visit 4 seal watchers.

    2. Speak with Magister Kaiena on the 4th floor of Ivory Tower. Kaiena will send you to Blazing Swamp to kill Marsh Stalkers and Marsh Drakes. They can be found on the very northern area of Blazing Swamp. Get one Stalker Horn and one Drake Talon before returning to Kaiena.

    3. Speak with High Priest Orven in Aden. Head to the Forbidden Gateway and kill Bloody Queens. 5 sacrificed spirits will spawn at some point. Once you have received the Remains of Sacrifice, return to High Priest Orven.

    4. Speak with Master Kendra in Aden and he will tell you to kill Harit Lizardman Shamans. These will be found in Anghel Waterfall. Kill the Shamans until you receive a Totem of Land Dragon before returning to Master Kendra.

    5. Go to Hunter's Village and speak with Perfect Chakiris. He will send you to the Giant's Cave to kill Kranrots and Hamruts. Return to Chakiris once you've received a Kranrot Skin and a Hamrut Leg.

    6. Return to Gabrielle in Giran.

    7. Travel to Gludin and speak with Warehouse Chief Moke. He will ask you to kill an Abyss Jewel on the northeast coast. (It is just south of the mountains dividing the Gludio territory and the Dark Elf Territory on the coast.)

    8. Once you've received the Abyss Fragment and the Mara Fang, return to Moke in Gludin.

    9. Travel to Oren and speak with Blacksmith Helton. He will send you to another Abyss Jewel, which is located near the Sea of Spores east of the dividing wall and against the southern mountain range. Once you've received the fragment and the fang, return to Helton in Oren.

    10. Return to Giran and speak again with Gabrielle.

    11. Travel to the west entrance of the Valley of Dragons and speak with Gilmore, the Eternal Watchman of ANtharas. There is one more Abyss Jewel that you must kill.

    12. Go into the Valley of Dragons and kill Cave Maidens and Cave Keepers until the Abyss Jewel appears. It will have 4 minions. After you receive the fragment, travel to the entrance to the Lair of Antharas and speak to Theodric.

    13. Theodric will give you a Portal Stone, which will allow you to visit Antharas by speaking with the Heart of Warding in Antharas' Lair...

    İngilizce buLdum TURKCEYE cevirmeye calısıcam

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi 2_Ran -- 23 Mart 2007; 13:49:06 >

  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: 2_Ran

    1. Speak with Gabrielle who is located in Giran. She will tell you to visit 4 seal watchers.

    2. Speak with Magister Kaiena on the 4th floor of Ivory Tower. Kaiena will send you to Blazing Swamp to kill Marsh Stalkers and Marsh Drakes. They can be found on the very northern area of Blazing Swamp. Get one Stalker Horn and one Drake Talon before returning to Kaiena.

    3. Speak with High Priest Orven in Aden. Head to the Forbidden Gateway and kill Bloody Queens. 5 sacrificed spirits will spawn at some point. Once you have received the Remains of Sacrifice, return to High Priest Orven.

    4. Speak with Master Kendra in Aden and he will tell you to kill Harit Lizardman Shamans. These will be found in Anghel Waterfall. Kill the Shamans until you receive a Totem of Land Dragon before returning to Master Kendra.

    5. Go to Hunter's Village and speak with Perfect Chakiris. He will send you to the Giant's Cave to kill Kranrots and Hamruts. Return to Chakiris once you've received a Kranrot Skin and a Hamrut Leg.

    6. Return to Gabrielle in Giran.

    7. Travel to Gludin and speak with Warehouse Chief Moke. He will ask you to kill an Abyss Jewel on the northeast coast. (It is just south of the mountains dividing the Gludio territory and the Dark Elf Territory on the coast.)

    8. Once you've received the Abyss Fragment and the Mara Fang, return to Moke in Gludin.

    9. Travel to Oren and speak with Blacksmith Helton. He will send you to another Abyss Jewel, which is located near the Sea of Spores east of the dividing wall and against the southern mountain range. Once you've received the fragment and the fang, return to Helton in Oren.

    10. Return to Giran and speak again with Gabrielle.

    11. Travel to the west entrance of the Valley of Dragons and speak with Gilmore, the Eternal Watchman of ANtharas. There is one more Abyss Jewel that you must kill....

    12. Go into the Valley of Dragons and kill Cave Maidens and Cave Keepers until the Abyss Jewel appears. It will have 4 minions. After you receive the fragment, travel to the entrance to the Lair of Antharas and speak to Theodric.

    13. Theodric will give you a Portal Stone, which will allow you to visit Antharas by speaking with the Heart of Warding in Antharas' Lair...

    İngilizce buLdum TURKCEYE cevirmeye calısıcam

    1 ) Girandan Gabrielle ile konusucaksın. O senden 4 yeri ziyaret edip gormeni isticek ( biraz sacma olabılır cevirebıldıgım kadar :)

    2) İvory Towerda 4. Kattaki Magister Kaiena ile konusucaksn Kaiena seni blazing swampa Marsh Stalkers and Marsh Drakes kesmek icin gondericek.onları swampın kuzeyinde bulabılırsın.Onlardan Stalker Horn and one Drake Talon alıcaksın ve Kaienaya geri geliceksin

    3)Adende High Priest Orven ile konusucaksın ve FGde Bloody Queen kesiceksin.5Tane Sacrificed Spirits alıcaksın.5 tane kurban alıcaksn sanırım ve birkez kurban kalıcaksn ve orvene geri geliceksn

    4) Adende Kendra ile konusucaksn ve Harit Lizardman shamans kesiceksin.onlar Angel Waterfallda bulunurlar.Onlardan Totem of Land Dragon alıcaksn ve Kendra geri geliceksn.

    5)Hunster villlage gidiceksn ve Chakiris ile konusucaksn.o seni giants cave gondericek ve kranrots ve hamurts kesiceksn.chakiris geri geliceksin aldıgın Kranrot skin ve hamrut leg vericeksn.

    6) Gabrielle geri geliceksin

    7) gludine seyahat ediceksn ve WHdeki Shief moke ile konusucaksn.o senden kuzeydogu kıyısındaki Abyss Jewel kesiceksin.onlar Gludio ve Dark Elf kıyısında bulunurlar.

    8) Abyss fragment ve mara frang alıp gludindeki MOKE ye getiriceksin

    9) Orene gidiceksn orada Blacksmith Helton ile konusucaksın.o Seni diğer abyss jewel hangi yerde oldugunu ogren ve Sea Of Spores doğusunda duvarı bol tekrar mobları kes.snra fragment ve fang itemini heltone geri getir

    10) gabrielle ye geri don ve tkrar konus

    11) Valley Of Dragonsa git ve gilmore ile konus , eternal watchman of antharas.ONları baska abyss jewel ile oldurmelisin

    12) Vod da Cave maidens ve keepers Abyss Jewel gorunene kadar oldur.4Tane olacak.Fragment aldıktan snra LOA ya gidiceksin ve Theodric ile konusucaksn

    13) Theodric sana Portal Stone vericek.ve bu itemle Antharas'a girebileceksin


  • Neyse saol bakalım öz kardeşim ^^^^^ neyse bakıcaz artık önce baium questi bitsin onuda hallederiz

    Eğer başka bilen varsa yardımcı olursa sevinirim
  • peki bu questleri 1 keremi yapacaz .? girince quest itemi patliyormu ?
  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    Daha Fazla Göster
  • bildiğim kadarıyla her seferinde yapılması Lazım...
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: excalibur34

    peki bu questleri 1 keremi yapacaz .? girince quest itemi patliyormu ?

    Valla tam olarak bilmiyorum ama bir seferlik bu quest yapılmaz yani her seferinde bu questi yapmak zaten insanı bıktırır ben bi sefer denerim belki bi kaç karışımla tekrar aynı itemi elde edebiliyoruzdur daha önce yapmadığım için çok fazla bişey söyleipte kimsenin kafansını karıştırmayalım
  • bu akşam questi yapip denicem. spectral dancer sahibi olmak bayağı işe yarıyor.
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