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iPhone 4 siri

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  • Arkadaslar ne kadar dogru haber bilmiyorm ama bakin burada iphone 4 e siri nasil kurulur onu anlatiyor

    Step 1: First of all, You have to jailbreak your device on iOS 5 running tethered jailbreak or Semi-tethered with Redsn0w or Sn0wbreeze
    Step 2: Download the below mentioned files required for the Siri port to iPhone 4 and iPod touch 4G.
    Step 3: Using a file explorer for your iOS device, copy over the AssistantServices.frameworkfolder you downloaded in Step 2 to Root > System > Library > PrivateFrameworks after plugging in your device to your computer via USB.
    Step 4: Transfer all files from the Springboard folder in Step 2 to Root > System > Library > CoreServices > Springboard.app on your iOS device.
    Step 5: Using iFile (you can get it from Cydia), open the .plist file for your iOS device fromSystem > Library > CoreServices > Springboard.app. It will be named N81AP for iPod touch 4G and N9x for iPhone 4 (where x may be 0, 1, 2).
    Step 6: Add a new property list named assistant to the .plist file and set its class as Booleanwhile setting its value as YES.
    Step 7: Add the following to the .plist file:
    Step 8: After you’ve completed above steps re-spring your iOS device.
    Siri files extracted from an iPhone 4S (download here).
    One thing we want to make sure you that it’s just a GUI port of Siri on your device, and it will won’t work fully such as performing on iPhone 4S.


  • Sadece kullanıcı arabirimini port etmekten bahsediyor,sunucuya bağlanıp cevap vermiyor bunları yaptığınızda.(Bunu son cümleden çıkarabiliriz One thing ile başlayan kısımda söylüyor)
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