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Priest Talents(Türkçe)

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  • Holy

    Healing Focus
    Gives you a 70% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting any healing spell.
    Hasar alınca cast kesilmelerini azaltır tp bastıkca bu oran artar.

    Improved Renew
    Increases the amount healed by your Renew spell by 10%.
    Renewin toplam ürettiği heali oransal olarak arttırır.

    Holy Specialization
    Increases the critical effect chance of your Holy spells by 2%.
    Heal ederken crit yapma şansını arttırır.

    Spell Warding
    Reduces all spell damage taken by 4%.
    Spelllerden aldiginiz hasari oransal olarak azaltir.

    Divine Fury
    Reduces the casting time of your Smite, Holy Fire, Heal and Greater Heal spells by 0.5 sec.
    Smite, Holy Fire, Heal and Greater Heal büyülerini daha kısa sürede cast etmenizi saglar.

    Holy Nova
    Causes an explosion of holy light around the caster, causing 244 to 283 Holy damage to all enemy targets within 10 yards and healing all
    party members within 10 yards for 386 to 448. These effects cause no threat
    Etrafiniz bir patlama yapar, bu patlama alanı içindeki düşmanlar xxx ila xxx arasi hasar alır,
    ve parti üyeleri heal alir. Threat üretmez yani agro aldırmaz.

    Blessed Recovery
    After being struck by a melee or ranged critical hit, heal 16% of the damage taken over 6 sec.
    Melee, yada ranged crit aldiginizda bunu yüzde xx kısmını 6 saniye içinde geri alirsiniz.

    Increases your target's armor by 16% for 15 sec after getting a critical effect from your Flash Heal, Heal, Greater Heal, Binding Heal,
    Prayer of Healing, Prayer of Mending or Circle of Healing spell.
    Heal ederken critlediginiz kişiye ekstra armor bonusu verir 15 saniyeligine.

    Holy Reach
    Increases the range of your Smite and Holy Fire spells and the radius of your Prayer of Healing, Holy Nova and Circle of Healing spells by
    20%.Yukarida sözü geçen büyüleri daha uzaktan yapmanızı sağlar.

    Improved Healing
    Reduces the Mana cost of your Lesser Heal, Heal, and Greater Heal spells by 10%.
    Sözü geçen spelleri daha az mana ile yapmanızı saglar.

    Searing Light
    Increases the damage of your Smite and Holy Fire spells by 10%.
    Sözü geçen spellerin hasarini arttirir.

    Healing Prayers
    Reduces the Mana cost of your Prayer of Healing and Prayer of Mending spells by 20%.
    Sözü geçen spellerin mana costunu azaltir.

    Spirit of Redemption
    Increases total Spirit by 5% and upon death, the priest becomes the Spirit of Redemption for 15 sec. The Spirit of Redemption cannot move, attack, be attacked or targeted by any spells or effects. While in this form, the priest can cast any healing spell free of cost. When the effect ends, the priest dies.
    Ölünce 15 saniye daha yaşarsınız ve o sırada sınırsız heal edersiniz. ama hareket edemezsiniz. Ayrıca yüzde XX spirit bonusu alirsiniz.

    Spiritual Guidance
    Increases spell damage and healing by up to 5% of your total Spirit.
    verdiginiz hasari ve yaptiginiz heali xx oraninda arttirir.

    Surge of Light
    Your spell criticals have a 50% chance to cause your next Smite spell to be instant cast, cost no mana but be incapable of a critical hit. This effect lasts 10 sec.
    XX oranla spell Crit yapinca 10 saniye boyunca sıfır mana ile smite yapabilirsiniz, ancak bu smiletar critlemeyecektir.

    Spiritual Healing
    Increases the amount healed by your healing spells by 4%.
    xx oraninda healinizi arttirir.

    Holy Concentration
    Gives you a 4% chance to enter a Clearcasting state after casting any Flash Heal or Greater Heal spell. The Clearcasting state reduces the mana cost of your next Flash Heal or Greater Heal spell by 100%.
    Flash heal yada GH lerden sonra yuzde xx oraninda clearcasting durumuna geçersiniz. BU durumda iken FH lerin ve GH lerin mana costlari sıfıra düşer.

    Creates a holy Lightwell. Members of your raid or party can click the Lightwell to restore 2360 health over 6 sec. Any damage taken will cancel the effect. Lightwell lasts for 3 min or 5 charges
    Üstüne tiklayinca heal eden bir kuyu yapabilirsiniz.

    Blessed Resilience
    Critical hits made against you have a 20% chance to reduce the chance you'll be critically hit by 100% for 6 sec.
    yuzde xx ihtimalle size Crit yapilinca 6 saniye boyunca critlenemeyecegini garantiler.

    Empowered Healing
    Your Greater Heal spell gains an additional 20% and your Flash Heal gains an additional 10% of your bonus healing effects.
    +heal lerinizden FH lerin ve GH lerin ekstra xx bonus almasını saglar.

    Circle of Healing
    Heals target party member and other party members within 15 yards of the target for 475 to 525.
    Hedef party üyesini ve onun 15 yard cevresindekileri xx heal eder.


    Unbreakable Will
    Increases your chance to resist Stun, Fear, and Silence effects by 9%.
    Stun, Fear, ve Silence lere karşı yüzde xx oraninda resist etmenizi saglar.

    Wand Specialization
    Increases your damage with Wands by 15%.
    wand hasarini xx oraninda arttirir.

    Silent Resolve
    Reduces the threat generated by your spells by 12% and reduces the chance your spells will be dispelled by 12%.
    Aldigini threadi yüzde xx oraninda azaltir ve yaptiginiz büyülerin dispell edilirken resist edilme oranini arttirir.

    Improved Power Word: Fortitude
    Increases the effect of your Power Word: Fortitude and Prayer of Fortitude spells by 30%.
    PW:F nizin xx oraninda gücünü arttirir.

    Improved Power Word: Shield
    Increase the damage absorbed by your Power Word: Shield by 10%.
    PW:S nizin xx oraninda gücünü arttirir.

    Gives you a 100% chance to gain the Focused Casting effect that lasts for 6 sec after being the victim of a melee or ranged critical strike. The Focused Casting effect prevents you from losing casting time when taking damage and increases resistance to Interrupt effects by 20%.
    size melee yada ranged critlendiginde xx oraninda focused casting moduna girersiniz. Bu modda castleriniz daha az break olur ve daha az kesilir.

    Reduces the mana cost of your Dispel Magic, Cure Disease, Abolish Disease and Mass Dispel spells by 15%.
    Yukarida geçen spellerin xx oraninda mana costlarini düşürür.

    Inner Focus
    When activated, reduces the Mana cost of your next spell by 100% and increases its critical effect chance by 25% if it is capable of a critical effect.
    aktif hale getirince bir sonraki spelinizi 0 manaya yaparsiniz ve critleme orani da xx fazla olur.

    Allows 15% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting.
    Cast ederken normal regeninizin 15% i kada mana regen olursunuz.

    Improved Inner Fire
    Increases the beneficial effects of your Inner Fire spell by 20%.
    Inner Fire in etkisini 20% oranında arttırır.

    Mental Agility
    Reduces the mana cost of your instant cast spells by 4%.
    Cast time gerekmeyen büyülerin mana costunu xx oraninda azaltir.

    Improved Mana Burn
    Reduces the casting time of your Mana Burn spell by 1 sec.
    Mana burn buyusunuzun cast süresini azaltir.

    Mental Strength
    Increases your maximum Mana by 10%.
    Maksimum mananizi yüzde xx arttırır.

    Divine Spirit -
    Holy power infuses the target, increasing their Spirit by 40 for 30 min
    +40 spirit bufi.

    Improved Divine Spirit
    Your Divine Spirit and Prayer of Spirit spells also increase the target's spell damage and healing by an amount equal to 5% of their total Spirit.
    DS nizin xx oraninda spell damage ve healing arttirma etkisi olur.

    Focused Power
    Your Smite and Mind Blast spells have an additional 2% chance to hit and cause 5% additional damage against Feared targets.
    Fear dedilmis hedeflere sozu gecek spelleriniz daha fazla hasar verir.

    Force of Will
    Increases your spell damage by 1% and the critical strike chance of your offensive spells by 1%.
    Spell hasarini xx oraninda ve crit sansini xx oraninda arttirir.

    Power Infusion
    Infuses the target with power, increasing their spell damage and healing by 20%. Lasts 15 sec.
    15 saniyeligine hedefin spell ve heal etkisini xx oraninda arttirir.

    Reflective Shield
    Causes 10% of the damage absorbed by your Power Word: Shield to reflect back at the attacker. This damage causes no threat.
    PW:S nizin absorb ettigi hasarin xx oraninda yapan kişiye döndürür.

    Enlightenment - Rank
    Increases your total Stamina, Intellect, and Spirit by 2%.
    Topla Stamina, Intellect, ve Spirit nizi xx oraninda arttirir.

    Pain Suppression
    Reduces all damage taken by 60% for 8 sec.
    Aldiginiz her tür hasarı xx oraninda xx saniye azaltir

    Arkadaslar Turkçe talent acıklamalarıwww.wow-turkiye.gen.tr sitesinden alıntıdır.Emek harcayan arkadaşlara teşekkürler

    Golge'ye Teşekkürler..

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