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Ev Sinema Sistemi Test İçin Demolar.(Surr.Sub,Dolby Atmos,DTS,DD, vss)

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  • Ev sinema sisteminizi test etmek amaçlı demolardan oluşan video dosyalalardır.


    The ULTIMATE Bass Demo Disc Vol.1.ISO.torrent — Yandex.Disk


    The ULTIMATE Bass Demo Disc Vol 2.torrent — Yandex.Disk

    Reference Blu-Ray Demo Disc

     Ev Sinema Sistemi Test İçin Demolar.(Surr.Sub,Dolby Atmos,DTS,DD, vss)

     Ev Sinema Sistemi Test İçin Demolar.(Surr.Sub,Dolby Atmos,DTS,DD, vss)

     Ev Sinema Sistemi Test İçin Demolar.(Surr.Sub,Dolby Atmos,DTS,DD, vss)

     Ev Sinema Sistemi Test İçin Demolar.(Surr.Sub,Dolby Atmos,DTS,DD, vss)

     Ev Sinema Sistemi Test İçin Demolar.(Surr.Sub,Dolby Atmos,DTS,DD, vss)

     Ev Sinema Sistemi Test İçin Demolar.(Surr.Sub,Dolby Atmos,DTS,DD, vss)


    RAR_Bass_Disc.torrent — Yandex.Disk


    RAR_Animation_Disc.torrent — Yandex.Disk


    RAR_Music_Disc.torrent — Yandex.Disk


    RAR_Reference_BD50.torrent — Yandex.Disk


    RAR_Visual_Disc_CORRECTED.torrent — Yandex.Disk


    RAR_Surround_Disc.torrent — Yandex.Disk

    Various - The Dali CD (DALI Audio Test CD) FLAC

    [kickass.to]the.dali.cd.torrent — Yandex.Disk

    The Best Of The Demo Discs Demo Disc


    Looper (Farmhouse) (2:45) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    Flight Of The Phoenix (Landing) (2:39) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    Iron Man (Jericho) (0:37) TrueHD 5.1

    Black Hawk Down (Irene) (1:05) PCM 5.1

    The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King (Pelennor Fields) (2:36) DTS-HD MA 6.1

    Thor (Ice Monster) (4:34) DTS-HD MA 7.1

    Snow White & The Huntsman (Castle) (3:36) DTS-HD MA 7.1

    Super 8 (Production Value) (3:44) TrueHD 7.1

    Master And Commander (Battle) (3:54) DTS-HD MA 5.1


    THX Intro (Amazing Life) (0:44) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    Finding Nemo (Darla) (2:37) DTS-HD MA 7.1

    Dolby Intro (Spheres) (0:25) TrueHD 7.1

    War Of The Worlds (Pods) (3:29) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    Art Of Flight (Alaska) (2:31) TrueHD 7.1

    Offerer: AVS Forum / Superleo
    Produced: 2013
    Running Time: 36min.
    Format: 1080/24p
    Video Codec: AVC & MPEG-2
    Type: BD-25
    Size: 7.87GB
    Region Code: A,B,C
    Packing: Amaray

     Ev Sinema Sistemi Test İçin Demolar.(Surr.Sub,Dolby Atmos,DTS,DD, vss)

    Yuklmek İçin :http://www.upload.gen.tr/d.php/www/wtYj9/Best-of-Disc.torrent.zip.html

    Alternatif Link:
    Best of Disc.torrent — Yandex.Disk

    Reference 2: Blu-Ray Demo Disc

     Ev Sinema Sistemi Test İçin Demolar.(Surr.Sub,Dolby Atmos,DTS,DD, vss)

    Reference 2: Blu-Ray Demo Disc


    Cowboys & Aliens (Can You Swim?) (3:49) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    Prometheus (Imminent Impact) (4:06) DTS-HD MA 7.1

    Rango (Running From The Hawk) (2:57) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    Snow White & The Huntsmen: Charging The Castle (4:14) DTS-HD MA 7.1

    Fight Club (Car Crash) (4:05) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    John Carter (Flying Machine Escape) (2:46) DTS-HD MA 7.1

    Skyfall (Westminster Subway) (4:57) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    Super 8 (Production Value) (3:48) TrueHD 7.1


    Art Of Flight (Alaska) (5:40) TrueHD MA 7.1

    The Dark Knight Rises (Plane Hijack) (4:24) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    Hellboy II: The Golden Army (Golden Army) (5:29) DTS-HD MA 7.1

    War Of The Worlds (Are We Dead?) (2:06) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    Pulse (Control Room) (1:22) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    X-Men First Class (On The Beach) (3:22) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    Underworld Awakening (Werebeast) (1:42) DTS-HD MA 7.1

    Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (Pod Race) (2:53) DTS-HD MA 6.1


    Extremely Load & Incredibly Close (Seach System) (2:53) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    The Hunger Games (Entrance Of Tributes) (2:50) DTS-HD MA 7.1

    Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (Server Level) (4:08) TrueHD 7.1

    Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows (Countryside Travel) (4:44) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    I Am Legend (Flashback) (4:49) TrueHD 5.1

    Looper: Farmhouse (2:44) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    The Island (Brain Scan) (3:39) DTS-HD MA 7.1

    Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (International Banking) (6:11) DTS-HD MA 5.1


    Happy Feet Two (Help To Freedom) (3:16) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    Brave (Braking Tradition) (5:51) TrueHD 7.1

    Dr. Seuss' The Lorax (River Rescue) (3:42) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted (Circus) (3:17) DTS-HD MA 7.1

    The Lion King (Circle Of Life) (3:57) DTS-HD MA 7.1

    Paranorman (Meeting The Dead) (4:21) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    Finding Nemo (At The Dentist) (4:07) TrueHD 7.1

    The Adventures Of Tintin (The Chase) (4:05) DTS-HD MA 7.1


    Animusic (Pipe Dream) (3:28) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    Eagles Farewell I Tour (Already Gone) (4:13) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    Soundstage - Seal (If You Don't Know Me By Now) (3:51) PCM 5.1

    Jazz Standards - Alexander Goldberg Jero (All My Tomorrows) (4:29) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    The Best Of Soundstage - REO Speedwagon (Take It On The Run) (4:08) PCM 5.1

    Mamma Mia (Does Your Mother Know) (2:58) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    The Best Of Soundstage - Trace Adkins (Chrome) (3:09) PCM 5.1

    J.S.Bach Brandenberg Concertos 1-6 Claudio Abbado (Encore) (2:44) PCM 5.1


    The Amazing Spider-Man (Toilet Surprise) (4:19) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    Marvel's The Avengers (Taking Offense) (6:34) DTS-HD MA 7.1

    The Incredible Hulk (Is That All You Got?) (2:08) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    Kick-Ass (Who Are You?) (3:42) DTS-HD MA 7.1

    The Dark Knight Rises (You Have The Wrong Animal) (3:41) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    THOR (Through The Monster) (4:33) DTS-HD MA 7.1

    X-Men First Class (Calm Your Mind) (3:20) DTS-HD MA 5.1

    Captain America (Train Assault) (3:38) DTS-HD MA 7.1

    Offerer: AVS Forum
    Produced: 2013
    Running Time: 182min.
    Format: 1080/60i & 24p
    Video Codec: AVC & VC-1
    Type: BD-50
    Size: 42.2GB
    Region Code: A,B,C
    Packing: Amaray


    Yüklemek İçin
    Reference 2 Bass FINAL.torrent — Yandex.Disk


    Yüklemek İçin
    Reference 2 Surround FINAL.torrent — Yandex.Disk

    MUSIC Disk

    Yüklemek İçin
    Reference 2 Music FINAL_2.torrent — Yandex.Disk

    VISUAL Disk

    Yüklemek İçin
    Reference 2 Visual.torrent — Yandex.Disk


    Yüklemek İçin
    Reference 2 Animation FINAL.torrent — Yandex.Disk


    Yüklemek İçin
    Reference 2 Superheroes FINAL.torrent — Yandex.Disk

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi sarpcore -- 3 Mart 2015; 13:09:50 >

  • Test etmek için hangi sahnelerin daha uygun olduğunu gösteren bir listedir.Elinizde aşağıdaki filmlerden varsa belirtilen sahnelerde test edebilirsiniz.

    Movie- Scene(s)

    3:10 to Yuma - Train Arriving and Subsequent Shootout(Chapter 15)
    9 - Final Battle(Chapter 18)
    300 - Immortals Scene
    1492: Conquest of Paradise (German Import) - Raising the Bell Sequence(Chapter 11) & The Hurricane(Chapter 12)
    2001: A Space Odyssey - Opening &Docking Sequence
    2012 - Earthquake Scene & Volcano Scene
    Act of Valor - Final Battle
    Aftershock - Earthquake Scene
    Air Force One - F-15 v/s MIG-33 Battle & Refueling Scene
    Akira- The Scream of Kiyoko Making Windows Break and Shower Down on the Street
    Aliens - Marines v/s Aliens
    Aladdin - Escape from the Cave of Wonders (Chapter 9, 31:35)
    All is Lost - Storm Scene
    Apocalypse Now - Ride of the Valkyries Scene & When Village Attack Starts
    Argo - Opening Crowd Scene(Chapter 1)
    Armageddon - Shuttles Dodging Asteroids(Chapter 16)
    Art of Flight, The - Opening 10 Minutes
    Avatar - Final Battle(Chapter 33) & THX Amazing Life Trailer (After Movie Credits)
    Avengers, The- Final Battle(Chapter 16)
    Aviator, The - Spruce Goose Test Flight
    Band of Brothers - All Battle Scenes
    Baraka - Soundrack and Nature Sounds
    Batman(1989) - Final Battle
    Batman Begins - The Bats at the Opening & The Ice Sword Fight, & All Tumbler Scenes & Train Crash/Explosion
    Battle: Los Angeles - Road Battle & Ship Rising from Underground & Final Battle
    Behind Enemy Lines - Trip Wire Scene & SAM's v/s F-18 Scene
    Blackhawk Down -Little Bird Minigun Scene
    Blade - Opening Scene in Club
    Blade II - Tunnel Scene & Final Battle
    Blade Runner (Final Cut) - Opening & Deckard v/s Leon
    Book of Eli - All Fight Scenes & The "Kiss Him!" Scene & Eli Leaving Town Shootout & Deserted House Fight(Chapter 18)
    Bourne Ultimatum, The - Bourne vs Desh
    Brave - Birthday Picnic Opening Scene(Chapter 1) & Brawl Scene when the Clans First Arrive at the Castle(Chapter 6 and 7) & Highland Games(Chapter 8) & Merida Meets the Witch(Chapter 10 and 11) & Merida and Elinor (as a Bear) Rest for the Night in the Forest(Chapter 18) & Merida and Elinor Follow the Will o’ the Wisps(Chapter 23) & "Enter Vial such and such for..." Scene & Both Battles with Mordu(Chapter 24)
    Braveheart - Both Battles
    Cabin in the Woods, The - From when Elevators Open to Credit Roll
    Captain America - Train Shootout and Final Plane Scene
    Carrie (2013) - When Carrie Cracks the Door (Chapter 6) & Prom Meltdown
    Cars - The Piston Cup 500 Race at Opening
    Cars 2 - World Grand Prix Race #1 - Tokyo (Preferably Switch to the 7.1 Option to get the Theatrical Experience, Since it Defaults to the 5.1 ES Option)
    Casino Royale- Shootout in Crumbling House
    City of War - Air Raid Scene
    Children of Men - Car Chase & Final Shootout
    Chronicles of Riddick - Invasion of Helion Prime
    Clash of the Titans- Kraken
    Clash of the Titans(1981) - Giant Scorpion Battle & Medusa Fight
    Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Roy's First Encounter & Final Encounter
    Cloud Atlas - Battle Sequences in Neo Seoul
    Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs - Last 30 Minutes
    Cloverfield- Military Attack Scene & First Monster Attack & Bridge Scene & Helicopter Crash
    Conan the Barbarian (1984) - Basil Poledouris Score
    Conjuring, The - Judy Warren Haunted In Her Parents House
    Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon - Ziyi Zhang vs. Michelle Yeoh
    Cutthroat Island - Port Royal Battle
    Daredevil - Bar Fight Scene
    Dark Knight Rises, The-Batman v/s Bane & Opening Scene & When The Bat Exits the Alley(Chapter 5)
    Dark Knight, The - Underground and Semi Flip & Prologue
    Das Boot - Depth Charge Scenes(Chapter 5 and Chapter 7)
    Days of Thunder - Every Race Scene
    Dead Man Down - Gunfight with the Jamaicans & Gunfight at Alphonse's Mansion
    Death Race - Chapter 8
    Despicable Me - Shark Tank in Floor(Chapter 12)
    Die Hard with a Vengeance - Dump Trucks in Downtown & Subway Explosion
    Dirty Harry - "Do You Feel Lucky" Scene
    District 9 - Final Battle
    Domino - Hotel Shootout
    Downfall - Initial Bombardment of Berlin
    Dredd - Opening Titles & Slow-Mo Door Breach and Shootout & "There's 10 of Us and Only 2 of You" Scene (Chapter 7) & Classroom Scene(Chapter 10)
    Drive - Opening Scene & Mustang Chase Scene
    Dune - Shield Practice
    E.T. - Elliott's Goodbye to E.T.(Chapter 19)
    End of Watch - Apartment Shootout with Mexican Gang
    Ender's Game - Opening Scene & Shuttle Launch from Earth & Zero-Gravity Fight Sequences
    Equilibrium - Ending Shootout (Miramax 6 Pack)
    Escape Plan - Ending Chase
    Excalibur - Final Battle
    Exiled (Hong Kong & Region Free) - All Shootouts
    Expendables, The - Gasoline Dock Sequence & Automatic Shotgun Scene
    Fantasia + Fantasia 2000
    Fast and the Furious, The- Brian O'Connor Spins Out in Green Eclipse
    Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, The - Viper Race(Chapter 2) & Parking Garage Race(Chapter 7) & Chasing Han(Chapter 15) & Final Race (Chapter 18) & [Show spoiler]
    Fast Five- Street Fight with Hobbs and Explosion & Dragging the Vault through Town
    Fifth Element, The - Cruise Shootout
    Fight Club - Airplane
    Finding Nemo - Shark Scene(Chapter 8) & Whale Scene(Chapter 21) & Darla Glass Tap Scene(Chapter 25)
    Firefox - Final Battle
    Flash Gordon - Rocket Ajax Battle
    Flight - Plane Crash Sequence
    Flight of the Phoenix - 360 Degree Plane Roll
    Flowers of War - Tank Scene
    Four Brothers (DE/FR/NL Disc) - Paramount Intro With Music & Evelyn's Murder & Mercer's House Shootout
    Frighteners, The-
    Full Metal Jacket - Slow Motion Scene When Modine Finds Sniper
    G.I. Joe: Retaliation - Desert Battle & Firefly Entering The Underground Prison In Germany & Zeus Drop on London & Final Battle
    Gettysburg - Artillery Barrage Before Pickett's Charge
    Gladiator (Extended Edition) - All Battle Scenes
    Glory - Assault on Ft. Wagner
    Good Day to Die Hard, A - Both Helicopter Scenes
    Gravity - 360º Voices (Opening) & Maintenance at Space Shuttle Explorer
    Grey, The - Plane Crash
    Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters - Attack on Village(Chapter 5)
    Harry Potter & The Goblet Of Fire - The First Task (Harry vs the Dragon)
    Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince - Harry vs Draco in the Bathroom & Finale with Dumbledore's Fire (360 degree Channel Sweep)
    Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part 1 - Harry Leaving Privet Drive & Fight in the Coffeeshop & Death Eaters Attacking the Lovegood Home and the Forest Chase that Follows
    Harry Potter & The Prisoner Of Azkaban - Quidditch Match
    Heat - Shoot Out
    Hellboy - Final Battle
    Hellboy II:The Golden Army - Final Battle with Golden Army
    Hero- Archer Volleys
    History of Violence, A - When Tom Stall is Forced to Defend his Family
    Hobbit:An Unexpected Journey, The - Dragon Attack(Chapter 1) & Radagast Rides Around in a Circle & When Dwarves and Bilbo Leave Rivendell
    Hobbit:An Unexpected Journey (Extended Edition), The - Dragon Attack(Chapter 1) & Radagast Rides Around in a Circle & When Dwarves and Bilbo Leave Rivendell
    Horse Soldiers, The - Town Battle
    Hot Fuzz - When DVD is Being Loaded into Disc Tray & Final Shootout in the Town and Supermarket
    How to Train Your Dragon - Giant Dragon Coming Out of Mountain
    Hubble 3D (IMAX) - The Launch of Atlantis Shuttle
    Hunger Games- Forrest Fire
    Hunt for Red October, The - Bear Foxtrot Torpedo Scene & Final Battle
    Hurt Locker, The - Opening & Fire in the Hole Scene & Any Shot from the Barret .50 During Sniper Scene (last bullet hits the ground)
    I am Legend - Opening with Mustang
    I, Robot - Maintenance Drone Smashes the House & Highway Scene
    Immortals - Gods v/s Titans
    Inception - Slow Motion Exploding and Leo Kicked out of Chair
    Incredibles, The - The Opening Title Card & Syndrome Revealed & "Intruder Alert!" & All Battle Scenes
    Incredible Hulk, The- Campus Fight Scene(Chapter 10) & Final Battle with Abomination(Chapter 17)
    Independence Day- Explosion Scenes
    (Indiana Jones) Raiders of the Lost Ark - Idol Scene & Basket Scene & Opening of the Ark
    Indian Jones and the Last Crusade - Tank Battle
    Inglourious Basterds - Bar Shootout & David Bowie's "Cat People" Playing
    Inside Man - Police Checking Bank After Hostages are Released
    Ip Man - 10 v/s 1 Scene
    Ironclad - Initial Siege Attack
    Iron Man - Coming out of the Cave
    Iron Man 2 - War Machine Fly By (End of Chapter 9?????) & War Machine's Machine Guns in Final Battle
    Iron Man 3 - Destruction of Tony's House (Chapter 7) & Final Battle
    Island, The - Highway Chase Scene & Jet Bike Chase
    Italian Job, The (2003) (NL/FR/ES/IT Disc) - Betrayal by Steve In Austria
    Jack Reacher - Opening Sniper Scene(Chapter 1) & Car Chase(Chapter 12) & Final Battle(Chapter 16)
    Jarhead - Airstrike on Tower with Two High-ranking Officers(Chapter 17)
    Jaws - Final Battle
    Jurassic Park- First Dinosaur(Chapter 5) & T-Rex in the Rain for the First Time(Chapter 11) & Galloping Parasaurolophus's
(Chapter 14)
    Jurassic Park III - T-Rex vs Spinosaurus(Chapter 6)
    K-19: The Widowmaker - Nuclear Missile Test Launch
    Kelly's Heroes - Final Battle
    Kill Bill Volume 1 - Fight with Vernita Green & Anime Sequence & Bride v/s Crazy 88's
    Kill Bill Volume 2 - Coffin/Burial Scene
    King Kong - Kong v/s T-Rex
    Knowing - Plane Crash
    Kung Fu Hustle - Final Fight
    Kung Fu Panda - Tai Lung's Escape (Chapter 10) & Po v/s Tai Lung
    Kung Fu Panda 2 - Final Battle on the Boats
    Last of the Mohicans, The - British Ambush
    Last Stand, The - Any Scene with the ZR1 Corvette, Starting with Opening Scene & Hand Cannon Firing(Chapter 2) & Mainstreet Shootout(Chapter 12) & Cornfield Scene(Chapter 13)
    Life of Pi - Sinking Ship in Storm (Chapter 9) & Flying Fish Scene (Chapter 18)
    Live Free or Die Hard - Apartment Shoot-Up & Tunnel
    Looper - When Revolver Goes Off in Concrete Room (Chapter 3)
    Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (Extended Edition) - Before Leaving Rivendell, when Bilbo Drops the Ring on the Ground & The Fellowship Fleeing to "The Bridge of Khazad Dum" with the Dwarven Chorus in the Surrounds & When Sauron Explodes after Being Defeated by Isildur & Mines of Moria Scenes
    Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Extended Edition) - Explosion of Wall at Helms Deep
    Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (Extended Edition) - Gandalf vs Witch-King of Angmar
    Mad Max - Any Chase Sequence
    (Mad Max 2) The Road Warrior (Lossless Re-release) - Battle Scenes and Chase Sequences
    Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome - Thunderdome Fight and Ending Chase Sequence
    Major League - Final Game
    Man of Steel - A-10 Thunderbolt attacks & Superman vs Zod
    Man on Fire - Kidnapping Scene
    Man with the Iron Fists, The - All Battle Sequences
    Master and Commander- Opening Battle(Chapter 4) & Scenes in Hull of Beaten and Battered Boat
    Matrix, The - Lobby (Chapter 29)
    Matrix Reloaded, The - Highway Chase Scene
    Matrix Revolutions, The - Machine Voice & Neo v/s Agent Smith
    Mechanic, The - Final Explosion(Chapter 16)
    Megamind - Final Battle: Megamind v/s Tighten (Chapter 13)
    Men in Black 3 - Battle at the Chinese Restaurant
    Miami Vice - .50 Cal's Firing into Vehicle(Chapter 2)
    Microcosmos - Bee Sequence
    Minority Report- Sonic Guns firing in the Car Factory
    Mission Impossible 3 - Drone Attack on Bridge
    Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol - Sandstorm
    Monster Inc.- Door Riding Sequence
    Mortal Kombat - Johnny Cage v/s Scorpion & Liu Kang v/s Reptile & Lui Kang v/s Sub-Zero
    Mr & Mrs Smith - Shooting Gallery(Chapter 1) & All Battle Scenes
    Mr. Brooks - The Hallway Shootout(Chapter 29)
    My Way - Final Battle
    Natural, The - Final Game
    No Country for Old Men - Street Shootout after Leaving the Second Hotel Chased by Anton & Anton's Raid on Mexican's in Hotel
    Oblivion - Jack Being Chased by the Drones in Bubbleship & Jack Finding the Wreckage & Great Bass Sweep when Jack Goes Underground and Falls Through the Floor
    Outlaw Josey Wales, The - Final Fight
    Oz: The Great and Powerful - Tornado Scene(Chapter 7)
    Pacific, The - All Battle Scenes
    Pacific Rim - All Drift Sequences & All Battle Sequences
    Parker - Fireworks(Chapter 15) & Flashback Scenes
    Patriot, The - Final Battle
    Patton - El Ghetar Battle
    Pearl Harbor - Entire Battle Sequence
    Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief - Final Battle: Percy v/s Luke (Chapter 24)
    Pitch Black - Crash Sequence
    Platoon - Final Battle
    Predator - Any Scene with "Old Painless" & Entire Squad Firing into the Jungle & Predators Cannon
    Prometheus- First Entrance to the Cave when the "pups" Map the Tunnels & Final 20 Minutes
    Quantum of Solace- Opening
    Rambo - Claymore and .50 Cal Scene
    Ratatouille - The Moped Chase & Anton Ego Remembers his Childhood
    Real Steel - Final Fight
    Red Tails - First B-17 Mission
    Reign of Fire - Night Attack on Armored Column
    Resident Evil - Laser Hallway
    Resident Evil: Apocalypse - Initial Fight Between Alice and Nemesis
    Resident Evil: Extinction - Las Vegas Fight Scene
    Resident Evil: Afterlife - Alice and Claire v/s the Executioner
    Resident Evil: Retribution - Alice v/s the Executioner
    Road, The - When Trees Begin Falling in the Forest
    Road to Perdition - Hotel Shootout
    Roadhouse - Ending Shootout
    Rocky - All Matches
    Rocky II -All Matches
    Rocky III - All Matches
    Rocky IV - All Matches
    Rocky Balboa - All Matches
    Rudy - Final Game
    Safe House - All Battle Scenes
    Saints and Soldiers - Final Battle
    Sand Pebbles, The - Final Battle
    Saving Private Ryan - All Battle Scenes & Tank Passing while Tom Hanks and Soldiers Lay on the Ground
    Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - Lucas Lee Battle & Skateboard Grind & Roxy Richter Battle & Katanayagi Twins Battle & Final Battle
    Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows - Cannons Firing through Forest
    Shoot’em Up- Warehouse Shootout
    Shutter Island - Storm Scene
    Signs - Final 30 Minutes
    Skyfall - Opening Scene & Train Derailment Scene & Final Battle with Chopper
    Social Network - Ruby Skybar Scene
    Snitch - Final Chase(Chapter 16)
    Spaceballs - Spaceballs 1 Flyby
    Sphere - Giant Squid Scene
    Spider-Man 2 - Lab Demonstration/Destruction with Octavius & Final Battle
    Spider-Man 3 - Harry v/s Peter
    Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace - Droid Cargo Ship Lands on Naboo & Maul vs Qui-Gon in the Desert & Pod Race
    Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones - Seismic Charges & Jango Sending the Rockets Towards the Asteroids & Droid Factory Scene
    Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith - Anakin vs. Obi-Wan & Sidious vs. Yoda
    Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope - The Rebel Blockade Runner and the Star Destroyer Fly Overhead at the Opening
    Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back - Battle of Hoth & Asteroid Chase
    Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi - Sail Barge Blows Up
    Star Trek II - Space Battle
    Star Trek VI - Space Battle
    Star Trek: First Contact - Borg Cube Battle
    Star Trek: Nemesis - Final Battle
    Star Trek (2009) - Opening & Finale
    Starship Troopers - Planet P Airstrike & "Bugs!" Battle
    Strangers, The- Smoke Detector Sound & Banging on Front Door
    Sucker Punch - Samurai Fight Scene
    Sunshine- Capa's Jump
    Superman Returns - Shuttle/Airplane Rescue
    Super 8 - Train Wreck & Monster Scenes
    Super Speedway - IMAX-Andretti Races
    Taken - Bryan Observes the Apartment
    Takers - Hotel Gunfight
    Tears of the Sun - Final Battle
    Terminator, The - Future War Flashback
    Terminator 2: Judgement Day - THX Intro & Tow Truck v/s Motorcycle Scene & SWAT Van v/s Helicopter Scene
    Avatar - THX Amazing Life Trailer (after movie credits)
    Terminator 3 - Final Battle
    Terminator: Salvation - Desert Scene with Harvester/Gas Station & Highway Scene After Harvester/Gas Station
    Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D. - Almost Any Up Close Chainsaw Effects & Circus Scene When Leatherface Throws the Chainsaw at the Camera
    Thin Red Line, The - Attack on Machine Gun Bunker
    Thing, The - Blood Test Scene
    Thor - Frost Giants Battle & Thor v/s the Destroyer
    Titanic - When the Ship Begins to Crack
    Top Gun - Opening
    Tora! Tora! Tora! - Entire Battle Sequence
    Town, The - All Bank Robbery Scenes
    Toy Story 2 - Opening
    Toy Story 3 - Opening Scene
    Transformers - Paramount Intro & Opening and Ironhide Flip
    Transformers 2 - Paramount Intro & Forrest and Final Battle
    Transformers: Dark of the Moon - Paramount Intro & Highway Chase
    Transporter, The - Oil and Bike Pedals Fight
    Transporter 3 - Car Crash in the House & Ambulance Explosion
    Tree of Life, The - Creation Scene
    Tremors - All Grabloid Scenes
    Treasure Planet - Permusa Goes Supernova
    Trollhunter - Johtnar Troll
    TRON: Legacy- Sam v/s Rinzler(Chapter 5) & Lightcycle Battle(Chapter 7) & Sam Rescues Quorra(Chapter 16)
    Troy - Beach Landing
    Twister (UK Disc) - Drive-In Scene & "We Got Cows" Scene
    U-571 - Depth Charges (Chapter 15)
    Underworld: Awakening- First Super-Lycan Appearance(Chapter 10)
    Up - The Storm Clouds Scene
    Upside Down - When Adam and Eden are Fleeing from the Up Top Law Enforcement Agents
    V for Vendetta - Final Fight
    Valkyrie - Opening - Reserve Mobilization & Stauffenberg and His Family in Bomb Shelter During Air Raid
    Walking Dead, The - Any Shootout Scene
    Wanted - Car Chase and Train Fight
    War- The Tea House Shootout and Subsequent Car Chase & Dance Club Scene
    War of the Worlds- Tri-Pods Arriving/Exiting Ground & Train on Fire Sequence & Fighter Jet Flies Overhead & Final Battle
    Warrior - Final Fight
    Warrior's Way, The - Final Battle
    Watchmen- Opening Scene with The Comedian & Dr. Manhattan's Teleportation Sequences
    We Were Soldiers (UK Disc) - Airstrike
    Where Eagles Dare - Hallway Shootout
    Wrath of the Titans - Final Battle
    X-Men: The Last Stand - Opening in the Training Room & Professor X v/s Jean in the House
    X-Men Origins: Wolverine- Chopper v/s Wolverine
    X-Men: First Class - Final Battle Sequence
    Zero Dark Thirty - Intro with 360 Degree Voices & Camp Chapman Attack
    Zodiac - Radio/TV/Announcements Set Against Black Screen

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi sarpcore -- 12 Mart 2014; 10:51:28 >

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: sarpcore

    Test etmek için hangi sahnelerin daha uygun olduğunu gösteren bir listedir.Elinizde aşağıdaki filmlerden varsa belirtilen sahnelerde test edebilirsiniz.

    Movie- Scene(s)

    3:10 to Yuma - Train Arriving and Subsequent Shootout(Chapter 15)
    9 - Final Battle(Chapter 18)
    300 - Immortals Scene
    1492: Conquest of Paradise (German Import) - Raising the Bell Sequence(Chapter 11) & The Hurricane(Chapter 12)
    2001: A Space Odyssey - Opening &Docking Sequence
    2012 - Earthquake Scene & Volcano Scene
    Act of Valor - Final Battle
    Aftershock - Earthquake Scene
    Air Force One - F-15 v/s MIG-33 Battle & Refueling Scene
    Akira- The Scream of Kiyoko Making Windows Break and Shower Down on the Street
    Aliens - Marines v/s Aliens
    Aladdin - Escape from the Cave of Wonders (Chapter 9, 31:35)
    All is Lost - Storm Scene
    Apocalypse Now - Ride of the Valkyries Scene & When Village Attack Starts
    Argo - Opening Crowd Scene(Chapter 1)
    Armageddon - Shuttles Dodging Asteroids(Chapter 16)
    Art of Flight, The - Opening 10 Minutes
    Avatar - Final Battle(Chapter 33) & THX Amazing Life Trailer (After Movie Credits)
    Avengers, The- Final Battle(Chapter 16)
    Aviator, The - Spruce Goose Test Flight
    Band of Brothers - All Battle Scenes
    Baraka - Soundrack and Nature Sounds
    Batman(1989) - Final Battle
    Batman Begins - The Bats at the Opening & The Ice Sword Fight, & All Tumbler Scenes & Train Crash/Explosion
    Battle: Los Angeles - Road Battle & Ship Rising from Underground & Final Battle
    Behind Enemy Lines - Trip Wire Scene & SAM's v/s F-18 Scene
    Blackhawk Down -Little Bird Minigun Scene
    Blade - Opening Scene in Club
    Blade II - Tunnel Scene & Final Battle
    Blade Runner (Final Cut) - Opening & Deckard v/s Leon
    Book of Eli - All Fight Scenes & The "Kiss Him!" Scene & Eli Leaving Town Shootout & Deserted House Fight(Chapter 18)
    Bourne Ultimatum, The - Bourne vs Desh
    Brave - Birthday Picnic Opening Scene(Chapter 1) & Brawl Scene when the Clans First Arrive at the Castle(Chapter 6 and 7) & Highland Games(Chapter 8) & Merida Meets the Witch(Chapter 10 and 11) & Merida and Elinor (as a Bear) Rest for the Night in the Forest(Chapter 18) & Merida and Elinor Follow the Will o’ the Wisps(Chapter 23) & "Enter Vial such and such for..." Scene & Both Battles with Mordu(Chapter 24)
    Braveheart - Both Battles
    Cabin in the Woods, The - From when Elevators Open to Credit Roll
    Captain America - Train Shootout and Final Plane Scene
    Carrie (2013) - When Carrie Cracks the Door (Chapter 6) & Prom Meltdown
    Cars - The Piston Cup 500 Race at Opening
    Cars 2 - World Grand Prix Race #1 - Tokyo (Preferably Switch to the 7.1 Option to get the Theatrical Experience, Since it Defaults to the 5.1 ES Option)
    Casino Royale- Shootout in Crumbling House
    City of War - Air Raid Scene
    Children of Men - Car Chase & Final Shootout
    Chronicles of Riddick - Invasion of Helion Prime
    Clash of the Titans- Kraken
    Clash of the Titans(1981) - Giant Scorpion Battle & Medusa Fight
    Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Roy's First Encounter & Final Encounter
    Cloud Atlas - Battle Sequences in Neo Seoul
    Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs - Last 30 Minutes
    Cloverfield- Military Attack Scene & First Monster Attack & Bridge Scene & Helicopter Crash
    Conan the Barbarian (1984) - Basil Poledouris Score
    Conjuring, The - Judy Warren Haunted In Her Parents House
    Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon - Ziyi Zhang vs. Michelle Yeoh
    Cutthroat Island - Port Royal Battle
    Daredevil - Bar Fight Scene
    Dark Knight Rises, The-Batman v/s Bane & Opening Scene & When The Bat Exits the Alley(Chapter 5)
    Dark Knight, The - Underground and Semi Flip & Prologue
    Das Boot - Depth Charge Scenes(Chapter 5 and Chapter 7)
    Days of Thunder - Every Race Scene
    Dead Man Down - Gunfight with the Jamaicans & Gunfight at Alphonse's Mansion
    Death Race - Chapter 8
    Despicable Me - Shark Tank in Floor(Chapter 12)
    Die Hard with a Vengeance - Dump Trucks in Downtown & Subway Explosion
    Dirty Harry - "Do You Feel Lucky" Scene
    District 9 - Final Battle
    Domino - Hotel Shootout
    Downfall - Initial Bombardment of Berlin
    Dredd - Opening Titles & Slow-Mo Door Breach and Shootout & "There's 10 of Us and Only 2 of You" Scene (Chapter 7) & Classroom Scene(Chapter 10)
    Drive - Opening Scene & Mustang Chase Scene
    Dune - Shield Practice
    E.T. - Elliott's Goodbye to E.T.(Chapter 19)
    End of Watch - Apartment Shootout with Mexican Gang
    Ender's Game - Opening Scene & Shuttle Launch from Earth & Zero-Gravity Fight Sequences
    Equilibrium - Ending Shootout (Miramax 6 Pack)
    Escape Plan - Ending Chase
    Excalibur - Final Battle
    Exiled (Hong Kong & Region Free) - All Shootouts
    Expendables, The - Gasoline Dock Sequence & Automatic Shotgun Scene
    Fantasia + Fantasia 2000
    Fast and the Furious, The- Brian O'Connor Spins Out in Green Eclipse
    Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, The - Viper Race(Chapter 2) & Parking Garage Race(Chapter 7) & Chasing Han(Chapter 15) & Final Race (Chapter 18) & [Show spoiler]
    Fast Five- Street Fight with Hobbs and Explosion & Dragging the Vault through Town
    Fifth Element, The - Cruise Shootout
    Fight Club - Airplane
    Finding Nemo - Shark Scene(Chapter 8) & Whale Scene(Chapter 21) & Darla Glass Tap Scene(Chapter 25)
    Firefox - Final Battle
    Flash Gordon - Rocket Ajax Battle
    Flight - Plane Crash Sequence
    Flight of the Phoenix - 360 Degree Plane Roll
    Flowers of War - Tank Scene
    Four Brothers (DE/FR/NL Disc) - Paramount Intro With Music & Evelyn's Murder & Mercer's House Shootout
    Frighteners, The-
    Full Metal Jacket - Slow Motion Scene When Modine Finds Sniper
    G.I. Joe: Retaliation - Desert Battle & Firefly Entering The Underground Prison In Germany & Zeus Drop on London & Final Battle
    Gettysburg - Artillery Barrage Before Pickett's Charge
    Gladiator (Extended Edition) - All Battle Scenes
    Glory - Assault on Ft. Wagner
    Good Day to Die Hard, A - Both Helicopter Scenes
    Gravity - 360º Voices (Opening) & Maintenance at Space Shuttle Explorer
    Grey, The - Plane Crash
    Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters - Attack on Village(Chapter 5)
    Harry Potter & The Goblet Of Fire - The First Task (Harry vs the Dragon)
    Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince - Harry vs Draco in the Bathroom & Finale with Dumbledore's Fire (360 degree Channel Sweep)
    Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part 1 - Harry Leaving Privet Drive & Fight in the Coffeeshop & Death Eaters Attacking the Lovegood Home and the Forest Chase that Follows
    Harry Potter & The Prisoner Of Azkaban - Quidditch Match
    Heat - Shoot Out
    Hellboy - Final Battle
    Hellboy II:The Golden Army - Final Battle with Golden Army
    Hero- Archer Volleys
    History of Violence, A - When Tom Stall is Forced to Defend his Family
    Hobbit:An Unexpected Journey, The - Dragon Attack(Chapter 1) & Radagast Rides Around in a Circle & When Dwarves and Bilbo Leave Rivendell
    Hobbit:An Unexpected Journey (Extended Edition), The - Dragon Attack(Chapter 1) & Radagast Rides Around in a Circle & When Dwarves and Bilbo Leave Rivendell
    Horse Soldiers, The - Town Battle
    Hot Fuzz - When DVD is Being Loaded into Disc Tray & Final Shootout in the Town and Supermarket
    How to Train Your Dragon - Giant Dragon Coming Out of Mountain
    Hubble 3D (IMAX) - The Launch of Atlantis Shuttle
    Hunger Games- Forrest Fire
    Hunt for Red October, The - Bear Foxtrot Torpedo Scene & Final Battle
    Hurt Locker, The - Opening & Fire in the Hole Scene & Any Shot from the Barret .50 During Sniper Scene (last bullet hits the ground)
    I am Legend - Opening with Mustang
    I, Robot - Maintenance Drone Smashes the House & Highway Scene
    Immortals - Gods v/s Titans
    Inception - Slow Motion Exploding and Leo Kicked out of Chair
    Incredibles, The - The Opening Title Card & Syndrome Revealed & "Intruder Alert!" & All Battle Scenes
    Incredible Hulk, The- Campus Fight Scene(Chapter 10) & Final Battle with Abomination(Chapter 17)
    Independence Day- Explosion Scenes
    (Indiana Jones) Raiders of the Lost Ark - Idol Scene & Basket Scene & Opening of the Ark
    Indian Jones and the Last Crusade - Tank Battle
    Inglourious Basterds - Bar Shootout & David Bowie's "Cat People" Playing
    Inside Man - Police Checking Bank After Hostages are Released
    Ip Man - 10 v/s 1 Scene
    Ironclad - Initial Siege Attack
    Iron Man - Coming out of the Cave
    Iron Man 2 - War Machine Fly By (End of Chapter 9?????) & War Machine's Machine Guns in Final Battle
    Iron Man 3 - Destruction of Tony's House (Chapter 7) & Final Battle
    Island, The - Highway Chase Scene & Jet Bike Chase
    Italian Job, The (2003) (NL/FR/ES/IT Disc) - Betrayal by Steve In Austria
    Jack Reacher - Opening Sniper Scene(Chapter 1) & Car Chase(Chapter 12) & Final Battle(Chapter 16)
    Jarhead - Airstrike on Tower with Two High-ranking Officers(Chapter 17)
    Jaws - Final Battle
    Jurassic Park- First Dinosaur(Chapter 5) & T-Rex in the Rain for the First Time(Chapter 11) & Galloping Parasaurolophus's
(Chapter 14)
    Jurassic Park III - T-Rex vs Spinosaurus(Chapter 6)
    K-19: The Widowmaker - Nuclear Missile Test Launch
    Kelly's Heroes - Final Battle
    Kill Bill Volume 1 - Fight with Vernita Green & Anime Sequence & Bride v/s Crazy 88's
    Kill Bill Volume 2 - Coffin/Burial Scene
    King Kong - Kong v/s T-Rex
    Knowing - Plane Crash
    Kung Fu Hustle - Final Fight
    Kung Fu Panda - Tai Lung's Escape (Chapter 10) & Po v/s Tai Lung
    Kung Fu Panda 2 - Final Battle on the Boats
    Last of the Mohicans, The - British Ambush
    Last Stand, The - Any Scene with the ZR1 Corvette, Starting with Opening Scene & Hand Cannon Firing(Chapter 2) & Mainstreet Shootout(Chapter 12) & Cornfield Scene(Chapter 13)
    Life of Pi - Sinking Ship in Storm (Chapter 9) & Flying Fish Scene (Chapter 18)
    Live Free or Die Hard - Apartment Shoot-Up & Tunnel
    Looper - When Revolver Goes Off in Concrete Room (Chapter 3)
    Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (Extended Edition) - Before Leaving Rivendell, when Bilbo Drops the Ring on the Ground & The Fellowship Fleeing to "The Bridge of Khazad Dum" with the Dwarven Chorus in the Surrounds & When Sauron Explodes after Being Defeated by Isildur & Mines of Moria Scenes
    Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Extended Edition) - Explosion of Wall at Helms Deep
    Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (Extended Edition) - Gandalf vs Witch-King of Angmar
    Mad Max - Any Chase Sequence
    (Mad Max 2) The Road Warrior (Lossless Re-release) - Battle Scenes and Chase Sequences
    Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome - Thunderdome Fight and Ending Chase Sequence
    Major League - Final Game
    Man of Steel - A-10 Thunderbolt attacks & Superman vs Zod
    Man on Fire - Kidnapping Scene
    Man with the Iron Fists, The - All Battle Sequences
    Master and Commander- Opening Battle(Chapter 4) & Scenes in Hull of Beaten and Battered Boat
    Matrix, The - Lobby (Chapter 29)
    Matrix Reloaded, The - Highway Chase Scene
    Matrix Revolutions, The - Machine Voice & Neo v/s Agent Smith
    Mechanic, The - Final Explosion(Chapter 16)
    Megamind - Final Battle: Megamind v/s Tighten (Chapter 13)
    Men in Black 3 - Battle at the Chinese Restaurant
    Miami Vice - .50 Cal's Firing into Vehicle(Chapter 2)
    Microcosmos - Bee Sequence
    Minority Report- Sonic Guns firing in the Car Factory
    Mission Impossible 3 - Drone Attack on Bridge
    Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol - Sandstorm
    Monster Inc.- Door Riding Sequence
    Mortal Kombat - Johnny Cage v/s Scorpion & Liu Kang v/s Reptile & Lui Kang v/s Sub-Zero
    Mr & Mrs Smith - Shooting Gallery(Chapter 1) & All Battle Scenes
    Mr. Brooks - The Hallway Shootout(Chapter 29)
    My Way - Final Battle
    Natural, The - Final Game
    No Country for Old Men - Street Shootout after Leaving the Second Hotel Chased by Anton & Anton's Raid on Mexican's in Hotel
    Oblivion - Jack Being Chased by the Drones in Bubbleship & Jack Finding the Wreckage & Great Bass Sweep when Jack Goes Underground and Falls Through the Floor
    Outlaw Josey Wales, The - Final Fight
    Oz: The Great and Powerful - Tornado Scene(Chapter 7)
    Pacific, The - All Battle Scenes
    Pacific Rim - All Drift Sequences & All Battle Sequences
    Parker - Fireworks(Chapter 15) & Flashback Scenes
    Patriot, The - Final Battle
    Patton - El Ghetar Battle
    Pearl Harbor - Entire Battle Sequence
    Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief - Final Battle: Percy v/s Luke (Chapter 24)
    Pitch Black - Crash Sequence
    Platoon - Final Battle
    Predator - Any Scene with "Old Painless" & Entire Squad Firing into the Jungle & Predators Cannon
    Prometheus- First Entrance to the Cave when the "pups" Map the Tunnels & Final 20 Minutes
    Quantum of Solace- Opening
    Rambo - Claymore and .50 Cal Scene
    Ratatouille - The Moped Chase & Anton Ego Remembers his Childhood
    Real Steel - Final Fight
    Red Tails - First B-17 Mission
    Reign of Fire - Night Attack on Armored Column
    Resident Evil - Laser Hallway
    Resident Evil: Apocalypse - Initial Fight Between Alice and Nemesis
    Resident Evil: Extinction - Las Vegas Fight Scene
    Resident Evil: Afterlife - Alice and Claire v/s the Executioner
    Resident Evil: Retribution - Alice v/s the Executioner
    Road, The - When Trees Begin Falling in the Forest
    Road to Perdition - Hotel Shootout
    Roadhouse - Ending Shootout
    Rocky - All Matches
    Rocky II -All Matches
    Rocky III - All Matches
    Rocky IV - All Matches
    Rocky Balboa - All Matches
    Rudy - Final Game
    Safe House - All Battle Scenes
    Saints and Soldiers - Final Battle
    Sand Pebbles, The - Final Battle
    Saving Private Ryan - All Battle Scenes & Tank Passing while Tom Hanks and Soldiers Lay on the Ground
    Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - Lucas Lee Battle & Skateboard Grind & Roxy Richter Battle & Katanayagi Twins Battle & Final Battle
    Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows - Cannons Firing through Forest
    Shoot’em Up- Warehouse Shootout
    Shutter Island - Storm Scene
    Signs - Final 30 Minutes
    Skyfall - Opening Scene & Train Derailment Scene & Final Battle with Chopper
    Social Network - Ruby Skybar Scene
    Snitch - Final Chase(Chapter 16)
    Spaceballs - Spaceballs 1 Flyby
    Sphere - Giant Squid Scene
    Spider-Man 2 - Lab Demonstration/Destruction with Octavius & Final Battle
    Spider-Man 3 - Harry v/s Peter
    Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace - Droid Cargo Ship Lands on Naboo & Maul vs Qui-Gon in the Desert & Pod Race
    Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones - Seismic Charges & Jango Sending the Rockets Towards the Asteroids & Droid Factory Scene
    Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith - Anakin vs. Obi-Wan & Sidious vs. Yoda
    Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope - The Rebel Blockade Runner and the Star Destroyer Fly Overhead at the Opening
    Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back - Battle of Hoth & Asteroid Chase
    Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi - Sail Barge Blows Up
    Star Trek II - Space Battle
    Star Trek VI - Space Battle
    Star Trek: First Contact - Borg Cube Battle
    Star Trek: Nemesis - Final Battle
    Star Trek (2009) - Opening & Finale
    Starship Troopers - Planet P Airstrike & "Bugs!" Battle
    Strangers, The- Smoke Detector Sound & Banging on Front Door
    Sucker Punch - Samurai Fight Scene
    Sunshine- Capa's Jump
    Superman Returns - Shuttle/Airplane Rescue
    Super 8 - Train Wreck & Monster Scenes
    Super Speedway - IMAX-Andretti Races
    Taken - Bryan Observes the Apartment
    Takers - Hotel Gunfight
    Tears of the Sun - Final Battle
    Terminator, The - Future War Flashback
    Terminator 2: Judgement Day - THX Intro & Tow Truck v/s Motorcycle Scene & SWAT Van v/s Helicopter Scene
    Avatar - THX Amazing Life Trailer (after movie credits)
    Terminator 3 - Final Battle
    Terminator: Salvation - Desert Scene with Harvester/Gas Station & Highway Scene After Harvester/Gas Station
    Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D. - Almost Any Up Close Chainsaw Effects & Circus Scene When Leatherface Throws the Chainsaw at the Camera
    Thin Red Line, The - Attack on Machine Gun Bunker
    Thing, The - Blood Test Scene
    Thor - Frost Giants Battle & Thor v/s the Destroyer
    Titanic - When the Ship Begins to Crack
    Top Gun - Opening
    Tora! Tora! Tora! - Entire Battle Sequence
    Town, The - All Bank Robbery Scenes
    Toy Story 2 - Opening
    Toy Story 3 - Opening Scene
    Transformers - Paramount Intro & Opening and Ironhide Flip
    Transformers 2 - Paramount Intro & Forrest and Final Battle
    Transformers: Dark of the Moon - Paramount Intro & Highway Chase
    Transporter, The - Oil and Bike Pedals Fight
    Transporter 3 - Car Crash in the House & Ambulance Explosion
    Tree of Life, The - Creation Scene
    Tremors - All Grabloid Scenes
    Treasure Planet - Permusa Goes Supernova
    Trollhunter - Johtnar Troll
    TRON: Legacy- Sam v/s Rinzler(Chapter 5) & Lightcycle Battle(Chapter 7) & Sam Rescues Quorra(Chapter 16)
    Troy - Beach Landing
    Twister (UK Disc) - Drive-In Scene & "We Got Cows" Scene
    U-571 - Depth Charges (Chapter 15)
    Underworld: Awakening- First Super-Lycan Appearance(Chapter 10)
    Up - The Storm Clouds Scene
    Upside Down - When Adam and Eden are Fleeing from the Up Top Law Enforcement Agents
    V for Vendetta - Final Fight
    Valkyrie - Opening - Reserve Mobilization & Stauffenberg and His Family in Bomb Shelter During Air Raid
    Walking Dead, The - Any Shootout Scene
    Wanted - Car Chase and Train Fight
    War- The Tea House Shootout and Subsequent Car Chase & Dance Club Scene
    War of the Worlds- Tri-Pods Arriving/Exiting Ground & Train on Fire Sequence & Fighter Jet Flies Overhead & Final Battle
    Warrior - Final Fight
    Warrior's Way, The - Final Battle
    Watchmen- Opening Scene with The Comedian & Dr. Manhattan's Teleportation Sequences
    We Were Soldiers (UK Disc) - Airstrike
    Where Eagles Dare - Hallway Shootout
    Wrath of the Titans - Final Battle
    X-Men: The Last Stand - Opening in the Training Room & Professor X v/s Jean in the House
    X-Men Origins: Wolverine- Chopper v/s Wolverine
    X-Men: First Class - Final Battle Sequence
    Zero Dark Thirty - Intro with 360 Degree Voices & Camp Chapman Attack
    Zodiac - Radio/TV/Announcements Set Against Black Screen
    Çok Güzel bir Paylaşım Eline koluna sağlık...

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: diadavidoff

    Çok Güzel bir Paylaşım Eline koluna sağlık...

    Alıntıları Göster
     Ev Sinema Sistemi Test İçin Demolar.(Surr.Sub,Dolby Atmos,DTS,DD, vss)


    THX Demo Disc - Reference Quality Testing Blu-Ray

     Ev Sinema Sistemi Test İçin Demolar.(Surr.Sub,Dolby Atmos,DTS,DD, vss)

    THX Demo disc
    Reference quality Dolby and DTS demonstration blu-ray disc. Great for testing and demonstrating your
    surround system.
    BDMV and Certificate folders for burning on BD-25,or for playing with for example Arcsoft Total
    Media Theatre or other BD PC players. VLC Player also plays individual tracks in BDMV/STREAM folder.

    If you don 39;t own an Blu-Ray burner,you can easily and very quick convert individual .m2ts clips
    in folder BDMV-STREAM without re-encoding to .mkv with MKVToolnix.
    Without any copy or regional protection. With Title Menu and Auto-Loop function for In-store demo.
    Cover and Disc Label for printing included.
    Audio codecs are : Dolby TrueHD 7.1 and 5.1, DTS-HD MA 7.1 and 5.1, DTS 6.1 5.1
    and Dolby Digital EX.
    Video is of course in Full HD 1080 uncompressed quality
    Contains the variety of great sounding clips from following blockbuster movies:
    THX Cavalcade Trailer 5.1
    The Hunger Games 7.1
    Transformers 5.1
    Snow White the Huntsman 7.1
    The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey 7.1
    Master And Commander 5.1
    Terminator Salvation 5.1
    Hero : Arrows 5.1
    Hero : Blue Room 5.1
    House Of Flying Daggers 6.1
    Red : Special Edition 5.1
    Watchmen 5.1
    The Amazing Spiderman 5.1
    Hellboy II : The Golden Army 7.1
    Skyfall 5.1
    Battleship 5.1
    Transformers : Dark Of The Moon 7.1
    Tron Legacy 7.1
    Wrath Of The Titans 5.1
    Spiderman 3 5.1
    Star Trek 5.1
    Harry Potter And Deadly Hallows part 2 5.1
    Rise Of The Guardians 5.1
    Ratatouille 5.1
    Tangled 7.1
    Super 8 7.1
    Green Lantern 5.1
    Inception 5.1
    Prometheus : The Cave 7.1
    Prometheus : The Storm 7.1
    The Chronicles Of Narnia : Prince Caspian 7.1
    Despicable Me 5.1
    The Killers 5.1
    Safe House 5.1
    Sherlock Holmes : Game Of Shadows 5.1
    The Incredible Hulk 5.1
    The Dark Knight 5.1
    X-Men : First Class 5.1
    X-Men : The Last Stand 6.1
    Source Code 5.1
    Sucker Punch 5.1
    Band Of Brothers 5.1
    Night At The Museum 5.1
    Lifted 6.1

    Buradan indirebilirsiniz.

    5BEF74CDFFFA6AB7F1CDA80A8D01AE1CAFD768D7.torrent — Yandex.Disk


    DTS,DD,THX Demolardan oluşan bir DVD İso

    Buradan indirebilirsiniz.

    trailer-dvd.torrent — Yandex.Disk

    Denon Demo Disc

     Ev Sinema Sistemi Test İçin Demolar.(Surr.Sub,Dolby Atmos,DTS,DD, vss)

    I Musical Demonstration Section
    2. Classical
    3. Strauss: Also Sprach Zarathiustra (2001, A Space Odyssey) - Opening
    4. Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 - Opening
    5. Handel: Music From the Royal Fireworks
    6. Vivaldi: The Four Seasons - Autumn _ Allegro; La Caccia
    7. Dvorak: Symphony No. 9 'From the New World' - Movement 2 ('Going Home' Theme)
    8. Beriloz: Symphonie Fantastique - March to the Scaffold
    9. Tchaikovsky: 1812 Overture
    10. Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 'Choral' - Conclusion
    11. Mahler: Symphony No. 2 'Resurrection' - Conclusion

    II Musical Demonstration Section
    13. Jazz and Orchestral Pops
    14. On the Turning Away - Pink Floyd
    15. Jumpin' at the Woodside - Count Basie Big Band/Jon Hendricks
    16. Whirly Bird - Count Basie Big Band
    17. In the Shadows - Bob Berg
    18. Stardust - Dizzy Gillespie

    Buradan indirebilirsin.

    denon-demo-disc-various-artists-sonic-boom-2002-[torrentino].torrent — Yandex.Disk

    http://www.demo-world.eu/trailers/ şunlar var indirebileceğin.

    Birde bu sayfadakinin linkini vereyim.


     Ev Sinema Sistemi Test İçin Demolar.(Surr.Sub,Dolby Atmos,DTS,DD, vss)

    Bu bluray iso da aşağıdan indirebilirsin.

    Home Theater Demonstration Bluray v2.0.torrent — Yandex.Disk

    DTS Demo Sampler vol.1 Surround Sound demonstration DVD

    DTS VOL1 DVD LABEL.bmp 70.91 MB
    VTS_01_0.BUP 88 KB
    VTS_01_0.IFO 88 KB
    VTS_01_0.VOB 420 KB
    VTS_01_1.VOB 1000.35 MB
    VTS_01_2.VOB 1000.1 MB
    VTS_01_3.VOB 999.77 MB
    VTS_01_4.VOB 999.82 MB

    featuring movie inserts and music clips:

    3. HERO : ARROWS
    6. X-MEN III*
    12. LORD OF THE RINGS 3*
    14. IZNOGOUD
    15. X-MEN II
    16. LORD OF THE RINGS 2*

    17. EAGLES : Hotel California
    18. SCORPIONS : The Zoo
    19. DIDO : White Flag
    20. PETER GABRIEL : Solsbury Hill
    21. PHIL COLLINS : True Colours
    22. SIMPLY RED : If You DonΓ??t Know Me By Now
    23. BLUE MAN GROUP : Sing A Long**
    24. SHEILA NICHOLLS : Faith*
    25. JEAN MICHEL JARRE : Aero
    26. PORCUPINE TREE : The Sound Of Muzak
    27. ICE-T : Step Your Game Up
    28. TCHAIKOVSKY : Dance Of The Mirlitons

    *DTS ES 6.1
    **DTS 96/24

    For DTS capable systems only
    PAL, 16:9, region free

    [kickass.to]dts.demo.sampler.vol.1.surround.sound.demonstration.dvd.torrent — Yandex.Disk

    DTS Demo Sampler vol.2 Surround Sound demonstration DVD

    VTS_01_0.BUP 90 KB
    VTS_01_0.IFO 90 KB
    VTS_01_0.VOB 410 KB
    VTS_01_1.VOB 1000.28 MB
    VTS_01_2.VOB 999.97 MB
    VTS_01_3.VOB 1000.28 MB
    VTS_01_4.VOB 999.76 MB

    Featuring following movie inserts and music clips:

    2. I, ROBOT
    4. FANTASTIC 4
    7. U 571
    9. KILL BILL VOL.1
    10. ROBOTS
    11. EAGLES : Life In The Fast Lane
    12. ROY ORBISON : Oh Pretty Woman
    13. PHIL COLLINS : Come With Me
    14. KYLIE MINOGUE : On A Night Like This
    15. OMAR HAKIM : Listen Up
    16. EAGLES : New York Minute
    17. BT : 1.618
    18. AFRO CELTS : Mohave
    19. DEPECHE MODE : Personal Jesus**
    20. PINK FLOYD : Time***
    21. THE POLYPHONIC SPREE : Hold Me Now
    22. PIXIES : Debaser

    *DTS-ES 6.1
    ** DTS 96/24
    *** DTS 4.1

    [kickass.to]dts.demo.sampler.vol.2.surround.sound.demonstration.dvd.torrent — Yandex.Disk

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi sarpcore -- 12 Mart 2014; 10:47:09 >

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: sarpcore

    Bu mesaj silindi.

    Alıntıları Göster
    bunları indirdiğimizde 20 kb falan görünüyor.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: sarpcore

     Ev Sinema Sistemi Test İçin Demolar.(Surr.Sub,Dolby Atmos,DTS,DD, vss)


    THX Demo Disc - Reference Quality Testing Blu-Ray

     Ev Sinema Sistemi Test İçin Demolar.(Surr.Sub,Dolby Atmos,DTS,DD, vss)

    THX Demo disc
    Reference quality Dolby and DTS demonstration blu-ray disc. Great for testing and demonstrating your
    surround system.
    BDMV and Certificate folders for burning on BD-25,or for playing with for example Arcsoft Total
    Media Theatre or other BD PC players. VLC Player also plays individual tracks in BDMV/STREAM folder.

    If you don 39;t own an Blu-Ray burner,you can easily and very quick convert individual .m2ts clips
    in folder BDMV-STREAM without re-encoding to .mkv with MKVToolnix.
    Without any copy or regional protection. With Title Menu and Auto-Loop function for In-store demo.
    Cover and Disc Label for printing included.
    Audio codecs are : Dolby TrueHD 7.1 and 5.1, DTS-HD MA 7.1 and 5.1, DTS 6.1 5.1
    and Dolby Digital EX.
    Video is of course in Full HD 1080 uncompressed quality
    Contains the variety of great sounding clips from following blockbuster movies:
    THX Cavalcade Trailer 5.1
    The Hunger Games 7.1
    Transformers 5.1
    Snow White the Huntsman 7.1
    The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey 7.1
    Master And Commander 5.1
    Terminator Salvation 5.1
    Hero : Arrows 5.1
    Hero : Blue Room 5.1
    House Of Flying Daggers 6.1
    Red : Special Edition 5.1
    Watchmen 5.1
    The Amazing Spiderman 5.1
    Hellboy II : The Golden Army 7.1
    Skyfall 5.1
    Battleship 5.1
    Transformers : Dark Of The Moon 7.1
    Tron Legacy 7.1
    Wrath Of The Titans 5.1
    Spiderman 3 5.1
    Star Trek 5.1
    Harry Potter And Deadly Hallows part 2 5.1
    Rise Of The Guardians 5.1
    Ratatouille 5.1
    Tangled 7.1
    Super 8 7.1
    Green Lantern 5.1
    Inception 5.1
    Prometheus : The Cave 7.1
    Prometheus : The Storm 7.1
    The Chronicles Of Narnia : Prince Caspian 7.1
    Despicable Me 5.1
    The Killers 5.1
    Safe House 5.1
    Sherlock Holmes : Game Of Shadows 5.1
    The Incredible Hulk 5.1
    The Dark Knight 5.1
    X-Men : First Class 5.1
    X-Men : The Last Stand 6.1
    Source Code 5.1
    Sucker Punch 5.1
    Band Of Brothers 5.1
    Night At The Museum 5.1
    Lifted 6.1

    Buradan indirebilirsiniz.

    5BEF74CDFFFA6AB7F1CDA80A8D01AE1CAFD768D7.torrent — Yandex.Disk


    DTS,DD,THX Demolardan oluşan bir DVD İso

    Buradan indirebilirsiniz.

    trailer-dvd.torrent — Yandex.Disk

    Denon Demo Disc

     Ev Sinema Sistemi Test İçin Demolar.(Surr.Sub,Dolby Atmos,DTS,DD, vss)

    I Musical Demonstration Section
    2. Classical
    3. Strauss: Also Sprach Zarathiustra (2001, A Space Odyssey) - Opening
    4. Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 - Opening
    5. Handel: Music From the Royal Fireworks
    6. Vivaldi: The Four Seasons - Autumn _ Allegro; La Caccia
    7. Dvorak: Symphony No. 9 'From the New World' - Movement 2 ('Going Home' Theme)
    8. Beriloz: Symphonie Fantastique - March to the Scaffold
    9. Tchaikovsky: 1812 Overture
    10. Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 'Choral' - Conclusion
    11. Mahler: Symphony No. 2 'Resurrection' - Conclusion

    II Musical Demonstration Section
    13. Jazz and Orchestral Pops
    14. On the Turning Away - Pink Floyd
    15. Jumpin' at the Woodside - Count Basie Big Band/Jon Hendricks
    16. Whirly Bird - Count Basie Big Band
    17. In the Shadows - Bob Berg
    18. Stardust - Dizzy Gillespie

    Buradan indirebilirsin.

    denon-demo-disc-various-artists-sonic-boom-2002-[torrentino].torrent — Yandex.Disk

    http://www.demo-world.eu/trailers/ şunlar var indirebileceğin.

    Birde bu sayfadakinin linkini vereyim.


     Ev Sinema Sistemi Test İçin Demolar.(Surr.Sub,Dolby Atmos,DTS,DD, vss)

    Bu bluray iso da aşağıdan indirebilirsin.

    Home Theater Demonstration Bluray v2.0.torrent — Yandex.Disk

    DTS Demo Sampler vol.1 Surround Sound demonstration DVD

    DTS VOL1 DVD LABEL.bmp 70.91 MB
    VTS_01_0.BUP 88 KB
    VTS_01_0.IFO 88 KB
    VTS_01_0.VOB 420 KB
    VTS_01_1.VOB 1000.35 MB
    VTS_01_2.VOB 1000.1 MB
    VTS_01_3.VOB 999.77 MB
    VTS_01_4.VOB 999.82 MB

    featuring movie inserts and music clips:

    3. HERO : ARROWS
    6. X-MEN III*
    12. LORD OF THE RINGS 3*
    14. IZNOGOUD
    15. X-MEN II
    16. LORD OF THE RINGS 2*

    17. EAGLES : Hotel California
    18. SCORPIONS : The Zoo
    19. DIDO : White Flag
    20. PETER GABRIEL : Solsbury Hill
    21. PHIL COLLINS : True Colours
    22. SIMPLY RED : If You DonΓ??t Know Me By Now
    23. BLUE MAN GROUP : Sing A Long**
    24. SHEILA NICHOLLS : Faith*
    25. JEAN MICHEL JARRE : Aero
    26. PORCUPINE TREE : The Sound Of Muzak
    27. ICE-T : Step Your Game Up
    28. TCHAIKOVSKY : Dance Of The Mirlitons

    *DTS ES 6.1
    **DTS 96/24

    For DTS capable systems only
    PAL, 16:9, region free

    [kickass.to]dts.demo.sampler.vol.1.surround.sound.demonstration.dvd.torrent — Yandex.Disk

    DTS Demo Sampler vol.2 Surround Sound demonstration DVD

    VTS_01_0.BUP 90 KB
    VTS_01_0.IFO 90 KB
    VTS_01_0.VOB 410 KB
    VTS_01_1.VOB 1000.28 MB
    VTS_01_2.VOB 999.97 MB
    VTS_01_3.VOB 1000.28 MB
    VTS_01_4.VOB 999.76 MB

    Featuring following movie inserts and music clips:

    2. I, ROBOT
    4. FANTASTIC 4
    7. U 571
    9. KILL BILL VOL.1
    10. ROBOTS
    11. EAGLES : Life In The Fast Lane
    12. ROY ORBISON : Oh Pretty Woman
    13. PHIL COLLINS : Come With Me
    14. KYLIE MINOGUE : On A Night Like This
    15. OMAR HAKIM : Listen Up
    16. EAGLES : New York Minute
    17. BT : 1.618
    18. AFRO CELTS : Mohave
    19. DEPECHE MODE : Personal Jesus**
    20. PINK FLOYD : Time***
    21. THE POLYPHONIC SPREE : Hold Me Now
    22. PIXIES : Debaser

    *DTS-ES 6.1
    ** DTS 96/24
    *** DTS 4.1

    [kickass.to]dts.demo.sampler.vol.2.surround.sound.demonstration.dvd.torrent — Yandex.Disk

    Alıntıları Göster

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi headbanger6 -- 11 Mart 2014; 20:55:32 >

  • sarpcore kullanıcısına yanıt
    Hocam bunları nasıl indirecez ?ben baya bi baktım ama indirme linki bulamadım...
  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    Daha Fazla Göster
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: diadavidoff

    Hocam bunları nasıl indirecez ?ben baya bi baktım ama indirme linki bulamadım...

    yandex linkleri var orada.gozukmuyomu sende?
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: headbanger6

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  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: sarpcore


    Orijinalden alıntı: PlayerX

    Paylaşım için teşekkürler, bunları media player üzerinden iso olarak izleyebiliyor muyuz ?

    playerınız destekliyorsa tabiki izlersiniz

    Eyvallah kardes

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  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: headbanger6


    Orijinalden alıntı: sarpcore


    Orijinalden alıntı: PlayerX

    Paylaşım için teşekkürler, bunları media player üzerinden iso olarak izleyebiliyor muyuz ?

    playerınız destekliyorsa tabiki izlersiniz

    Eyvallah kardes

    Alıntıları Göster
    Sarpcore emeğinize sağlık. Sistemini test etmek dostlar için oldukça yönlendirici bi liste. Altuğ ( hi-def-man ) dostumunda böyle bi listesi vardı diye hatırlıyorum. Kulakların çınlasın Altuğ ....

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