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Üniversite Matematik Derslerine Önceden Nereden Çalışılır?

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  • Üniversite Matematik Derslerine Önceden Nereden Çalışılır?

    BoğaziçildenDers kanalından başka kaynak tavsiyesi olan tavsiye verebilir mi?

    Matematik 1 2, Lineer Cebir için kaynak istiyorum. Mühendislik 1.sınıf yani

  • Kendi kullandıklarım şunlar:

    Calculus için 3B1B, Khan Academy, Treffor Bazett, Prof Leonard (isimleri yanlış yazmış olabilirim)

    Linear Algebra için 3B1B, Gilbert Strang playlist.

    BUDers kanalı bana çok ezber geliyor. Bir konuyu neden öğrenmemiz gerektiğine dair olan motivasyondan yoksun formül öğren geç tarzı gibi. Sınavlardan önce çok dar zamanda bakılmasını anlarım ama daha geniş zamanda keyif alarak öğrenmek için ideal değil.

    Ek olarak hayran olduğum diğer matematik kanallarını bırakayım

    Hi, I am Trevor. This channel is dedicated to promoting Maths and help people generate interest in Maths by showing a more fun side of Mathematics, as well as the elegance of Math. It takes a different turn from the traditional textbook Maths, and go much more in-depth, making the journey of Math more rewarding. This channel contains both highly visual mathematical topics like integration, graph theory and group theory, but also some less visual topics including some algebraic tricks which are equally amazing. For those who are wondering, I don't use coding to produce my videos, and while stylistically similar to 3Blue1Brown, I don't use Manim (Grant's mathematical animation Python library) to produce my videos. I will reveal how I do my animations in a potential subscriber milestone. I don't want to disclose it now because the video-making process is in no way professional, and I don't want people to judge me. SUBSCRIBE!! I try to upload at least monthly, but no guarantee on this.
    A channel about various topics in mathematics, physics, philosophy, theology, and medicine, hopefully combining ideas from different fields. On this channel, we try to dig deeper than what is normally done on other "pop science" and "pop math" channels.
    Mathematician Tai-Danae Bradley and physicist Gabe Perez-Giz offer ambitious content for viewers that are eager to attain a greater understanding of the world around them. Math is pervasive - a robust yet precise language - and with each episode you’ll begin to see the math that underpins everything in this puzzling, yet fascinating, universe. Previous host Kelsey Houston-Edwards is currently working on her Ph.D. in mathematics at Cornell University.
    Here's how the channel works: I stream programming on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/simuleios (when I can) I post the stream on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFf6Ag4GdpEjnEy8M8MB3fg Then I make a video about the results here. Discord: https://discord.gg/wjU7FW2 Honestly, I am quite happy with how this channel is shaping up. Let me know if you have any comments, questions, or concerns!
    Math videos covering Calculus, Differential Equations, Number Theory and more

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