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Crusader - Toplanma Noktası (16. sayfa)

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  • Aynen dun bir kaç defa tecrube ettim bug malesef düzelmedi.Hayır ölüyorum tamam da kalkamıyorsunda...Çok sinir bozucu bir durum.
    Hatta ölümü şöyle anlatayım;
    Mezar taşımız dikiliyor ama can barımız full skillerin hepsini kullanabiliyorsunuz ama hareket edemiyorsunuz.Tp olamıyorsun.En kötüsüde dirilmek için karşınıza herhangi bir buton çıkmıyor mecbur leave demek zorunda kalıyorsunuz.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Ledox

    Silah şahaneymiş Amuletten CDR alma Holy damage en iyisi. Yüzükten alırsın CDR yi. Akarat ın yerine judgement-resolve veya laws of valor alırsan daha iyi olur.

    Edit: Senin karakter HC deymiş Akarat en doğru seçim olur

    Ölürsem sanırım crusader'ı bırakırım, sırf bu silah gitmiş olacağı için.
    Akarat bug'u sanırım wizard'daki Firebird bug'una benziyor, orda da meteor düşüyor ve canlandırıyordu set bonusu. Ama yapacak bir şey yok, elimizde bu skill varsa mecbur güveneceğiz, biraz da şans artık bu yüzünden çalışmaması.

    Akarat'ı özellikle atak yapınca cooldown sıfırlasın, zor durumda 2-3 fazla condemn basılsın diye kullanıyorum. Okçuları çağıran skill'i sanırım Law of Hope - Stop Time rune ile kullanırım T3 geçtiğimde, 3 saniye için hasar almayı durdurması kaçmak için yeterli olur umarım zor durumdayken.
    Her şeyden önce yüzük lazım.

  • Kiss-of-Death K kullanıcısına yanıt
    Bilmiyorum ama sanki Rally den ziyade Prophet rune ü daha mantıklı olabilir HC de. O buildinle çok iyi damage çıkartırsın zaten.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Ledox

    çok enteresan. ben de set olduğu için sürekli akarat içindeyim arada procluyor ama daha hiç öldürmedi. hiç denk gelmedi demekki.

    Aynen bende akarat set giyiyorumhttp://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/tko81-1691/hero/38491284 , battlenet forumlarında baktım crusader karakteri için bir çok bug olduğu yazılmış bazılarına bende şahit oldum, gelecek patch ile inş düzeltirler bunları.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi tko81 -- 12 Mayıs 2014; 15:10:44 >
  • Thorn buildi yapmayı düşünüyorum CDR kasıp iron skini sürekli basmayı düşünüyorum.Thorn dmg yi artıran özellikler nedir ranged ve melee atak take hit harici as cc chd bunlar artırırmı thorn dmgyi.Tank yapıp yansıtma oynamayı düşünüyorum ama ordada su soru cıkıyor ortaya az hasar alacagım için thorn hasarıda düşermi
  • 3ddark kullanıcısına yanıt
    Detaylı bir rehber oluşturdum. Thorn hakkında bilgi verdim detaylı şekilde bir göz gezdir istersen.

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Ledox

    Detaylı bir rehber oluşturdum. Thorn hakkında bilgi verdim detaylı şekilde bir göz gezdir istersen.


    Şimdi baktımda genel yazmışsın güzel rehber olmus ama yeni başlayanlar için o.Mesela AS CC CHD olmalımı hangi elemental dmg alınmalı yada almak gerekirmi alınan hasarı düşürdümüğümüz zaman thorn hasarıda düşermi
  • 3ddark kullanıcısına yanıt
    Thorn un damage nin neyin etkilediğini yazdım orada formulüyle detaylı şekilde.


    Orijinalden alıntı: Ledox


    Thorn damage Melee veya Ranged hasar aldığımız zaman X miktar damage i vuran target a geri vurmamızı sağlar.

    Thorn damage sadece kastığımız "Ranged and melee attackers take xxxx damage per hit." bu stattan gelmez.

    Skiller,Runeler,Passiveler ve Legendery lerin sarı affixeslarından dan da faydalanabiliriz. Thorn damage i sadece kendi içinde artmaz. Strenght de Thorn damage i mükemmel şekilde bufflar.Ayrıca Crit Hit Damage den de etkilenir.Ve bunu belli bir formüle göre hesaplar ona göre vurur.O formül de şöyle;


    Örneğin karakterimizde 10,000 Strenght ve 10,000 Thorn damage var diyelim;

    25+1=26 26/10000=260,000
    260,000 hasar vurur ranged ve melee vuranlara. Thorn damageler ayrıca critleyebilme şanslarınada sahiptirler doğru itemler giyildiği zaman kullanışlı bir stat haline gelirler.

    Gelelim kullanılabilinecek itemler kısmına

    Thorns of the Invoker
    Bu set parçalarının
    2 parça set bonusu 4000 thorn damage.
    4 parça bonusu thorn damage in 15 yardlık alandaki herkese vurmamızı sağlıyor.

    Nereden Düşürürüm? : Tüm zorluk seviyelerinde Advanture ve Campaign mod da düşürebiliriz.

    Aidan's Revenge
    Bu baltamızın özelliği sahip olduğumuz thorn damage i % lik oranda vuruşlarımıza eklemesi.

    Nereden Düşürürüm? : Tüm zorluk seviyelerinde Advanture ve Campaign mod da düşürebiliriz.

    Sanguinary Vambraces
    Hasar aldığımızda thorn damage imizin %1000 ini yanımızdaki moblara vuruyor

    Nereden Düşürürüm? : Tüm zorluk seviyelerinde ACT I Bounty çantasından düşürebiliriz.

    Attack Speed bufflamaz. Çünkü moblar sana vuruyor. Mobların Attack Speed kasması lazım . Crit Chance kastığında etkilenirler bundan. Crit Hit Damage den de doğal olarak. Direkt Beyaz Damage inide Strenght le bufflayabilirsin. Elemental damageler bufflamaz. Ama Fire Thorn seti var onu soruyorsan Elemental Damage den etkilenirmi diye "Etkilenmez" çünkü Elemental SKILL Damagelerini artırır direkt olarak Fire,Cold vs. şeklinde değil.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Ledox -- 12 Mayıs 2014; 16:04:53 >

  • Arkadaşlar crusader char kasmayı düşünüyorum, gördüğüm Crusaderların bir kısmı blade of prophecy kullanıyor, ancak bu silahın nerflendiğini ve condemn buildin eskisi kadar efektif olmadığını söylüyorlar. Thorn builde kıyasla avantajı varmıdır sizlerin fikirleri neler ?
  • Yüzüğü koydum, küçük bir trifecta oldu %28chd geldi; düşündüğüm gibi sınıf atlattı. T3 materyal run denedim solo, çok seri oluyor elite'ler vs. Tabi hc olduğu için solo ancak materyal bakarım, party ile daha bir güzel olacak diye umuyorum.http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/KissOfDeath-2211/hero/39188503
    Amulet'e 6m civarı daha harcadım, anca cooldown çıktı, ias çıkmıştı önce boşverdim cooldown çevirdim grandeur ile önceki yüzükteki cooldown bırakınca born son bonus gelmesine rağmen biraz daha amulet'ten gelsin dedim.
    Sanırım cain eldiven'den daha iyisini bulursam ya da ice climbers bot'a; o zaman cain set'i bırakırım.

    Bence condemn build gayet güzel çalışıyor, önceki halini bilmiyorum fix geldiyse, her şeye fix geliyor, inanırım ama şu anki hali gayet etkili bence.
    Öneri olursa açığım, tabi bakalım ne kadar akkhan set düşecek, şimdilik sadece eldiveni var, onu da kullanmıyorum üstümde.
    840k civarı oyun içi dps oldu şu anda, amulet'e ias olunca 899k gördü dps. Gem'leri büyütmem lazım en uygun zamanda ama 60m civarı tutacaktır; son bug rip olunca 70m civarı harcamıştım; ama şu an için gold tutmam lazım. 2-3 haftaya ancak gem'leri büyütürüm sanırım. :(

    Edit: Sanırım Asheara gloves+ boots set cain yerine daha etkin olacak hc için, +100 AR ve %20 life. Şu an FS bitti uzun zaman sonra, bu demektir ki crusader en fazla mystic yaptıran ve craft gerektiren char.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Kiss-of-Death -- 13 Mayıs 2014; 1:46:00 >

  • Captain amerika şuan en iyi build. Yakında t6 rift videosu paylaşcam :)

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • Şansa bak dun fire ağırlıklı(varımı yoğumu harcıyarak) block sansı uzerine buildim vardı sıkıldım diye bende kaptan amerika modua geçmiştim bayagı eglenceli oldu ama kagıt gibi hisettim kendimi eski o dayanıklılık perma block+tauntlar yok tabi neyse.Yani bu kadar denk gelir zaten istesemde o build eskisi gibi verimli olamayacaktı şuanki yeni gelen patch hali ile.
    Yeni patch notlarına baktım da cok guzel olmuş.
    Bir kaç skill haric bayağı bir buff gelmiş.Eski buildim nerf yemiş aslında tabi neyse,isabet oldu çok guzel oldu çokta güzel oldu :)
    Hemen bizlik kısmı ekliyleim

    Heavenly Strength You can wield a two-handed weapon in your main hand while bearing a shield in your off hand. (No longer has a Movement Speed penalty)
    Indestructible When you receive fatal damage, you instead become immune to damage, gain 35% increased damage and gain 16515 Life per Kill for 5 seconds. / This effect may occur once every 60 seconds. (Reworked from: Gain 1% Armor for every 3% of maximum Life missing)
    Vigilant Increase Life regeneration by 413. / Reduce all non-Physical damage taken by 20%. (Note: the current value in-game is actually 2063; Damage reduction up from 5%)
    InsurmountableBlocking an attack generates 6 Wrath. (Reworked from: Block Amount when 4 enemies are close)
    Iron MaidenYour Thorns is increased by 50%. (Previously gave a static amount based on character level)
    Finery Gain 1.5% Strength for every gem socketed into your gear. (Previously gave a static amount based on character level)
    Holy Cause The amount of damage dealt by your weapon is increased by 10%. / Whenever you deal Holy damage, you heal 1% of your total Life. (No longer requires Holy damage from weapon)
    Towering Shield Increase the damage of Punish, Shield Bash and Blessed Shield by 20%. / Reduce the cooldown of Shield Glare by 30%. (Reworked from: Gain Block Chance every second, which resets with blocking)
    Fervor While wielding a one-handed weapon, your attack speed is increased by 15% and all cooldowns are reduced by 15%. (Reworked from: When an enemy dies nearby you gain Attack Speed)
    Fanaticism - Increase the attack speed of Punish, Slash, Smite and Justice by 15%. (Renamed from Nephalem Majesty. Reworked from: Increases the duration of Nephalem Glory by 30 seconds)
    Blessed Shield Cost: 20 Wrath / Hurl your shield, dealing 430% weapon damage as Holy plus 250% of shield Block Chance as Holy damage. The shield will ricochet to 3 nearby enemies. (Up from 340%, damage element now specified)
    Combust : The shield erupts in flames and has a 33% chance to explode on impact, dealing 310% weapon damage as Fire to all enemies within 10 yards. (Up from 270%, distance up from 8 yards)
    Shattering Throw : When the shield hits an enemy, it splits into 3 small fragments that bounce between nearby enemies, dealing 170% weapon damage as Holy to all enemies hit. (Up from 50%, damage element now specified)
    Sweep Attack Cost: 20 Wrath / Sweep a mystical flail through enemies up to 18 yards before you, dealing 480% weapon damage. (Up from 440%)
    Gathering Sweep : Enemies caught in the sweep are pulled toward you. / Sweep Attack's damage turns into Holy. (Damage element now specified)
    Blazing Sweep : Enemies hit by the attack will catch on fire for 120% weapon damage over 2 seconds. (Down from 170%)
    Heaven's Fury Cooldown: 20 seconds / Call down a furious ray of Holy power that deals 1710% weapon damage as Holy over 6 seconds to all enemies caught within it. (Up from 1260%)
    Ascendancy : The ray of Holy power grows to encompass 12 yards, dealing 2766% weapon damage as Holy over 6 seconds to enemies caught within it. (Up from 1680%)
    Blessed Ground : The ground touched by the ray becomes blessed, scorching it and dealing 1550% weapon damage over 5 seconds to enemies who walks through. (Up from 975%)
    Split Fury : The ray splits into 3 smaller beams, each dealing 1980% weapon damage as Holy over 6 seconds. (Up from 1440%)
    Thou Shalt Not Pass : Ground touched by the ray pulses with power for 6 seconds, stopping enemies who try to pass over it. (Damage was Holy)
    Fires of Heaven : Call down a furious ray of Holy power that is focused through you in a beam across the battlefield, dealing 960% weapon damage as Holy to all enemies it hits. / The cooldown is removed. Now costs 40 Wrath. (Up from 735%)
    Phalanx Cost: 30 Wrath / Summon powerful avatars who charge forward to the targeted destination. Enemies caught in the charge path take 490% weapon damage. (Up from 380%)
    Bowmen : The summoned avatars no longer march forward, but will wield bows and attack enemies, dealing 185% weapon damage. These bowmen follow you as you move for 5 seconds. / The Bowmen can only be summoned once every 15 seconds. (Up from 160%)
    Stampede : Summon warhorses that deal 490% weapon damage and have a 30% chance to Stun enemies for 2 seconds. (Up from 380%)
    Bodyguard : Instead of sending the avatars out away from you, you summon 2 Avatars of the Order to protect you and fight by your side for 10 seconds. Each Avatar will attack for 560% of your weapon damage as Physical. / The Avatars can only be summoned once every 30 seconds. (Up from 285%)
    Mine Field : Each impact scatters 2 mines onto the battlefield that explode when enemies walk near them, dealing 160% weapon damage as Fire to all enemies within 10 yards. (Damage element now specified)
    Fist of the Heavens - The pillar of lightning now deals 545% weapon damage (up from 340%); The 6 piercing charged bolts now deal 255% weapon damage (down from 340%)
    Heaven's Tempest: Now summons a fiery storm (changed from Lightning); Now deals 100% weapon damage (down from 150%); Damage now specified as Fire
    Fissure: Now deals 410% weapon damage (up from 400%); Lightning between multiple fissures now deals an additional 135% weapon damage with each arc (down from 185%)
    Divine Well: Now deals 40% weapon damage (down from 80%)
    Retribution: Now hurls a fist of Holy power (changed from 'a fist of fire and lightning'); Now deals 270% weapon damage (down from 350%); Damage is now Holy (changed from Lightning); Explosion at target now deals 435% weapon damage (up from 150%); Explosion damage is now Holy (changed from Lightning); The 6 piercing charged bolts now deal 185% weapon damage (down from 350%)
    Blessed Hammer : Now deals 320% (up from 200%) weapon damage
    Burning Wrath : The scorched ground now deals 330% (up from 150%) weapon damage per second
    Thunderstruck : The lightning that occasionally arcs between you and the hammer as it spirals through the air now deals 60% (up from 40%) weapon damage
    Icebound Hammer: If the hammer explodes on impact with an enemy, it now deals 380% (up from 75%) weapon damage
    Shield Bash Cost: 30 Wrath / Charge at your enemy, bashing him and all nearby foes. Deals 7401200% weapon damage plus 500% of your shield's Block Chance as Holy damage.
    Crumble : Foes who are killed explode, dealing 660% weapon damage as Fire to enemies behind them and knocking those enemies back.
    Shattered Shield : The shield shatters into other smaller fragments, hitting more enemies for 380740% weapon damage plus 335% of your shield's Block Chance as damage.
    Shield Cross : Additional shields erupt from you in a cross formation. Enemies hit by any of the additional shields take 135155% weapon damage plus 100% of your shield's Block Chance as damage.
    Pound : Shield Bash will now deal 7401200% weapon damage plus 500% shield Block Chance as Holydamage. The range is reduced to 8 yards.
    One on One : The targeted monster is Immobilizedstunned for 31.5 seconds. All other monsters hit are knocked back.
    Steed Charge Cooldown: 16 seconds / Mount a celestial war horse that allows you to ride through enemies unhindered for 1.52 seconds.
    Endurance : Increase the duration to 23 seconds.
    Draw and Quarter : Bind 5 monsters near you with chains and drag them as you ride, dealing 185% weapon damage peras Holy every second.
    Resolved : Damage dealt to judged enemies has an 8020% increased chance to be a Critical Hit.
    Iron Skin
    Explosive Skin : When Iron Skin expires the metal explodes off, dealing 10501400% weapon damage to enemies within 12 yards.
    Akarat's Champion Cooldown: 90 seconds / Explode with the power of your order, gaining 25% increased Attack Speed and 100% increasedincreasing your damage by 35% and increasing your Wrath regeneration by 10 for 20 seconds. / The first time you take fatal damage while Akarat's Champion is active, you will be returned to full health.
    Fire Starter : When you spend 20 Wrath, you explode and deal 100Dealing damage burns enemies with the power of Akarat, dealing 460% weapon damage as Fire to nearby enemiesover 3 seconds.
    Embodiment of Power : Enemies within 7 yards of you have a 20% chance to become frozen in Fear for 3 secondsIncreases the bonus Wrath regeneration from Akarat's Champion to 10.
    Rally : Each time you deal damage, there is up to a 50% chance to reduce the cooldown of your skills by 1 second. / Does not affectUsing Akarat's Champion reduces the remaining cooldown of your other abilities by 12 seconds.
    Prophet : Gain 150% additional Armor while Akarat's Champion is active. / The first time you take fatal damage while Akarat's Champion is active, you will be returned to full health.
    Hasteful : Gain 3015% increased movementattack speed while Akarat's Champion is active.
    Falling Sword Cost: 25 Wrath / Cooldown: 30 seconds / Launch yourself into the heavens and come crashing down on your enemies, dealing 11001700% weapon damage to everything within 14 yards of where you land.
    Superheated : The ground you fall on becomes superheated for 6 seconds, dealing 200310% weapon damage as Fire per second to all enemies who pass over it.
    Part the Clouds : You build a storm of lightning as you fall which covers the area you land on for 5 seconds. Lightning strikes random enemies under the cloud, dealing 165605% weapon damage as Lightning and Stunning them for 2 seconds.
    Flurry : A flurry of swords is summoned at the impact location, dealing 60230% weapon damage as Holy, hurling enemies around and incapacitating them for 5 seconds.
    Punish Generate: 5 Wrath per attack / Strike your enemy for 270335% weapon damage and gain Hardened Senses, increasing your Block Chance by 15% for 5 seconds.
    Retaliate : When you block with Hardened Senses active, you deal 94140% weapon damage as Holy to the attacker.
    Roar : When you block with Hardened Senses active, you explode with fury dealing 4575% weapon damage as Fire to enemies within 15 yards.
    Slash Generate: 5 Wrath per attack / Ignite the air in front of you, dealing 190230% weapon damage as Fire.
    Zeal : Gain 1% increased Attack Speed for every enemy hit for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 510 times.
    Justice Generate: 5 Wrath per attack / Hurl a hammer of justice at your enemies, dealing 240245% weapon damage.
    Sword of Justice : Hurl a sword of justice at your enemies. When the sword hits an enemy, gain 35% increased movement speed for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 53 times.
    Crack : When the hammer hits an enemy, there is an 80100% chance it will crack into 2 smaller hammers that fly out and deal 175245% weapon damage as Holy.
    Hammer of Pursuit : The hammer seeks out nearby targets and deal 300335% weapon damage.
    Burst : The hammer is charged with lightning and explodes on impact, dealing 3060% weapon damage as Lightning to all enemies within 10 yards. Enemies caught in the explosion have a 20% chance to be stunned for 1 second.
    Laws of Valor Cooldown: 4530 seconds / Active: Empower the Law, granting you and your allies 15% increased Attack Speed for 5 seconds. / Passive: Recite the Law, granting you and your allies 8% increased Attack Speed. / Only one Law may be active at a time.
    Answered Prayer : Active: EmpoweringWhile the Law also grants a 0% chanceis empowered, each enemy killed increases the duration by 1 second, up to drop Nephalem Glory Orbs on hita maximum of [Unknown value] seconds of increased time.
    Laws of Hope Cooldown: 4530 seconds / Active: Empower the Law, surrounding you and your allies in a shield for 3 seconds that absorbs up to 19108 damage. / Passive: Recite the Law, healing you and your allies for 743 Life per second. / Only one Law may be active at a time.
    Laws of Justice Cooldown: 4530 seconds / Active: Empower the Law, granting you and your allies 420 increased resistance to all elements for 5 seconds. / Passive: Recite the Law, granting you and your allies 120 increased resistance to all elements. / Only one Law may be active at a time.
    Decaying Strength : Active: While the Law is empowered, any enemy who attacks you or your allies will have their damage reduced by 15% for 4530 seconds, stacking up to a maximum of 60%.
    Shattered Ground : Enemies standing on consecrated ground take 95155% weapon damage as Fire per second.
    Smite Generate: 5 Wrath per attack / Smite enemies up to 1530 yards away with holy chains that deal 165175% weapon damage as Holy. The chains break off and strike up to 35 additional enemies within 20 yards for 125150% weapon damage as Holy.
    Shatter : The holy chains explode dealing 2060% weapon damage as Holy to enemies within 3 yards.
    Surge : Increase the rangenumber of the initial chainadditional enemies hit to 30 yards5.

    Aralarından eliyim, şunlar çok verimli olmuş dersem bir daha üstekini copy paste yapmam gerekicek sanırım o derece :)
    şu biraz üzmedi değil ama;
    Resolved : Damage dealt to judged enemies has an 80 / 20% increased chance to be a Critical Hit.

  • Bayağı bir buff geliyor Crusader'a yeni patch ile.

    En başta 2-H silah ile gelen 15% movement azalması ortadan kalkıyor. Diğer sınıfların hızına ayak uydurabilecek artık.

    Genelde skillerine damage buff gelmiş. Örneğin Blessed Hammer;

    Blessed Hammer : Now deals 320% (up from 200%) weapon damage

    Burning Wrath : The scorched ground now deals 330% (up from 150%) weapon damage per second
    Thunderstruck : The lightning that occasionally arcs between you and the hammer as it spirals through the air now deals 60% (up from 40%) weapon damage
    Icebound Hammer: If the hammer explodes on impact with an enemy, it now deals 380% (up from 75%) weapon damage

    Edit: Passive'ler de şahane olmuş gibi duruyor....

    Heavenly Strength You can wield a two-handed weapon in your main hand while bearing a shield in your off hand. (No longer has a Movement Speed penalty)

    Indestructible When you receive fatal damage, you instead become immune to damage, gain 35% increased damage and gain 16515 Life per Kill for 5 seconds. / This effect may occur once every 60 seconds. (Reworked from: Gain 1% Armor for every 3% of maximum Life missing)

    Vigilant Increase Life regeneration by 413. / Reduce all non-Physical damage taken by 20%. (Note: the current value in-game is actually 2063; Damage reduction up from 5%)

    InsurmountableBlocking an attack generates 6 Wrath. (Reworked from: Block Amount when 4 enemies are close)

    Iron MaidenYour Thorns is increased by 50%. (Previously gave a static amount based on character level)

    Finery Gain 1.5% Strength for every gem socketed into your gear. (Previously gave a static amount based on character level)

    Holy Cause The amount of damage dealt by your weapon is increased by 10%. / Whenever you deal Holy damage, you heal 1% of your total Life. (No longer requires Holy damage from weapon)

    Towering Shield Increase the damage of Punish, Shield Bash and Blessed Shield by 20%. / Reduce the cooldown of Shield Glare by 30%. (Reworked from: Gain Block Chance every second, which resets with blocking)

    Fervor While wielding a one-handed weapon, your attack speed is increased by 15% and all cooldowns are reduced by 15%. (Reworked from: When an enemy dies nearby you gain Attack Speed)

    Fanaticism - Increase the attack speed of Punish, Slash, Smite and Justice by 15%. (Renamed from Nephalem Majesty. Reworked from: Increases the duration of Nephalem Glory by 30 seconds)

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Fabrice -- 13 Mayıs 2014; 9:23:50 >

  • of çok ciddi buff almışız
  • Simonsorcerer S kullanıcısına yanıt
    Daha da senin dibinden ayrılmam artık.

    Tüm detaylara buradan bakabilirsiniz:http://www.diablofans.com/news/48064-datamined-patch-2-0-5-class-changes-and-strings

    Daha neler neler var....

    Steed Charge - Duration is now 2 (up from 1.5) seconds.
    Endurance : Now increases the duration to 3 (up from 2) seconds.
    Draw and Quarter : Damage now specified as Holy

    Laws of Valor Cooldown is now 30 (down from 45) seconds
    Laws of Hope Cooldown is now 30 (down from 45) seconds
    Laws of Justice Cooldown is now 30 (down from 45) seconds

  • Heavenly Strength MS kaybettirmesinin kalkması bile gayet sevindirdi beni, baya bir paragon gidiyordu MS toparlanması için yine de MS düşük kalıyordu, MS yerine tamamen Str basılır, güzel dmg gelir.
    Vigilant %20 dmg reduction olması da bunu HC için vazgeçilmez passive haline getirir; muazzam olur.

    Blessed Shield-Shattering Throw rune çok iyi dmg buff almış.
    Akarat's Champion da güzel buff almış, artık %35dmg gelecekmiş aktif olunca, ias yetersiz kalıyordu, mükemmel olacak.

    Wizard'a biraz ara verip şahsen Crusader'ı ana char haline getirmek üzere çok sağlam buff olmuş.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Kiss-of-Death -- 13 Mayıs 2014; 10:20:21 >
  • Kiss-of-Death K kullanıcısına yanıt
    Rally : Reworked: Using Akarat's Champion reduces the remaining cooldown of your other abilities by 12 seconds.
    Akarat a feci nerf gelmiş ne buff ı :( Seti tam olanlar yandı.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Ledox

    Rally : Reworked: Using Akarat's Champion reduces the remaining cooldown of your other abilities by 12 seconds.
    Akarat a feci nerf gelmiş ne buff ı :( Seti tam olanlar yandı.

    Yeni hali: "Akarat's Champion - Reworked: Now increases the hero's damage by 35% and the Wrath regeneration by 10 for 20 seconds"
    Eski hali: "Explode with the power of your order, gaining 25% increased Attack Speed and 100% increased Wrath regeneration for 20 seconds."

    %35 dmg azımsanamaz bence, daha seri kesildikten sonra cooldown toplarlanır diye düşünüyorum. Tabi Akkhan set olmadan oynadığım için böyle düşünüyorum şu an.
  • Kiss-of-Death K kullanıcısına yanıt
    Ben comdemn spam oynuyodum şu anda. imkansız yani, yeni haliyle %80 damage gelse toparlayamaz o aradaki farklı komple build değiştirmek gerek. 1h oynanacak çok belli artık 2h ler yalan şimdiki haliyle belki BoP yine biraz iş yapar.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Ledox -- 13 Mayıs 2014; 10:27:33 >
  • Katılıyorum sampiyon modunda As gereksiz kalıyordu barbar gibi dmg buff gelmesi çok iyi oldu.
    Ayrıca ölünce bir tekrar dirilme olayı(hani buglu olan) bu sefer tek bir rune vermişler iyi olmuş :)
    Prophet : Gain 150% additional Armor while Akarat's Champion is active. / The first time you take fatal damage while Akarat's Champion is active, you will be returned to full health.
    Umarım bugu duzeltmişlerdir hoş yazmıyor ama..
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