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  • Hollanda da yaşadığını söyleyen Nijerya bir vatandaş ile whatsaptan yazışmamız %99 dolandırıcı siz ne dersiniz

    Benim aklıma gelen postahanede ki yetkili ile görüşüp kargoyu gönderip yarım saat içinde para hesabıma gelmez ise kargoyu iptal etmek
    [15/10 18:09] Laptop Yabancı: Hello friend, I saw your advert on ( sahibinden.com), did you still have the Laptop available for sale?
    [15/10 18:25] Halil Parlak: Yes, the laptop is still for sale
    [15/10 18:27] Laptop Yabancı: How much
    [15/10 18:30] Halil Parlak: 1650 tl
    [15/10 18:31] Halil Parlak: You live in Turkey
    [15/10 18:32] Laptop Yabancı: Yes, but now am in Netherlands for assignment.
    [15/10 18:53] Halil Parlak: How do you intend to take your laptop
    [15/10 19:00] Laptop Yabancı: I will pay for the cargo
    [15/10 19:01] Halil Parlak: How do you pay it
    [15/10 19:02] Halil Parlak: I make purchases overseas that I ask no reason
    [15/10 19:07] Laptop Yabancı: I will transfer the money to your account
    [15/10 19:14] Halil Parlak: Who will pay for the shipping charges
    [15/10 19:28] Laptop Yabancı: How much in dollar
    [15/10 19:38] Halil Parlak: I do not know the shipping charges
    [15/10 19:39] Halil Parlak: Laptop 560 dollar
    [15/10 20:10] Laptop Yabancı: Ok
    [15/10 20:10] Laptop Yabancı: What is. The condition
    [15/10 20:11] Laptop Yabancı: Because I want to buy for my. Brother in Nigeria
    [15/10 20:11] Laptop Yabancı: Send me the photo
    [15/10 20:42] Halil Parlak: I am busy
    [15/10 20:42] Halil Parlak: You wait one hours
    [15/10 21:12] Halil Parlak: What is condition
    [15/10 21:13] Laptop Yabancı: Performance.
    [15/10 21:17] Halil Parlak: Fifa 16 and I'm playing GTA 5
    [15/10 21:18] Halil Parlak: Already in pictures fife and if you want I send it seems the origin of the icon while playing video pulled
    [15/10 21:56] Laptop Yabancı: I agree with your price 560$ and I will pay 100$ for the cargo send by ptt post office
    [15/10 22:06] Halil Parlak: If tomorrow I will send you give address
    [15/10 22:24] Laptop Yabancı: Ok
    [15/10 22:24] Laptop Yabancı: Send me your Iban number
    [15/10 22:24] Laptop Yabancı: Your account name
    [15/10 22:24] Halil Parlak: Ok
    [15/10 22:24] Laptop Yabancı: And email
    [16/10 08:44] Laptop Yabancı: Hello my friend
    [16/10 09:52] Halil Parlak: Hello
    [16/10 09:53] Halil Parlak: My IBAN number
    [16/10 09:58] Halil Parlak: What you Brother adress
    [16/10 10:02] Laptop Yabancı: Name: Kazin Sulayman
    Address: No 102 amuyo area
    City: offa
    State: kwara
    Zip code: 23402
    Country: Nigeria
    [16/10 10:15] Halil Parlak: PTT 'll be within 1 hour
    [16/10 10:20] Laptop Yabancı: Ok
    [16/10 10:37] Laptop Yabancı: I just got a mail from my bank now that your money has been deducted from my account and they have sent you the payment confirmation, i will like you to check your mail very well including the spam box to read from them and package the item and go to PTT to send the cargo
    [16/10 10:44] Laptop Yabancı: Check your email inbox or spam inbox for my payment confirmation from. My bank
    [16/10 10:46] Halil Parlak: 9GW755953N953900L
    [16/10 10:50] Laptop Yabancı: Yes
    [16/10 10:50] Laptop Yabancı: What my bank tell you
    [16/10 10:52] Halil Parlak: Now I'm going to PTT
    [16/10 10:52] Laptop Yabancı: Ok
    [16/10 10:53] Laptop Yabancı: Send me the photo
    [16/10 10:53] Halil Parlak: Ok
    [16/10 10:54] Laptop Yabancı: Did you pack it well because of damage?
    [16/10 10:54] Laptop Yabancı: Please put it inside cartoon and write address on it?
    [16/10 10:54] Halil Parlak: Ok
    [16/10 11:00] Laptop Yabancı: Hello
    [16/10 11:02] Halil Parlak: PTT but now I'm going to need you to cancel bank transactions . I will send my account IBAN because now I open a dollar account on my TL
    [16/10 11:05] Laptop Yabancı: What
    [16/10 11:05] Halil Parlak: Did you understand me
    [16/10 11:06] Laptop Yabancı: Send the. Cargo and send the cargo receipt to my bank
    [16/10 11:06] Laptop Yabancı: My bank will activate your money
    [16/10 11:08] Laptop Yabancı: My bank will handle it
    [16/10 11:08] Halil Parlak: Please cancel the operation. I will send new IBAN
    [16/10 11:09] Laptop Yabancı: I. Can't cancel it
    [16/10 11:10] Laptop Yabancı: Because my bank already deducted the money from my account
    [16/10 11:10] Laptop Yabancı: And my bank said they are waiting for you
    [16/10 11:11] Laptop Yabancı: To send the cargo receipt and my bank will activate your money
    [16/10 11:11] Laptop Yabancı: See I don't understand you
    [16/10 11:11] Laptop Yabancı: Am going to call police
    [16/10 11:12] Halil Parlak: expect my bank looking for
    [16/10 11:12] Halil Parlak: I'm at a Post Office
    [16/10 11:13] Laptop Yabancı: Send. The laptop
    [16/10 11:13] Halil Parlak: Ok
    [16/10 11:13] Laptop Yabancı: And send the receipt to my bank
    [16/10 11:14] Laptop Yabancı: My bank will do everything
    [16/10 11:14] Laptop Yabancı: After you send the laptop
    [16/10 11:15] Laptop Yabancı: Send the ptt cargo receipt to my bank
    [16/10 11:16] Laptop Yabancı: Ok
    [16/10 11:16] Laptop Yabancı: Please put it to another cartoon
    [16/10 11:16] Laptop Yabancı: And write address on it
    [16/10 11:26] Laptop Yabancı: Hello friend
    [16/10 11:27] Halil Parlak: This post office does not deliver less than 1 kg . I'm going to another branch
    [16/10 11:29] Halil Parlak: Did you understand me
    [16/10 11:29] Laptop Yabancı: Okay
    [16/10 11:29] Laptop Yabancı: Okay my friend
    [16/10 11:30] Laptop Yabancı: Because my bank is waiting for you
    [16/10 11:30] Laptop Yabancı: Did you understand me too
    [16/10 11:32] Halil Parlak: Ok
    [16/10 11:43] Laptop Yabancı: Hello friend
    [16/10 11:49] Halil Parlak: Hello my friend . I talked to my bank , I can not get money because the Turkish lira account. You can cancel the operation . Send the new IBAN number.
    [16/10 11:51] Laptop Yabancı: I told you no probelm
    [16/10 11:51] Laptop Yabancı: My bank will to it
    [16/10 11:52] Laptop Yabancı: I can't cancel the operation
    [16/10 11:53] Laptop Yabancı: But my bank will convert the money to Turkish lira
    [16/10 11:53] Laptop Yabancı: you send the cargo
    [16/10 11:53] Laptop Yabancı: And send the cargo. Receipt to my bank
    [16/10 11:54] Laptop Yabancı: And the new Iban number
    [16/10 11:55] Halil Parlak: But my bank will convert the money to Turkish lira nice
    [16/10 11:55] Laptop Yabancı: Ok
    [16/10 11:55] Laptop Yabancı: Are you in ptt post?
    [16/10 11:57] Halil Parlak: 12:00 13:00 ptt close
    [16/10 11:57] Halil Parlak: 13:30
    [16/10 11:58] Halil Parlak: Turkish clock now 12
    [16/10 11:59] Laptop Yabancı: Yes today is Friday
    [16/10 11:59] Laptop Yabancı: Am also Muslim
    [16/10 11:59] Laptop Yabancı: I will go for prayer
    [16/10 12:00] Laptop Yabancı: You don't go to ptt post office again?
    [16/10 12:04] Halil Parlak: Prayer time 13 : 00 A
    [16/10 12:05] Halil Parlak: Again ptt 13:30
    [16/10 12:05] Laptop Yabancı: Hello friend
    [16/10 12:06] Laptop Yabancı: Ok
    [16/10 12:06] Laptop Yabancı: My friend
    [16/10 12:06] Laptop Yabancı: Are you Muslim
    [16/10 12:07] Halil Parlak: Elhamdulillah
    [16/10 12:34] Halil Parlak: You talk to the bank , turned to the Turkish Lira , told me that many Turkish Lira
    [16/10 12:34] Laptop Yabancı: Okay
    [16/10 12:37] Halil Parlak: Friend my enlish very little
    [16/10 12:38] Halil Parlak: I speak google translate
    [16/10 12:38] Laptop Yabancı: No problem
    [16/10 12:38] Laptop Yabancı: Ok
    [16/10 12:38] Laptop Yabancı: Speak English
    [16/10 12:38] Laptop Yabancı: Alright
    [16/10 12:39] Laptop Yabancı: I call my bank
    [16/10 12:39] Laptop Yabancı: And my bank said no problem
    [16/10 12:39] Halil Parlak: Ok ı wait
    [16/10 12:40] Laptop Yabancı: You have to send the ptt cargo receipt to my bank to verify the receipt
    [16/10 12:41] Laptop Yabancı: After my bank will activate your money in turkish lira
    [16/10 12:41] Laptop Yabancı: You understand?
    [16/10 12:43] Halil Parlak: Ok
    [16/10 12:45] Halil Parlak: They turned a few Turkish Lira Dollar
    [16/10 12:49] Laptop Yabancı: Ok
    [16/10 13:34] Halil Parlak: Did you talk to the bank
    [16/10 13:34] Halil Parlak: Other PTT Branch me soon I go away for 30 minutes
    [16/10 13:35] Laptop Yabancı: Yes
    [16/10 13:35] Laptop Yabancı: No problem my friend.
    [16/10 13:47] Laptop Yabancı: My bank is waiting for you to send the ptt cargo receipt to verify
    [16/10 13:47] Laptop Yabancı: Are you in ptt cargo
    [16/10 13:48] Halil Parlak: 20 minutes
    [16/10 13:49] Laptop Yabancı: OK my friend
    [16/10 14:19] Laptop Yabancı: Hello friend
    [16/10 14:28] Halil Parlak: Hello Friend . I talked to my bank , no bank does not want a receipt PTT , they said fraudsters could trippers . I will investigate this issue until Monday , if I send a question or Monday.
    [16/10 14:29] Laptop Yabancı: See is my bank
    [16/10 14:30] Laptop Yabancı: Because of when buyer pay and the seller sometime do not send cargo
    [16/10 14:31] Halil Parlak: No branch of your bank in Turkey
    [16/10 14:31] Laptop Yabancı: Yes
    [16/10 14:31] Laptop Yabancı: Credit Europe bank
    [16/10 14:31] Laptop Yabancı: Not in Turkey
    [16/10 14:32] Laptop Yabancı: What is all this my friend
    [16/10 14:32] Laptop Yabancı: I trust you that is why I send the payment
    [16/10 14:32] Laptop Yabancı: I don't understand you
    [16/10 14:38] Halil Parlak: I'll send you a payment product that did not go my hand I think what will happen if you do not you check cargo shipment

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  • What you Brother adress
  • bobsantino kullanıcısına yanıt
    Kazin Sulayman
    Address: No 102 amuyo area
    City: offa
    State: kwara
    Zip code: 23402
    Country: Nigeria
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: chucky58

    Kazin Sulayman
    Address: No 102 amuyo area
    City: offa
    State: kwara
    Zip code: 23402
    Country: Nigeria

    Adam senin yazdığın şeyin ingilizce olarak yanlış olduğunu belirtmek istemiş güzel kardeşim

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: KırıkAyna


    Orijinalden alıntı: chucky58

    Kazin Sulayman
    Address: No 102 amuyo area
    City: offa
    State: kwara
    Zip code: 23402
    Country: Nigeria

    Adam senin yazdığın şeyin ingilizce olarak yanlış olduğunu belirtmek istemiş güzel kardeşim

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