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  • Hello friends
    Here is topic for improving translation skills as we had long time ago. I know that most of us have serious troubles while translating from one to another. I and Sendromkaan were writing passages down right here to correct each other's mistakes. If somebody active takes place in this, I will be very glad to come my compositions out.
    You can translate every kind of passage from Turkish to English , from English to Turkish but there is one thing quite important you shouldn't forget. You might publish passages which you translate both in Turkish and English. It is big necessity to correct mistakes. Everybody here must help others , support in all - inclusive manner as much as s/he can.

    Thanks for bearing me

    p.s : Let me explain some more how to use this topic because i have receieved a private message about usage. Do not forget people, it is important to point out your source like webpage or author's name etc
    anyway, I will demonstrate how to write down

    From English to Turkish http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/n.php?n=turkey-criticizes-us-ambassador-2011-02-17

    The new U.S. ambassador to Ankara has backtracked from his comments on press freedom following criticism from Turkish officials, who said Thursday that the media is freer in Turkey than in the United States.

    Basının Türkiye'de Amerika'dan daha özgür olduğunu söyleyen Abd'nin yeni Ankara büyük elçisi Türk yetkililerden gelen eleştirilerden dolayı basın özgürlüğü hakkındaki yorumlarından geri adım attı.

    From Turkish to English http://www.ntvmsnbc.com/id/25172632/

    MOSKOVA - Türkiye ve Rusya arasında vizelerin kaldırılmasının önündeki en büyük engel olarak görülen "Geri Kabul Anlaşması" Rusya'nın başkenti Moskova'da imzalandı.

    Moskow - "Readmission Agreement" that has been seen the greatest obstacle in front of the process of removing visas among Turkey and Russia has been signed in Moscow that is the capital of Russia.

    Guys, here are my passages both in English - Turkish and Turkish - English. I would like you to correct my mistakes if I am mistaken. Please point out my faults with red indicator.

    As you see friends above, there must be a source -recommended internet newspapers-, English or Turkish passage which is going to be translated.
    Do not forget to put your comments at the end in order to understand what you accuratelly need from this translation.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi brooklynn -- 18 Şubat 2011; 1:41:06 >

  • let me start first people
    sorry that I can not write Turkish passage because this written kind of pre-thesis was my task to complete before putting an end to homework. I publish it here because my professor had told me that English is not sufficient to convey my considerations.
    I will be glad if you check it and tell me mistakes people

    Bilateral Benefits
    If we look at relations between Eu and Turkey, it is understood that relations have to take a step further constantly. But in this stage, there is a question which must be asked: “Even though Turkey is not in European Union, why Eu needs to cooperate with Turkey a lot and why Eu desires to tighten relations?” Responses are easy to understand the point of Eu’s view.
    “The oil pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan has been operational for almost three years, and is a major achievement. Turkey is also a vital partner for the planned Nabucco gas pipeline project which intends to carry gas from the Caspian to Vienna. The Nabucco pipeline would directly connect the natural gas suppliers of the Caspian Sea region and the Middle East to consumers in the European Union, Turkey and the Caucasus region.”2
    There is no country which provides its own needed properties by itself in the world. All countries have to supply their needs by cooperating with others. Eu is one of the most energy consumers in the world which needs to reach energy sources due to their industry and lack of energy to carry out their heavy industry.
    Eu belongs to Russia for energy sources and they have deals how to transfer gas to European countries. There was an energy crisis between Russia and Ukraine which Russia restricted given gas to user countries. After this case, it is obvious that Russia has an authority to restrict given energy to European countries. This case emerged that Russia is not reliable partner to cooperate for European countries in long term. That’s why Eu has headed its way toward Turkey and new energy lines. Because existing energy in union is not enough for members to manage their economic routines. Therefore they need to import energy from other countries which are rich of natural resources as Russia, Azerbaijan, countries of Caucasus region. Turkey is purposed as a bridge for energy sources due to geography which is close to many of rich natural energy sources countries. Even though Eu doesn’t want to cooperate with Turkey, it has to be in cooperation for union’s future. That’s why Union tries to tighten relations with Turkey. Otherwise dependency to Russia will bring about troubles in the future in many ways like restrictions or cancelled energy agreements. The most important issue for Eu is not to stay without energy. Energy is vital source for Eu. If it realizes, Eu, which products goods to world and have big market to trade, will be losing its place in international area, in particular in the economical field. To be a global power, economic power is one of the most important circumstances. By means of economy, Union has a chance to influence foreign policies of other cooperation. If economy is considerably strong to deal with difficulties which consisted by major foreign powers, it can conduct its way to further. For example, a country is at war and it has fluctuations in its both internal and external economy. As well as, other countries can implement embargo to block in its acting area. If this country is not enough by itself in inner economy, it will have to stop conflict. But if country is enough to last for this conflict by itself, needless to notice other countries policies.

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: brooklynn

    let me start first people
    sorry that I can not write Turkish passage because this written kind of pre-thesis was my task to complete before putting an end to homework. I publish it here because my professor had told me that English is not sufficient to convey my considerations.
    I will be glad if you check it and tell me mistakes people

    Bilateral Benefits
    If we look at relations between Eu and Turkey, it is understood that relations have to take a step further constantly. But in this stage, there is a question which must be asked: “Even though Turkey is not in European Union, why Eu needs to cooperate with Turkey a lot and why Eu desires to tighten relations?” Responses are easy to understand the point of Eu’s view.
    “The oil pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan has been operational for almost three years, and is a major achievement. Turkey is also a vital partner for the planned Nabucco gas pipeline project which intends to carry gas from the Caspian to Vienna. The Nabucco pipeline would directly connect the natural gas suppliers of the Caspian Sea region and the Middle East to consumers in the European Union, Turkey and the Caucasus region.”2
    There is no country which provides its own needed properties by itself in the world. All countries have to supply their needs by cooperating with others. Eu is one of the most energy consumers in the world which needs to reach energy sources due to their industry and lack of energy to carry out their heavy industry.
    Eu belongs to Russia for energy sources and they have deals how to transfer gas to European countries. There was an energy crisis between Russia and Ukraine which Russia restricted given gas to user countries. After this case, it is obvious that Russia has an authority to restrict given energy to European countries. This case emerged that Russia is not reliable partner to cooperate for European countries in long term. That’s why Eu has headed its way toward Turkey and new energy lines. Because existing energy in union is not enough for members to manage their economic routines. Therefore they need to import energy from other countries which are rich of natural resources as Russia, Azerbaijan, countries of Caucasus region. Turkey is purposed as a bridge for energy sources due to geography which is close to many of rich natural energy sources countries. Even though Eu doesn’t want to cooperate with Turkey, it has to be in cooperation for union’s future. That’s why Union tries to tighten relations with Turkey. Otherwise dependency to Russia will bring about troubles in the future in many ways like restrictions or cancelled energy agreements. The most important issue for Eu is not to stay without energy. Energy is vital source for Eu. If it realizes, Eu, which products goods to world and have big market to trade, will be losing its place in international area, in particular in the economical field. To be a global power, economic power is one of the most important circumstances. By means of economy, Union has a chance to influence foreign policies of other cooperation. If economy is considerably strong to deal with difficulties which consisted by major foreign powers, it can conduct its way to further. For example, a country is at war and it has fluctuations in its both internal and external economy. As well as, other countries can implement embargo to block in its acting area. If this country is not enough by itself in inner economy, it will have to stop conflict. But if country is enough to last for this conflict by itself, needless to notice other countries policies.
    From English to Turkish http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/n.php?n=general-staff-launches-probe-into-dangerous-shooting-2011-02-17

    'Trust shooting' now target of Turkish military investigation
    Video footage of a Turkish officer shooting at a target surrounded by soldiers, posted online late Wednesday by various news organizations, has prompted an official investigation by the General Staff – and debate over the military’s mentality.

    The officer shown in the video was subsequently said to have carried out similar target practice during his time serving in the Akçay 6th Motorized Domestic Security Infantry Brigade in the southeastern province of Şırnak.

    The video, shot with a cell phone, shows more than 15 soldiers gathered around a shooting target, some sitting, some standing and two holding the target from either side. Capt. Metin Gürcan from the Special Forces first addresses the soldiers, saying: “If there is anyone without courage who would say ‘I cannot stand [here] sir,’ he leaves.”

    Türk Ordusu Hefed Soruşturması Şimdi Güven Atışı

    Türk yetkiliye ait, askerler tarafından çevirilen hedefe yapılan atışın video görüntüsü çeşitli haber kuruluşlarında Çarşamba günü geç saatlerde online olarak yayınlandı, Türk yetkili genel kurmay tarafından derhal resmi soruşturmaya alındı ve ordunun mentalitesi üzerinde tartışma başladı.

    Videoda gösterilen ordu çalışanı Şırnak'ta Akçay 6. Motorize İç Güvenlik Piyadesi olarak hizmet verdiği sürede benzer hedef denemelerini yaptığını söyledi. Telefon ile çekilen video, hedef etrafında kimilerinin oturan, kimilerinin ayakta duran ve 2 tanesinin de hedefi her iki taraftan tuttuğu 15'den fazla askerin toplandığını gösteriyor. Özel Kuvvetlerden yüzbaşı Metin Gürcan askerlere ilk olarak " eğer cesaret edemeyen varsa ayrılsın " diyerek seslendiği görülüyor.

    People, please correct mistakes with red indicator through my writing
    I know many mistakes take place in. I rushed up while translating due to lack of time. Thanks for :)

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi brooklynn -- 19 Şubat 2011; 12:51:11 >

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: brooklynn

    From English to Turkish http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/n.php?n=general-staff-launches-probe-into-dangerous-shooting-2011-02-17

    'Trust shooting' now target of Turkish military investigation
    Video footage of a Turkish officer shooting at a target surrounded by soldiers, posted online late Wednesday by various news organizations, has prompted an official investigation by the General Staff – and debate over the military’s mentality.

    The officer shown in the video was subsequently said to have carried out similar target practice during his time serving in the Akçay 6th Motorized Domestic Security Infantry Brigade in the southeastern province of Şırnak.

    The video, shot with a cell phone, shows more than 15 soldiers gathered around a shooting target, some sitting, some standing and two holding the target from either side. Capt. Metin Gürcan from the Special Forces first addresses the soldiers, saying: “If there is anyone without courage who would say ‘I cannot stand [here] sir,’ he leaves.”

    Türk Ordusu Hefed Soruşturması Şimdi Güven Atışı

    Türk yetkiliye ait, askerler tarafından çevirilen hedefe yapılan atışın video görüntüsü çeşitli haber kuruluşlarında Çarşamba günü geç saatlerde online olarak yayınlandı, Türk yetkili genel kurmay tarafından derhal resmi soruşturmaya alındı ve ordunun mentalitesi üzerinde tartışma başladı.

    Videoda gösterilen ordu çalışanı Şırnak'ta Akçay 6. Motorize İç Güvenlik Piyadesi olarak hizmet verdiği sürede benzer hedef denemelerini yaptığını söyledi. Telefon ile çekilen video, hedef etrafında kimilerinin oturan, kimilerinin ayakta duran ve 2 tanesinin de hedefi her iki taraftan tuttuğu 15'den fazla askerin toplandığını gösteriyor. Özel Kuvvetlerden yüzbaşı Metin Gürcan askerlere ilk olarak " eğer cesaret edemeyen varsa ayrılsın " diyerek seslendiği görülüyor.

    People, please correct mistakes with red indicator through my writing
    I know many mistakes take place in. I rushed up while translating due to lack of time. Thanks for :)

    Alıntıları Göster
    hi,I need your help.

    I am studying prep class at PAÜ. My level is pre-intermediate.Our writing teacher has given us a homework about 'process writing'. Topic is 'How to pass prep class.'
    Can you check article that I wrote whether there are mistakes in it.Let me start.

    It's easy to pass prep class if you follow these steps.First,doing repetation is golden rule of being succesful.It makes you less forgetful,
    so you don't interrupt from English.Second,you should try to make sentences.It is indicated that people who try to make sentences in English
    speak easily than people who don't do this by experts.Third,you should find activities which are tied to English.Such as,listening to English music,
    watching movies with subtitle or chatting in English with someone else on the internet.These help you at using your English skill in daily life.
    In short,you will see yourself more succesful and pass prep class easily if you follow these steps regularly.

    I think it's unnecessary to translate this.It's simple as you see

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Al Swearengen -- 18 Şubat 2011; 15:49:32 >

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: thebancally

    hi,I need your help.

    I am studying prep class at PAÜ. My level is pre-intermediate.Our writing teacher has given us a homework about 'process writing'. Topic is 'How to pass prep class.'
    Can you check article that I wrote whether there are mistakes in it.Let me start.

    It's easy to pass prep class if you follow these steps.Firstly,repetition(doing biraz abes kaçmış tek başına kullanılması daha doğru bence) is golden rule of being succesful.It helps that you have good memory and keep open mind (hafızanızı taze tutmak gibi çevrilebilir)[bunu değiştirmemin sebebi olumlu birşey anlatmak istersen olumsuz sıfat kullanman biraz bozukluğa yol açıyor] , so you don't interrupt from English.
    Secondly,you should try to make sentences.It is indicated that people who try to make sentences in English
    speak easily than people who don't do this by experts.Thirdly,you should find activities which are related to English.Such as listening music in English,
    watching movies with subtitle or chatting in English with someone else on the internet.These help you at using your English(skill olmasa daha iyi) in daily life.
    In short,you will see yourself more succesful and pass prep class easily if you follow these steps regularly.(see olmamış sözlük çevirisi gibi ama bu anlamı nasıl vereceğini de bilmiyorum,gerçi bu cümle biraz saçma bence değiştir.Başaracağınıza inanırsanız gibi başarılı olur ve sınıfı geçersiniz gibi. o da şöyle olabilir
    In short if you trust yourself to do it and study regularly , you will be more successful and pass the prep. class )

    I think it's unnecessary to translate this.It's simple as you see

    kendimce böyle birşeyler yapmaya çalıştım (tabi bunu derken salladığımı düşünmeyin okuduğum üni. ingilizce)

    brooklynn seninki biraz uzun evde bakmaya çalışacağım :\

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi procaptain -- 18 Şubat 2011; 17:05:16 >

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: thebancally

    hi,I need your help.

    I am studying prep class at PAÜ. My level is pre-intermediate.Our writing teacher has given us a homework about 'process writing'. Topic is 'How to pass prep class.'
    Can you check article that I wrote whether there are mistakes in it.Let me start.

    It's easy to pass prep class if you follow these steps.First first of all or firstly,doing repetation is golden rule of being succesful.It makes you less forgetful,
    so you don't interrupt from I know "interrupt is used without -from- as well as better to use this i think " you don't alienate from English English.Secondsecondly,you should try to make sentences.It is indicated that people who try to make sentences in English
    speak easily easier than than people who don't do this by experts I dont understand why you used by experts.Third,you should find activities which are tied to English.Such as,listening to English music,
    watching movies with subtitle or chatting in English with someone elsebetter not to use else on the internet.These help you at instead, in use of your english skillsusing your English skill in daily life.
    In short,you will see yourself more succesful and pass prep class easily if you follow these steps regularly.

    I think it's unnecessary to translate this.It's simple as you see

    I have corrected your mistakes above according to me. Hope that they are correct and useful for you. I am not master at english that's why if something corrected is wrong, do not get mad :)) I tried not to relocate your sentences because you must find the way out yourself to get better English by trying :)
    About changes in the structure of sentences, I agree with Procaptain
    thanks for

    edit : I have omitted this part "you will see yourself more succesful and pass prep class easily if you follow these steps regularly."
    I added something but then saw my mistake and changed it :))


    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi brooklynn -- 18 Şubat 2011; 22:12:16 >

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: brooklynn


    Orijinalden alıntı: thebancally

    hi,I need your help.

    I am studying prep class at PAÜ. My level is pre-intermediate.Our writing teacher has given us a homework about 'process writing'. Topic is 'How to pass prep class.'
    Can you check article that I wrote whether there are mistakes in it.Let me start.

    It's easy to pass prep class if you follow these steps.First first of all or firstly,doing repetation is golden rule of being succesful.It makes you less forgetful,
    so you don't interrupt from I know "interrupt is used without -from- as well as better to use this i think " you don't alienate from English English.Secondsecondly,you should try to make sentences.It is indicated that people who try to make sentences in English
    speak easily easier than than people who don't do this by experts I dont understand why you used by experts.Third,you should find activities which are tied to English.Such as,listening to English music,
    watching movies with subtitle or chatting in English with someone elsebetter not to use else on the internet.These help you at instead, in use of your english skillsusing your English skill in daily life.
    In short,you will see yourself more succesful and pass prep class easily if you follow these steps regularly.

    I think it's unnecessary to translate this.It's simple as you see

    I have corrected your mistakes above according to me. Hope that they are correct and useful for you. I am not master at english that's why if something corrected is wrong, do not get mad :)) I tried not to relocate your sentences because you must find the way out yourself to get better English by trying :)
    About changes in the structure of sentences, I agree with Procaptain
    thanks for

    edit : I have omitted this part "you will see yourself more succesful and pass prep class easily if you follow these steps regularly."
    I added something but then saw my mistake and changed it :))


    Alıntıları Göster
    thanks everybody who helped me.I saw my mistakes thanks to you.

  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
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  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Al Swearengen

    thanks everybody who helped me.I saw my mistakes thanks to you.

    Alıntıları Göster
    i will translate this news from English to Turkish for you:http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/n.php?n=turkish-companies-construct-malls-abroad-2011-02-10
    pls check it out carefully,and warn me if i make mistakes.

    Turkish companies build malls abroad

    Turkish entrepreneurs constructing shopping centers have shifted their investments to foreign countries, business weekly magazine Ekonomist reported in its latest issue.

    The number of shopping centers completed and being constructed by Turkish businesspeople in various countries such as Russia, Romania, Syria, Libya, Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia has already reached 50, according to data from the Trade Council of Shopping Centers and Retailers, or AMPD. This number is forecasted to increase to 150 in the near future.

    “There are many reasons for Turkish entrepreneurs to invest abroad,” according to Mehmet Nane, chairman of the AMPD. “Experience obtained in the construction sector is one of these. The second is that companies seek new investment areas as the Turkish market has reached saturation,” Ekonomis quoted Nane as saying.

    These shopping center investments also provide an opportunity for Turkish retailers, Nane said. “Having a place in these malls opened in foreign countries provides a step for Turkish brands to become a global value.”

    Turkish investors are focusing especially on the Middle East, North Africa, the Balkan countries and Turkic republics.

    Istanbul-based Turkmall, a global real estate development company, constructs shopping centers in Russia, China, Syria, Egypt, Georgia and Libya. The company is set to open a new mall in northern Cyprus’ Nicosia with an investment of $150 million. “Our aim is to become the top brand in shopping centers,” said Levent Eyüboğlu, chief executive officer of Turkmall.

    Türk şirketleri yurtdışında alışveriş merkezleri kuruyor

    Alışveriş merkezleri kuran Türk girişimciler yatırımlarını yabancı ülkelere kaydırıyor,haftalık işletme dergisi Ekonomist son sayısında bildirdi.

    Alışveriş Merkezleri ve Parekendeciler Ticaret Konseyinin,veya AMPD'nin verisine göre Rusya,Romanya,Suriye,Libya,İran,Irak ve Suudi Arabistan gibi çeşitli ülkelerde Türk iş adamları tarafından kurulan ve tamamlanan alışveriş merkezlerinin sayısı şimdiden 50ye ulaştı.Bu sayının yakın gelecekte 150ye çıkacağı tahmin ediliyor.

    AMPD başkanı Mehmet Nane'ye göre Türk girişimciler için yurtdışına yatırım yapmalarına birçok sebep var."Yapı sektöründe elde edilen tecrübeler bunlardan biri.İkincisi,Türk piyasası canlılığa ulaştığı için şirketlerin yeni yatırım alanları araması" Nane'nin söylediğinin Ekonomist alıntısı.

    Nane:"Bu alışveriş merkezleri yatırımları ayrıca Türk parekendeciler için bir fırsat sağlar."."Yabancı ülkelerde açılan bu alışveriş mağazalarında bir yere sahip olmak Türk markalarının küresel bir değer haline gelmesi için bir adım sağlar."

    Türk yatırımcılar özellikle Orta Doğu,Kuzey Afrika,Balkan ülkeleri ve Türk Cumhuriyetlerine odaklanıyor.

    İstanbul merkezli küresel bir gayrimenkul gelişim şirketi olan Turkmall Rusya,Çin,Suriye,Mısır,Gürcistan ve Libya'da alışveriş merkezleri inşaa edecek.Şirket Kuzey Kıbrıs Nicosia'da 150 milyon dolarlık yatırımla yeni bir alışveriş merkezi açmaya hazır.Turkmall'ın CEO'su Levent Eyüboğlu:"Bizim amacımız alışveriş merkezlerinde zirve haline gelmek".

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi frenzy_35_frenzy -- 19 Şubat 2011; 1:28:04 >

  • Orijinalden alıntı: frenzy_35_frenzy

    i will translate this news from English to Turkish for you:http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/n.php?n=turkish-companies-construct-malls-abroad-2011-02-10
    pls check it out carefully,and warn me if i make mistakes.

    Turkish companies build malls abroad

    Turkish entrepreneurs constructing shopping centers have shifted their investments to foreign countries, business weekly magazine Ekonomist reported in its latest issue.

    The number of shopping centers completed and being constructed by Turkish businesspeople in various countries such as Russia, Romania, Syria, Libya, Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia has already reached 50, according to data from the Trade Council of Shopping Centers and Retailers, or AMPD. This number is forecasted to increase to 150 in the near future.

    “There are many reasons for Turkish entrepreneurs to invest abroad,” according to Mehmet Nane, chairman of the AMPD. “Experience obtained in the construction sector is one of these. The second is that companies seek new investment areas as the Turkish market has reached saturation,” Ekonomis quoted Nane as saying.

    These shopping center investments also provide an opportunity for Turkish retailers, Nane said. “Having a place in these malls opened in foreign countries provides a step for Turkish brands to become a global value.”

    Turkish investors are focusing especially on the Middle East, North Africa, the Balkan countries and Turkic republics.

    Istanbul-based Turkmall, a global real estate development company, constructs shopping centers in Russia, China, Syria, Egypt, Georgia and Libya. The company is set to open a new mall in northern Cyprus’ Nicosia with an investment of $150 million. “Our aim is to become the top brand in shopping centers,” said Levent Eyüboğlu, chief executive officer of Turkmall.

    Türk şirketleri yurtdışında alışveriş merkezleri kuruyor

    Alışveriş merkezleri kuran Türk girişimciler yatırımlarını yabancı ülkelere kaydırıyor,haftalık işletme dergisi Ekonomist son sayısında bildirdi.

    Alışveriş Merkezleri ve Parekendeciler Ticaret Konseyinin,veya AMPD'nin verisine göre Rusya,Romanya,Suriye,Libya,İran,Irak ve Suudi Arabistan gibi çeşitli ülkelerde Türk iş adamları tarafından kurulan ve tamamlanan alışveriş merkezlerinin sayısı şimdiden 50ye ulaştı.Bu sayının yakın gelecekte 150ye çıkacağı tahmin ediliyor.

    AMPD başkanı Mehmet Nane'ye göre Türk girişimciler için yurtdışına yatırım yapmalarına birçok sebep var. Türk girişimcilerin yurtdışına yatırım yapmaları için pek çok sebep var -I would say- "Yapı sektöründe elde edilen tecrübeler bunlardan biri. İnşaat sektöründe kazanılan tecrübe bunlardan bir tanesi. - I would say - İkincisi,Türk piyasası canlılığa ulaştığı için şirketlerin yeni yatırım alanları araması" Nane'nin söylediğinin Ekonomist alıntısı. İkinci olarak, Türk piyasası doyuma ulaştığı için şirketler yeni yatırım alanları aramakta. -I would say -

    Nane:"Bu alışveriş merkezleri yatırımları ayrıca Türk parekendeciler için de bir fırsat sağlar."."Yabancı ülkelerde açılan bu alışveriş mağazalarında bir yere sahip olmak Türk markalarının küresel bir değer haline gelmesi için bir adım atmasını sağlar."

    Türk yatırımcılar özellikle Orta Doğu,Kuzey Afrika,Balkan ülkeleri ve Türk Cumhuriyetlerine cumhuriyetleri üzerinde yoğunlaşıyor - I would say- odaklanıyor.

    İstanbul merkezli küresel bir gayrimenkul gelişim kalkındırma şirketi olan Turkmall Rusya,Çin,Suriye,Mısır,Gürcistan ve Libya'da alışveriş merkezleri inşaa ediyor - present tense edecek.Şirket Kuzey Kıbrıs Nicosia'da 150 milyon dolarlık yatırımla yeni bir alışveriş merkezi açmaya hazır.Turkmall'ın CEO'su Levent Eyüboğlu:"Bizim amacımız alışveriş merkezlerinde zirve en büyük marka haline gelmek".

    I did some changes according to me, hopefully you will like them, if any problem in mind , let me know
    I am open to be criticized :))

  • Orijinalden alıntı: brooklynn

    Orijinalden alıntı: frenzy_35_frenzy

    i will translate this news from English to Turkish for you:http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/n.php?n=turkish-companies-construct-malls-abroad-2011-02-10
    pls check it out carefully,and warn me if i make mistakes.

    Turkish companies build malls abroad

    Turkish entrepreneurs constructing shopping centers have shifted their investments to foreign countries, business weekly magazine Ekonomist reported in its latest issue.

    The number of shopping centers completed and being constructed by Turkish businesspeople in various countries such as Russia, Romania, Syria, Libya, Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia has already reached 50, according to data from the Trade Council of Shopping Centers and Retailers, or AMPD. This number is forecasted to increase to 150 in the near future.

    �There are many reasons for Turkish entrepreneurs to invest abroad,� according to Mehmet Nane, chairman of the AMPD. �Experience obtained in the construction sector is one of these. The second is that companies seek new investment areas as the Turkish market has reached saturation,� Ekonomis quoted Nane as saying.

    These shopping center investments also provide an opportunity for Turkish retailers, Nane said. �Having a place in these malls opened in foreign countries provides a step for Turkish brands to become a global value.�

    Turkish investors are focusing especially on the Middle East, North Africa, the Balkan countries and Turkic republics.

    Istanbul-based Turkmall, a global real estate development company, constructs shopping centers in Russia, China, Syria, Egypt, Georgia and Libya. The company is set to open a new mall in northern Cyprus� Nicosia with an investment of $150 million. �Our aim is to become the top brand in shopping centers,� said Levent Eyüboğlu, chief executive officer of Turkmall.

    Türk şirketleri yurtdışında alışveriş merkezleri kuruyor

    Alışveriş merkezleri kuran Türk girişimciler yatırımlarını yabancı ülkelere kaydırıyor,haftalık işletme dergisi Ekonomist son sayısında bildirdi.

    Alışveriş Merkezleri ve Parekendeciler Ticaret Konseyinin,veya AMPD'nin verisine göre Rusya,Romanya,Suriye,Libya,İran,Irak ve Suudi Arabistan gibi çeşitli ülkelerde Türk iş adamları tarafından kurulan ve tamamlanan alışveriş merkezlerinin sayısı şimdiden 50ye ulaştı.Bu sayının yakın gelecekte 150ye çıkacağı tahmin ediliyor.

    AMPD başkanı Mehmet Nane'ye göre Türk girişimciler için yurtdışına yatırım yapmalarına birçok sebep var. Türk girişimcilerin yurtdışına yatırım yapmaları için pek çok sebep var -I would say- "Yapı sektöründe elde edilen tecrübeler bunlardan biri. İnşaat sektöründe kazanılan tecrübe bunlardan bir tanesi. - I would say - İkincisi,Türk piyasası canlılığa ulaştığı için şirketlerin yeni yatırım alanları araması" Nane'nin söylediğinin Ekonomist alıntısı. İkinci olarak, Türk piyasası doyuma ulaştığı için şirketler yeni yatırım alanları aramakta. -I would say -

    Nane:"Bu alışveriş merkezleri yatırımları ayrıca Türk parekendeciler için de bir fırsat sağlar."."Yabancı ülkelerde açılan bu alışveriş mağazalarında bir yere sahip olmak Türk markalarının küresel bir değer haline gelmesi için bir adım atmasını sağlar."

    Türk yatırımcılar özellikle Orta Doğu,Kuzey Afrika,Balkan ülkeleri ve Türk Cumhuriyetlerine cumhuriyetleri üzerinde yoğunlaşıyor - I would say- odaklanıyor.

    İstanbul merkezli küresel bir gayrimenkul gelişim kalkındırma şirketi olan Turkmall Rusya,Çin,Suriye,Mısır,Gürcistan ve Libya'da alışveriş merkezleri inşaa ediyor - present tense edecek.Şirket Kuzey Kıbrıs Nicosia'da 150 milyon dolarlık yatırımla yeni bir alışveriş merkezi açmaya hazır.Turkmall'ın CEO'su Levent Eyüboğlu:"Bizim amacımız alışveriş merkezlerinde zirve en büyük marka haline gelmek".

    I did some changes according to me, hopefully you will like them, if any problem in mind , let me know
    I am open to be criticized :))

    thanks for paying attention.indeed some sentences,in the writing you corrected,make sense the same sentences that i translated.hence,i was in a dilemma while i was translating.As we know english is a flexible language translated with diverse ways,and the significant one is that audience gets what we imply and emphasize i'm open to be criticitized,as well

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi frenzy_35_frenzy -- 21 Şubat 2011; 16:35:51 >

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: frenzy_35_frenzy

    Orijinalden alıntı: brooklynn

    Orijinalden alıntı: frenzy_35_frenzy

    i will translate this news from English to Turkish for you:http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/n.php?n=turkish-companies-construct-malls-abroad-2011-02-10
    pls check it out carefully,and warn me if i make mistakes.

    Turkish companies build malls abroad

    Turkish entrepreneurs constructing shopping centers have shifted their investments to foreign countries, business weekly magazine Ekonomist reported in its latest issue.

    The number of shopping centers completed and being constructed by Turkish businesspeople in various countries such as Russia, Romania, Syria, Libya, Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia has already reached 50, according to data from the Trade Council of Shopping Centers and Retailers, or AMPD. This number is forecasted to increase to 150 in the near future.

    �There are many reasons for Turkish entrepreneurs to invest abroad,� according to Mehmet Nane, chairman of the AMPD. �Experience obtained in the construction sector is one of these. The second is that companies seek new investment areas as the Turkish market has reached saturation,� Ekonomis quoted Nane as saying.

    These shopping center investments also provide an opportunity for Turkish retailers, Nane said. �Having a place in these malls opened in foreign countries provides a step for Turkish brands to become a global value.�

    Turkish investors are focusing especially on the Middle East, North Africa, the Balkan countries and Turkic republics.

    Istanbul-based Turkmall, a global real estate development company, constructs shopping centers in Russia, China, Syria, Egypt, Georgia and Libya. The company is set to open a new mall in northern Cyprus� Nicosia with an investment of $150 million. �Our aim is to become the top brand in shopping centers,� said Levent Eyüboğlu, chief executive officer of Turkmall.

    Türk şirketleri yurtdışında alışveriş merkezleri kuruyor

    Alışveriş merkezleri kuran Türk girişimciler yatırımlarını yabancı ülkelere kaydırıyor,haftalık işletme dergisi Ekonomist son sayısında bildirdi.

    Alışveriş Merkezleri ve Parekendeciler Ticaret Konseyinin,veya AMPD'nin verisine göre Rusya,Romanya,Suriye,Libya,İran,Irak ve Suudi Arabistan gibi çeşitli ülkelerde Türk iş adamları tarafından kurulan ve tamamlanan alışveriş merkezlerinin sayısı şimdiden 50ye ulaştı.Bu sayının yakın gelecekte 150ye çıkacağı tahmin ediliyor.

    AMPD başkanı Mehmet Nane'ye göre Türk girişimciler için yurtdışına yatırım yapmalarına birçok sebep var. Türk girişimcilerin yurtdışına yatırım yapmaları için pek çok sebep var -I would say- "Yapı sektöründe elde edilen tecrübeler bunlardan biri. İnşaat sektöründe kazanılan tecrübe bunlardan bir tanesi. - I would say - İkincisi,Türk piyasası canlılığa ulaştığı için şirketlerin yeni yatırım alanları araması" Nane'nin söylediğinin Ekonomist alıntısı. İkinci olarak, Türk piyasası doyuma ulaştığı için şirketler yeni yatırım alanları aramakta. -I would say -

    Nane:"Bu alışveriş merkezleri yatırımları ayrıca Türk parekendeciler için de bir fırsat sağlar."."Yabancı ülkelerde açılan bu alışveriş mağazalarında bir yere sahip olmak Türk markalarının küresel bir değer haline gelmesi için bir adım atmasını sağlar."

    Türk yatırımcılar özellikle Orta Doğu,Kuzey Afrika,Balkan ülkeleri ve Türk Cumhuriyetlerine cumhuriyetleri üzerinde yoğunlaşıyor - I would say- odaklanıyor.

    İstanbul merkezli küresel bir gayrimenkul gelişim kalkındırma şirketi olan Turkmall Rusya,Çin,Suriye,Mısır,Gürcistan ve Libya'da alışveriş merkezleri inşaa ediyor - present tense edecek.Şirket Kuzey Kıbrıs Nicosia'da 150 milyon dolarlık yatırımla yeni bir alışveriş merkezi açmaya hazır.Turkmall'ın CEO'su Levent Eyüboğlu:"Bizim amacımız alışveriş merkezlerinde zirve en büyük marka haline gelmek".

    I did some changes according to me, hopefully you will like them, if any problem in mind , let me know
    I am open to be criticized :))

    thanks for paying attention.indeed some sentences,in the writing you corrected,make sense the same sentences that i translated.hence,i was in a dilemma while i was translating.As we know english is a flexible language translated with diverse ways,and the significant one is that audience gets what we imply and emphasize i'm open to be criticitized,as well

    Alıntıları Göster
    One more topic as usual goes to garbage due to lack of interest.
    I will write some down here but I have flight to Turkey tomorrow in the morning that's why I am little bit occupied these days.
    Please people, do not leave topic empty

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: brooklynn

    One more topic as usual goes to garbage due to lack of interest.
    I will write some down here but I have flight to Turkey tomorrow in the morning that's why I am little bit occupied these days.
    Please people, do not leave topic empty

    Alıntıları Göster
    i do agree with brooklynn's suggestions.we should keep the topic up-to-date by doing what we can.maybe you aren't a talented author or translator,but that doesn't demonstrate that your passages will be ambiguous forever.therefore,don't hesitate to write.it is a known fact that every language can be learnt and grasped by using words that you learn.so i request you be more interested,or else number of members,being an english buff,will start to diminish day by day.if my statements do the trick,i'll be glad.

  • the destiny of this is going to die one more time
    It cant be kept alive with just two people
    I translate, he translates , nobody adds comments to find our mistakes
    We need lots of perspectives to correct our mistakes, as a result its tthe best way of improving yourself
    I will translate one more passage and stand by the reaction of you whether you give me feedback or not
    Anyway, thanks for listening to me
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: brooklynn

    the destiny of this is going to die one more time
    It cant be kept alive with just two people
    I translate, he translates , nobody adds comments to find our mistakes
    We need lots of perspectives to correct our mistakes, as a result its tthe best way of improving yourself
    I will translate one more passage and stand by the reaction of you whether you give me feedback or not
    Anyway, thanks for listening to me
    here we go last one time to stimulate the topic
    It has been long time since I have written here
    but nobody shows interests regarding English translation
    none of us are master at english
    we are just students who try to develop, reconstract or build English up from beginning
    Shall I beg you guys to participate in ?
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: brooklynn

    here we go last one time to stimulate the topic
    It has been long time since I have written here
    but nobody shows interests regarding English translation
    none of us are master at english
    we are just students who try to develop, reconstract or build English up from beginning
    Shall I beg you guys to participate in ?

    Alıntıları Göster
    I first time see this topic, honestly it looks useful. I believe skill is required of translation from foreing language to own language. Even though i understand articles, i find it difficult that writing in Turkish word by word what i understood. I'll translate something soon, at least i'm gonna try.

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: gstrance

    I first time see this topic, honestly it looks useful. I believe skill is required of translation from foreing language to own language. Even though i understand articles, i find it difficult that writing in Turkish word by word what i understood. I'll translate something soon, at least i'm gonna try.

    Alıntıları Göster

    Main Article in English

    LIVERPOOL appear in the city of arguably their greatest triumph tonight. But rather than remembering the past, it’s with their gaze firmly fixed on the future that Kenny Dalglish’s side continue their pre-season in Istanbul.

    The Anfield outfit take on Galatasaray in the impressive new Turk Telekom Arena hoping to drag their preparations back on track following Saturday’s debacle at Hull City.

    On a dismal afternoon on Humberside, Liverpool’s ongoing squad shortcomings were painfully exposed as his fringe players did little to disprove the theory Dalglish has plenty of deadwood that can be chopped from his bulging roster.

    A 3-0 defeat, and the subsequent navel-gazing and retrospection, means that, while still only a friendly, this evening’s fixture in Turkey will be given significantly more resonance than it may have barely a week ago.

    Amid the gloom of the KC Stadium, there was at least the positive of finally seeing new boys Stewart Downing and Jordan Henderson pull on a Liverpool shirt for the first time since their expensive summer arrivals.

    And despite having been only 14 years old when the Anfield outfit defied the odds to beat AC Milan and lift the Champions League trophy at the Ataturk Stadium in 2005, Henderson is well aware of the historical significance of this journey.

    “I was just in the house with some friends watching the final,” says the former Sunderland midfielder. “It’s one of the best games I’ve ever seen. It was a brilliant game to watch. There were a lot of ups and downs for the fans, but as a spectator it was a fantastic game and I was over the moon when Liverpool won it in the end.
    I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It just shows with team spirit and togetherness what you can achieve.”

    Henderson adds: “I’m looking forward to Galatasaray. It will be a great game.
    It’ll be tough, but a good match for us to prepare for the start of the season by working on a few things, gelling as a team and getting a little bit more used to each other.”

    Henderson’s arrival, along with that of Charlie Adam, has increased the competition in an already congested central midfield.

    This is the third time Liverpool have been back to Istanbul since lifting the European Cup, having lost 3-2 to tonight’s opponents at the Ataturk Stadium in a Champions League dead rubber in December 2006, then been stunned 2-1 by Besiktas at the noisy Inonu Stadium 10 months later.

    That said, Galatasaray set a new landmark for the “loudest crowd roar at a sport stadium” in March at their new 52,695-capacity stadium when a peak reading of 131.76 dBA was recorded.

    Among those expected to figure for Liverpool this evening is Emiliano Insua, who spent last season on loan at Galatasaray but was frozen out once Gheorghe Hagi was installed as manager midway through the campaign.

    Turkish stalwart Fatih Terim has since taken charge for a third time at Galatasaray, whose ranks include former Liverpool striker and 2005 Champions League final veteran Milan Baros.

    Other familiar faces for the Turkish side include former Bolton Wanderers striker Johan Elmander, Brazil international Felipe Melo and former Sheffield United winger Colin Kazim-Richards.

    Translation to Turkish

    Liverpool bu gece tartışmasız en büyük zaferini elde ettiği şehirde sahne alıcak. Kenny Dalglish’e göre geçmişi hatırlamaktansa, önlerinde duran geleceğe yani hazırlık çalışmalarına odaklanmak daha önemli.

    Anfield ekibi cumartesi günü Hull City’de yaşadığı hezimetin ardından Galatasaray’ın göz kamaştırıcı yeni stadı Türk Telekom Arena da kazanıp, işleri yoluna sokmayı ümit ediyor.

    Hazırlık maçı dahi olsa alınan 3-0lık mağlubiyet geçen sezonu anımsattı, Türkiyede oynanıcak bu akşam ki maç 1 hafta öncesine göre çok daha büyük yankı uyandıracak.

    Kasvetli KC Stadiumunda en sonunda yeni transferler Stewart Downing ve Jordan Henderson ilk kez Liverpool formasını sırtlarına geçirdiler, bu kayda değer tek şeydi.

    2005 yılında Liverpool’un İstanbul Atatürk Olimpiyat Stadında tüm oranları tersine çevirip Milan’ı yenerek Şampiyonlar Ligi kupasını havaya kaldırdığında sadece 14 yaşında olmasına rağmen, Henderson bu yolculuğun tarihi önemimin çok iyi farkında.

    Sunderland’in eski oyucusu “ Final maçını arkadaşlarımla evimde televizyon karşısında izlemiştim, hayatımda gördüğüm en heycanlı maçlardan biriydi. Böyle bir maçı izlemek çok keyifliydi, harika bir maçtı, maç içerisinde bir çok iniş ve çıkışlara tanık olduk ama sonunda Liverpool maçı kazandığında dünyalar benim olmuştu. Gördüklerime inanamamıştım. Bu maç takım ruhu ve birliktelikle neler başarılabileceğinin kanıtıdır. ” dedi. Ve son olarak bu akşam ki Galatasaray maçını dört gözle beklediğini, takım olma ve birbirine tanıma adına güzel ama zor bir hazılık maçı olacağını sözlerine ekledi.

    Henderson’un Charlie Adams ile takıma katılması, zaten kalabalık olan orta saha mevkindeki rekabeti dahada arttırdı.

    Bu maç 2005 yılındaki zaferin ardından Liverpool’un üçüncü İstanbul ziyareti. 2006 yılında Şampiyonlar Ligi maçında bu akşam oynayacağı rakibine karşı 3-2 kaybeden Liverpool, bundan 10 ay sonrada gürültülü İnönü stadında Beşiktaş karşısında 2-1 yenilgiyle sonuçla soka uğramıştı.

    Galatasaray’ın Mart ayında 52,695 kişi kapasiteli yeni stadında 131.76 dBA lık ses seviyesine ulaşarak, stadyumlarda en yüksek ses seviyesine sahip taraftar ünvanın sahibi olduğu belirtildi.

    Liverpool için merak edilen konulardan biride, geçen sene kiralık olarak Galatasarayda oynayan ama sezon ortasında teknik direktörlüğe getirilen Hagi tarafından dışlanan Emiliano Insua.

    İmparator Fatih Terim’i üçüncü defa başa geçiren Galatasarayın askerleri arasında 2005 Şampiyonlar Ligi finali gazilerinden Liverpool’un eski golcüsü Milan Baros’da yer alıyor.

    Galatasarayda ki diğer tanıdık yüzler, Bolton Wanders’in eski golcüsü Johan Elmander, Brazilya Milli Takım oyuncusu Felipe Melo ve Sheffield United’ın eski kanat oyuncularından Colin Kazım.


    I tried to translate this article. I couldn't translate red part.. I'll apreciate if anyone translates it and checks my translation's accuracy.

  • Thanks for sharing your translation with us
    I am at work at the moment. As I get free time to check out yours, I will do it with pleasure
    I checked out little bit and it seems pretty hard.
  • On a dismal afternoon on Humberside, Liverpool’s ongoing squad shortcomings were painfully exposed as his fringe players did little to disprove the theory Dalglish has plenty of deadwood that can be chopped from his bulging roster.

    Humberside'daki kasvetli gecede, Liverpol'un süregelen eksiklikleri tüm açıklığı ile ortaya çıktı. Oyun planını bozan kenar oyuncularının pasifliği sürerken Dalgish oyun esnasında etkisiz oyuncuları oyunan kesebilirdi. ( alabilirdi )

    I have translated in this way that I am sure It is not exact translation. I just wrote what I have understood so far. In terms of understanding this may be understandable I think. I tried my chance for it.
    By the way you have choosen pretty hard article to translate, If you translate this easily, You are about to me a master friend :))

    By the way, I see the rest of article awesome, you are gifted at translation. What do you study or have you been studying ? If yes, where ?

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi brooklynn -- 29 Temmuz 2011; 14:38:03 >

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: brooklynn

    On a dismal afternoon on Humberside, Liverpool’s ongoing squad shortcomings were painfully exposed as his fringe players did little to disprove the theory Dalglish has plenty of deadwood that can be chopped from his bulging roster.

    Humberside'daki kasvetli gecede, Liverpol'un süregelen eksiklikleri tüm açıklığı ile ortaya çıktı. Oyun planını bozan kenar oyuncularının pasifliği sürerken Dalgish oyun esnasında etkisiz oyuncuları oyunan kesebilirdi. ( alabilirdi )

    I have translated in this way that I am sure It is not exact translation. I just wrote what I have understood so far. In terms of understanding this may be understandable I think. I tried my chance for it.
    By the way you have choosen pretty hard article to translate, If you translate this easily, You are about to me a master friend :))

    By the way, I see the rest of article awesome, you are gifted at translation. What do you study or have you been studying ? If yes, where ?
    Thanks very much for your translation of missing part and also praise for my stuff. I think your translation sounds ok, it must be true.. And you are right it's pretty hard article because of slang language.. To be honest I stuggled a lot.. I wish i did it easily :)

    I've taken English course in the UK. I want to keep up my English, so I try to do something regularly. And you encouraged me in translation, i'll try occasionally and put them this topic, also follow new entries if someone shares..

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: gstrance

    Thanks very much for your translation of missing part and also praise for my stuff. I think your translation sounds ok, it must be true.. And you are right it's pretty hard article because of slang language.. To be honest I stuggled a lot.. I wish i did it easily :)

    I've taken English course in the UK. I want to keep up my English, so I try to do something regularly. And you encouraged me in translation, i'll try occasionally and put them this topic, also follow new entries if someone shares..

    Alıntıları Göster
    I can recommend you the webpage that I use for translation
    very convenient in order to practise your current English skills and not to forget key points of English you should always keep in memory


    I will be out of city for few days about 2-3 days and can not be active during mentioned period. Thats why If you translate texts on the page, I will check out them in following days, so never back up to translate in case nobody cares or something :) :))
    I will log in via phone but it will not be healthy to correct your missing points.

    Take care, do not loose the connection with me and page :))

    Edit : I also have been abroad for more than 6 months as student at Tallinn University and tourist in various countries such as Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweeden, Russia ( Thats all for now )
    It ( going abroad ) helps you to build your English up and stand on your feet abroad . You need to be abreast of changing situations. Always keep in touch with strangers who help you without return :))

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi brooklynn -- 29 Temmuz 2011; 17:50:18 >

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