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  • DIY Craft Creativeyoutube
    Chốt Cửa Tự Chế Độc Đáo #6 | Hướng Dẫn Làm Chốt Cửa Tự Khóa Tại Nhà. Xin chào các bạn! Video này mình sẽ hướng dẫn các bạn cách làm chốt cửa sắt tự đóng tại nhà vô cùng độc đáo và ấn tượng giúp các bạn có thể tự làm 1 chốt cửa hoặc chốt cổng tại nhà mà không cần phải cài chốt. #Uniquehomemadedoorlatch #chotcuatukhoa #chotcuatuche #chotcuatudong #chotcuasat #diycraftcreative ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nếu các bạn thích video này hãy cho mình xin 1 like chia sẽ video cho nhiều người biết, đừng quên Đăng Kí Kênh và bật chuông để nhận thông báo khi mình ra video mới. Xin chân thành cảm ơn các bạn đã xem video!!! ➤ Đăng Kí Kênh: https://youtube.com/channel/UC0wAFK-Kazpyt3zrPklmtRg ➤ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/an.indl.design © Bản quyền thuộc về DIY Craft Creative. © Copyright By DIY Craft Creative & Do not reup.

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    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi limbesh -- 28 Nisan 2023; 2:7:14 >
  • The Makeryoutube
    To join and joint metal profile pipes, it is necessary to cut and weld. But in some cases there may not be a welding machine, so in this video we showed you how to join metal profile pipes and make elbows without using a welding machine. You should definitely watch this video with interesting weldless joining ideas, tips and tricks about metal profile pipes.
  • بيت الهيدروليك & Hydraulic houseyoutube
    تعليم خراطة المعادن، تعليم خراطه معادن عامة . طرق مبتكرة وجديدة يومية في مجال خراطة المعادن وطريقة تشغيل مخرطة المعادن والتعرف علي جميع اجزاءها وقوانين خراطة المعادن . الادوات المستخدمة في خراطة المعادن وطريقة تحضيرها للعمل . مواقف يومية علي مخرطة المعادن ابتكارات يومية علي مخرطة المعادن مكونات ورش خراطة المعادن اهم الاعمال اليومية المتكررة في مجال خراطة المعادن الامان في ورشة خراطة المعادن اشغال يومية متعددة داخل ورشة خراطة المعادن انواع المخارط المختلفة والتعرف عليها كيفية بدأ مشروع ورشة خراطة مميزات وعيوب مشروع ورشة خراطة هل مشروع ورشة خراطة مربح ام لا ابتكارات على المخرطة https://youtu.be/AIJULwRo2Zs ابتكارات حرفية على المخرطة https://youtu.be/AAhf_HQSQWY تعليمات مهمه جدا قبل شراء المخرطة https://youtu.be/BxM1igJVAnw تفاصيل مهمه قبل البدأ في مشروع خراطة المعادن https://youtu.be/u13frhDPLaw التعرف على الاجزاء الأساسية في المخرطة https://youtu.be/I2Y6Q2ouqqA قياس ومعرفة درجه المسلوب https://youtu.be/1PUwFlmguVo تصنيع فتيل سن مربع سن ٤ خطوات في البوصه https://youtu.be/OVrApSJHnQ4 تصنيع فتيل سن ٤ في بوصه ٢ باب https://youtu.be/tDbYH6TUbao تصنيع فتيل سن مربع سن ١ سنه في البوصه ٤ باب https://youtu.be/59F0H3yCsY0 تعليم القلاووظ للمبتدئين https://youtu.be/5L-InvwOxZo اختيار السرعه المناسبة للقلاووظ بالفدية https://youtu.be/_zJpR83eTjc التعرف على مطوة السن ومعرفة درجة السن https://youtu.be/pQHgRdWL00M تعليم القلاووظ الداخلي والخارجي للمبتدئين https://youtu.be/xZBvMz45g7U تصنيع قلم للقلاووظ الداخلي https://youtu.be/7UF4EhJLBFQ قلاووظ مواسير المياه على المخرطة https://youtu.be/_zJpR83eTjc الطريقة الصحيحه لسن فدية الخراطة https://youtu.be/-sSglST_Ph8 أدوات وافكار تجعلك أكثر ذكاءً وأكثر سرعة عن الآخرين https://youtu.be/4QEw0BAR87g تصنيع قاعدة حامل لصاروخ صغير https://youtu.be/s3ZSfYiixKY أدوات وافكار تجعلك أكثر ذكاءً وأكثر سرعة عن الآخرين https://youtu.be/mdRz8IyC1ZE أدوات وافكار تجعلك أكثر ذكاءً وأكثر سرعة عن الآخرين https://youtu.be/uc_tw1ipVTc طريقة مبتكره لإصلاح مكان برغي او مسمار تالف https://youtu.be/VMlJSsvHmhY
  • Fikret Rakıcıyoutube
    Videoda gordugunuz mekanizma tamamen kendi tasarimim olup kopyalanmasi serbesttir (; kullanmaniz durumunda mevcut video linkini referans gostermenize sevinirim. iyi calismalar . Bu videoda daha önceden yaptigim ve kullandikca eksiklerini gorup iyilestirdigim calisma tezgahinin beşinci montaj bolumunu bulabilirsiniz, bu seriyi tezgaha yapilan eklemelerle birlikte 6 bolum olarak hazirlayacagim, gerekli ölçüler ve aciklamalar video icerisinde mevcuttur iyi seyirler. Bu tip Kendin Yap / DIY videoları için aşağıdaki linklere bakabilirsiniz; https://youtu.be/xQtuYJdLoXw https://youtu.be/j-F-i-c07mw https://youtu.be/3-gipWQrBQE https://youtu.be/0zj_6TDIlqE https://youtu.be/y8IF2XWw2N4 https://youtu.be/B7q38et4ARE https://youtu.be/5LwXhTq8h14 Gonye linki. Alüminyum Alaşım Hız Kare Açıölçer Gönye Çerçeveleme Tri-kare Çizgi Scriber Testere Kılavuzu Ölçüm Metre Kare Marangoz Cetvel https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/bUv0ErOp İzlediğiniz için teşekkürler! lütfen abone olmayı unutmayın. #fikretrakıcı, #Quickreleasevicebuild, #hızlıaçılırkapanırmengene
    Pask Makesyoutube
    My Premier Project Plans: https://paskmakes.com/premier-project-plans/ My Free Plans: https://paskmakes.com/free-plans/ When I stumbled across this type of quick release vice I was very intrigued by how it worked. After some digging around I understood it and decided to make one for myself. It took a couple of years to get around to it, I needed a little time to tinker so I was waiting for the right opportunity and I ended up forgetting about it. This week I finally gave it a crack and it was a project that I thoroughly enjoyed. The next video will be the vice build using this mechanism. As always I'm happy to answer any questions. If you would like to support this channel you can do so here https://www.patreon.com/PaskMakes You can also help me out by purchasing one of my shirts, you can find them here https://paskmakes.threadless.com Check out my new website http://paskmakes.com/ Check out my Instagram to see more of my work https://www.instagram.com/paskmakes/ Also you can check out my photography at my website (nothing to do with making but you may be interested in what I do) http://www.neilpaskin.com My email can be found in the about section of this channel. For real mail, Pask Makes P.O BOX 768 Yandina Queensland 4561 Australia

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi karafetva -- 26 Nisan 2022; 7:38:27 >
  • Hydraulic Press Channelyoutube
    Crushing Nails, Screws, Bolts and Nuts with Hydraulic Press Compilation Our second channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCveB47lgzZJ1WOf4XYVJNBw Our fan shop https://www.printmotor.com/hydraulicpresschannel/ https://www.facebook.com/officialhpc/ https://www.instagram.com/hydraulicpresschannel Do not try this at home!! or at any where else!! Music Thor's Hammer-Ethan Meixell
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    Mr. Hackeryoutube
    For the music featured in this video, go to: https://geni.us/artlists Did you like the soundtracks? You can subscribe to Artlist and get an unlimited access to music for usage in your project. Follow my link https://geni.us/artlists and get +2 months usage as a gift.. Hi guys, we have selected a lot of useful devices, drills, and necks to make your screw gun a universal tool and are eager to share how to do it in the video. Simply add a comment which of the necks you like the most. All Bits & Attachments from the video: 00:00 - 1) https://www.banggood.com/Drillpro-11Pcs-Titanium-Coating-Countersink-Drill-Bit-Set-5-Flutes-Chamfer-Drill-Deburring-Bit-External-Deburring-Drill-Bit-p-1718171.html?rmmds=detail-topright-recommendation&cur_warehouse=CN 00:46 - 2) http://alii.pub/5rlavq 01:14 - 3) https://www.banggood.com/Drillpro-11Pcs-Titanium-Coating-Countersink-Drill-Bit-Set-5-Flutes-Chamfer-Drill-Deburring-Bit-External-Deburring-Drill-Bit-p-1718171.html?rmmds=detail-topright-recommendation&cur_warehouse=CN 01:35 - 4) http://alii.pub/5rlaxa 02:16 - 5) http://alii.pub/5rlaxv 02:55 - 6) http://alii.pub/5rlay9 03:31 - 7) http://alii.pub/5rlayg 04:21 - 8) http://alii.pub/5rlayu 05:09 - 9) http://alii.pub/5rlazf 05:52 - 10) http://alii.pub/5rlb07 06:39 - 11) http://alii.pub/5rlb0s 07:23 - 12) http://alii.pub/5rlb0s 07:39 - 13) http://alii.pub/5rlb1d 08:37 - 14) http://alii.pub/5rlb1k 09:33 - 15) http://alii.pub/5rlb25 10:09 - 16) http://alii.pub/5rlb2j 10:55 - 17) http://alii.pub/5rlb34 11:29 - 18) http://alii.pub/5rlb3i 12:11 - 19) http://alii.pub/5rlb43 13:08 - 20) http://alii.pub/5rlb4a 14:28 - 21) http://alii.pub/5rlb4v 15:20 - 22) http://alii.pub/5rlb59 16:27 - 23) 17:11 - 24) http://alii.pub/5rlb61 18:02 - 25) http://alii.pub/5rlb6f 18:31 - 26) http://alii.pub/5rlb6f Music in this video: 00:01 - Ben Fox - Real movements (No backing vocals) 02:11 - Ben Fox - Moments 04:21 - Zac Nelson - Heart first 06:39 - Lance Conrad - Born to drive me crazy (Instrumental version) 08:37 - Above Envy - Switch it on (Instrumental version) 10:55 - Stefano Mastronardi - Lombard street 12:11 - Ian Post - Cheesecake 14:39 - Evgeny Bardyuzha - Embrace the ocean 16:26 - Sunny Fruit - Ghost 18:02 - Liqwyd - Crash You can search the soundtracks on the website https://geni.us/artlists
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  • Mr. Hackeryoutube
    For the music featured in this video, go to: https://geni.us/artlists Did you like the soundtracks? You can subscribe to Artlist and get an unlimited access to music for usage in your project. Follow my link https://geni.us/artlists and get +2 months usage as a gift. Hi, guys! In this video, I will teach you to tie knots – the skill that comes handy for everyone in different life situations. With these knots, you will be able to tow a car or to shift and descend stuff easily and conveniently. You will also learn how to make a rope ladder and a rope and wood swing. Watch the video to the end without skipping a beat! Subscribe to my channel and don't forget to click the bell 🔔 https://www.youtube.com/c/MisterHacker?sub_confirmation=1 Music in this video: 00:00 - Moments - Ben Fox 02:04 - Rays - Danrell 04:51 - Top gun disco - John Coggins 07:44 - Traveling with you - Lux Inspira 08:59 - Ballroom - Stefano Mastronardi 10:55 - I aint mad about it - Katrina Stone 13:01 - The nest (Instrumental version) - Prox-i-Mal You can search the soundtracks on the website https://geni.us/artlists
    3 best way and 3 best handmade tools to pulling out blind hole bearings that completely jammed for years. Welcome to INNOVATION TIME.💐 I try to make some useful diy tools to doing job easier and faster. These diy tools is about metal working and welding projects. Many ideas for making diy tools you can find here. If you have diy tools idea for this channel, comment me please. In this video I show you how to pulling out blind hole bearings with 3 different ways and handmade tools that you can make them. but you need an angle grinder, welding machine and a drill. If you, like me, are interested in solving technical challenges, follow the videos of this channel. In addition, I am building a handmade lathe machine and I need financial support to complete it. You can help me by joining my channel and paying the membership . Make this diy tools easily 😉 Support this channel with likes and comments 👍 Please don't forget to subscribe 👆 https://yun.ir/1v78ad Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwEklI11QlBIzz6QIsmfkZbNUFQJoLWlJ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwEklI11QlBJ0_IFo2JC7Pay7WPtf_zOr If this video helped you out share it with your friends 👉
  • Steve Mouldyoutube
    Head to https://80000hours.org/steve to start planning a career that is meaningful, fulfilling, and helps solve one of the world’s most pressing problems. Gas or petrol pump nozzles turn off automatically when your tank is full. The way it works is really clever and uses the venturi effect. You can buy my books here: https://stevemould.com/books You can support me on Patreon and get access to the exclusive Discord: https://www.patreon.com/stevemould just like these amazing people: Frank Hereford Will Ackerly Brendan Williams Cameron Leigh Middleton Matthew Cocke Frederic Merizen Jeremy Cole Lizzy and Jack Alan Wilderland Joel Van der loo Glenn Watson Doug Peterson Paul Warelis John Zelinka Alnitak Grant Hay Heather Liu Marshall Fitzpatrik Lukas Biewalk JJ Masson Ben McIntosh Damien Szerszinski Twitter: http://twitter.com/moulds Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stevemouldscience/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevemouldscience/ Buy nerdy maths things: http://mathsgear.co.uk

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  • CarHaxyoutube
    In this video, I make Brake Rotors from scratch auto of Lead, Aluminium, and Copper alloy. I chose these metals because they are very different one to each other. It was relatively easy to cast Lead and aluminum. The tricky part was to cast copper because of its height melting point ​(1084.62 °C, ​1984.32 °F). I didn't know what to expect when I tested the brake disc made of copper alloy. I thought it would melt, but it didn't. For the Rotor made from aluminum, I melted cans made from aluminum alloy Al 3004 / Al 5182 and some Grounding wire Al5052. I was not surprised that it is brittle and breaks into pieces subjected to massive forces. Lead is very soft and highly malleable. It made a spectacular show in our video; because of the friction, the Disk started melting, spurting like a stream, and solidified instantly before falling to the ground. Rotors Weigh: - Original cast iron 3,9 kg/8.5lb - Lead 8,2kg/18lb - Aluminium 1,7kg/3.7lb - Copper 5,6 kg/12.3lb The moral of the story: Don't make brake Rotors out of Lead :) Enjoy! WARNING: This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.
  • Lock Noobyoutube
    Check out my key impressioning videos on my channel #shorts
  • THE AFRICAN CAR GUY 900Kyoutube
    Ghetto CYLINDER BLOCK RESLEEVING!! #mechanic #shorts

    Doğan Kabakyoutube
    1997 Model Arabadaki Teknolojiye Bak! Honda Prelude #shorts
  • Ft-share Internationalyoutube
    Hello Everyone. in this video we will talk about Unique engine. where for every connecting Rod will handle 4 pistons at once. i hope you can enjoy this video and thanks for watching... ELENORE 868 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Us: Instagram : @mujaadill E-Mail : Ftsharevlog@google.com Facebook : Ftshare #Ducati #Elenore
  • Animagraffsyoutube
    Detailed exploration of a front wheel drive manual transmission and clutch assembly. See "How a Car Engine Works" as part of our developing automotive series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQvfHyfgBtA CREDITS Jacob O'Neal - modeling, animation, texturing, vfx, music Wesley O'Neal - research, writing, modeling PATREON Help us keep making videos: https://www.patreon.com/animagraffs PRIVATE WORK Need 3D illustration and animation? Let's chat: https://animagraffs.com/contact/ WEBSITE See more explanations of how things work: https://animagraffs.com/ SOFTWARE USED We use Blender 3D to create these models. It's free and open source, and the community is amazing: https://www.blender.org/ Chapters 00:00 Intro 00:31 The Clutch 03:36 The gears 04:23 Synchronizing gears 07:48 Shift change assembly 08:13 Shift lever 09:14 Reverse gear 09:35 Neutral 09:58 Oil 10:13 Outtro Correction: 0:10 Before commenting, check the top pinned "VIDEO CORRECTIONS" thread.
  • TROdesignsyoutube
    Look inside a running engine shot with a high-speed camera. It's beautiful. Honda XR75 4-Stroke OHC motorcycle engine with the World's First CLEAR Acrylic Engine block! Slow Motion footage shot with a Phantom V1611 High Speed Camera. Piston Ring fabrication and assembly shown. See unboxing and inspection of the clear acrylic cylinder: https://youtu.be/CB1FopoOJwA I filled the engine with Motul 300V 15W-50: https://amzn.to/39zOdCE Excellent oil that I use in my Ducati 1199, but for this project I used it for the awesome color. Semi-Slow motion shots taken with a GoPro Hero 9: https://amzn.to/39A9axk Or the Hero 10 that just came out: https://amzn.to/39uI1fr Rest of the shots taken with a Fuji X-T30: https://amzn.to/3zwcBQk Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:13 Intro Slow-Mo 01:16 8020 Frame Stop Motion 01:36 Piston Ring Machining 05:16 Piston Ring Install/Engine Assembly 06:57 Clear Engine Cylinder Install 10:43 Compression Test 12:13 Engine Running Clips 12:49 Phantom Highspeed Camera Footage 13:10 How a 4-Stroke Engine Works 14:47 Wide Open Throttle/Full Gas 17:18 Timing Chain View 17:57 Saved the Best for Last
  • AgentJayZyoutube
    Lets look around inside the compressors of a few different turbine engines. How does it all fit together, where does the air go, and how does it work ?
    Takipçilerimiz durmuyor zor şartlarda çalışmalarına rağmen işlerini yürütebilmek adına çözümler üretmeye devam ediyor

    Kaynak makinasının tepesine biniliyor olsa da ilginç videoyu aktaralım....

  • Bunnal 𝚃𝚎𝚌𝚑youtube
    Welcome To #Bunnal𝚃𝚎𝚌𝚑 this channel we created for sharing only, if there is any infringement on intellectual property, please understand 😘Thank you for coming here 😍 Please Subscribe For Get More Videos #shorts Thank you so much 😍 #skills #Amazing #Work #tools​​ #Bunnalshorts #Ingenious #skillful
    Monster TMS41 Inserted Thread Mill From Kennametal #shorts #CNC #Machining #Machinist
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