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Greenposion win_rc5_b4 ??

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  • windows icin olanıda yer alıyor ama ??
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Wizard_TT

    windows icin olanıda yer alıyor ama ??

  • sevindirici yanı bende dfu modu gc ye gosteremıyordum bu surumle herhangı bı hata kalmadı jaılbreak yaptım ip yi sonunda :))
  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    windows 10 uptade (KB3081424)
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  • verizon için güncelleme diyor bir kaç yerde ama ben böyle bir bilgiye ulaşamadım henüz.

    Bendede ilk çıkan b2 uzantılı sürüm var sorun yok şimdilik ama güncellesek mi acaba? :)
  • sonuçta en son cıkan versiyon.. en guncel ve daha az sorunsuzdur ... bence tum modelleri kapsıyordur.. sadece verizon için oldugunu sanmam. deneyen arkadaşlar bilgi versinler
  • verizon için guncellendi

    *** greenpois0n 1.0 RC5 ***

    > Description of the software:

    greenpois0n will Jailbreak your iDevice.

    > Supported iDevices:

    - iPod Touch 2G (all bootroms)
    - iPod Touch 3G
    - iPod Touch 4G
    - iPad 1G
    - iPhone 3Gs (all bootroms)
    - iPhone 4
    - iPhone 4 Verizon

    > Changelog:

    - RC5.4: Verizon iPhone 4 is now supported !

    > Requirements (check this !)

    - a supported device (see above)
    - the device should run iOS 4.2.1. Please check on the device in the Settings -> General -> About page.
    If your device is running an older version, please upgrade iOS first using iTunes.
    *** If you want to SIM Unlock, preserve your baseband using TinyUmbrella ***
    - at least Windows XP
    - a working internet connection

    > Notes (checks this also !)

    - if your device is jailbroken with iPhone Dev Team's Monte, please restore to fresh 4.2.1. first
    - if Cydia doesn't show up after Loader, you may need to reboot the device
    - this version of greenpois0n doesn't include a patched activation system. You'll need to activate your device using iTunes

    > Instructions

    1. plug the device to your computer using the USB cable
    2. quit iTunes if it shows up
    3. start greenpois0n.app
    4. follow instructions
    5. the device will boot a 1st time with verbose text on screen. This operation will install the jailbreak on the device.
    6. the device will reboot normally
    7. start the Loader application (green icon on the SpringBoard), and follow instructions to install Cydia

    > In case of troubles

    1. check if somebody had the same issue :http://jailbreakqa.com/
    2. join us on IRC : irc.chronic-dev.org #greenpois0n

    > Source code

    greenpois0n public source repositories will be updated soon

    > Credits (alphabetical order)

    Chronic-Dev Team (follow us on twitter):
    - AriX : @AriX
    - chronic : @chronic
    - DHowett : @DHowett
    - jan0 : @0naj
    - Jaywalker : @Jaywalker9988
    - OPK : @iOPK
    - pod2g : @pod2g
    - posixninja : @p0sixninja
    - semaphore : @notcom
    - westbaer : @westbaer

    Contributions: chpwn, comex, geohot

    People who helped (thank you!): GreySyntax, iH8sn0w, LunchBox, pod3g, ven000m (if you're not here and you think you deserve, it's certainly a mistake, tell us)

    > Donations:

    Donations are always greatly appreciated and will permit to buy new devices to make tests for future jailbreaks. (http://www.greenpois0n.com )

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