Jpko şampiyonlugu kazandı KnightOnline you to utilize thank you usually truly. It is the KnightOnline management team.
The world championship final which was done some time ago We inform about the Japanese VS Chinese result.
User several 1085 names which Japan pushes down User several 507 names which China pushes down
Unsullen of last year clear seems, Japan beat China! Japan obtained the greatest in the world with this conference! ! Everyone who participated, it seemed the tired way truly.
< Brief review >
The proud basket castle (the wax じ ょ う) vis-a-vis China which takes the maneuvers from aggressive start opening Japan backed up at one time, kept murdering China which is chased securely. There was also a scene where in the medium board Japan floods inside the Chinese headquarter but It was agreeable to the Chinese counter and Ae did not obtain and made retreat unavoidable. It approaches to final stage being the place where, leadership comes off Japan where, Being the place where lead/read is expanded, it pulled up from before the enemy headquarter at a stroke. After that, Japan which divides into 2 directions 挟 attacking does China which comes out of inside the headquarter It attacks Japan which rode in spirit inside the Chinese headquarter entering Beautiful, it became the Japanese victory. jpko sitesinden alıntı
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