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Wise Türkiye Öldü

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  • Konu İstatistikleri Yükleniyor
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  • We’re changing how customers in Türkiye can use Wise due to new regulations in Türkiye, we need to change the way Wise customers with registered addresses in Türkiye can use the Wise account. You can continue to use Wise to send money abroad from your bank account.

    From today, you’re no longer able to:

    • Get new account details for any currency.
    • Add money to your Wise TRY balance from your Turkish bank account.

    After 30 August, you won’t be able to:

    • Open new balances and Jars to hold money in different currencies.
    • Convert between your Wise balances.
    • Add money to your existing Wise balances.
    • Send transfers from your Wise balances.
    • Receive money into Wise. This means that any Wise account details you have will stop working, and any money sent to these will be returned to the sender. Let your senders know that they can no longer send you money this way.

    After 30 August, you can still use Wise to:

    • Withdraw any remaining money in your Wise balance to your own bank accounts. Your money is safe.
    • Send international transfers through Wise directly from your bank account in Türkiye.

    We’re sorry about this. Thanks,

    The Wise Team

  • Wise hala kullanabilirsiniz. Sadece Türkiye'deki her fintech kuruluşu gibi regülasyonlara takılmış. Bunu da bankalar aracıyla Wise işlemlerinize devam edebilirsiniz diyor.

  • Yurtdisindan para almak icin kullanamazsin ki en buyuk artisiydi. Maalesef doviz getiremiyoruz bu sacmaliklar yuzunden

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
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