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Mortal Kombat 11 (2019) [PC ANA KONU] (13. sayfa)

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Sayfa: önceki 1112131415
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  • Psikotrex kullanıcısına yanıt
    PS4’e al. PC versiyonu hiç güzel değil.

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • Psikotrex kullanıcısına yanıt
    Bence PS4 alın...Ben PS4 başında oğlumdan gizli oynayamadığımdan mecburen PC aldım...288TL'ye N11'de Shao Kahn'lı güvenlik şeritli standart sürüm bulunuyor...
  • Alemdar11 A kullanıcısına yanıt
    Steam oyuna başlarken eğer güncelleme varsa otomatik yüklüyor ayarlardan değiştirmediyseniz...
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: plateau

    Steam oyuna başlarken eğer güncelleme varsa otomatik yüklüyor ayarlardan değiştirmediyseniz...
    eyvallah hocam yok bir ayar değiştirmedim nerden bakıliyor değişmişmi diye ?
  • Cevaplarınız için teşekkür ederim. O halde bir şekilde ps versiyonunu alacağım oyunun
  • Alemdar11 A kullanıcısına yanıt
    Ben de tam hatırlamıyorum sekme adını vs ama steam ayarlarında otomatik güncelleme gibi bir seçenek var...

    < Bu ileti mini sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: plateau

    Ben de tam hatırlamıyorum sekme adını vs ama steam ayarlarında otomatik güncelleme gibi bir seçenek var...
    eyvallah hocam pek siz online oynuyormusunuz ben anlamadım bu online oyun modunu bir sürü menü var :D ?
  • Alemdar11 A kullanıcısına yanıt
    Henüz pratik yapıyorum,hiç denemedim online...

    < Bu ileti mini sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: plateau

    Henüz pratik yapıyorum,hiç denemedim online...
    eyvallah hocam iyi oyunlar ilginiz için çok teşekkür ederim
  • Alemdar11 A kullanıcısına yanıt
    Rica ederim,size de iyi eğlenceler...

    < Bu ileti mini sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • An itibiariyle bayağı büyük bir güncelleme geldi sanırım kombat pack 1

    Mortal Kombat 11 (2019) [PC ANA KONU]

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi engin4u -- 31 Mayıs 2019; 20:30:51 >
  • Yarın ilk DLC char Shang Tsung geliyor oyuna (sanırım) haber gördüm instagram mecralarında. :S
  • Gelen patch ile bilgiler:


    May Patch Notes 5
    posted by WBGames @ 08:31PM on May 31, 2019
    Hello all,
    Here are the patch notes for today's patch!

    General Gameplay Adjustments
    • Move list corrections
    • Improvements to AI logic
    • Fixed several rare online desync causes
    • Fixed several Brutalities having incorrect requirements or issues with the description
    • Kombat Kard Match Replays when being played in fast forward will no longer sometimes have visual issues
    • The game’s version number is now displayed in the Tournament Mode Fighter Select screen
    • Competitive Mode Variations are now always accessible in Practice Mode under Practice Options P1/P2 Variation as T-I & T-II.
    • The camera will no longer sometimes improperly follow the characters briefly when a Delayed Getup is used after certain attacks
    • Practice Mode will no longer become unresponsive when changing a character's variation while the AI Enemy Type was set to Record
    • All Krushing Blows in Kombo Attack Strings that use the Throw / Front Punch+Front Kick input will now correctly allow either input to be used while Krushing Blow Held Check is on
    • Fixed a rare issue when winning a round which could cause the character to visually turn around multiple times before playing their End of Round Taunt
    • Slight adjustment to hit pause visuals when a character blocks an attack
    • Adjusted throw vulnerable states to remove a 2 frame window when recovering from a block for regular throws and a 1 frame window for special move grabs
    • Control no longer returns to the player while AI Fighter is active if the winning opponent performs a Mercy
    • Fixed some high attacks and high throws not meeting the conditions for Uppercut Krushing Blows
    • You can no longer get the wrong Skin to appear on Fighter Select’s Variation select UI with specific timing
    • When playing on a guest account you can now enter Kustomize in the Main Menu (I think you could already do this on Switch)
    • Fixed some rare instances of audio quips playing at incorrect times
    • Fixed several moves having an incorrect punish window which resulted in a kounter instead of punish
    • Corrected some Flawless Block attacks having unintended frame data differences when used as a Getup Attack. The following were adjusted to make them function the same. Cassie (Up+Back Punch), Erron Black (Up+Front Kick), Kotal (Up+Back Punch & Up+Front Kick), Kung Lao (Up+Back Punch), Shao Kahn (Up+Back Punch)
    • Improved mouse support in Notifications, Kustomize, Store, and the Krypt
    • Fixed an issue with an endless prompt being displayed in Practice when switching AI Options

    • Kronika chests will no longer rarely spawn in an inaccessible location
    • Fixed a visual issue with Descendant of Apep's belt
    • Fixed rare issue that could result in the Elder God Puzzle becoming stuck in an unsolvable state
    • Added a run button hint
    • Special chests that cost 80,000 and 250,000 coins on initial opening will no longer have that price when refreshed
    • The Descendant of Apep will no longer sometimes become stuck in the Torture Halls
    • Fixed a bug that could cause The Armory Door to sometimes be closed
    • Fixed some rare UI visual issues when a consumable timer runs out
    • Soul Shrine related to Shinnok’s Amulet had its price decreased, from 10,000 soul to 1,000 souls
    • Fixed navigation and elevator crashes
    • Fix the character slowdown issue

    • Fixed several incorrect Demos in tutorial lessons
    • Corrected various text issues in tutorial lessons
    • Added additional tips to the Basic Tutorial
    • Changed the character in the Kombo Limitations and Pressure Defense Lessons, making some tasks easier to perform
    • Adjusted some player starting positions in the Grounded Neutral lesson
    • Fixed an issue that could prevent progression in the Hit Confirming lesson if the player viewed the Demo at specific timing

    Towers of Time
    • Players will no longer be removed from the Tower of Time portal if they expire while being played
    • Fixed some modifiers’ visual effects appearing during Krushing Blow or Fatal Blow cinematics
    • Fixed some modifiers having lingering effects in certain rare situations
    • Changed input to exit the game during a Group Battle
    • Fatal Blow UI will no longer sometimes not update correctly during Group Battles
    • Endurance Fights should now award Flawless Victory correctly
    • Enable fatal blows after player change in group battles

    Stage Specific Adjustments
    • Cyber Lin Kuei Assembly - Fixed issue with Ice Bomb causing opponent to be grounded while visually in the air under certain circumstances

    Character Specific Adjustments
    • Baraka - His Throw Krushing Blow requirements no longer sometimes reset after he escapes an opponent's throw
    • Baraka - Landing a Back Throw Krushing Blow will no longer allow a Forward Throw Krushing Blow to be done without a failed Throw Escape

    • Cassie Cage - Fatal Blow is no longer throw immune during some of its startup frames while still on the ground
    • Cassie Cage - Flying Glow Kick now requires the correct button to be held when Krushing Blow held check is enabled

    • Cetrion - Fixed Getup Attack/Flawless Block Attack Up+2 not being immune to air attacks/throws
    • Cetrion - Getup Attack/Flawless Block Attack (Up+Front Kick) now has the correct visual effect indicating it is invincible
    • Cetrion - Tendril Pull will no longer sometimes appear behind Cetrion in certain circumstances
    • Cetrion - Rock objects are now properly handled when Cetrion is interrupted out of her throws
    • Cetrion - Fixed unintended sound effects sometimes playing when Cetrion’s throws are escaped
    • Cetrion - Throws that are escaped no longer count towards the requirement of Splitting Apart Brutality

    • D'Vorah - Mother Bug will no longer sometimes changes back to default colors after it has died
    • D'Vorah - Widow's Kiss when Amplified will no longer leave webbing on the opponent when it is interrupted with specific timing

    • Erron Black - Corrected facial animation to opponent when they are hit by his Towards Throw
    • Erron Black - Adjusted the long wait time after his Fatal Blow hits before both players get control of their characters. Frame data is unchanged.

    • Frost - Getup Attack/Flawless Block Attack (Up+Back Punch) is now correctly immune to jumping attacks & throws, deals 5 damage (from 9) and plays the correct visual effect
    • Frost - Getup Attack/Flawless Block Attack (Up+Front Kick) now plays the correct visual effect
    • Frost - Cryogenic Crown will no longer sometimes go in the wrong direction after performing a cross-up jump attack
    • Frost - Fatal Blow is no longer throw immune during some of its startup & active frames

    • Geras - Gauntlet of the Ages will no longer retaining its charge level after hitting with Uppercut (Down+Back Punch) or Gauntlet of the Ages Krushing Blows
    • Geras - Fixed a bug that could cause Body Buster (Towards Back Punch) to sometimes alter the opponents facing
    • Geras - Fixed bug that allowed Geras to be able to block during some of the recovery frames of Reverse Time

    • Jacqui Briggs - Winning a round with a direct impact hit with Grenade Launcher will no longer sometimes result in damage of time continuing into the next round
    • Jacqui Briggs - Tech-Dome will no longer have lingering visual effects when it is interrupted before it activates
    • Jacqui Briggs - Fixed some visual issues with Shield Battery Gear item when Jacqui loses a round in certain circumstances and after some Fatal Blows have connected

    • Jade - Backward Throw can now award FIRST HIT PROPS!

    • Jax - Heat Up mechanic will now work properly after a Mercy is performed
    • Jax - Heat Missile will no longer auto correct when second heat missile is fired

    • Johnny Cage - Fatal Blow is no longer throw immune during some of its startup frames
    • Johnny Cage - Fatal Blow cinematic is no longer visually obstructed by certain foreground objects

    • Kano - Getup Attack/Flawless Block Attack (Up+Back Punch) being able to cancel into Fatal Blow for a brief moment during startup
    • Kano - Fixed issue with damage over time lingering into next round if last hit is done with Chemical Burn

    • Kollector - Fixed (Air) Bag Bomb sometimes missing visual effects when it makes contact with the ground

    • Kotal Kahn - Fatal Blow cinematic is no longer visually obstructed by certain foreground objects
    • Kotal Kahn - Added controller vibration to damage inflicted by Tonatiuh Beam

    • Kung Lao - Kung Lao is no longer able to exit the boundary of the arena while teleporting under certain circumstances

    • Liu Kang - Dragon Parry is no longer throw immune during some of its recovery frames
    • Liu Kang - Energy Parry while Dragon Fire is active will no longer caused a parry to trigger erroneously in rare circumstances
    • Liu Kang - Energy Parry can no longer create multiple projectiles from one single successful parry while Dragon Fire is active
    • Liu Kang - Fixed an issue with Bicycle Kick visual effects sometimes being misaligned

    • Noob - The Shadow Clone can no longer become attached to the opponent when Shadow Tackle is interrupted during certain circumstances
    • Noob - Fixed a visual issue with the Shadow Clone after the For The Brotherhood (Away+Front Punch, Throw, Back Punch) Krushing Blow cinematic

    • Raiden - Lightning Bolt no longer auto corrects when amplified
    • Raiden - Lightning Storm will no longer sometimes cause issues with the game camera after a practice reset

    • Scorpion - Spine Ripper Brutality no longer takes priority over a successful throw escape

    • Skarlet - Blood Tentacle is no longer throw immune during some of its startup & active frames

    • Sonya - K.A.T. Turret will no longer sometimes disappear when opponent is defeated by K.A.T. Tantrum

    • Sub-Zero - Fixed a bug preventing an opponents from being able to Breakaway after being hit by Rising Ice
    • Sub-Zero - Fixed rare issue that could cause Sub-Zero to become invisible after Frozen Over End of Round Taunt
    • Sub-Zero - Fixed an issue with Slide Amplify visual effects sometimes being misaligned

    • Shao Kahn - Fixed a bug preventing an opponents from being able to Breakaway after being hit by Shoulder Charger Amplify
    • Shao Kahn - Fixed issue causing D1 and F3 to be set as low parry vulnerable instead of high parry vulnerable
    • Shao Kahn - Fixed Fatal Blow cinematic being visually obstructed by certain foreground objects
  • Kasmayan oyun kasıyor bu nedir hahaha. Fixlediğiniz durumlar oyunu baltaladı.

    Umarım oyun oynarken download var diye oluşan bir durumdur. Download bitsin tekrar MK11 akayım.
  • Ultrada sabit 60 dan 59 u bile görmezken, patchden sonra artık 40 lara kadar düşüyorum hocam durum aynı

    Grafik ayarlarına yansıma şeysi eklemişler onu açınca 35 bile oluyor

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi innorvous -- 1 Haziran 2019; 1:43:43 >
  • Grafikde belli bir kalite düşüşü bendede var. Özellikle fatal blow da daha da göze batıyor

    < Bu ileti DH mobil uygulamasından atıldı >
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: innorvous

    Ultrada sabit 60 dan 59 u bile görmezken, patchden sonra artık 40 lara kadar düşüyorum hocam durum aynı

    Grafik ayarlarına yansıma şeysi eklemişler onu açınca 35 bile oluyor
    Ultrada backmarck testimidir nedir ne karın ağrısı ise onu yaptım orta seviye demeye başladı. High ayarda bile kasıyor oyun yapacağınız patchin içine edeyim mal firma.

    Windows 98 kurayım anca keser mınaha koyduğumun firması. Çalışan oyunu somon ettiler.
  • Bende de o yansıma ayarını açınca benchmark testinde orta seviye diyor, on numara fixlemişler, fix dediğin böyle olmalı


    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi innorvous -- 1 Haziran 2019; 2:11:23 >
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: innorvous

    Bende de o yansıma ayarını açınca benchmark testinde orta seviye diyor, on numara fixlemişler, fix dediğin böyle olmalı

    Yansıma falan göremedim o kadar baktım. Aynaya bakınca ulan diyorum sen ne ayaksın. Aynanın dili olsa şifreleri dökecek.

    MK11'e kalsa kasıyorsa oynama çekecek. Fixlesinler şu oyunu diyeceğiz oyun fatal error vermese iyi. Amen.
Sayfa: önceki 1112131415
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