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£LbiSe Ve SiLaHLaRINıZI 9 Degre Yapın :) (7. sayfa)

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  • oldu laaaaaan : D

     £LbiSe Ve SiLaHLaRINıZI 9 Degre Yapın :)
  • protectorları de deiştirdim müthiş oldu yaw

     £LbiSe Ve SiLaHLaRINıZI 9 Degre Yapın :)
  • 9D protector male giysilerin beli açık değil miydi ?
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: _chUck_


    Orjinalden alıntı: MeTeCiK

    Herseyi düzgün Okuyup yapamana sasiyorum

    -Oyunda olmyadan yapacaksıznı
    -ve Kendi degrenizi yazdın ben sadece 8 degreyi 9 aptım siz kendi degrenizi yazakcaısnız zaten Flash ile anlatim yaptım replace ALL kısmna basackasınız en sonunda kaydedeceksiniz ve bunları yapmadan once kesin yedeginizi alın.

    heeeeeer şeyi teker teker yaptım 2 şer kerede kontrol ettim ama olmadıııııı

    NOT: hızlı post kasıom yaw


  • doğru yaw armor o yaw bide protector giyip bi resim koysana

    Changing plus glows:
    The plus glows are defined in a file called "itemtypenumber.txt"
    It is in the resinfo directory of Media.pk2

    1. Open up Media.pk2 in your hex editor and do a search in hexadecimal mode for "31 20 09 33".

    2. There are sixteen lines of information in this file. The information is for +3 through +9, four times. Start out by opening resinfo\itemoption.txt and having a look at it. It uses the same syntax for item names as itemdata.txt. Look for your item in the first column. The number following it immediately is the number you want. Once you find it, move back over to your hex editor.

    3. Search for "3X 20 09 3Y" in hexadecimal mode where X is the number you found earlier and Y is the plus number of the glow you have (3, 5, 7, or 9).
    For ITEM_CH_SWORD_01_A (+4) you would search for "33 20 09 33"

    4. Now that you have the right line, look for "option_textureXX.ddj". This is the texture overlayed over the weapon. Valid options for the number (XX) are 13, 14, and 20 with higher ones being brighter.

    5. Look a bit futher and you should see two sets of comma separated three floating point numbers. These are the actual colors. The first set is one color, the second set is the second color. They are in RGB format and can go from 0.000 to 1.000. For example, a full on red glow would be "1.000,0.000,0.000" and if you wanted it to change to green you would set the second set to "0.000,1.000,0.000".

    6. I haven't tested but I'm pretty sure you could get +1 and +2 to glow by editing the glow number that you searched for (Y).

    Adding Seal Glows:
    Seal glows are defined in "itemrare.txt" which is also in the resinfo folder of Media.pk2

    1. Open up Media.pk2 in your hex editor and do a search for "raretype" in ANSI mode.

    2. Next do a second search for your item in the usual format, in ANSI mode.

    3. Now here is where you have to decide what seal you want it to be. If you want it to be SoSun you need to look for the "third tier" entry of your weapon. So if you originally searched for "ITEM_CH_SWORD_07_B_RARE" you need to scroll down till you see "ITEM_CH_SWORD_07_C_RARE". At this point, check your file size.

    4. With that in view, go into insert mode and remove the rare so it looks like "ITEM_CH_SWORD_07_C".

    5. Next go into over mode change the C to a B since you have a second tier sword.

    6. Now with your cursor still where you changed the C to a B, do a hexadecimal search for "0D". Look in the left column to where it found it's result. You should see an "0A" immediately after it. Now in between those two, you need to insert ten zeroes (00 00 00 00 00) Make sure that your file size is the same as it was before.

    7. Now find your weapon's entry in itemdata.txt with a Unicode search.

    8. Once you find the correct entry, do another Unicode search for "18000".

    9. You will see that following the 18000 there are two zeroes. Change the second one to a two.

    10. Save and test.

    11. If you already have a seal item and want to change its glow you simply need to swap it's tier letter with the desired one. (make sure you swap them so that both still have an entry)


  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: _chUck_


    Orjinalden alıntı: JeiCeei


    Changing plus glows:
    The plus glows are defined in a file called "itemtypenumber.txt"
    It is in the resinfo directory of Media.pk2

    1. Open up Media.pk2 in your hex editor and do a search in hexadecimal mode for "31 20 09 33".

    2. There are sixteen lines of information in this file. The information is for +3 through +9, four times. Start out by opening resinfo\itemoption.txt and having a look at it. It uses the same syntax for item names as itemdata.txt. Look for your item in the first column. The number following it immediately is the number you want. Once you find it, move back over to your hex editor.

    3. Search for "3X 20 09 3Y" in hexadecimal mode where X is the number you found earlier and Y is the plus number of the glow you have (3, 5, 7, or 9).
    For ITEM_CH_SWORD_01_A (+4) you would search for "33 20 09 33"

    4. Now that you have the right line, look for "option_textureXX.ddj". This is the texture overlayed over the weapon. Valid options for the number (XX) are 13, 14, and 20 with higher ones being brighter.

    5. Look a bit futher and you should see two sets of comma separated three floating point numbers. These are the actual colors. The first set is one color, the second set is the second color. They are in RGB format and can go from 0.000 to 1.000. For example, a full on red glow would be "1.000,0.000,0.000" and if you wanted it to change to green you would set the second set to "0.000,1.000,0.000".

    6. I haven't tested but I'm pretty sure you could get +1 and +2 to glow by editing the glow number that you searched for (Y).

    Adding Seal Glows:
    Seal glows are defined in "itemrare.txt" which is also in the resinfo folder of Media.pk2

    1. Open up Media.pk2 in your hex editor and do a search for "raretype" in ANSI mode.

    2. Next do a second search for your item in the usual format, in ANSI mode.

    3. Now here is where you have to decide what seal you want it to be. If you want it to be SoSun you need to look for the "third tier" entry of your weapon. So if you originally searched for "ITEM_CH_SWORD_07_B_RARE" you need to scroll down till you see "ITEM_CH_SWORD_07_C_RARE". At this point, check your file size.

    4. With that in view, go into insert mode and remove the rare so it looks like "ITEM_CH_SWORD_07_C".

    5. Next go into over mode change the C to a B since you have a second tier sword.

    6. Now with your cursor still where you changed the C to a B, do a hexadecimal search for "0D". Look in the left column to where it found it's result. You should see an "0A" immediately after it. Now in between those two, you need to insert ten zeroes (00 00 00 00 00) Make sure that your file size is the same as it was before.

    7. Now find your weapon's entry in itemdata.txt with a Unicode search.

    8. Once you find the correct entry, do another Unicode search for "18000".

    9. You will see that following the 18000 there are two zeroes. Change the second one to a two.

    10. Save and test.

    11. If you already have a seal item and want to change its glow you simply need to swap it's tier letter with the desired one. (make sure you swap them so that both still have an entry)


    bu ne lan : D


    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi JeiCeei -- 12 Mart 2007; 16:43:43 >

  • spear lar olmuyo mu yav? bende yaptım

     £LbiSe Ve SiLaHLaRINıZI 9 Degre Yapın :)
  • beyler garment yapmak için ne yazıcaz biri yardım etsinnnn
  • quote:


    Changing plus glows:
    The plus glows are defined in a file called "itemtypenumber.txt"
    It is in the resinfo directory of Media.pk2

    1. Open up Media.pk2 in your hex editor and do a search in hexadecimal mode for "31 20 09 33".

    2. There are sixteen lines of information in this file. The information is for +3 through +9, four times. Start out by opening resinfo\itemoption.txt and having a look at it. It uses the same syntax for item names as itemdata.txt. Look for your item in the first column. The number following it immediately is the number you want. Once you find it, move back over to your hex editor.

    3. Search for "3X 20 09 3Y" in hexadecimal mode where X is the number you found earlier and Y is the plus number of the glow you have (3, 5, 7, or 9).
    For ITEM_CH_SWORD_01_A (+4) you would search for "33 20 09 33"

    4. Now that you have the right line, look for "option_textureXX.ddj". This is the texture overlayed over the weapon. Valid options for the number (XX) are 13, 14, and 20 with higher ones being brighter.

    5. Look a bit futher and you should see two sets of comma separated three floating point numbers. These are the actual colors. The first set is one color, the second set is the second color. They are in RGB format and can go from 0.000 to 1.000. For example, a full on red glow would be "1.000,0.000,0.000" and if you wanted it to change to green you would set the second set to "0.000,1.000,0.000".

    6. I haven't tested but I'm pretty sure you could get +1 and +2 to glow by editing the glow number that you searched for (Y).

    Adding Seal Glows:
    Seal glows are defined in "itemrare.txt" which is also in the resinfo folder of Media.pk2

    1. Open up Media.pk2 in your hex editor and do a search for "raretype" in ANSI mode.

    2. Next do a second search for your item in the usual format, in ANSI mode.

    3. Now here is where you have to decide what seal you want it to be. If you want it to be SoSun you need to look for the "third tier" entry of your weapon. So if you originally searched for "ITEM_CH_SWORD_07_B_RARE" you need to scroll down till you see "ITEM_CH_SWORD_07_C_RARE". At this point, check your file size.

    4. With that in view, go into insert mode and remove the rare so it looks like "ITEM_CH_SWORD_07_C".

    5. Next go into over mode change the C to a B since you have a second tier sword.

    6. Now with your cursor still where you changed the C to a B, do a hexadecimal search for "0D". Look in the left column to where it found it's result. You should see an "0A" immediately after it. Now in between those two, you need to insert ten zeroes (00 00 00 00 00) Make sure that your file size is the same as it was before.

    7. Now find your weapon's entry in itemdata.txt with a Unicode search.

    8. Once you find the correct entry, do another Unicode search for "18000".

    9. You will see that following the 18000 there are two zeroes. Change the second one to a two.

    10. Save and test.

    11. If you already have a seal item and want to change its glow you simply need to swap it's tier letter with the desired one. (make sure you swap them so that both still have an entry)


    hadiyin arkadaşlar çevirin şunu da anlayalım bizde :D

  • >>3.Modifying Wolf<<
    This is quite a bit more complexed and many of you may have lots of questions on this portion. Hit me, avalanche or cruor up on AIM for help (me:"TheAssassin",Cruor:"cruor313",Avalanche:"coloradofan1090").. All credits in this go to Cruor, the hex god ) Screenshots will be added soon.

    All this is done through editing characterdata.txt in media\server_dep\silkroad\textdata.

    I typically extract the latest one and make a backup.

    Next I open it up in a text editor. Then I look for the .bsr file that I want to use. For the fox girl it's "char\china\chinawoman_fox.bsr". Next I scroll down to where it says "COS_P_WOLF_044" because my wolf is level 44. I scroll to the right and paste the fox girl's .bsr file over "cos\p_wolf_02.bsr". Then I scroll all the way to the bottom of the file until I see "COS_GUILD_EU_SOLDIER9_140" and other variants of it. Those are high level Euro mercs. I look to the right of them for a reference to "cos\guild_eu_soldier9_scroll.ddj" which is their icon and replace it with "cos\cos_c_horse1.ddj" to make some extra space. How many I replace depends on how much space I want. Finally I save that file.

    Now I find the file size of the original file. Then I open up my modified file in a hex editor and scroll to the bottom. Finally, I add in null bytes until it has the same file size as the original file.

    The final step is opening up Media.pk2 in my hex editor, searching for "FF FE 31 00 09 00 31 00 39 00 30 00 37 00 09 00 43 00 48 00 41 52" in hexadecimal mode, which should bring me to the start of characterdata.txt. I then put my cursor in front of the "FF FE" from that search and paste over the file from my modified file.

    >>4.Modifying Glow/Seal<<
    Another very difficult hex. This is more difficult then changing your wolf. Once you have the wolf down, you'll be able to do this fairly easy. Credits to cruor:

    Changing plus glows:
    The plus glows are defined in a file called "itemtypenumber.txt"
    It is in the resinfo directory of Media.pk2

    1. Open up Media.pk2 in your hex editor and do a search in hexadecimal mode for "31 20 09 33".

    2. There are sixteen lines of information in this file. The information is for +3 through +9, four times. Start out by opening resinfo\itemoption.txt and having a look at it. It uses the same syntax for item names as itemdata.txt. Look for your item in the first column. The number following it immediately is the number you want. Once you find it, move back over to your hex editor.

    3. Search for "3X 20 09 3Y" in hexadecimal mode where X is the number you found earlier and Y is the plus number of the glow you have (3, 5, 7, or 9).
    For ITEM_CH_SWORD_01_A (+4) you would search for "33 20 09 33"

    4. Now that you have the right line, look for "option_textureXX.ddj". This is the texture overlayed over the weapon. Valid options for the number (XX) are 13, 14, and 20 with higher ones being brighter.

    5. Look a bit futher and you should see two sets of comma separated three floating point numbers. These are the actual colors. The first set is one color, the second set is the second color. They are in RGB format and can go from 0.000 to 1.000. For example, a full on red glow would be "1.000,0.000,0.000" and if you wanted it to change to green you would set the second set to "0.000,1.000,0.000".

    6. I haven't tested but I'm pretty sure you could get +1 and +2 to glow by editing the glow number that you searched for (Y).

    Adding Seal Glows:
    Seal glows are defined in "itemrare.txt" which is also in the resinfo folder of Media.pk2

    1. Open up Media.pk2 in your hex editor and do a search for "raretype" in ANSI mode.

    2. Next do a second search for your item in the usual format, in ANSI mode.

    3. Now here is where you have to decide what seal you want it to be. If you want it to be SoSun you need to look for the "third tier" entry of your weapon. So if you originally searched for "ITEM_CH_SWORD_07_B_RARE" you need to scroll down till you see "ITEM_CH_SWORD_07_C_RARE". At this point, check your file size.

    4. With that in view, go into insert mode and remove the rare so it looks like "ITEM_CH_SWORD_07_C".

    5. Next go into over mode change the C to a B since you have a second tier sword.

    6. Now with your cursor still where you changed the C to a B, do a hexadecimal search for "0D". Look in the left column to where it found it's result. You should see an "0A" immediately after it. Now in between those two, you need to insert ten zeroes (00 00 00 00 00) Make sure that your file size is the same as it was before.

    7. Now find your weapon's entry in itemdata.txt with a Unicode search.

    8. Once you find the correct entry, do another Unicode search for "18000".

    9. You will see that following the 18000 there are two zeroes. Change the second one to a two.

    10. Save and test.

    11. If you already have a seal item and want to change its glow you simply need to swap it's tier letter with the desired one. (make sure you swap them so that both still have an entry)


    There's some rough guides on it. If I have time I might make a nice picture tutorial on it later.

    >>5.Further Mods<<
    There are lots of possibilities here. As cruor managed to snag the GM armor set earlier today and the stats on them are CRAZY.


    You can mod your squirrel/monkey also. I'm trying to figure out if our version has the pig or not. I'd like to see if we can have a pig Umm, i know also weapon appearances can be modded too.. cruor and i were talking about having a "black" sword.. just an idea.. Some people also asked if you can turn your glaive into a sword, or etc etc.. Yes, you can mod your glaive into a sword and do glaive skills with a sword, or vica versa.. Any other questions? I will be posting pictures to help you guys out )

    Bunu çevirin kurt falan da var ben uğraştım hemen hemen beceremedim..
    SilkroadForums'tan alıntıdır.

  • Bu programı dün akşam kullandım gayet güzel evet aylardır kullanmak istediğim silahları 5 dkda kullanıverdim Gelelim asıl konuya.

    Kimsenin günahını almak istemiyorum.Metecik iyi niyetiyle koymuş olabilir, arkadaşı arayıp bulmuş olabilir programı kimin yaptığı belli değil.

    Bu sabah saat 10 gibi karakterimle oyuna girilmiş, kasada ne varsa alınmış lvl 3olan ve 4 olmak üzere olan guild bozulmuş bu durumda kasada olan 10binlerce element tablet vs silinmiş (yeniden guild kurmak istediğim zaman 2 gün 14 saat bekleyin diyo ordan biliyorum saat 10 gibi yapıldığını) ve daha daha ne varsa çalınmış. Bence böyle programlarla uğraşmayın, belki yanılıyorumdur bilemem ama yazık yani. Bu arada karakter askere giden kardeşimindi ve beni en çok üzen şey o oldu aylardır 2 kişi bişeyler yapmaya çalışmıştık,şimdi sıfır ne guild var ne item.

  • birdere harbiden delikanlısınyanihelal olsun.ama arkadaş bu her lv için geçerlimi yaaavvv
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: KingSagopa

    Bu programı dün akşam kullandım gayet güzel evet aylardır kullanmak istediğim silahları 5 dkda kullanıverdim Gelelim asıl konuya.

    Kimsenin günahını almak istemiyorum.Metecik iyi niyetiyle koymuş olabilir, arkadaşı arayıp bulmuş olabilir programı kimin yaptığı belli değil.

    Bu sabah saat 10 gibi karakterimle oyuna girilmiş, kasada ne varsa alınmış lvl 3olan ve 4 olmak üzere olan guild bozulmuş bu durumda kasada olan 10binlerce element tablet vs silinmiş (yeniden guild kurmak istediğim zaman 2 gün 14 saat bekleyin diyo ordan biliyorum saat 10 gibi yapıldığını) ve daha daha ne varsa çalınmış. Bence böyle programlarla uğraşmayın, belki yanılıyorumdur bilemem ama yazık yani. Bu arada karakter askere giden kardeşimindi ve beni en çok üzen şey o oldu aylardır 2 kişi bişeyler yapmaya çalışmıştık,şimdi sıfır ne guild var ne item.

    Programı ben 3 porgramla tanıttım
    ve Programı bizzat ben kullaniyorum benim maksatim SADECE palaşım..
    Ben Zaten 79 olmuşum iteminte var sukru paramda bundan sonra yapacaihm sadece 20 K sp ve 80 olmak sonra oyunun tadını cıkarma ben sadece
    SilkRoad'ı seviyorum..

  • sayin arkadaslar, ilk olarak ilk mesajim hayirli olsun diyorum ve basliyorum :)

    bulunan taktik cok guzel ve eglenceli hale getirilebiliyor.
    tamam hersey guzel ama bunun arkasinda birsey cikmasin diye dusunlere bir sitede buldugum aciklamayi sunuyorum.

    Please note. editing PK2 files is dangerous, it can cause problems with your client, and possibly intervention by GM's

    I, nor Pluss44, or anyone mentioned hereafter are responsible for the things you to do your client and/or account.

    edit at your own risk, and please, don't be a dumbass, back the files up!

    Dikkatinze. PK2 editlemek telikelidir ve charinizi telikeye sokabilir.
    Edit ettigniz pkler kendi sorumlugunuz altindar ve sorumluluk kabul etmiyorum. diye not vermis adamlar.

    kaynak :http://www.silkroadforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=30017

    neden bir arastirma yapilmadan once konu foruma yaziliyor bilmiyorum.
    ama bunca insanin charina birsey olsa ne olacak ?
    Sorumluluk Kabul ediyormusunuz ?

    Herkeze sesleniyorum burdan backup yapmamis arkadaslar oyunu silip yeniden yuklesin
    backup yapmis arkadaslar backupu geri atsin.
    Zamani geldiginde herkez giyecek ve kullanacak o degreedeki itemleri.


  • modlara duyuru lutfen kitlensin ve silinsin
  • ewt pk2 lerle oynamak ban nedenidir ama bot kullanmakta ban nedeni
    ben şuana kadar pk2 lerle oynadığı için ceza alan görmedim ki insanlar deli gibi videoları koyuyorlar.
    tüm yabancı forumlarda aynı konular hatta çok daha fazlaları yazıyor.

    bunlara bakan kimsenin olduğunu sanmıyorum.botlara bile bakmıyorlar bunlamı uğraşcak adamlar.
  • hadi simdi bakmadilar ilerde baktilar, ozaman ne olacak ?
    80 lvle kadar millet bosunami emek harcamis olacak
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: ozyurek)

    hadi simdi bakmadilar ilerde baktilar, ozaman ne olacak ?
    80 lvle kadar millet bosunami emek harcamis olacak

    yaw ilersimi kalmış bunun onlar bakana kadar biz 9 degree giyicek kadar yüksek lvl oluruz zaten
  • bende taratım prog ramı bişey cıkmadı

    licince li ve hergun guclenen bi anti hack programı ile
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