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  • öncelikle iyi günler ben giz sorumu unuttum bunun degiştirilmesi için bana ingilizce ticket örnegi vereblirmsniz charın esn kodları var teşekkürler.

  • up up up up up
  • Bence her zamanki gibi oto cevap gonderirler.
  • yok ben gönderdim düzelltiler

    Dear, Customer Support
    i want to change my account information..Please help me..
    i wanna change my questions

    my questions:

    What is your mother's maiden name : ***
    What city was your mother born in? : ***
    What is the name of your first pet? : ***

    ClickAndBuy ID : ******

    ClickAndBuy email : *******

    Credit Card last 4 digit number : ******

    Registration Date : *******

    Date of Birth : *****

    en altada ksn leri yazmıştım değiştirdiler.
  • Hail Knight online customer service,
    I have forgotten some of my account information, because of this i need to change my account info
    please reply to me even if the result is negative
    Thank you for your time ..... Regards.

    Herhalde en nazik yolu bu buyur kardes

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi GenozHealzU -- 15 Mayıs 2010; 15:59:32 >
  • arkadaslar saolun attık bakalım ne olıcak :)))
  • Cevap olarak bu geldi :Greetings bast1rk,

    Thank you for contacting the Knight Online Customer Support Team! We appreciate you taking the time to contact us.

    In order to better assist you, please respond to this ticket and provide the following information.

    Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)

    Please respond to this ticket and as soon as we have the requested information, we will be able to assist you further. As a reminder, please do not submit a ticket from a compromised account as you will be providing sensitive information that could be compromised. Please create a new account and submit a new ticket with the necessary information. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    Thank you for playing Knight Online.


    Knight Online Customer Support Team

  • Emin olmak için hesabı açarken verdiğin doğum tarihini istiyorlar.
    AY/GÜN/YIL şeklinde yazıp cevapla.
  • yazdım yolladım şimdi nedemek istiyor zahmet oluyo ama
    :)) Greetings bast1rk,

    Thank you for contacting the Knight Online Customer Support Team! We appreciate you taking the time to contact us.

    In order for us to change your account information, we will require new information.

    Please provide a new email address that is currently not being used by another Knight Online or GamersFirst account.

    New Password you would like to use. Your password can only be one word (no more than 10 characters in length and should consists of alpha numerical characters) and it may not have any spaces or non-English characters (ex: ö, ý, ü, t, d, ç).

    **NOTE ** This Seal/Unseal password MUST consist of 8 numeric digits only -- no letters or special characters are allowed. You cannot create a Seal/Unseal password that begins or ends with "0".

    The questions you are able to choose from are as follows. Remember; only choose 3 of the questions to provide answers for.

    What is your mother's maiden name?
    What was the name of your first school?
    Who is your favorite super hero?
    What is the name of your first pet?
    What was your favorite place to visit as a child?
    Who is your favorite cartoon character?
    What was the first video game you played?
    What was the name of your first teacher?
    What was your favorite TV show as a child?
    What city was your mother born in?

    We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused. Thank you for your patience, and for your contributions to the world of Knight Online!

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Özgür Baştürk -- 15 Mayıs 2010; 20:45:47 >

  • Eğer premiumun varsa türkçe destek var türkçe yazabilirsin :)
  • türkce yazdıkda geri dönmüyolar yok türkçe deparmant falan 2 gün oldu ondan ingilizce atıyım dedim
  • Allah Allah ben çok türkçe ticket attım geri döner ya neyse ingilizce için gerekli örneğini vermiş arkadaşlar iyi forumlar :)
  • yazdım yolladım şimdi nedemek istiyor zahmet oluyo ama
    :)) Greetings bast1rk,

    Thank you for contacting the Knight Online Customer Support Team! We appreciate you taking the time to contact us.

    In order for us to change your account information, we will require new information.

    Please provide a new email address that is currently not being used by another Knight Online or GamersFirst account.

    New Password you would like to use. Your password can only be one word (no more than 10 characters in length and should consists of alpha numerical characters) and it may not have any spaces or non-English characters (ex: ö, ý, ü, t, d, ç).

    **NOTE ** This Seal/Unseal password MUST consist of 8 numeric digits only -- no letters or special characters are allowed. You cannot create a Seal/Unseal password that begins or ends with "0".

    The questions you are able to choose from are as follows. Remember; only choose 3 of the questions to provide answers for.

    What is your mother's maiden name?
    What was the name of your first school?
    Who is your favorite super hero?
    What is the name of your first pet?
    What was your favorite place to visit as a child?
    Who is your favorite cartoon character?
    What was the first video game you played?
    What was the name of your first teacher?
    What was your favorite TV show as a child?
    What city was your mother born in?

    We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused. Thank you for your patience, and for your contributions to the world of Knight Online!

  • İngilizcem iyi değildir pek ama sanırım gizli sorunu şeçmeni istiyorlar ama dediğim gibi ingilizcem iyi değildir :)
  • Please provide a new email address that is currently not being used by another Knight Online or GamersFirst account.
    Başka bir Knightonline yada G1 accountunda kullanılmayan yeni bir e-mail adresi yazın.

    New Password you would like to use. Your password can only be one word (no more than 10 characters in length and should consists of alpha numerical characters) and it may not have any spaces or non-English characters (ex: ö, ý, ü, t, d, ç).

    Yeni bir şifre (Türkçe karakter ve boşluk içermeyecek)

    **NOTE ** This Seal/Unseal password MUST consist of 8 numeric digits only -- no letters or special characters are allowed. You cannot create a Seal/Unseal password that begins or ends with "0".
    Item kilit şifresi, sadece sayılardan oluşan 8 karakterlik bir şifre olmalı.

    Altta da cevaplarıyla birlikte seçeceğin 3 tane gizli soru istiyorlar.

    --- Bayağı hızlı geri dönüş yapıyorlarmış şaşırdım.

  • yolladım bakalım ne cevap gelicek saol ilgilendigin için.
  • Numan sağol Bende öğrenmiş oldum gerçi tutturmuşum ama
  • bunları yolladım ama cevap alamadım
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