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    Character Related

    Skills Bugs - When reskilling, if you reskill in any other server then move back to the other server(s) add some skills and go back to the same original server you reskilled in, and don’t remove those skills from your bar in the other server you will keep your skills making, example:
    Level 60: Mage: (Ice Nova, Frost Nova, Static Nova)
    Mage Problems:
    Meteor Shower + Nova do the same damage + have same animation.
    Attack Damage is same no matter what staff you use. Very little difference in damage if using staff compared to not using staff
    Level 70 Mage skills have same animation as level 60 nova skills When using Blizzard and inferno at same time there isnt a cool down. You can repeat it as many times as you want.
    All skills for all classes are still mislabeled.
    Example: Supernova, Inflict Glacier damage to your enemy.
    Example: Pillar Of fire, Increase to Glacier by 20
    Example: Priest healing skills mislabeled When you are hit with any damage over time spell your health bar goes crazy and you can barely see your party member’s life. This affects priests trying to keep their party alive.
    Level 60 full heal priests can't make pots for some reason.
    Sometimes when you are de-buffed in pvp it shows your health purple but doesn’t show what de-buff you have on you.
    Found that picking up silk causes your weight to exceed its limit an it tells you to put stuff in storage
    Experience bug leveling up level 57 to 58, experience becomes negative, needs to re-log
    On level up:
    Experience points field in the char sheet shows the wrong amount of exp needed to level.
    Hp bugs to around 12k unbugs when you hit a mob
    Mana display bugs up the same way the Hp does.
    Weight goes negative.
    Provokers skill is useless now after about 2 or 3 seconds the mobs loose agro to the provoker.(Unconfirmed purpose. Pending developer comment)
    People with No National Points can enter Colony Zone
    Clans are going to the knight quests and transferring National points there. You shouldn’t be able to get National points there.

    Map Related

    Teleportation Bug – Teleporting from Moradon to another zone causes crash. Needs manual change of zone to relog
    Going to the War - You go through Runar Gate into the Valley, Character data starts to load, then Disconnects. After crash, character remains in war zone and cannot log back in unless Zone is manually changed
    When you’re in a party of 3 people each member gains 21 national points
    Hell and Desperation Abyss labeled wrong [swap names]
    Users dieing to the towers sometimes loose one complete level or as much as (740million experience points)
    Invasion bug. Can relog at beginning of invasion to last location in user data. Meaning they can relog in Luferson Castle
    Collision Detection in the Desperation Abyss - Users are able to pass through walls when reloging
    Graphical Bug - In Breth (Lufeson Castle) there is a huge graphical bug with floor tiling around the snow (linate, golems, kalluga, trolls area.) Black huge patches blended in tiles with squares around dirt & snow.
    Quest definition for pincer spider quest is wrong, says (5,000,000gp earned instead of 500). Coordinates wrong for the same said quest.

    Other/General Bugs

    Name change scroll:
    Duplicate data base entry after name change
    Dupe method
    Hack Shield fails to close ok knight online closing
    Knight online \hack shield 64 bit compatibility - As more users move to the forefront of technology it is becoming more and more imperative that we adjust our games to be compatible with the most amount of users.
    Add a "Ok" prompt to accept or not a resurrection from a priest and have the priests name listed.
    Disallow ASCII chars for characters and clans
    Animation bug abuse (Speed glitching, etc)
    Lottery tickets cannot be turned in yet

  • iyide sen arama yapsan zaten vu topiğin aynısını görecektin gereksiz bir topic olmuş..

    topic açmadan önce arama yap bence..


    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi garfield -- 12 Eylül 2005, 8:06:01 >
  • evet katılıyorum sana
  • ben bu konuyla ilgili topic açmıştım
  • yok gokanım ii olmuss hll
  • ben bu yazanları bi yerden biliom amaaa

  • alla alla nerden yaw ???
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: JEDDITE_TR

    alla alla nerden yaw ???

    gerçek mi dion yoksa espiri mi yaptın
    yaa walla arama yapın önceeeeeeeeeee
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: by_BLADE


    Orjinalden alıntı: JEDDITE_TR

    alla alla nerden yaw ???

    gerçek mi dion yoksa espiri mi yaptın
    yaa walla arama yapın önceeeeeeeeeee

    yok ciddi diyom...

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