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Avermedia live gamer hd yi 120hz monitör ile kullanmak???

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  • Arkadaşlar merhabalar.Avermedia Live Gamer Hd ürünü kullanıyorum.120hz monitörüm var ve kurulumu yaptığımız zaman otomatikmen 60 hz düşüyor hdmi den dolayı.Türkçe forumlarda bulamadım bununla ilgili bilgi fakat bir kaç sitede çalıştığı söyleniyor ama sanırım 2 monitör gerekiyormuş.Tam olarak nasıl 120hz de monitörümü çalıştırabilirim avermedia sistemle birlikte.Teşekkür ederim şimdiden...

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    Kaynak linkler:http://support.xsplit.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=108&t=17499



    say you wanna use a 120hz monitor, how would you hook up the AVERMEDIA Live Gamer HD if you want to use the same PC to game and stream? At the moment, i have 2 monitors hooked up so i'd imagine i'd have to sacrifice one monitor and have my gpu output in cloned mode. One 120hz dual link, the other dvi to hdmi at 60hz if that is even possible.

    yep, it works. i've done it before exactly as you've described.

    say if i wanna keep my dual monitor setup, based on above mentioned setup, that would require 3 simultaneous outputs which older generation nvidia based cards probably wont be able to handle. it would require dual-link dvi, its 60hz clone to the AVERMEDIA Live Gamer HD using another dvi/hdmi or hdmi, and a third dvi for the 2nd monitor.

    that would in theory allow you to run dual displays and stream at the same time with minimal frame loss using only 1 pc.

    another thing that intrigues me is the possibility of input delay with the use of usb webcams. this wouldn't be an issue if one had a separate stream rig as the webcam can be plugged into that. but in a one pc setup, that would make fps games unplayable. my concern of this arises from my experience with skype and other video recording software using my webcam.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi thorismund -- 6 Nisan 2014; 0:28:31 >

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