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    TahTicMer Telefon Standı 360 Derece Ayarlanabilir Masaüstü Süspansiyonlu Üst Çekim Youtuber Yayıncı Standı Fiyatı, Yorumları - Trendyol

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    Here in @RestoFix About the PlayStation 2 Fat, SCPH-37000 🎮 This model of the PlayStation 2 Fat is one of the most beautiful consoles of the 6th generation. 🌟 It was produced in limited quantities exclusively for the Japanese market. Unlike other models, its body is transparent and is known as Ocean Blue. 🌊 The transparency of this console doubles the joy of using it. ✨ The model number of this console is SCPH-37000. Since it was made exclusively for the Japanese market, it uses 100V power. 🔌 The internal parts of this console are a combination of various PlayStation 2 models available globally, with some parts specifically customized for this model. 🛠️ This console only supports NTSC-J games. 🎮 The beautiful color and limited production of this 6th generation console make it one of the most attractive models for retro gamers. 🎨🕹️ In this video, you will see: 🎥 This incredibly beautiful console has been repaired multiple times due to its power board. 🔧 The DVD-ROM also doesn’t work well and needs servicing. Initially, the PlayStation 2 Fat console is disassembled. All its parts are carefully separated. 🛠️ Then, the optical drive is completely disassembled, serviced, and repaired. Next, the console body and its internal parts undergo several stages of specialized cleaning. 🧼 Parts of the heat sink that are rusty are nickel-plated and polished. The damaged power supply board is repaired and soldered. 🔌 Missing or removed parts of the console, such as the back cover (extension bay), are purchased and added. Finally, the console is tested for health and played with. 🎮 Hey, thanks for watching this ASMR console restoration video. 🙏 If you enjoyed it and want to see more, please hit the subscribe button and give this video a thumbs up and like it. 👍 Link For 🧰⚙️Tools and Portable Espresso Maker in this Video ------☕Espresso Maker (Portable) ☕------ 1--- Nanopresso Portable Espresso Maker https://amzn.to/3x0ShLm 2--- Nanopresso Portable Espresso Maker (with capsule adaptor) https://amzn.to/4alGtSn 3--- Picopresso Portable Espresso Maker (New version) https://amzn.to/49ZdK5Q ------🧰⚙️Tools ------- - 🧰 Rotary Tool 🧰 - 1--- Dremel Rotary Tool Kit https://amzn.to/3x0hXaT 2--- Dremel Rotary Tool Accessory Kit https://amzn.to/4coUfoT - 🧰 Electrical Screwdriver 🧰- 1---Electric Screwdriver https://amzn.to/3PrEvrt 2---Mini Electric Drill https://amzn.to/3v8llQD -🧰 Nicle Plating Tools/solution 🧰- 1---Nicle plating solution (more shinny result) https://amzn.to/3TDwNwO 2---Nicle plating solution (Faster result) https://amzn.to/490R8AN 3---Pure Nickel Strip https://amzn.to/48V8I9i - 🧰Polishing Tools 🧰- 1-Metal Polish and Cleaner Paste https://amzn.to/43oV651 2-Polishing Soap https://amzn.to/4cmGYNF 3-Dremel Polishing Kit https://amzn.to/43qd4UU 4-Dremel Abrasive Buffing Wheels https://amzn.to/4cwNIc2 - 🧰Solder Sucker🧰- 1---Electrical Solder Sucker https://amzn.to/3VlVxuM 2---Mechanical Solder Sucker https://amzn.to/3VuPO5Q 🧰 IC grabber 🧰 https://amzn.to/4akUOhY 🧰 Slime🧰 A https://amzn.to/4dRpclP B https://amzn.to/46QylbO Time Table 00:00 Fast Intro 00:28 Overview of the PS2 Fat Blue Ocean console (dirty body) 01:15 Disassembling the PlayStation 2 console 06:31 Washing and cleaning the console case 08:18 Opening, repairing, and servicing the optical DVD drive 09:10 Restoring a torn label on the console 13:00 Washing and cleaning the optical DVD drive 14:03 Cleaning and servicing the DVD drive electromotors 16:51 Cleaning and servicing the door switch of the DVD drive 18:11 Repairing and servicing the optical lens 21:04 Assembling and adjusting the DVD drive 22:10 Lubricating the optical lens 23:34 Assembling the optical lens door 24:19 Repairing a broken PlayStation logo 24:55 Repairing a small part of the optical lens door 26:29 Adjusting the optical lens potentiometers (disc reading error) 26:42 Wacaco portable Nano espresso machine 27:18 Cleaning and servicing the PS2 fan 29:08 Servicing the PS2 power socket 30:54 Repairing and restoring the power supply board (converted to 220V) 34:17 Cleaning and servicing the switch block 35:00 Cleaning and servicing the controller and memory card slot ports 36:10 Restoring rusted metal parts (nickel plating) 39:20 Cleaning and opening the memory slot doors 39:54 Cleaning the dusty motherboard with slime 42:12 Checking and restoring the thermal pads 43:16 Restoring the rusted heat sink (nickel plating) 44:57 Polishing the rusted heat sink 47:54 Restoring the CPU and GPU thermal pads and installing them 48:58 Assembling the PS2, PlayStation Fat 2, Japan version, Blue Ocean 54:04 Final look of the restored console 54:44 Final test of the restored console 56:15 Brazilian viewer surprise 1. #RetroConsoleRestoration 2. #GameConsoleRepair 3. #VintageGaming 4. #ConsoleModding 5. #RetroGaming 6. #PS2Restoration 7. #ClassicConsole 8. #RetroTech 9. #ConsoleRepair 10. #GamingHistory 11. #OldSchoolGaming 12. #RetroMods 13. #ConsoleMaintenance 14. #GamingRestoration 15. #RetroRevival

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi tundra202006 -- 9 Ekim 2024; 15:31:5 >

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