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Earth Mu

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  • Beyler server tam 1 saat sonra başlıyor.
    İlgilenenler için;


    Welcome to Earth Mu Online! New Server Grand Opening 5 February!
    Opening times!
    16.00 UTC +2 (Latvia) ,21.00 UTC +8 (Philippines) ,10.00 UTC -3 (Argentina)

    New server features x50:
    * Long and considered game process
    * Strengthened economy of Zen value
    * We have deleted divide SOCKET from our site - socket items with only game way from bosses
    * Characters in PVP will be re-setted for low rate's
    * Exchange WCoinC on Zen value will be available- (1WC = 1,000,000 Zen)
    * New System in MasterLvL
    * For voting and referrals now is Goblin Points (you don't need to worry, that you will be decieved adn with tweenks will cheat WCoinC value)
    * New System TOP VOTERS (prizes WCoinC)
    * Cash Shop: Enabled (all for extra exp OFF in GAME)
    * Shop on the site: Will be available after first Castle Siege.
    - First who will take the Castle: 10,000 Roubles in game value
    * After shop opening for money you will not be able to buy Socket items (Only with game process)
    * Period on Castle Siege you can see in Valley of Loren near NPC. Registration 1 day on mondays, after sign pass and siege every sunday at 20:00 by Moscow time. Passing Sign Of Lord is necessarily
    * Castle-Siege - (from boss Erohim will drop socket items from 1-5 holes- in strenght boss will be like Selupan and Lord Silvester) in drop on spots will be ANC items, 5 sphere that you can get only in castle
    * It is only part of all, that wait you on our new server x50, we tried for you and for long and interesting Game'Play. Donate was cut, in order to game was interesting. I believe that you will like our realized works! And we hope that you don't regret, that you choose exactly our server and also i would say thank you to our old players, for trust in us!

    Information About Server x50:
    - Version: Season 9 FULL
    - Exp: x50 - DINAMIC EXP OFF
    - Drop: 50%
    - Maximum Resets: 50
    - Maximum Grand Resets: 25
    - Grand Reset: with 50 reset - cash 1ккк zen = and you get 1500 WCoinC
    - Reset price: 20кк 1 reset, next resets +20кк every
    - ELFBuff = to 400 Level
    - Maximum Stats: 32767
    - Stats After grand reset: 10000 , DL,MG 12000
    - Command /post: with 100 Level - 300,000 Zen
    - Time Marlon Teleport: 1000 seconds
    - Exchanger: 80кк Zen = 1 WCoinC
    - Offtrade: Sell your items for Zen (enabled in devias only)
    - Party exp system: Bronze, Silver, Gold
    - Gens battles
    - 380 & 400 lvl items requirements removed
    - Auto Party
    - Mu Bot = Free
    - WebStop: After Castle-Siege (a week later)
    - Exp Buffs: OFF in game
    - First who win in Castle-Siege GET FREE 10,000 WCoinC

    How get WCoinC-VoteCoin:

    1) Grand Resets
    2) Exchange Zen to WCoinC in website control panel
    3) Events in game and forum
    4) Game Play - Chaos Castle and others events, kill bosses, gold recruiting bosses
    5) WebMarket: Sell your items to other players.
    6) Rabbits
    7) Golds monsters
    8) After drop boxed +1 and +5
    9) New System TOP VOTERS

    Goblin Points
    1) Online TIme
    2) Snakes - Books
    3) Vote Reward Xtremetop100, MMOTOP
    4) Referral System

  • onur suan bu swede misin
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