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Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Csc değiştirme, görüşme kaydetme özelliği aktif hale getirme

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  • Ahmet Erol Ustayoutube
    Frija-v1.4.2 https://turb.cc/vit2j6xs1pgw.html https://dosya.co/xkplvdoosz8o/Frija-v1.4.2.rar.html SamFirm_v0.5.0 https://turb.cc/dknpb538a3wl.html https://dosya.co/s6qqi0rvom5g/SamFirm_v0.5.0.rar.html Realterm_2.0.0.70 https://turb.cc/e2t9js8kdj7i.html https://dosya.co/useqa0cjepcv/Realterm_2.0.0.70_Signed_Wrapper_setup.rar.html Odin3_v3.13.3 https://turb.cc/6zayrimxijw1.html https://dosya.co/yazzmjqzy04o/Odin3_v3.13.3.rar.html SM-N975F Note10+ için u6 güvenlik sürümü için kombinasyon dosyası part 1 https://turb.cc/uz0pw1durbnz.html https://dosya.co/hyf4qia6ov11/COMBINATION_FAC_FA90_N975FXXU6ATG2_FACFAC_CL19330887_QB33260647_REV01_youtube.comcAhmetErolUsta.part01.rar.html part 2 https://turb.cc/zkmm66ablfn2.html https://dosya.co/tnxs23nw5nid/COMBINATION_FAC_FA90_N975FXXU6ATG2_FACFAC_CL19330887_QB33260647_REV01_youtube.comcAhmetErolUsta.part02.rar.html part 3 https://turb.cc/mfw3ttg98qm6.html https://dosya.co/svmdultsznx9/COMBINATION_FAC_FA90_N975FXXU6ATG2_FACFAC_CL19330887_QB33260647_REV01_youtube.comcAhmetErolUsta.part03.rar.html part 4 https://turb.cc/e3lso39ggkwe.html https://dosya.co/67qt1gqt9r5a/COMBINATION_FAC_FA90_N975FXXU6ATG2_FACFAC_CL19330887_QB33260647_REV01_youtube.comcAhmetErolUsta.part04.rar.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- not: rar şifresi : https://youtube.com/c/AhmetErolUsta ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diğer Kombinasyon istekleriniz için buraya bakabilirsiniz https://combinationfirmware.com/ Rom indirmek için buraya da bakabilirsiniz https://www.sammobile.com/firmwares/archive/ Enabling Call Recording on a Samsung Note Serial Phone. Enable Samsung Android 10 call recorder. Realterm komutları: 1. Open Odin. Click AP and select your combination file. Put your Note 9 into download mode by turning it off completely, then holding the volume down and bixby buttons while inserting the usb cable. Confirm that you want to enter download mode. Click start in Odin. Once this is complete, your phone should boot into the combination firmware and show your model number. Close Odin. 2. Open RealTerm and go to Port tab. Set Baud to 230400 and Select Port to ssudmdm0000 or very similar name. Click the change button. Go to Send tab. Enter "AT" and click Send ASCII. If you get a response like "+USB READY BOOTING COMPLETED AT" or "AT" or "OK" or "BOOTING COMPLETED AT" Proceed to the next number. If you didn't get a response click +CR and send again. If you get a response like "ERROR" proceed to the next number. Still if you didn't get a response check your phone status and cable status. If everything is normal proceed to the next number. If still you didn't get a response it means your phone or cable is not normal status. 3. Enter "AT+PRECONFG=1,0" and click Send ASCII. You will get this response. AT+PRECONFIG=1,0+PRECONFG:1,??? OK -??? is your current CSC.- 4. Enter "AT+PRECONFG=2,???" and click Send ASCII. Enter ??? you want to change to another CSC. You will get this response. AT+PRECONFG=2,???+PRECONFG:2,OK OK -??? is your changed CSC.- 5. Enter "AT+PRECONFG=1,0" and click Send ASCII. You will get this response. AT+PRECONFIG=1,0+PRECONFG:1,??? OK -??? is your changed, current CSC.- 6. CSC change is now complete. You can now close RealTerm. 7. Open Odin again. Turn your phone off and then put it into download mode again by holding the volume down and Bixby buttons, then plugging the usb cable in. Fill each field (BL, AP, CP and CSC) with their respective files from the firmware which has the new CSC. Use the CSC file in the CSC field, not HOME_CSC. Click start. This will now wipe your phone completely. 8. Your phone should boot into android and everything should be complete! Enjoy using VoLTE, VoWiFi and RCS

    abimiz güzel bir video yapmış. Fakat oturtamadığım bazı kısımlar var.

    Combination File'ı seçerken U1 mi U2 mi olduğuna nerden bakıcaz

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi mtt_3 -- 15 Ağustos 2021; 19:39:27 >

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