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Dünya Petrol Krizi - Peak Oil (138. sayfa)

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  • quote:

    "the same conditions do not always produce the same results"

    Bu cümle vurucu olmuş. Kaos teorisi de bu noktadan sonra başlıyordu sanırım. Ondan sonra olasılık var mıdır yok mudur tartışması... Atladığım bir yer var mı?

    cevabı yazının içinde var. Üzerinde ciid olarak düşünmeden ve araştırmadan sadece okumak bile ACABA sorusunun sorulması için yeterli olmakta.


    We remember the past, we do not remember the future. We have a different kind of awareness about what might happen than we have of what probably has happened. The past and the future look completely different psychologically, with concepts like memory and apparent freedom of will, in the sense that we feel that we can do something to affect the future, but none of us, or very few of us, believe that there is anything we can do to affect the past.


    daha detaylı biografisihttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Feynman#Caltech_years

    Richard Feyman tanımayanlar için bir iki link koymam gerekiyor şahsi düşünceme göre (bilim tarihi kronolojisi)Hawkingden daha değerlidir. Size uzun süre önce bu forumların birinde söylemiştim. Çoklu evren olabilirliği olasılığını hawkingin ilk kitabını okumandan çok önce üniversitedeki fizik prof. ile tartışmış ancak yetersiz cevap ve benim o zamanki bilgi seviyem daha ileri sorguları üretmeme engel olmuştu. sizinle bir yazışmada bundan bahsetmiş ve aklımda yanlış kalmadıysa , alaycı bir ccevap yazmıştınız. Eğer yanlış hatırlıyorsam kusuruma bakmayınız.



    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi vezir -- 23 Ocak 2013; 11:20:41 >

  • quote:

    Konu dağılmasın, petrol krizi nerede, Tanrı'nın ontolojik hakimiyeti nerede..
    Devam ediniz, takipteyiz..


    Of the 65 largest oil producing countries in the world, up to 54 have passed their peak of production and are now in decline, including the USA in 1970, Indonesia in 1997, Australia in 2000, the UK in 1999, Norway in 2001, and Mexico in 2004. Hubbert's methods, as well as other methodologies, have been used to make various projections about the global oil peak, with results ranging from 'already peaked', to the more optimistic 2035. Many of the official sources of data used to model oil peak such as OPEC figures, oil company reports, and the USGS discovery projections, upon which the international energy agencies base their own reports, can be shown to be frighteningly unreliable. In November 2009, the International Energy Agency's World Economic Outlook report stated that oil and gas liquids were not expected to peak until 2030, at significantly higher levels than today, however this was met by rebukes from internal whistleblowers who argued that the figures are more political than scientific.


    In October 2009, a report published by the Government-supported UK Energy Research Centre, following 'a review of over 500 studies, analysis of industry databases and comparison of global supply forecasts', concluded that 'a peak in conventional oil production before 2030 appears likely and there is a significant risk of a peak before 2020'.[18] The authors believe this forecast to be valid 'despite the large uncertainties in the available data'.[19] The study was claimed to be the first to undertake an 'independent, thorough and systematic review of the evidence and arguments in the 'peak oil’ debate'.[20] The authors noted that 'forecasts that delay a peak in conventional oil production until after 2030 are at best optimistic and at worst implausible' and warn of the risk that 'rising oil prices will encourage the rapid development of carbon-intensive alternatives that will make it difficult or impossible to prevent dangerous climate change[20] and that 'early investment in low-carbon alternatives to conventional oil is of considerable importance' in avoiding this scenario.[21

    ülkelere göre oil peak incelemesi şu şekilde

    The following list shows significant oil-producing nations and their approximate peak oil production years.[51]
    Angola (disputed): 2010[22]
    Australia: 2000[22]
    China (disputed): 2009[22]
    Egypt: 1987[52]
    France: 1988
    Germany: 1966
    Iran: 1974
    Indonesia: 1991[53]
    Japan: 1932[citation needed]
    Libya: 1970 (disputed)[22]
    Mexico: 2003
    New Zealand: 1997[54]
    Nigeria: 1979
    Norway: 2000[55]
    Oman: 2000[56]
    Russia (disputed): 1987; 2009[22]
    Syria: 1996[57]
    Tobago: 1981[58]
    UK: 1999
    USA: 1970[59]
    Venezuela: 1970

    Peak oil production has not been reached in the following nations (and is estimated in a 2010 Kuwait University study to occur in the following years)

    Algeria: 2012
    Azerbaijan: 2013
    India: 2015
    Iraq: 2036
    Kazakhstan: 2020
    Kuwait: 2033
    Saudi Arabia: 2027
    Qatar: 2019

  • quote:

    Ya arkadaş daha gluonların çalışma prensibini açıkla desem apışır kalırsın oturmuş Allah'ı mı tartışıyorsun? Hani yanlışlanamaz/doğrulanamazdı? Kendi kendiyle bu kadar çelişir mi insan ?

    Çocuk gibisin :) Ben niye sana gluon anlatayım? Konu o mu? Sana neutrinoları anlatamazsın diyor muyum? Yanlışlanamayan doğrulanamayan şeyleri de kafana takma, daha mevzudan haberin olmadığı meydana çıktı, motoru fazla yorma derim:)


    Zaman dediğin zımbırtı göreli ve yaşadığımız evrene aittir. Efendim iki olasılık varmış da

    Ne oldu saçma olduğunu gösterince tepen atmış :) İnandığın Tanrı'nın mutlak güçte ve tavırda olduğunu kabul edince saçmalıklar ortaya çıkıyor.


    Zaman dediğin zımbırtı göreli ve yaşadığımız evrene aittir. Efendim iki olasılık varmış da. Sen önce ışığı kütleye çevirme işini bi anlat da dinleyelim, sonra oturur bakarız. Her iş bitti leylek kaldı.

    Hani sen dedin ya " Kütlesi olmayan bi "şey" kütlesi olan başka "şey" i etkiliyor. Şimdi ışıkla uğraşan fizikçiler madde ile mi uğraşıyorlar?"

    Ben de ona cevaben E=mc2 dedim, kapak gibi cevap işte ayrıntıya ne gerek var. Işıkla uğraşan fizikçiler madde ile eşdeğer olan enerji ile uğraşıyorlar E=mc2 gereği. Sen enerjiyi metafizik bi şey sanıyon herhalde.


    Niye zamandan münezzehse bir şey yaratamasın?

    Zamandan münezzeh olan bi varlık eylemde bulunabilir mi? Eylem, fiil gibi "şeyler" zamansız olmaz.


    Anlayamadığın bir şey anlayamadığın bir şeydir. Sen anlayamıyorsun diye saçma mı oluyor?

    Bu benim anlayışım veya anlamayışımla ilgili değil ki, inandığın Tanrı absürt. Şey gibi, dört köşeli üçgen :) Tanrının tanımında sakatlık var. Anlaşılmayacak bi şey yok yani..


    Bir programın çalışması için CPU su, RAMi olan bir bilgisayar, bir programcı ve elektrik gereklidir. 1 komut eksikse program çalışmaz. Programın tam olması çalışmanın önşartıdır ancak yeterli değildir. elektrik kesilirse program gümler, elektrik vardır bilgisayar bozulur program gümler. Virüs girer program gümler vs.vs. Programın tam olarak çalışması tüm koşulların yerli yerinde olduğunu gösterir. Evrenin devinimine devam etmesini nasıl açıklıyorsun bilmiyorum ama ben bilimsel olarak açıklayamam. Açıklayabilen de yok.

    Evrenin devinimine devam etmesi için evren dışı akıllı bi varlık varsaymak mantıksal olarak zorunlu değil. Fiziksel olarak bunu göstermek de mümkün değil zira gözlem alanı dışında. Evren ötesi veya adına ne dersen de, o bölge aşkındır, transcendent'tir.


    Yaratmış hali/yaratmamış hali nedir? Bunu nasıl tartışacağız?

    Soru sormak yerine cevaplayaydın:) Şöyle tartışabiliriz: Mesela Tanrı evreni belli bi zamanda (yaklaşık 15-18 milyar yıl önce) yarattı di mi? Takdir edersin ki evet yarattı, dinler de bunu söylüyor. Mutlak olan Tanrı evreni yarattığına göre evren hudustur, yani "Tanrı'dan sonra gelen" varlığı zorunlu olmayan (mümkün) sonradan ortaya çıkmış bi varlıktır (Gazzali). Peki Tanrı'nın evreni yaratmadan önceki durumu neyin nesi oluyor? Hani Tanrı mutlak, evren hudus (göreli, sonradan) idi? Tanrı ile evren aynı anda var olmalılar ya da sonsuzdan beri birlikte var olmalılar ki Tanrı'nın tanımıyla ilgili bu çelişki giderilsin. Çünkü Tanrı evreni yarattığı anda "henüz evren sahibi olmamış Tanrı" değişerek "evren sahibi Tanrı"ya dönüşmüş olacak. Ve bu da Tanrı'nın mutlaklığına halel getirecektir.

    Absürtlükten kurtulmanın iki yolu var;

    1. Tanrı evrenle birlikte vardı, evreni yaratmadı (ikisi de varlık sahnesinde eşit).
    2. Tanrı mutlak değil, evren gibi mümkün varlık.


    Termodinamiğin temel yasası enerjinin korunumudur. Hiç bir şey vardan yok/yoktan var olmaz. Gerçekten öyle mi? Yokluk nedir/ sonsuzluk nedir?

    Tabii ki öyle değil. Yoktan var olmak mantıksal olarak olanaklıdır. Fiziken olanaklı olup olmadığını bilemeyiz. Termodinamik yasaları ekstrapolasyon ve doğrulama ile elde edilmiştir. Deney ve gözlemler hep aynı sonucu verdiği için güvenilir bulunup "eğer evren kapalı bi sistemse herhalde evrenin tamamında bu yasalar böyledir" denir. Bu "vardan yok, yoktan var olmaz" deyişi bir tümevarım, bir a posteriori bilgidir. Mutlak gerçeklik değildir. Bi çok fizikçi evrenin başlangıç koşullarında bu yasaların işlemediği durumların var olduğu konusunda hemfikir. Mantık da bunu gerektirir zaten. Enerji ve madde "yoktan var olmaz vardan yok olmaz" magazin ağzıdır, bilimi maeryalizme veya başka ideolojilere alet etme sevdasının dışa vurumudur. Feynman gibi ustalar böyle demez mesela.


    akıl dışı metaforlar

    Pastelesene hangileriymiş merak ettim:)


    Bahsettiğim sorular ve çelişkilerle ilgili bir tane açıklaman yok

    Pastele, bunları da merak ettim..


    Bilmiyorum demek niye bu kadar zor? Niye her şeyi bilmek zorunda hissediyorsunuz kendinizi?

    Hangi konuda biliyoruz demişiz? :)


    Sonsuzluk kavramını çözdün herhalde. Bana da anlatsana bir ara çünkü ben tam anlayamıyorum.

    Çözmedim, öyle de kibrim yoktur:)

    Not: Boşver sen Surelerle uğraşmayı. Güneşin yörüngede dönmediğini iddia eden filim adamlarının hepsi bi kaç yüzyıl önce nalları dikti, yakında tanrınız Hawking de dikecek ama Dünya da, Güneş de hurma dalı gibi kıvrımlı yörüngelerinde dönüp duruyor. Alem dönüyor siz duruyorsunuz, dönenle dalga geçiyorsunuz.

    Çarpıtma, dönenle dalga geçmiyoruz:) Ayetlere gereğinden fazla ontolojik açıklama yüklemenizi saçma buluyoruz. Peygamber olmaya gerek yok, sıradan bi arabın gözlemi ile bulunabilecek bi tarif bu.


    Sen 1000 yıl önce yok dönmüyorlar diyordun, bugün dönüyorlar diyorsun.


    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Clausewitz -- 23 Ocak 2013; 19:59:25 >

  • Algeria: 2012
    Azerbaijan: 2013
    India: 2015
    Iraq: 2036
    Kazakhstan: 2020
    Kuwait: 2033
    Saudi Arabia: 2027
    Qatar: 2019

    yukarıdaki peak oil tarihlerinideki tahminler aşağı yukarı doğru ise bu önümüzdeki problemli olabilecek bölgeleri ve siyasi yansımalarını da gösterebileceğinin altını çizerim.

    En uzun süre Irak sonra Kuwait sonra arabistan,sonra kazakistan.
    Tabii ki üretim kapasiteleri birbirinden çok farklı olanları aynı kefeye koymak doğru olmaz AMMA,

    Arabistan yarımadasının bundan sonraki 25 yıllık kaderi için sıkı denetim anlamına gelmektedir. Arap krallığı , üretim miktarı ve süresini denetlemede gerekli ustalık ve siyasal beceriyi gösterebilir ise bir şekilde mevcudiyetini sürdürebilir. Ancak çevresindeki kıskacı zamanında farkedemez ve eski tas eski hamam zannediyorsa yakında krallık sona erip işgal kaçınılmaz çekilde başlayabilir. Kazakları bu değerlendirmenin başka bir yerine koymak lazım rusların hegomanyasından kurtulmaları oldukça zordur , Ancak bölgedeki ilk müdahalenin Kuveyt nedeniyle yapılması da bir entrikalar zincirinin sonucu olsa gerek. Yani 20 yıldan(1991, 1. körfez müdehalesi) fazla zaman geçince anlaşılabileceği gibi bölgesinin en çok petrolü olan koca Irak , neden daha fallası için tüm ülkesini riske etsin .Evet aptallık kafada olur ancak konunun kişisel hırs veya bölgenin hükümdarlığı için olabilceğini hiç sanmıyorum.Böyle olsa idi aynı durum sudiler için de geçerli olurdu.

    Konu aslında tam bir komplo değirmeni , nereye çekilirse o tarafa gidebilecek türden

  • Yani arkadaş hakikaten komedyenlik genlerinde var senin. Gerçi hokkabaz olduğunu da kabul ettin zaten, neyse…

    Önce dini konular yanlışlanamaz/doğrulanamaz dedin. Sonra daha sayfa bitmeden kendince yanlışladın. Bizim tanrı kavramımızı mantık temeline oturtmalar, fiil varsa zaman da olmalıdır önermeleri falan…

    Peki fiil olup da fail olmuyor da (bkz. Yüzüme çarpan dalgalar), fiil olup zaman zinhar olmaz nasıl oluyor?

    Bir taraftan garajdaki ejderhadan, uçan çaydanlıklardan falan bahsedip yanlışlanamayacağını iddia ediyorsun –Dikkat buyurun ben etmiyorum, bu bilimsel arkadaş ediyor.- bir taraftan Allah’ın mutlakiyetini çürütüyorsun. Büyük adamsın vesselam .

    Bir teoriyi –mabaddan uydurma-dan ayıran en önemli husus, ortaya konulup çok sayıda deneyle doğrulanmasıdır. En azından yanlışlanamamasıdır. “Dünyanın çevresinde uçan bir çaydanlık yoktur” cümlesinin kanıtını isteyecek adam var mıdır?

    Dikkat et o beğenmediğin sosyal bilimciler Rodin'in heykelinin yanına oturturlar seni sonra hokkabaz.

    Ama en güzeli neydi biliyor musunuz sayın seyirciler? Bu bilime gönü vermiş arkadaşın önce sosyal bilimcileri bir kalemde bilimin dışına itmesi… yetmedi Termodinamiğin en temel kanununu da çöpe attı. Gideyim termo kitaplarımı yakayım bari.

    Bi Dakka! Ben bilim dışı değil miydim yahu? Nooldu iki dakkada sattın tanrılarını? Hani metafiziksel saçmalıkları bilimin yani mutlak doğruyu gösteren toteminin içine sokmayacaktık?

    Başta ben dedim zaten bilim zamanla değişir, mutlak değildir diye. Şimdi kalkmış aynısını bana söylüyorsun. Şimdi bu neyin kafası ?

    Peki hokkabaz arkadaş şunu niye sildin ?


    Orijinalden alıntı: Clausewitz

    “Tabii ki öyle değil. Yoktan var olmak mantıksal olarak olanaklıdır. Fiziken olanaklı olup olmadığını bilemeyiz. Termodinamik yasaları ekstrapolasyon ve doğrulama ile elde edilmiştir. Deney ve gözlemler hep aynı sonucu verdiği için güvenilir bulunup "eğer evren kapalı bi sistemse herhalde evrenin tamamında bu yasalar böyledir" denir. Bu "vardan yok, yoktan var olmaz" deyişi bir tümevarım, bir a posteriori bilgidir. Mutlak gerçeklik değildir. Bi çok fizikçi evrenin başlangıç koşullarında bu yasaların işlemediği durumların var olduğu konusunda hemfikir. Mantık da bunu gerektirir zaten. Enerji ve madde "yoktan var olmaz vardan yok olmaz" magazin ağzıdır, bilimi maeryalizme veya başka ideolojilere alet etme sevdasının dışa vurumudur. Feynman gibi ustalar böyle demez mesela.”

    Çelişkileri sen de fark ettin di mi?

    Tümevarım tabii ki mutlak sonuçlar vermez. Kestirilemeyen faktörleri de işin içine katmadan tam sonuç mümkün değil. Zaten bugün bilim adamlarının lineer denklemler yerine, tüm olasılıkları almaya çalışmaları sonucu füturistlik diye bir şey icat oldu. Kapalı kutuda gerçekleştirilen deneyin, evrenle etkileşim ele alındığında gümbürtüye gittiğini artık daha lisede bile öğretiyorlar.

    Şu cümlene bayıldım, para versem söylemezdin. Allah söyletti :)

    : “Termodinamik yasaları ekstrapolasyon ve doğrulama ile elde edilmiştir. Deney ve gözlemler hep aynı sonucu verdiği için güvenilir bulunup "eğer evren kapalı bi sistemse herhalde evrenin tamamında bu yasalar böyledir" denir. Bu "vardan yok, yoktan var olmaz" deyişi bir tümevarım, bir a posteriori bilgidir. Mutlak gerçeklik değildir.”

    Şu; zaman, Allah'ın mutlaklığı ile ilgili yazdıkların da sadece senin algı bozukluğundan kaynaklanıyor kardeş.
    Önce/sonra kavramları bizim bildiğimizi zannettiğimiz şeyler. Zaman yine devinim sebebiyle algıladığımız bir boyut. Tüm hareketin durduğunu düşün, elektronların bile. Zaman nedir o durumda ?

    Yaratmış tanrı/yaratmamış tanrı 15000 yıl önce vs. bizim dünyamıza, algımıza ait. Sonsuzluk, farklı boyutlar gibi algımız dışındaki kavramları boşver daha basit bir soru sorayım sana;

    Mutlak sıfırda, 0 kelvinde tüm hareket dursa ne olur? Çöker mi tüm madde? Ya kütle çekimi? Mesela o durumda çekim olur mu, yoksa evren sadece çöker mi, yoksa sadece donar kalır mı?

    Daha bunu bilmiyoruz oturmuş Allah'ın yokluğunu ispat peşindesin.
    Bilmiyoruz yav bilmiyoruz işte. Daha Hawking'in kendi .ıçını silmesini sağlayacak tıp bilgisi yok, bırak ölüme çareyi. Oturmuş evrenin oluşumunu tartışıyoruz.

    Hangi noktadayız? Söyleyeyim; Filozofların 3000 yıl önce konuştuklarını konuşmaya başladık. Dön baba dönelim, bi arpa boyu yol gittik.

    Not: Kardeş, şu cümleyi de baldırı çıplak bedeviler çöle bakıp, hurma dallarını eğip mi bulmuşlar ? Bu da mı gözlem sonucu çıkmış ?

    Neml 88: “Sen dağları görürsün de, yerinde durur sanırsın. Oysa onlar bulutun yürümesi gibi yürümektedirler. Bu, her şeyi sapasağlam yapan Allah'ın sanatıdır. Şüphesiz ki O, yaptıklarınızdan tamamıyla haberdardır.”

    Ya da sen çok yorma kafanı bunlara, olur öyle ara sıra

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Ogün® -- 26 Ocak 2013; 19:21:01 >

  • Bak üzerine çok kimsenin düşünmediği bir ayrıntı;

    Tebbet Suresi'nde Ebu Leheb'i cehennemlik olarak daha yaşarken tasvir etmiş Kur'an. Eğer Ebu Leheb "Tamam inandım" bile deseydi, Kur'an o an çökerdi.

    Bu nasıl kumar?

    Öyle mi dersiniz?
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: vezir


    "the same conditions do not always produce the same results"

    Bu cümle vurucu olmuş. Kaos teorisi de bu noktadan sonra başlıyordu sanırım. Ondan sonra olasılık var mıdır yok mudur tartışması... Atladığım bir yer var mı?

    cevabı yazının içinde var. Üzerinde ciid olarak düşünmeden ve araştırmadan sadece okumak bile ACABA sorusunun sorulması için yeterli olmakta.


    We remember the past, we do not remember the future. We have a different kind of awareness about what might happen than we have of what probably has happened. The past and the future look completely different psychologically, with concepts like memory and apparent freedom of will, in the sense that we feel that we can do something to affect the future, but none of us, or very few of us, believe that there is anything we can do to affect the past.


    daha detaylı biografisihttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Feynman#Caltech_years

    Richard Feyman tanımayanlar için bir iki link koymam gerekiyor şahsi düşünceme göre (bilim tarihi kronolojisi)Hawkingden daha değerlidir. Size uzun süre önce bu forumların birinde söylemiştim. Çoklu evren olabilirliği olasılığını hawkingin ilk kitabını okumandan çok önce üniversitedeki fizik prof. ile tartışmış ancak yetersiz cevap ve benim o zamanki bilgi seviyem daha ileri sorguları üretmeme engel olmuştu. sizinle bir yazışmada bundan bahsetmiş ve aklımda yanlış kalmadıysa , alaycı bir ccevap yazmıştınız. Eğer yanlış hatırlıyorsam kusuruma bakmayınız.



    Hocam zaman zaman alaycı konuşuyorum ancak uzun süredir sizinle bu tarzda konuşmadım zannediyorum. Öyle hissettiyseniz ben af dilerim sizden.

    Kolay gelsin.

  • Mesajınız flood koruması tarafından engellenmiştir. Sebebi; 15'ten fazla alıntı yapılamaz. Bunun bir hata olduğunu düşünüyorsanız forum destekten geri bildirimde bulununuz

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Clausewitz -- 27 Ocak 2013; 17:39:27 >
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Clausewitz

    Mesajınız flood koruması tarafından engellenmiştir. Sebebi; 15'ten fazla alıntı yapılamaz. Bunun bir hata olduğunu düşünüyorsanız forum destekten geri bildirimde bulununuz
    Mesajınız flood koruması tarafından engellenmiştir. Sebebi; 15'ten fazla alıntı yapılamaz. Bunun bir hata olduğunu düşünüyorsanız forum destekten geri bildirimde bulununuz
  • Tam ne güzel konu diyecektim ama buraya da din, peygamber, allah konularını eklenmiş. Hadi kolay gelsin.
  • quote:

    2. Artık demedim falan demeden direk söylediğin şeyi kabul ediyorsun ancak bu sefer de beni sevindirmek için
    bu saçmalıkları yazdığını söylüyorsun, pişkinliğe pes diyorum.

    Şunu demiştim, tık yok:)

    Allah'ın mutlakiyetini çürütmedim ki? Allah'ın mutlak olduğu kabul edildiğinde bi dizi saçmalık ortaya çıkıyor dedim. Ya mutlak olmadığı kabul edilecek ya da diğer durum. Yoksa banane tanrınızı saçma sapan kabul etmeniz benim için de hoş olur hani:)

    Bak şunlar hala beklemede..


    Soru sormak yerine cevaplayaydın:) Şöyle tartışabiliriz: Mesela Tanrı evreni belli bi zamanda (yaklaşık 15-18 milyar yıl önce) yarattı di mi? Takdir edersin ki evet yarattı, dinler de bunu söylüyor. Mutlak olan Tanrı evreni yarattığına göre evren hudustur, yani "Tanrı'dan sonra gelen" varlığı zorunlu olmayan (mümkün) sonradan ortaya çıkmış bi varlıktır (Gazzali). Peki Tanrı'nın evreni yaratmadan önceki durumu neyin nesi oluyor? Hani Tanrı mutlak, evren hudus (göreli, sonradan) idi? Tanrı ile evren aynı anda var olmalılar ya da sonsuzdan beri birlikte var olmalılar ki Tanrı'nın tanımıyla ilgili bu çelişki giderilsin. Çünkü Tanrı evreni yarattığı anda "henüz evren sahibi olmamış Tanrı" değişerek "evren sahibi Tanrı"ya dönüşmüş olacak. Ve bu da Tanrı'nın mutlaklığına halel getirecektir.

    Absürtlükten kurtulmanın iki yolu var;

    1. Tanrı evrenle birlikte vardı, evreni yaratmadı (ikisi de varlık sahnesinde eşit).
    2. Tanrı mutlak değil, evren gibi mümkün varlık.


    3. Zaman nedir? Eylem nedir? Bi tanımlasana.

    Zamanın üzerinde uzlaşılmış ortak tanımı yoktur. Fakat hangi tanım olursa olsun Tanrı'nın Eylemi (Special-General Divine Action) yara alır, sonuç değişmez. Ben yine sana avans vereyim de sen tanımla bakalım neymiş zaman ve eylem, ben yukarıda seni referans alarak yeterince açıkladım.


    Çok şey bildiğini iddia ediyorsun, seni tanımadığımı iddia ediyorsun ancak senin "tür"ünde canlılardan çok tanıdım

    Çocuk gibisin, ya da gerçekten öylesin:)

    Benim kadar tevazu göstereni zor bulursun, nerede demişim çok şey biliyorum diye? :) Yine bi taraflardan uydurmalar, bilmem neler..


    4. Kur'an seni aşar. Başta bir şeyler biliyorsun zannetmiştim ama hakikaten çapın zannettiğin oranda değil (Bilmiyorum belki öyledir :)

    Beni geç, Kuran ve Arapça bilgisine haizim kısmen, okulunda okuduk:) Sen iddialı iddialı ayet yapıştırdın sonra konuyu kapamaya çalışıyorsun yukarıdaki cümleyle:)


    Denizlerde yüce dağlar gibi gemilerin yürümesi de O'nun kudretinin delillerindendir..
    O, dilerse rüzgârı durdurur da onlar denizin üstünde durakalırlar. Elbette bunda çok sabreden, çok şükreden herkes için ibretler vardır. Şurâ Süresi 32-33

    Mezkûr syeti tevil et bakalım, dıştan bakan biri Tanrı'nın geleceği öngöremediğini ve sadece yelkenlileri hesaba kattığını düşünebilir. Sen ise tevil yoluyla "o zamanki insanlara hitap etmiş" dersin:)
    Hani istediğin zaman kipine uydurursun, ilahiyatın temeli budur, tevil, tefsir:)


    5. "Tarih bilimsel değildir ama öyle kabul edilir." cümlesini yazan sen değil misin?

    Ben dedim zaten de sildiğimi nereden uydurdun mübarek?:))))
    Git bak yukarıda duruyor. Biraz dikkat etmek lazım:)


    Amacınız bilgiye ulaşmak falan da değildir

    Ne güzel sorular soruyoruz beğenmiyorsun, daha ne yapalım? :)


    Şüpheci olmak, kafasında soru işareti barındırmak demektir. Senin kafanda soru işareti yok ki, her şeyi biliyorsun! Ama Septik olduğunu iddia ediyorsun. Al sana bi çelişki daha

    Tamam işte bi sürü soru sordum daha ne istersin bre gafil :) Herşeyi bildiğimi de iddia etmedim, gün görmemiş yerinden uydurmada pek mahirsin:) Açık ve net yazarım. Herşey kayıt altında. Hatalı yazarsam kabul ederim. Hatalı yerleri tek tek gösterirsin benim yaptığım gibi. Sende o yok, sululuk ve zevzeklik yapıyorsun sadece. Şöyle adam gibi rasyonel cevap vereyim falan yok..


    6. "Kur'an niye Arapça gönderilmiş, Japonca da gönderilmemiş?" veya "Afrikada yaşayan ve Kur'anı hiç görmemiş kabileler Cehenneme giderse bu haksızlık değil mi?" gibi senin gibi sözde septiklerin buldukları engin bilgi birikimi barındıran sorulara ne oldu? Bak yardımcı da oluyorum sana, kıyağımı unutma. Biraz düşünürsen daha sarsıcı, şüpheye düşürücü sorular bulabilirsin :)

    Ne deniyordu bu duruma, kendin çal kendin oyna:)
    Bi de "kendin pişir kendin ye" var ama o bu duruma uygun değil:)


    Son olarak; Değiştirilemeyen şey Kur'an dır.

    Bak sana süper bi soru daha: Değiştirilmediği iddiasını kanıtlamak mümkün müdür? Neye dayanarak değişmedi diyorsun mesela? Bu ciddi bi sorudur ve tarihselcilik bağlamında cevaplayamazsın. Evet, Kuran'ın değişmediğinin kanıtını Kuran'dan sunmayacaksın değil mi? :)
    Bi de Tevrat ve İncil neden değiştirildi, senaryo gereği mi?

    Nasih Mensuh'a hiç girmeyelim :)
    Sen Tebbet Süresi ile ilgili iddialı bi alıntı yaptın, "nasıl kumar" diye.


    Tebbet Suresi'nde Ebu Leheb'i cehennemlik olarak daha yaşarken tasvir etmiş Kur'an. Eğer Ebu Leheb "Tamam inandım" bile deseydi, Kur'an o an çökerdi. Bu nasıl kumar? Öyle mi dersiniz?

    Biz de mealen dedik ki "hiç korkma çökmez, zira bu adettendir, İslam Tarihi'nde örnekleri vardır" :))

  • Çok daha kısaltacağım yazdıklarımı. Zira ilim isteyene verilir, bu arkadaşta bu talep yok.


    Orijinalden alıntı: Clausewitz

    "Allah'ın mutlakiyetini çürütmedim ki? Allah'ın mutlak olduğu kabul edildiğinde bi dizi saçmalık ortaya çıkıyor dedim. Ya mutlak olmadığı kabul edilecek ya da diğer durum"

    Çürütmedim deyip aynı cümlede çürütme gayreti...


    Orijinalden alıntı: Clausewitz

    Zamanın üzerinde uzlaşılmış ortak tanımı yoktur

    Eeee ? Tanımlanamayan bir şey üzerinden ispat...

    Ben söyleyeyim; Zaman; hareket, değişim sebebiyle bizim algımız dahilinde olan bir boyuttur. Algı... Gerçeklik...


    Orijinalden alıntı: Clausewitz
    Soru sormak yerine cevaplayaydın:) Şöyle tartışabiliriz: Mesela Tanrı evreni belli bi zamanda (yaklaşık 15-18 milyar yıl önce) yarattı di mi? Takdir edersin ki evet yarattı, dinler de bunu söylüyor.

    Zaman bizim evrenimizde mevcut. Öncesinde (Buna takılmamalı, insan algısı sonsuzluğu kavrayamaz.) zaman diye bir şey yok. Belki şu anda da yok!
    Şu an ne, gelecek ne? geçmiş ne?

    Metafiziği geç, fiziğin geldiği noktadan haberdar değil. Gerçi haberi var ama işine geldiği kadarını daha doğrusu beyin kapasitesi dahilindeki kısmını biliyor. O da tam değil.

    Neyse debelenmeye devam.


    Orijinalden alıntı: Clausewitz
    Beni geç, Kuran ve Arapça bilgisine haizim kısmen, okulunda okuduk:)

    Tam olduğu bir kısım olsa onu tartışacağım ama o da yok. Sorulara mantıksız cevaplar. Cevapları görmezden gelmeler. Bilgiçlik ama tevazu iddiası. Cahillik ama bilginlik iddiası.

    Bunlardan milyarlarcası geldi geçti, adamlar değişti roller aynı.

    Ben de imam hatipte okusaydım, ya da TV'de yorum yapanları, ya da ne bileyim İsmail NACAR'ı falan okusam düşman olurdum herhalde bu dine.

    Kötü örneklerden, aracılardan dinlemek yerine bilginin kaynağına yönelirse insan aslında "öz"ün kendi içinde, insanda, ruhunda olduğunu anlayacaktır. Bu noktadan sonra onu engelleyecek tüm uyaranları devre dışı bırakıp yalnız kendi içinden gelen sese yönelecektir.

    Ağır ağır giden, bir türlü sonuçlanmayan, bir türlü huzur vermeyen hayatının hızlıca düzene girdiğini, suyun dibinden yüzeye çıkan adamın ışığı ve havayı her an daha fazla hissettiği ve yüzeye yöneldiği gibi hızla oraya çıkmaya çalışıp her metrede yüzeye biraz daha yaklaştığını hissederse...

    Artık onu kimse engelleyemez.

    Fizikle, madde ile uğraşırken ruhu bir kenara atarsa insan... Kendi kendi ile girişim yapar, giderek yörüngesinden savrulur.

    Not: Ara ara yazıyorum. Mutlaka yazdıklarıma katılan/katılmayan olacaktır. Konuyu daha fazla dağıtmama adına bu anlamsız tartışmayı kendi açımdan bitiriyorum. Zaten herkesin kendine ait bir düşüncesi vardır ve en doğru düşünce de odur.


    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Ogün® -- 29 Ocak 2013; 3:17:59 >

  • enerji ,evren ve bilinç konuları en çok derinlemesine tartışılan ancak üzerinde tam olarak mutabakata varılmayan konulardır.
    Ancak THEORY OF EVERTHING adı altında yeni nesil açıklamalar var. Şahsen benim de daha önce kendime defalarca sormuş olduğum ve okuduklarımdan da yeterli cevap bulamadığım evrenin işleyiş mekanizması ve bilinç ile ilgili oldukça iddialı ve kolayca reddedilemeyecek kapsamda bir teori var. Bilgiyi ben vereyim yorumu sizler yapın. Unutmayalım ki energy adı altında bulacağımız çözümler aslında evrenin bize sundurklarından başka birşey olamayacaktır. Bunun dışı sadece bir hologramdır.

    Universal Information Storage Discussion

    Basis of universal information storage or memory storage as
    presented in the book entitled "Integrated Theory of Intelligence".

    Memory, which reflects the storage of information, is not stored in the
    hard wiring of the brain as many mind-brain researchers would have us
    believe. Certain areas of the brain have been determined to be more
    important in the processing of memory than others however it is very
    naive to conclude that memory storage occurs anywhere specific within
    the brain substance. Those researchers who continue to pursue this
    concept are doomed to a lifetime of failure. The Ultimate Theory of
    Everything predicts that memory is imprinted in space-time
    holographically which allows access to it independent of location within
    space or time.

    This can be thought of as the warping of space similar to what Einstein
    described relative to the way that gravity governs the direction of
    celestial bodies, however the image should be visualized as more of a
    micro-warping. The fluctuations in texture of this warped space would
    likely be many times smaller than the diameter of the smallest atomic
    particles. If one were able to visualize the appearance of micro warped
    space containing memory it would probably look very much like the
    interference pattern recorded on a holographic plate except that it would
    be at least four dimensional and constantly changing form. Atomic
    particles are held in position appearing to comprise solid objects by this
    micro-warped space. The micro-warped space in actuality is comprised
    of energy-matter finely and heterogeneously dissolving into the very
    fabric of space without any demarcating boundaries. There are no
    particles as such in existence that can be divided into smaller particles.
    Quarks and electrons are not solid structures but only highly
    concentrated focused energy. At the present time there is no way to
    evaluate space at the level of this micro-warping. Thus this is a concept

    that will be difficult to explore experimentally through science. The
    relatively recent invention of superstring theory is approaching this level
    where memory storage occurs. Nevertheless there are many reasons to
    believe that the holographic storage of memory is an accurate
    perception. It allows explanation for virtually all mental events.

    There is one property of holography that makes the concept so appealing
    relative to applying it to memory and mental events. If the holographic
    plate, which stores the information used to reconstruct a three
    dimensional image, is broken into many small pieces then the total
    image can still be reproduced from any of the fragments. The resolution
    of the image will be less distinct (fuzzy) but it will otherwise be the
    same as if the entire holographic plate was used in the reconstruction.
    Memory storage in space-time would appear to behave in similar
    fashion. No matter what fractional volume of space that one is accessing
    the information is stored there. The larger volume of space that one is
    capable of sampling the more clear is the image. Thus, the larger the
    brain and the more intricate the wiring, the more complete is any

    The holographic technique has been described in many articles and
    books so won't be dealt with in detail. For those who have a desire to
    gain a greater depth of understanding, I would strongly recommend
    "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot. Much of the discussion
    that follows is covered in greater depth in that text. It should be
    comprehensible to most readers.

    A hologram can be produced when a single laser light beam is divided
    into two separate beams. The first beam is reflected off the object being
    photographed and the second beam is then allowed to collide with the
    reflected light beam of the first resulting in an interference pattern that is
    recorded on film. The encoded image has a very chaotic non-descript
    appearance, which can resemble the surface of the moon with multiple
    crater sites. The image has no resemblance to the object that it will be
    used to recreate. Again it is important to emphasize that if the

    photographic plate is broken into many fragments each can still be used
    by itself to recreate the entire three-dimensional object no matter how
    small the fragment being used.

    The brain functions as if it was accessing a holographic plate with
    encoded images. This has been well established in both lower animals
    and humans. Karl Lashley surgically removed various portions of rat
    brains and submitted them to experimental testing both before and after.
    He determined that no matter what portions of their brains he removed
    he could not erase their memories. Their motor skills were often
    impaired but even with large portions of their brains removed, they
    could still find their way through a maze.

    Paul Pietsch performed similar experiments on salamanders. In a series
    of 700 operations he performed multiple different types of surgical
    extractions of brain tissue including flipping, subtraction, and even
    mincing, but always when he replaced what was left of their brains their
    behavior returned to normal. Humans following removal of sections of
    their temporal lobes, which supposedly is very important to memory
    function, may also retain normal function.

    Other examples could be presented illustrating the holographic operation
    of brain function. There are an increasing number of mind-brain
    researchers who accept this concept but at present remain in the
    minority. Virtually all mental events can be explained by the
    holographic model. It would seem that the actual storage of information
    occurs more within the space-time arena than the matter-energy (hardwiring)

    Carl Jung became convinced that a collective unconsciousness exists
    that all humans contribute to and can access. He concluded that dreams,
    hallucinations, myths, and religious visions derived from this collective
    unconsciousness. If such an unconsciousness exists, and I believe that it
    does, its memory would be holographically recorded in space-time.
    Mystics and other individuals who have reported experiencing
    omniscient cosmic oneness with the universe, where there is a total loss

    of ones individual boundary along with the sense of unity with all life as
    well as the perception that one is in complete total unity with the entire
    universe, are likely tapping into a larger volume of the space-time

    Peak Experience/Abraham Maslow Discussion

    Examine the relationship to peak experience as defined by Maslow
    and how such an experience led to the formulation of "Integrated
    Theory of Intelligence" which is also an approach to a "Theory of

    Abraham Maslow – Defined peak experience in a very specific way.
    Led to the formulation of the “Integrated Theory of Intelligence”
    which discusses the interrelationship of intelligence-consciousness to
    matter-energy and space-time and the evolution of these properties
    that define the basic fabric that comprises the universe.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi vezir -- 29 Ocak 2013; 10:01:32 >

  • Peki asıl teory nedir ki herşeye anlamlı bir yanıt bulabilsin. Bunu benim kendi kelimelerimle yazabilmem çok zor ve bir ürü kelime ve anlam hatası olabileceğini düşünerek yazıdan alıntı vermem, bu tür noktalara gitmeden yazının içeriğine yoğunlaşılmasını sağlayacaktır. Herşeyin Teorisi nedir ???

    Theory of Everything

    Examines current concepts relating matter-energy to space-time
    and the fundamental forces of nature as physicists are currently
    attempting to do; however, also interrelates intelligence-
    consciousness to this formulation.

    The "Theory of Everything" is a term originally coined by physicists to
    imply a general theory that beautifully and simplistically unites all
    current knowledge of our physical reality under one holistic description.
    It would merge understanding of all the known physical forces which
    seem to define our universal physical reality, as well as all objects
    contained within, extending to its outer limit. There are those physicists
    and cosmologists who believe this might even be achieved within the
    next generation. Some have devoted their professional lives to the
    attainment of this objective. Einstein devoted the later part of his career
    toward this end without success. There are those physicists who are
    developing superstring theory that believe a Grand Unification Theory is
    currently being formulated.

    Do the odds favor the required breakthroughs in insight for this goal to
    be achieved? The answer is probably yes if this theory ignores the most
    obvious and important part of our existence, that being the presence of
    intelligence and consciousness which are the most active ingredients
    comprising mind. However, if the latter is not included within the
    framework of this theory then I contend that whatever theory evolves
    should not be entitled to be referred to by that name. At most it might be
    called the "Physical Theory of Everything". To be complete a theory of
    everything must not omit any facet of our perceived reality. I believe
    that what is being presented will begin the framework for a complete
    and comprehensive theory encompassing both our physical and mental
    reality. Such a theory would have to deal with the presence of mind,
    thoughts and feelings and whatever part they play in the grand scheme

    of things. Many will challenge this work as an impossible task however
    I would respectfully suggest that it is not only possible but that the
    following text represents a strong foundation that interrelates all known
    concepts of our reality.

    The theory requires the acceptance of certain basic assumptions. There
    is strong scientific evidence to support most of them. These assumptions
    will be stated early in the discussion. If one is uncomfortable with the
    assumptions then they will in all probability be uncomfortable with the
    theories conclusions. This is the only text that I have become aware of
    that attempts to integrate all facets of our existence into one all-inclusive
    theory. This claim cannot be made if certain concepts, which have
    traditionally been categorized as spiritual, are excluded. By interrelating
    scientific, philosophical and spiritual concepts a rather complete model
    begins to emerge that integrates all facets of our existence.

    The completion of this theory will ultimately await the mathematical
    description, which will best be provided by physicists as they eventually
    fill in the details. This transcends my ability as a non-physicist with
    limited mathematical skills. Nevertheless it is my belief that my current
    understanding of both physics and mathematics is sufficient to present
    the following theory which will include: (a) description of the origin of
    the universe, (b) give greater understanding to the concept of gravity and
    how it operates, (c) relate the concept of a superforce that was probably
    present in the early moments of our universe which then evolved into
    our currently recognized physical forces, (d) discuss the principal of
    holographic distribution of information throughout all of space, ( e)
    include other concepts usually confined to the domain of the physicist. I
    would ordinarily leave the responsibility of presenting a theory of
    everything to the physicist, however there is little doubt that it would not
    include the relationship that mind and other mental constructs have to
    matter-energy and space-time by ignoring the presence of intelligence-

    The theory will also advance the concept that the universe began as one
    single basic homogeneous substance with divergent properties, which
    allowed it to evolve into its present form with the apparent distinct
    entities that we recognize seemingly separately as matter-energy, spacetime
    and intelligence-consciousness.

    The theory will be so bold as to suggest the presence of a creative force,
    which was and is one of the properties of the basic substance that
    permeates the universe. Most scientists would choose to deny such an
    entity, not so much because of disbelief, but rather because there is no
    way to currently test such a belief. It cannot be measured therefore it
    must not be considered scientific. It is my understanding that most
    scientists have some belief in a higher power that transcends science but
    so far have found no way to incorporate this concept into our physical
    reality. There is currently no known way to measure the presence of
    consciousness. Tests that have been devised to ascertain the level of
    human intelligence are crude at best. The presence of animal intelligence
    and consciousness has been largely ignored. The best that science has
    been able to achieve in the study of intelligence-consciousness is to
    suggest that it represents an epiphenomenon arising from the electrochemical
    events, which are continuously occurring within the brain. This
    theory concludes otherwise and predicts that intelligence-consciousness
    will in time be recognized as being primary and not a secondary
    occurrence. Its presence was proactive in the development of the
    universe's current state of complex evolution and was present at its

    It is my contention that there are compelling reasons to admit to the
    existence of a creative force. I will submit a way to test for the presence
    of such a force. I believe that the test is already in progress and only
    needs to be recognized and interpreted. It is based upon Newton's
    second law," F=ma". This one concept is arguably the most important
    question we as humans might care to answer other than what, if
    anything, awaits each of us following death. By now there must be
    raised eyebrows because of the apparent audaciousness of such a

    seemingly incredible claim. Please keep an open mind and follow with

    When the “Integrated Theory of Intelligence” was first written it was
    considered to represent an outline of an essentially complete world view.
    The author was not aware of the term “Theory of Everything” at the
    time. Since then a further attempt is being made to blend the information
    contained within “Integrated Theory of Intelligence” with that being
    developed by the physics community. It is the author’s opinion that any
    “Theory of Everything”, eventually presented must be largely based
    upon a physical description of the universe as being developed by
    physicists and now cosmologists. So far, however, both disciplines have
    generally failed to incorporate the concepts of consciousness and
    intelligence into their theories preferring to subjugate them to the status
    of an epiphenomenon. It is my very strong belief that any theory will fail
    that doesn’t incorporate the concept of intelligence-consciousness as one
    of its primary ingredients of the universe.

    The “Theory of Everything” that I am presently working on is based
    upon the premise that there is one basic substance that permeates our
    universe, which manifests the properties of matter-energy, space-time,
    and intelligence-consciousness. These ingredients are completely
    interrelated and interdependent. I would suggest the acronym
    “MESTIC” (matter-energy-space-time-intelligence-consciousness) as a
    word to refer to this basic substance. If one is more spiritually oriented,
    one might substitute the last letter in the word energy (y) for the first
    letter (e) and produce the word “MYSTIC”. Since the author sees
    himself as a spiritually oriented scientist he favors the latter spelling.

    Whether one develops a worldview or Theory of Everything based upon
    quantum mechanics and general relativity, superstring theory or any
    other competing concept, the Integrated Theory of Everything works
    with all of them equally well.

    Even though the Integrated Theory of Intelligence could act as a
    foundation for a Theory of Everything, it ultimately will require a

    completed mathematical formulation developed by physicists and
    cosmologists liberally borrowing from all other physical and biological
    sciences. All fields must ultimately fit under the umbrella of the
    completed theory.

    Currently there are some scientists who are suggesting that
    “information” must be considered as one of the basic ingredients
    comprising our universe along with matter-energy and space-time. This
    has developed since the original formulation of the Integrated Theory of
    Intelligence in 1984. This comes yet one step closer to recognizing that
    our current physical description is incomplete and that there is more to
    our universe than just matter-energy and space-time.

    In Chapter Four I differentiate between the terms “Information” and
    “Intelligence”, and state that:

    Intelligence = (Information + Consciousness)


    Information = (Intelligence – Consciousness)

    In other words, the term “Intelligence” implies the presence of an active
    ingredient, and the term “Information” implies a more sterile, inactive
    entity. In either case the mathematical relationships that are suggested in
    the Integrated Theory of Intelligence relating “Intelligence” to matter,
    energy, space, and time work equally well if the word “Information” is

    If one is convinced that there is no higher power and that consciousness
    is simply an epiphenomenon created by the electrochemical events,
    which are occurring within the brain, then one could still use the
    acronym “MESTI” (matter-energy-space-time-information).

    It is my strong belief that trying to plug the hole in a Theory of
    Everything using only “information” as the added ingredient will still
    ultimately fail. I again respectfully suggest that it will eventually be
    recognized that there is one basic ingredient that comprises our universe
    and it has the properties of matter-energy, space-time, and intelligence-

    Before dealing with specifics of the theory it is important to state any
    assumptions that are being made. If any of these are proven erroneous
    then the theory would require modification. Most of the assumptions
    would appear to be based upon relatively strong scientific evidence.
    They are listed as follows:

    A. The universe began as the" Big Bang" theory suggests
    approximately thirteen plus or minus five billion years ago and
    has been in an expansionary state ever since, and will continue to
    do so for an indefinite extended period of time well into the
    future. Work in progress is trying to determine whether this
    represents a cyclical process with repeated expansionary and
    contraction states (closed universe) or whether this is a one time
    phenomenon with a continuous expansion without end (open
    universe). The current theory being discussed is comfortable with
    either alternative.
    B. The moment prior to the Big Bang a singularity or near
    singularity state was in existence that was comprised of a
    homogenous extraordinarily highly energized undifferentiated
    substance confined to an extraordinary small volume of space
    without any recognizable form but with the inherent potential to
    evolve into the complex systems that we currently observe around
    C. Physics, as we understand it, would apply to the entire universe
    and not be limited to any geographical location. There are also
    certain predictions, which the theory postulates some of which go
    beyond what science can currently measure or otherwise

    determine. In time most if not all should be verifiable. The
    following predictions are included:

    # 1. A creative force permeates the entire volume of the
    universe as a primary property, which was present at its
    origin and has manifested itself every step of the way
    influencing its evolutionary development. Evidence of its
    existence will be presented in another section. See
    "Creative Force".

    #2. There is one basic substance, which permeates the entire
    volume of the universe that began as a homogenous
    completely undifferentiated entity devoid of information but
    with emergent properties that we can now recognize as
    matter-energy, space-time and intelligence-consciousness.
    Our entire reality can be reduced to these elements.

    #3. Consciousness-intelligence is an emergent primary
    property of the universe that was present at the big bang and
    is not a secondary epiphenomenon as suggested by many
    current researchers.

    #4. The manifestation of intelligence-consciousness as it
    relates to our physical reality has been evolving within
    increasingly complex systems at a continuously accelerated
    rate, perhaps exponentially. There is much scientifically
    compiled data to support this concept. Even now relative to
    human discovery we observe information accumulation
    with a persistent doubling rate of every seven to ten years.

    Both complex physical systems that contain information
    and living systems with inherent intelligence follow the
    same type of evolutionary accelerated time curve. All
    systems whether living or not follow an evolutionary
    pathway from simple to complex that would appear to be

    #5. Every interaction that occurs on a subatomic, atomic,
    microscopic or macroscopic level is interrelated with both
    cause and effect. Not only does this concept apply from
    moment to moment but extends back to the origin of the
    universe. The current universe as we observe it should be
    seen to represent a sum total of every type and all
    interactions which have occurred since the big bang. Every
    atomic energy interchange involving photons and particles
    affects every other interchange either directly, if close by, or
    indirectly if at a distance. This is analogous to the "butterfly
    effect" which states that an insect flapping its wings in
    China will ultimately affect the weather in Richfield, Utah
    no matter how immeasurable.

    #6. There are no solid particles on an atomic or subatomic
    level. What we recognize as particles (protons, electrons,
    quarks, etc) are simply highly concentrated focal collections
    of stabilized energy, which in actuality do not have any
    distinct boundaries but dissolve into surrounding space as
    an infinite regression. Even these focal energy collections
    don't exist independently of space but are actually a
    concentrated form of space itself.

    #7. Space within the boundaries of our universe is never a
    complete vacuum no matter how rarefied. Virtual atomic
    particles can appear seemingly out of empty space and exist
    momentarily before dissolving and disappearing back into
    seemingly empty space. They can do this because they are a
    property of space and do not exist independently of it. All
    aspects of our physical reality are different manifestations
    or forms of one basic universal substance, which permeates
    the entire volume of the universe.

    #8. No two points in space, including atomic particles are
    exactly alike. They can be so similar or nearly alike that

    their differences are currently immeasurable. All "electrons"
    or other apparent particles are not exactly alike even though
    they appear to be. This concept holds true of all matter-
    energy no matter how large or small of a volume one is
    sampling. This will be explained later and has to do with the
    holographic recording of information within space and is
    also a manifestation of chaos.

    #9. Being essential properties of space, intelligence-
    consciousness is distributed throughout the entire volume of
    the universe just as is matter-energy. Its distribution is
    uneven (heterogeneous) being concentrated in some areas
    and rarefied in others.

    #10. There is a universal memory that permeates all of
    space, which all systems contribute to whether living, or
    not. The information within this memory is holographically
    distributed so that it can be accessed, at least to some
    degree, from anywhere. The density of information
    distribution is uneven within this hologram. Every event
    that occurs imprints a memory within space. If one were to
    visualize the form space takes relative to the recording of
    memory it would look like the interference pattern of a
    photographic plate used to reconstruct a hologram image
    except that it would be multidimensional rather than a two
    dimensional flat surface. It is also considered probable that
    every event, as it is recorded within this interference
    pattern, imprints the hologram more intensely at that point
    in space where the event occurred. Thus every memory
    likely has an epicenter within space, beyond which its
    influence drops off the farther the distance from the
    epicenter one travels. This holographic memory is
    continuously changing over time as new memories are
    added to previously recorded ones.

    # 11. The expression of intelligence-consciousness within
    life forms has occurred exponentially with humans being
    the most advanced objects to have evolved to date that we
    have yet observed. Humans are still continuing to manifest
    increasingly higher levels of intelligence and consciousness
    at an exponential rate. This is currently difficult to
    recognize because of the relatively short life expectancy
    that humans possess. This theory predicts that the
    exponential increase in intelligence-consciousness will

    #12. The universe will continue to undergo evolutionary
    change leading to systems of increasingly greater
    complexity resulting in the structuring of forms richer in

    #13. Gravity can be seen from the point of view that it is a
    reflection of the sum total interactive accumulation of all
    atomic and subatomic events that have ever occurred since
    the moment of creation and continue to occur from moment
    to moment. The position of each galaxy, star, planet and all
    other objects are stationed where they are as the result of the
    virtually infinite number of matter-energy interactions
    which have occurred since the moment of creation resulting
    in warped space. The direction that each object currently
    travels through space is a continuation of this totally
    interrelated process. This also allows one to picture a
    gravitational process that is entirely based upon forces
    pushing against each other rather than some nebulous
    attraction reaching across space.

    #14. All phenomena have both a cause as well as an effect
    since all occurring events are interdependent (yin-yang).

    # 15. Other conscious life forms exist elsewhere within our
    universe that are probably quite numerous and are probably

    distributed heterogeneously throughout all galaxies.
    Currently there is no scientific evidence to support such a
    hypothesis. Over time science will hopefully discover ways
    to test the assumptions and postulates. In the meantime the
    strength of the theory rests upon the seemingly elegant way
    that it all fits together formulating a picture of our existence
    that approaches being all inclusive without significant
    contradiction, giving an explanation to all aspects of our
    experience leaving nothing of substance out. A theory must
    achieve all of the above to qualify as a "Theory of

  • şimdi bu kadar yazıdan sonra yazının en önemli kısımlarından birinden alıntı yaparsak gerçeğinizi görmek için formülü görmüş olursunuz veya oluruz , çünkü tüm varlıklar için bu geçerlidir , insan veya ....

    Intelligence = (Information + Consciousness)


    Information = (Intelligence – Consciousness)


    tartışmalar evrensel boyuta taşındığında bu formül içeriği ,KAVRANAMADAN ne BİLGİnin tek başına yeterliliği olacaktır ,ne de ZEKA veya aklınızın .

    Bilinç en önemli denklemin parametresidir. Hepinizi bilincinizin içeriğini anlamak için çabaya davet ediyorum. Bu tüm dünya ve insanoğlunun kurtuluşunun temel parametrelerinden biridir.
  • quote:

    Çok daha kısaltacağım yazdıklarımı. Zira ilim isteyene verilir, bu arkadaşta bu talep yo

    Böyük ilim sahibi Ogün:)


    Çürütmedim deyip aynı cümlede çürütme gayreti...

    Çürütmedim tabii ki, Tanrı mutlak kabul edildiğinde en az bir durum onun mutlaklığına halel getirmez, ben bunu biliyorum ama görünüşe bakılırsa sen bilmiyorsun, bi de hava basıyorsun millete :) Buradaki amacım senin önkabullerin açısından durumun saçmalığını göstermekti. Bi de Tanrı'nın mutlak olmayışı ile yokluğu arasında zorunlu bi ilişki yoktur, korkma yani mutlak olmayan bi Tanrı'yı da kabul edebilirsin zira O, o haliyle bile var olabilir.:)


    Eeee ? Tanımlanamayan bir şey üzerinden ispat..
    Ben söyleyeyim; Zaman; hareket, değişim sebebiyle bizim algımız dahilinde olan bir boyuttur. Algı... Gerçeklik...

    Doğru, icma senin ve benim yazdığım şekildedir, yani hareketten zaman algısı oluşur. O kabul bizi Tanrı'nın herhangi bir iradede bulunamayacağını gösterir. Ya Tanrı zamandan münezzeh değildir ya da münezzeh ama iradesiz, dup duru bi şeydir (buna bazı felsefeciler "yok" der). Bu mantıksal sonuçlara karşı bi argüman sunabilirim ama sana değil, hele de Üstad'a bu kadar laf etmişken :)


    Zaman bizim evrenimizde mevcut. Öncesinde (Buna takılmamalı, insan algısı sonsuzluğu kavrayamaz.) zaman diye bir şey yok. Belki şu anda da yok!
    Şu an ne, gelecek ne? geçmiş ne?

    Bak bunları güzel güzel yazıyorsun. Bi oturup düşünsene be kardeşim:) Zaman bizim evrenimizde mevcutsa evren ötesi veya adına ne dersen de, o bölgede zaman yoksa Tanrı o zamansızlıkta nasıl eylemde bulunabilir? Eylem = hareket demektir. Bi fiil, eylem düşün kafandan; mesela "yaratmak, çizmek, düşmek, ölçmek, üşümek, ısınmak vs". Bu eylemlerin gerçekleşmesi için hareket gereklidir di mi? Sen de bunu kabul ettiğine göre Tanrı irade edeceği anda hareket etmelidir, edince bi süre geçer, zaman oluşur, işte bu nedenledir ki Tanrı zamandan münezzeh olamaz. Bu Kuran'da da geçmez zaten. Paulusçulardan etkilenen İslam alimlerinin uydurmasıdır. Allah zamanda ve mekandadır. O her daim "an"dadır, kuşatıcıdır:)

    Mikrofonu vezir kardeşimize devredelim..

  • Arkadaşlar boşuna tartışmayalım din, bilimi , bilimin argümanlarıyla yenemez,konumuza dönelim.
  • quote:


    Information = (Intelligence – Bilinç)


    tartışmalar evrensel boyuta taşındığında bu formül içeriği ,KAVRANAMADAN ne BİLGİnin tek başına yeterliliği olacaktır ,ne de ZEKA veya aklınızın .

    Vezir hocam,

    Information veya bilgi derken neyi kastettiğiniz önemlidir bence. Çünkü bizim dilimizde bilgi, aynen bilgi diye geçmekteyken ingilizcede knowledge ve information diye geçer. Bilimsel kaynaklarda Information ve knowledge aynı anlamda veya birbirinin yerine kullanılmaz. Information cebri olarak zihin gerektirmez, mol sayısı, bitlerle ifade edilen datalar vesaire birer niceliksel information'dur. Knowledge ise insan zihniyle ilgili bilgi türüdür ve öznesiz düşünülemez.

    Formül de ilginçmiş bu arada..

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Clausewitz



    Information = (Intelligence – Bilinç)


    tartışmalar evrensel boyuta taşındığında bu formül içeriği ,KAVRANAMADAN ne BİLGİnin tek başına yeterliliği olacaktır ,ne de ZEKA veya aklınızın .

    Vezir hocam,

    Information veya bilgi derken neyi kastettiğiniz önemlidir bence. Çünkü bizim dilimizde bilgi, aynen bilgi diye geçmekteyken ingilizcede knowledge ve information diye geçer. Bilimsel kaynaklarda Information ve knowledge aynı anlamda veya birbirinin yerine kullanılmaz. Information cebri olarak zihin gerektirmez, mol sayısı, bitlerle ifade edilen datalar vesaire birer niceliksel information'dur. Knowledge ise insan zihniyle ilgili bilgi türüdür ve öznesiz düşünülemez.

    Formül de ilginçmiş bu arada..

    konu çok çok uzun ve derin alıntılar yaparak özütünü aktarmaya çalışırken özellikle çeviri yapmamaya gayret ediyorum hatalı aktarabilirim korkusu ,zaten beni ufak notlar yazarken bile tedirgin etmekte.Sizin ingilizce metinlerden anlayacaklarınız dışında benim yorum eklemem de bu kitap veya teoriyi revizyon etmem olacağını düşündüğüm için siz sorun ben kitaptan yanıtları aktarayım. en doğrusu bu olacaktır.


    Memory, which reflects the storage of information, is not stored in the
    hard wiring of the brain, as many mind-brain researchers would have us
    believe. Certain areas of the brain have been determined to be more
    important in the processing of memory than others, however it is very
    naive to conclude that memory storage occurs anywhere specifically
    within the brain substance. Those researchers who continue to pursue
    this concept are doomed to a lifetime of failure. The Ultimate Theory of
    Everything predicts that memory is imprinted in space-time
    holographically which allows access to it independent of location within
    space or time.

    This can be thought of as the warping of space similar to what Einstein
    described relative to the way that gravity governs the direction of
    celestial bodies, however the image should be visualized as more of a
    micro-warping. The fluctuations in texture of this warped space would
    likely be many times smaller than the diameter of the smallest atomic
    particles. If one were able to visualize the appearance of micro-warped
    space containing memory it would probably look very much like the
    interference pattern recorded on a holographic plate except that it would
    be at least four dimensional and constantly changing form. Atomic
    particles are held in position appearing to comprise solid objects by this
    micro warped space. The micro warped space in actuality is comprised
    of energy-matter finely and heterogeneously dissolving into the very
    fabric of space without any demarcating boundaries. There are no
    particles as such in existence that can be divided into smaller particles.
    Quarks and electrons are not solid structures but only highly
    concentrated focused energy. At the present time there is no way to
    evaluate space at the level of this micro warping. Thus this is a concept
    which will be difficult to explore experimentally through science. The
    relatively recent invention of superstring theory is approaching this level
    where memory storage occurs. Nevertheless there are many reasons to
    believe that the holographic storage of memory is an accurate
    perception. It allows explanation for virtually all mental events.
    There is one property of holography that makes the concept so appealing
    relative to applying it to memory and mental events. If the holographic
    plate, which stores the information used to reconstruct a three
    dimensional image, is broken into many small pieces then the total
    image can still be reproduced from any of the fragments. The resolution
    of the image will be less distinct (fuzzy) but it will otherwise be the
    same as if the entire holographic plate was used in the reconstruction.
    Memory storage in space- time would appear to behave in similar
    fashion. No matter what fractional volume of space that one is accessing
    the information is stored there. The larger volume of space that one is
    capable of sampling the more clear is the image. Thus, the larger the
    brain and the more intricate the wiring, the more complete is any
    The holographic technique has been described in many articles and
    books so won't be dealt with in detail. For those who have a desire to
    gain a greater depth of understanding, I would strongly recommend
    "The Holographic. Universe" by Michael Talbot. Much of the discussion
    that follows is covered in greater depth in that text. It should be
    comprehensible to most readers.
    A hologram can be produced when a single laser light beam is divided
    into two separate beams. The first beam is reflected off the object being
    photographed and the second beam is then allowed to collide with the
    reflected light beam of the first resulting in an interference pattern that is
    recorded on film. The encoded image has a very chaotic non-descript
    appearance that can resemble the surface of the moon with multiple
    crater sites. The image has no resemblance to the object that it will be
    used to recreate. Again it is important to emphasize that if the
    photographic plate is broken into many fragments each can still be used
    by itself to recreate the entire three-dimensional object no matter how
    small the fragment being used.
    The brain functions as if it was accessing a holographic plate with
    encoded images. This has been well established in both lower animals
    and humans. Karl Lashley surgically removed various portions of rat
    brains and submitted them to experimental testing both before and after.
    He determined that no matter what portions of their brains he removed
    he could not erase their memories. Their motor skills were often
    impaired but even with large portions of their brains removed, they
    could still find their way through a maze.
    Paul Pietsch performed similar experiments on salamanders. In a series
    of 700 operations he performed multiple different types of surgical
    extractions of brain tissue including flipping, subtraction, and even
    mincing, but always when he replaced what was left of their brains their
    behavior returned to normal. Humans following removal of sections of
    their temporal lobes, which supposedly is very important to memory
    function, may also retain normal function.
    Other examples could be presented illustrating the holographic operation
    of brain function. There are an increasing number of mind-brain
    researchers who accept this concept but at present remain in the
    minority. Virtually all mental events can be explained by the
    holographic model. It would seem that the actual storage of information
    occurs more within the space-time arena than the matter-energy (hardwiring)
    Carl Jung became convinced that a collective unconsciousness exists
    that all humans contribute to and can access. He concluded that dreams,
    hallucinations, myths, and religious visions derived from this collective
    unconsciousness. If such an unconsciousness exists, and I believe that it
    does, its memory would be holographically recorded in space-time.

    Mystics and other individuals who have reported experiencing
    omniscient cosmic oneness with the universe, where there is a total loss
    of ones individual boundary along with the sense of unity with all life as
    well as the perception that one is in complete total unity with the entire
    universe, are likely tapping into a larger volume of the space-time

  • entropy kavramı ve information arasındaki ilişki ve çıkarımlar (yukarıda tartışmalarda geçmiş idi ) cevapları aşağıdadır,

    Non-Linear Evolution of Intelligence Dependence Upon Entropy

    (2) The non-linear evolution of intelligence toward increasingly
    complex states has a direct mathematical relationship to and
    interdependence with the entropic process of matter-energy. This
    applies when viewed as a universe-wide phenomenon. It does not apply
    when viewing each separate open system contained within the universe,
    with the latter representing an inverse or reciprocal relationship.
    The law of entropy, although originally restricted to thermodynamics
    only, has been more widely applied so that it is now regarded as the
    most general regulator of natural activity known to science. (Ref. 4.1) As
    stated by A.S. Eddington, "The law that entropy always increases--the
    second law of thermodynamics--holds, I think, the supreme position
    among the laws of nature. If someone points out to you that your pet
    theory of the universe is in disagreement with Maxwell's equations--then
    so much the worse for Maxwell's equations. If it is found to be
    contradicted by observation--well, these experimentalists do bungle
    things sometimes. But if your theory is found to be against the second
    law of thermodynamics, I can give you no hope; there is nothing for it
    but to collapse in deepest humiliation". (Ref. 4.2) Therefore, the
    construction of a theory of intelligence around the process of entropy
    would seem to be a valid place to begin, even though some difficulties
    do arise.
    The understanding of the law of entropy no longer seems to be nearly as
    clear-cut as Eddington suggested. There are apparent contradictions and
    paradoxes that result from our incomplete understanding of the
    definition of entropy. The correlation of existing concepts is tenuous,
    and in all probability will require modification in time.
    At the moment of creation, which is currently considered to best be
    modeled by the "big bang," entropy was supposedly at its minimum. It
    has been increasing ever since and should continue to do so hereafter.
    One contradiction arises when it is assumed that entropy decreases
    within a system any time information increases. This doesn't represent a
    problem so long as the system is a local open system, since it is known
    that even though the local system is decreasing in entropy, it is at the
    expense of an overall increase in entropy within the surrounding
    So where is the contradiction? Well, even though in all open local
    systems there is a decrease in entropy when there is an increase in
    information, the opposite would seem to hold true when viewing the
    universe as a whole. On a universal level there would appear to be
    increasing entropy at the same time that there is increasing information.
    This would seem possible if we make the assumption that neither energy
    nor information can be created or destroyed. What we are witnessing on
    a universal level is a redistribution of both, with information
    concentrating or focusing into all local systems as energy is being
    continuously dissipated or distributed into an ever-expanding space.
    It would seem possible to eliminate the information-entropy paradox, as
    well as others not stated above, if we make the following assumptions:

    (1) Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. This holds true
    throughout the entire evolutionary history of the universe,
    although its spatial distribution and form is continuously
    changing. It can exist as heat, light, work, electricity, chemical
    processes and mass.

    (2) Intelligence can neither be created nor destroyed, and its
    overall quantity remains constant throughout the universe even
    though its spatial concentration is continuously changing over
    time as it discovers innovative ways to relate to matter and

    (3) The terms information and intelligence, though not
    synonymous, can be used interchangeably in any mathematical
    equation.*...The mathematical relationship of information to
    entropy is essentially the same as that of intelligence to entropy.
    An increase in information parallels any increase in intelligence.

    (4) Heat entropy represents the dissipation of energy that
    becomes lost in space and is no longer available for useful work.
    *The similarities and differences between information and
    intelligence will be discussed later in this chapter.

    As the universe has undergone an evolutionary process, the distribution
    of intelligence and consciousness has been continuously changing. It
    had a reasonably homogeneous distribution in the very early universe, as
    did energy. However, as matter-energy began to congregate into
    separate foci, so did information, intelligence and consciousness. For
    energy to be able to precipitate out into matter and complex structures,
    its dissipation into expanding space was required. The apportionment of
    energy and intelligence was essentially uniform at the moment of
    creation, and soon thereafter began to become increasingly
    heterogeneous in its distribution. As matter-energy concentrated into
    more complex, sophisticated structures, so did intelligence and
    consciousness. Not only did intelligence concentrate into the same
    spatial forms as matter-energy, but in all probability directed its
    distribution. Intelligence is distributed throughout the entire universe,
    but is concentrated into specific areas and is rarified in others, just like

    Assuming that energy and intelligence (consciousness) can neither be
    created nor destroyed, then what we are witnessing through the
    evolutionary process is a continual redistribution of both throughout
    space-time. At the moment of creation all energy was potentially
    available to perform useful work. As the universe has evolved, much of
    that energy has been dissipated and lost as far as being available to
    perform work. In this sense the universe is therefore moving from a state
    of low entropy to one of high entropy. As the universe unfolds it
    continues to produce an increasingly greater number of complex
    systems. Intelligence (consciousness) then continues to concentrate into
    those systems. The amount of energy and intelligence throughout the
    universe remains unaltered, but their distribution is continuously

    As the average level of energy per unit volume of space within the
    universe has been dropping, because space is expanding into a larger
    volume, intelligence has become more effective in controlling its
    movement. The following metaphor might help understand this concept.
    My intelligent mind is incapable of redirecting the flight of a highenergy
    bullet coming toward me. However, it would be able to deflect a
    lower-energy baseball, thus avoiding injury. The greater the momentum
    of any object in motion, the less effective intelligence is in altering its
    direction of travel. In the early universe when the energy density
    (average energy level per unit volume of space) was very much higher
    than now, it was not possible for intelligence to manipulate and
    distribute matter with the same degree of effectiveness as at the present
    time. Just as energy throughout the universe is not altered in total
    quantity, but may lose quality, intelligence does not alter in quantity, but
    is continuously increasing in quality as it relates to material structures
    and its ability to direct work.

    Following World War II, the concept of entropy underwent a
    transformation of understanding when it was linked to information
    theory. The classical view of entropy implied that chaos and confusion
    were the rule, and that chaos was the ultimate destiny of all things. This
    concept has since been modified. The relationship is still incompletely
    understood and is still being questioned. This therefore makes any
    discussion of entropy as to how it relates to information and intelligence
    very difficult. The concepts dealt with in this chapter might be expected
    to change somewhat as our understanding improves. What is presented
    might at best turn out to be an approximation of the reality.

    Until there is a better understanding of entropy, it might be helpful to
    divide its meaning into the following:

    Heat entropy can be defined as a thermodynamic measure of the
    amount of energy unavailable for useful work in a system
    undergoing change. It was at a minimum at the origin of our
    universe relative to the amount of energy potentially available
    for the performance of useful work. It continues to increase on a
    universal scale.

    Information entropy can be defined as the measure of the degree
    of disorder in a substance or system undergoing change. It
    measures the capacity to convey meaning, and was at a
    maximum at the origin of our universe relative to the state of
    disorder present. It continues to decrease on a universal scale. In
    information theory, entropy is a measure of the information
    content of a message evaluated with respect to its uncertainty.
    (Ref. 4.3)

    Open systems, which apply to every object within the universe, have
    both a decreased heat and information entropy locally during their entire
    lifespan or period of existence. The universe when observed as a whole
    would appear to be undergoing increasing heat entropy, but decreasing
    information entropy.

    Organic systems create order out of chaos and are negatively entropic
    (both heat and information), with a net gain of information, until death.

    According to Lila Gatlin, when applied to living organisms entropy
    measures the randomness of a system. Higher entropy implies a random,
    disorganized, disordered system with equiprobable, independent events
    and has potential for acquiring and storing information.

    Lower entropy implies a non-random, organized, ordered system with a divergence
    from equiprobable, independent events, and with stored information. (Ref.
    4.4) Her definition best describes information entropy.
    When an organism reproduces, it extracts free energy from its
    surrounding environment and creates a new subsystem with a high
    degree of statistical order or information content, locally decreasing the
    entropy at the expense of a heat entropy increase in its environment.
    According to Rudolf Clausius, who established the first and second laws
    of thermodynamics, the energy of the universe is a constant, and the
    entropy of the universe tends toward a maximum. (Ref. 4.5) The universe
    was initially in a highly energized uniform state, essentially void of
    information, and has since become extremely complex with an
    enormous amount of stored information, thus reflecting a lower
    information entropy but at the same time a higher heat entropy.
    The second law of thermodynamics, as interpreted by some, dictates that
    the universe is moving irreversibly toward increasing decay and
    disorder. Heat results in increased molecular motion, and as moving
    molecules collide with each other they are knocked out of their expected
    course into random paths. As molecular collisions continue, there is an
    increased randomness, moving the universe toward chaos. It has been
    postulated that this will eventually result in heat death of the universe,
    with the production of a tepid, homogenous soup of random atoms and
    molecules. (Ref. 4.6) If the law of entropy was the only force acting upon
    matter within the universe, then this outcome would seem to follow.
    The heat death hypothesis, however, does not fit well with more current
    thinking, since the universe seems to be gaining in information and
    complexity. Entropy is occurring as originally conceived from the
    standpoint that isotopes are disintegrating and objects are giving up heat
    and energy; however, rather than systems becoming more random as
    they approach equilibrium, they are moving toward a state of higher
    complexity. The universe began in a state of high equilibrium and total
    chaos and is becoming increasingly more organized. I perceive a
    universe, as do many others, that is continually becoming more
    materially and physically complex. It is relying heavily on the entropic
    process to allow this to occur.

    With the expansion of space, there is more room for energy to
    entropically dissipate, thus allowing matter to continuously congeal into
    more complex forms. Material forms are also continuously breaking
    down through the entropic process, but in time they once again
    reorganize into more highly complex physical structures. Through the
    evolutionary process, macroscopic structures undergo entropy with the
    breakdown of macroscopic information into microscopic information.
    The breakdown products, as they are reorganized into more highly
    organized complex forms, result in a continual net gain of useful
    information within each separate isolated open system.
    Even though stars, as well as our earth, are involved in the heat entropic
    process, they are also concurrently gaining in information. As stars
    convert hydrogen to helium and then into heavier elements, a great deal
    of energy is being released so that heat entropy is occurring; however,
    each star is nevertheless gaining in information at the same time. The
    earth likewise is undergoing heat entropy as its central core gradually
    cools, and as rocks fragment and isotopes decay; however, it is also
    gaining in information. The earth today is a much more ordered system,
    richer in information, than when compared to the time of its origin. The
    earth during its entire evolutionary process has continuously gained in
    information. The universe as a whole, although it is undergoing heat
    entropy as energy is being dissipated, is also continually gaining in

    Not only do lifeforms and stellar systems exist as open systems, so do
    cultures and social arrangements. Although they all dissipate energy and
    are undergoing entropy, they also are becoming increasingly complex,
    and increase their stored information with time. (Ref. 4.7)

    The second law implies that disorder can never spontaneously give rise
    to order, and it forbids entropy of a complete closed system from falling.
    (Ref. 4.8) Assuming this statement is true, as most scientists have come to
    believe, then there must be some opposing syntropic force. Prigogine
    believes entropy to be the catalyst of syntropy or increasing order and
    complexity. (Ref. 4.9) His theory of dissipative structures suggests that
    open systems, which include all lifeforms, are perturbed by energy
    fluctuations as a result of their interaction with the surrounding
    environment. These perturbations over time cause these systems to
    undergo entropy and fall apart. The chaos or disorder that results allows
    new interactions and recombinations, so that a system can fall together
    again at a higher level of order. Thus open systems continually evolve to
    a higher order of complexity. (Ref. 4.10)
    The term syntropy has been coined to imply a process opposite to that of
    entropy. Buckminster Fuller has been quoted to define syntropy in the
    following manner: "The history of man seems to demonstrate the
    emergence of his progressively conscious participation in theretofore
    spontaneous universal evolution.... My continuing philosophy is
    predicated...on the assumption that in dynamic counterbalance to the
    expanding universe of entropically increasing random disorderliness
    there must be a universal pattern of omnicontracting, convergent,
    progressive orderliness and that man is the anti-entropic reordering
    function....". (Ref. 4.11)
    Szent-Gyorgyi has also stated the following about the syntropic process,
    which is the process by which the universe reconstitutes itself: "But
    there is mounting evidence for the existence of the opposite principle:
    Syntropy--or `negative entropy'--through the influence of which forms
    tend to reach higher and higher levels of organization, order and
    dynamic harmony". (Ref. 4.12) Living matter has an inherent drive to
    perfect itself.
    Ouspensky, interpreting Gurdjieff's works, has described the
    relationship of involution (entropy) and evolution (syntropy) as
    transformational processes. Both together comprise the "reciprocal
    maintenance of the universe". (Ref. 4.13)
    I believe that this anti-entropic or syntropic process represents a
    property of intelligence and is under its control. Even though the
    universe as a whole is gaining in heat entropy, virtually all subsystems
    are swimming upstream against this tendency and are becoming more
    complex and richer in information. It may ultimately be decided that
    entropy is also under the control of intelligence. Intelligence might
    arbitrarily be divided into entropic and syntropic systems.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi vezir -- 30 Ocak 2013; 9:37:24 >

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