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  • Soru basit. Oyunları oynarken unutamadıgımız anlar hepimizin olmustur. Bunları yazar mısınız ?

    Örneğin ben GoW 3'te Kratos'un kendine kılıcı sapladıgı sahneyi hiç unutamam.

    Bu arada konu daha önce açılmış mı diye arattım,fakat bulamadım. Açıldıysa özür.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi sonurtan -- 14 Haziran 2010; 16:20:06 >


    GOW 3te poseidonu hallettigimiz sahne.
    bir de zeus pandorayi havada tutarken kratosun yuzundeki o sinirli ifadeyi,put her down ! derken kullandigi ses tonunu,kisacasi o sahneyi unutamiyorum.cok iyiydi cok.ayrica oyunun basinda zeusun yanina geldiginde what will you do father ? derken kullandigi nigga tavri beni benden almisti


    bkz. 00:37

    Video spoiler icerir.oyunu oynamayanlar, 37. saniyeyi izleyin kapatin

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi ugur610 -- 14 Haziran 2010; 18:58:33 >

  • Shadow of the colossus'da

    16. colossus'a giderken agro'nun köprüden aşağı düşmesi

    Not: Beyler bu arada oyunu oynamayanlar var yazdklarınız spoiler içeriyor düzeltseniz iyi olur.
  • MGS4 son sahneler...!!!
  • uncharted 2 de elananın haryy flynn attığı o sert yumruk.birde trende bir vagon patlamıştı ve trenin bir vagonu tam üstümüzde düşecekken tünele girmiştik ve vagon tünele çarpıp geri gitmişti
  • ilk msjdaki spoiler kapatalım lütfen...hala gow 3 oynamayanlar olabilir
  • hermesin hızlı koşma aletlerini aldığımızda ayaktan yukarı doğru gösteriyodu, omuzuna bir sinek konmuştu orasını unutmam herhalde :D
  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    Daha Fazla Göster
  • konu spoiler dolu,duzenleyin su mesajlarinizi
  • Başlığa "spoiler içerir" yazsanız iyi olur, mesajlar spoiler kaynıyor.
  • mw2 de ghost ile vurulmak.İyi sövmüştüm o gün sheprd'a
  • Uyarılarınız için teşekkürler,başlığı düzenledim.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: hsn1997
    mw2 de ghost ile vurulmak.İyi sövmüştüm o gün sheprd'a

    valla bende cok uzuldum.cok pis sinirlenmiştim.sheprarda ana avrat duz gectim:)
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: sonurtan

    Uyarılarınız için teşekkürler,başlığı düzenledim.

    ilk mesaj icin spoiler butonunu kullanmalisin
  • modern warfare 1 butun oyun(oyundaki her sahne superdi)
    hele S.A.S ile oynadigim bolumleri hic unutmam
    "Gaz, can't you make it open faster?
    "Negative Sir, but you can try pulling it if it'll make you feel better.
    "Cheeky Bastard.''"

    Bunlari kim unutabilirki
    SSgt. Griggs: Aw, you gotta be SHITTIN' ME!

    Share this quote
    SSgt. Griggs: I was starting to think that you were gonna leave me behind.
    Captain Price: Yeah I was, but your arse had all the C4.

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    Captain Macmillan: Oi, Suzy.

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    Gaz: [pulls out shotgun] I like to keep this for close encounters.

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    Gaz: [after knifing a watermelon in training] Nice! Your fruit killing skills are remarkable.

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    Captain Price: [door starts to open slowly] Gaz, can't you make it open faster?
    Gaz: Negative, sir. But you can try pulling if it'll make you feel better.
    Captain Price: Cheeky bastard...

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    Gaz: The sins of our fathers...
    SSgt. Griggs: Ain't it a bitch?

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    Zakhaev: Our so-called leaders... prostituted us to the West. Destroyed our culture... our economies... our honor. Our blood has been spilled on our soil... My blood... on THEIR hands... THEY are the invaders. All US and British forces will leave Russia immediately... or suffer the consequences.

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    Captain Macmillan: Look at this place, fifty-thousand people used to live in this city, now it's a ghost town. I've never seen anything like it.

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    Captain Macmillan: Good Night!

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    SSgt. Griggs: [after Zakhaev's son shoots himself] Sheeit, kid's got some issues.

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    Captain Macmillan: [after seeing enemy soldiers in Chernobyl] It's a bloody convention out there!

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    Command: Primary exfil point has been compromised. Proceed to secondary extraction south of bridge. Enemy presence... substantial.
    SSgt. Griggs: It's just TOO hot, man... but room temperature? Please. A beer should be ICE COLD.
    Captain Price: A lager maybe. Or a glass of water like you drink. But a pint of stout?
    SSgt. Griggs: I'm gonna have to school ya both when we get back stateside.
    Gaz: Yeah, well, either way we're stopping by London first. And I'm buying.
    SSgt. Griggs: At least the world didn't end. Hit it.

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    Captain Price: The Loyalists are expecting us half a click to the north. Move out.
    Gaz: Loyalists, eh? Are those the good Russians or the bad Russians?
    Captain Price: Well, they won't shoot at us on sight, if that's what you're asking.
    Gaz: Yeah, well that's good enough for me, sir.

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    Gaz: Paulsen and both pilots are dead, Sir.
    Captain Price: Bugger!

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    Captain Price: Nice shot! Captain Macmillan would be proud.

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    Captain Price: [entering field with hidden soldiers] Gaz, you smell that?
    Gaz: Yeah, Kamarov.

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    Captain Macmillan: Nice shot lad, I think you blew his left off his left arm. Shock and blood loss will take care of the rest.

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    SSgt. Griggs: [as Zakahev's son drives towards the guard tower] He's gonna ram the tower! Oh SHIT!

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    Gaz: E.T.A. on the choppers is at least thirty minutes, sir.
    Captain Price: No good, we'll be corpses for ten minutes by then.

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    Gaz: [after learning pickup can't come now] Is he taking the piss? We just busted our arses to get to the LZ and now they want us to go all the way down?

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    Gaz: Useless wanker!

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    AC-130 Navigator: Nah... he's scared shitless. Guy's got a nice jeep though.

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    Nikolai: The Americans are making a mistake. They will never take Al-Asad alive!

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    Gaz: Rules of engagement, sir?
    Captain Price: Crew expendable.

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    Captain Price: [to Soap] What the hell kinda name is "Soap" eh? How'd a muppet like you pass Selection?

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    SAS Leader: We're going deep and we're going hard
    SAS: Surely, you can't be serious?
    SAS Leader: I'm serious. And don't call me Shirley.

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    Captain Price: On your feet soldier! We... are... leaving!

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    Captain Macmillan: [after being compromised] The word 'stealth' doesn't mean anything to you, does it?

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    Captain Macmillan: [upon seeing a wild dog eating a dead guy] Pooch doesn't look too friendly.

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    Gaz: Good news first, the world's in great shape. We've got a civil war in Russia, government loyalists against ultranationalists rebels, and 15,000 nukes at stake.
    Captain Price: Just another day at the office.
    Gaz: Khaled Al-Asad. Currently the second most powerful man in the middle east. Word on the street is he's got minerals to be top dog down there. Intel's keeping an eye on him.
    Captain Price: And the bad news?
    Gaz: We've got a new guy joining us today fresh out of selection. His name's Soap.

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    Captain Macmillan: [MI-28 Havoc chopper explodes] Goodnight, ya bastard.
    [Macmillan turns and the helicopter hits the top of a building, launching three missiles]
    Captain Macmillan: Ahhh... Crap! Run!
    [Macmillan trips and nearly gets chopped by the Havoc wreckage]
    Captain Macmillan: Crap, I can't move! Sorry, mate. You're gonna have to carry me.

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    Captain Price: Either we retake the launch facility or we won't recognize the world tomorrow.

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    SSgt. Griggs: [to Soap after disguising himself as an ultranationalist] Man, you look like a clown in that outfit. Good thing you're up here because you look nothing like a Russian.

    Captain Macmillan: It's now or never, take the shot!

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    [Capt. Price interrogates al-Asad after he is captured in Azerbaijan]
    Captain Price: Why'd you do it? Where did you get the bomb?
    [He punches al-Asad, who responds in Arabic]
    Captain Price: Who, then?
    [He continues to punch al-Asad, who continues to respond in Arabic]
    Captain Price: Who? Give me a name! A name! I want his NAME!
    [a cell phone rings]
    Gaz: Sir, it's his cell phone.
    [Gaz tosses the phone to Price, who listens to the voice on the other end of the phone. Price then drops the phone, draws his pistol and shoots al-Asad in the head]
    Gaz: Who was that, sir?
    Captain Price: Zakhaev... Imran Zakhaev.

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    Captain Price: Remember Beirut? You're with us.
    Sgt. Kamarov: I guess I owe you one.
    Gaz: Bloody right you do.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi LilxE07 -- 14 Haziran 2010; 17:06:03 >

  • Heavy Rain'den efsane bir sahne

    Heavy Rain'deki parmak kesme sahnesi.

    Sanki kendi parmağını kesiyormuş gibi gerilmiştim.
  • Resident Evil Code Veronica
    Steve'in mutasyonu.
  • black oynarken tam bolumun sonuna yaklasmistim gittim mayina bastim o kadar ugrasmistim ama bosa gitti iste saglik olsun diyip bir kac kere daha basladim ve bitirdim
  • mgs4te raiden in olduğu tüm videolar
  • gow 3 te kratosun posedionu sadistçe öldürmesiçok hoşuma gitmişti beklemiyordum bu kadarını
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: ivangennaro

    Heavy Rain'den efsane bir sahne

    Heavy Rain'deki parmak kesme sahnesi.

    Sanki kendi parmağını kesiyormuş gibi gerilmiştim.

    o sahnede ben acayip heycanlanmıştım süperdi gerçi heavy rain de ki bütün sahneler öyleydi benim için..
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