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oki c810 drum resetleme

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  • oki c810 yazıcının drum resetlenmesi hakkında bilgisi olan arkadaşların yardımını beklerim ilgilenen arkadaşlara şimdiden teşekkür ederim

  • http://www.fixyourownprinter.com/forums/laser/33634

    How to fix Oki c810:
    1) Turn off printer.
    2) Hold down "+" and "-" and "enter" and "cancel" buttons at the same time, and keep them held down while turning printer back on... continue to hold until the word "SYSTEM MAINTE" appears.
    Than press ENTER, and enter password "000000". you will see OKIUSER
    3) Use "-" button to scroll down to "FUSE KEEP MODE".
    4) Press "Enter" button, hold for approx. 10 seconds, then release.
    5) Press "Enter" button again, followed by rapid release and repress with hold for approx. 10 seconds.
    6) Release "Enter" button, then press and let up one more time quickly.
    7) You will see "INITIALING" and then "ONLINE" messages.

    If you currently have an error message for toner cartridge life, the message will continue to be shown until after you've sent one print job, and then it will usually disappear for awhile. It will stay gone for longer if you have your printer set up so the toner sensor is turned off.

    If you currently have a error message for drum life, it will continue to appear, but you will still be able to print.

    Any Thanks you can send to Yandex-Money account 41001482449872

    Good luck!

    yabancı sitede anlatılan şekli bu Türkçeye çevirip uygulayabilirsin.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi cool111 -- 22 Nisan 2010; 21:16:16 >

  • cool 111 çok teşekkür ederim.
  • bi arkadaş var ben yaptırıyorum
    50 tl ye reset atıyor ..
    0541 386 26 60
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