Arkadaslar ne kadar dogru haber bilmiyorm ama bakin burada iphone 4 e siri nasil kurulur onu anlatiyor
Step 1: First of all, You have to jailbreak your device on iOS 5 running tethered jailbreak or Semi-tethered with Redsn0w or Sn0wbreeze Step 2: Download the below mentioned files required for the Siri port to iPhone 4 and iPod touch 4G. Step 3: Using a file explorer for your iOS device, copy over the AssistantServices.frameworkfolder you downloaded in Step 2 to Root > System > Library > PrivateFrameworks after plugging in your device to your computer via USB. Step 4: Transfer all files from the Springboard folder in Step 2 to Root > System > Library > CoreServices > on your iOS device. Step 5: Using iFile (you can get it from Cydia), open the .plist file for your iOS device fromSystem > Library > CoreServices > It will be named N81AP for iPod touch 4G and N9x for iPhone 4 (where x may be 0, 1, 2). Step 6: Add a new property list named assistant to the .plist file and set its class as Booleanwhile setting its value as YES. Step 7: Add the following to the .plist file: <key>assistant</key><true/> Step 8: After you’ve completed above steps re-spring your iOS device. Siri files extracted from an iPhone 4S (download here). One thing we want to make sure you that it’s just a GUI port of Siri on your device, and it will won’t work fully such as performing on iPhone 4S.
Sadece kullanıcı arabirimini port etmekten bahsediyor,sunucuya bağlanıp cevap vermiyor bunları yaptığınızda.(Bunu son cümleden çıkarabiliriz One thing ile başlayan kısımda söylüyor)