saol metecik uzaklaştırıldığım için bişey yazamamıştım charım süper oldu saol
>>3.Modifying Wolf<< This is quite a bit more complexed and many of you may have lots of questions on this portion. Hit me, avalanche or cruor up on AIM for help (me:"TheAssassin",Cruor:"cruor313",Avalanche:"coloradofan1090").. All credits in this go to Cruor, the hex god ) Screenshots will be added soon. Quote:
All this is done through editing characterdata.txt in media\server_dep\silkroad\textdata.
I typically extract the latest one and make a backup.
Next I open it up in a text editor. Then I look for the .bsr file that I want to use. For the fox girl it's "char\china\chinawoman_fox.bsr". Next I scroll down to where it says "COS_P_WOLF_044" because my wolf is level 44. I scroll to the right and paste the fox girl's .bsr file over "cos\p_wolf_02.bsr". Then I scroll all the way to the bottom of the file until I see "COS_GUILD_EU_SOLDIER9_140" and other variants of it. Those are high level Euro mercs. I look to the right of them for a reference to "cos\guild_eu_soldier9_scroll.ddj" which is their icon and replace it with "cos\cos_c_horse1.ddj" to make some extra space. How many I replace depends on how much space I want. Finally I save that file.
Now I find the file size of the original file. Then I open up my modified file in a hex editor and scroll to the bottom. Finally, I add in null bytes until it has the same file size as the original file.
The final step is opening up Media.pk2 in my hex editor, searching for "FF FE 31 00 09 00 31 00 39 00 30 00 37 00 09 00 43 00 48 00 41 52" in hexadecimal mode, which should bring me to the start of characterdata.txt. I then put my cursor in front of the "FF FE" from that search and paste over the file from my modified file. ---------------------- Aradığım Şeyi Buldum Sonunda Be, Media dosyası yerine şu mereti textdata ya komuş elin korelisi
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