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IOS 5 Beta 6 yayınlandı!!

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  • arkadaslar ipad ve iphone icin ios 5 beta 6 yayinlandi

    Gelen yenilikler ve düzeltmeler aşağıdaki gibidir;

    Arkadaslar gelen yenilikler ve duzeltmeler asagidaki gibidir :))

    When creating an iCloud account, you can use any Apple ID as long as it is a full email address and not a MobileMe account. If you have a MobileMe account, you can move that account to iCloud. You can find more information on iCloud at: http://developer.apple.com/icloud
    FIXED: When setting up an iCloud or MobileMe account using the setup assistant and leaving Find My iPhone on, it might actually turn Find my iPhone off after the setup. Please verify in Settings/Mail, Contacts, Calendar/YourAccount that Find my iPhone is toggled On after leaving the setup assistant.
    FIXED: Enabling iCloud services in Setup Assistant may not always be saved correctly. After completing Setup Assistant you should visit Settings > iCloud to verify the state of the iCloud account. If you have multiple iCloud or MobileMe accounts configured on the device you should also visit each of those accounts in Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendar to verify each account.
    FIXED: It is recommended that you disable Bookmarks on multiple accounts. If they are enabled, the results might be undefined.
    Starting in iOS 5, video content in applications and websites are AirPlay-enabled by default.
    iOS 5 supports AirPlay of video via AV Foundation.
    Apple TV
    Apple TV Software beta enables users to mirror the contents of an iPad 2 to an Apple TV (2nd generation) using AirPlay.
    This beta software also enables Photo Stream on Apple TV so users can access photos stored in iCloud. Apple TV Software beta is being provided to test
    the latest AirPlay functionality with your iOS 5 apps and web sites. If you wish to install Apple TV Software beta on your device, you must first register
    your device UDID in the iOS Developer Program Portal.
    Apple TV may return to the main menu when exiting a TV show played via Home Sharing.
    Music playlists are inaccessible via Home Sharing.
    Binary Compatibility
    On applications linked against the iOS 5.0 SDK, scroll view content offsets will no longer be rounded to integral pixels during a pinch gesture.
    Birthday calendars are not currently available via the icloud.com website or in Windows. They will be available in a future release.
    FIXED: The default calendar is still the On My iPhone calendar despite setting up an iCloud account during Setup Assistant. As a workaround, reset the default Calendar after finishing Setup Assistant in Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendar > Default Calendar.
    FIXED: Pushing iCloud Calendar data is not working in iOS. To sync your iCloud Calendar, launch the Calendar app or refresh the calendars manually using the Calendars button in the top left corner.
    Core Image
    Several filters have been added since beta 1. The current list now includes the following filters:CIAdditionCompositing, CIAffineTransform, CICheckerboardGenerator, CIColorBlendMode, CIColorBurnBlendMode, CIColorControls, 
    CIColorCube, CIColorDodgeBlendMode, CIColorInvert,CIColorMatrix, CIColorMonochrome, CIConstantColorGenerator, CICrop, 
    CIDarkenBlendMode, CIDifferenceBlendMode, CIExclusionBlendMode, CIExposureAdjust, CIFalseColor, CIGammaAdjust,CIGaussianGradient, 
    CIHardLightBlendMode, CIHighlightShadowAdjust, CIHueAdjust, CIHueBlendMode, CILightenBlendMode, CILinearGradient, 
    CILuminosityBlendMode,CIMaximumCompositing, CIMinimumCompositing, CIMultiplyBlendMode, CIMultiplyCompositing, 
    CIOverlayBlendMode, CIRadialGradient, CISaturationBlendMode, CIScreenBlendMode,CISepiaTone, 
    CISoftLightBlendMode, CISourceAtopCompositing, CISourceInCompositing, CISourceOutCompositing, CISourceOverCompositing, 
    CIStraightenFilter, CIStripesGenerator,CITemperatureAndTint, CIToneCurve, CIVibrance, CIVignette, and CIWhitePointAdjust

    Match data for turn based matches is currently limited to 4 KB of data.
    NEW: Events will be passed to the delegate whenever a turn is made on a match, instead of just when it becomes the local player’s turn.
    FIXED: When logging in to Game Center, the password may clear and login may not complete. Trying a second time will succeed.
    FIXED: In this beta, GameKit Invites may fail. As a workaround, try restarting the device.
    iBooks 1.2.2 may fail to display some text or images in books. Please update to iBooks 1.3 in the App Store.
    iCloud Backup
    As this is beta software, it is recommended that you do not use the iCloud services to store any critical data or information. If you enable iCloud Backup, automatic backup with iTunes when syncing will be disabled. We also suggest that you manually back up your device with iTunes. Backups made with earlier versions of iOS 5 beta will soon become incompatible, and will no longer be available. It is strongly ****ed you upgrade to this version of the iOS 5 beta in order to continue backing up your devices. If you encounter errors restoring from a backup, or enabling a backup more than one hour after signing into iCloud, try deleting your iCloud account from Settings and adding it back. If errors persist, please try erasing your device and initiating the restore again.
    iCloud Storage
    NEW: If you call either stringByResolvingSymlinksInPath or stringByStandardizingPath on a path descended from your container, you’ll never be able to use the result to successfully perform a coordinated read.
    NEW: On KVS, the per-key limit has been raised to 64Kb (to match the per-app limit); and the maximum number of keys has been raised to 256.
    During the iOS 5 beta period, any documents stored on the servers might be purged periodically before GM. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you do not store any critical documents or information on the servers.
    Provisioning Profiles no longer need to be enabled for iCloud in the iOS Provisioning Portal. All newly generated provisioning profiles are now automatically enabled for iCloud. If you are using an Xcode managed Team Provisioning Profile, click refresh in the Xcode Organizer to obtain a new iCloud-enabled profile. To enable all other provisioning profiles for iCloud, simply regenerate your profiles in the iOS Provisioning Portal.
    If your application is using the NSMetadataQuery class, you must set a predicate, even though the predicate itself is ignored.
    In this beta, the setSortDescriptors: method of NSMetadataQuery is not supported.
    FIXED: To use iCloud prior to beta 5, you had to manually specify various container identifiers (your application’s Display set) within an Entitlements file for both of your Mac OS X and iOS projects.Starting in beta 5, to enable iCloud storage within your apps, simply click the “Enable Entitlements” checkbox in the Summary pane of your project. Xcode will create a custom entitlements file for your project that automatically includes your Team ID. You can add additional iCloud Container values as required by your application. (Note that you must regenerate your existing provisioning profiles, either with Xcode or in the iOS Provisioning Portal, to use iCloud storage.)If you specify a custom identifier string for your iCloud Key-Value Store or iCloud Container entitlement values, you no longer need to prepend your Team ID to the beginning of the string. Xcode will prepend your Team ID to these entries automatically
    The container identifier string you pass to the URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier: method of NSFileManager MUST include the team ID at the beginning of the string. As a convenience, if you pass nil, Foundation uses the first document container ID specified in your app’s entitlements.
    There are issues using the Cloud Storage document API in conjunction with protected data which can lead to data corruption.
    FIXED: In this beta, document-based applications cannot always detect when files change, move, or are deleted o

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi haks446 -- 19 Ağustos 2011; 21:06:38 >

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