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8.sınıf ingilizce bir anı

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  • arkadaşlar bir anı vericem onu 8.sınıf ingilizcesine çevirebilirmisiniz

    Sene 2007 yaz tatilindeydim bir arkadaşı pataklamıştım ve adam toplamıştı o arkadaşım beni dövdürcekti bende görünce hemen kaçtım bir bahçeye bahçeye girdiğimi gördüler ve hemen peşimden geldiler bende orda bir avul vardı avuldan atladım atlarken uç tarafları elimin içindeki deriyi kaldırdı ve avucumun içi açıktı bende çok korktum ve hemen koştum bir poliniğe polinikte beni almadılar sonra caddede bir taksi gördüm bindim ve hastaneye gittim hemen acilden girdim tek başıma ve bir odaya aldılar ve elimi sardılar sonra beni başka bir hastaneye gitmemi istediler burda ameliyat olmaz diye benim elimim ameliyatı için çapa veya tem hospitalı önerdiler bizde tem hospitala gittik ve orda beni hemen odaya yerleştirdiler ve ameliyata aldılar ameliyata girmeden önce elimin hiç kıpırdamama olasalığı vardı ben girdim ameliyata benim kolumun altına narkoz gibi bişi verdiler ve kolum uyuştu hiç bişi hissetmiyordum sonra ameliyattan çıktım başarılı geçmişti 3 gün hastanede kaldım ondan sonra taburcu oldum her 2-3 günde bir hastaneye gidip pansuman yaptırıyordum elimin içinde bir yara vardı kapanmadı bu 2 ay sürdü kapanmadı ve en sonunda doktor bacağımdan bir parça alıp elime ameliyat olucağını söylemişti bende çok korktum annem ve babam beni başka bir doktora götürdüler tanıdık ve profösör bir doktor benim elimdeki yaramı 3 günde kapattı ve ameliyata girmeden çözüldü bu iş ve ben çok sevinmiştim şuanda elim çok iyi.

    şimdiden teşekkürler

  • 8. sınıf ingilizcesine çevirmek derken? 8.sınıf ingilizcesi diğerlerinden farklı mı?
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Kenjianatsu

    8. sınıf ingilizcesine çevirmek derken? 8.sınıf ingilizcesi diğerlerinden farklı mı?

    Biraz basit olsun demek istemiş arkadaş.
  • evet 8.sınıf ingilizce konularını görmüş biri çevirirse iyi olur hoca çakmasın
  • İngilizce bilmeme rağmen anladım
  • arkadaşlar yardım edebilirmisiniz lütfen
  • arkadaşlar lütfen yardım edin ya
  • Year 2007 summer vacation I was a friend beat up was, and he gathered his friends me dövdürcekti see in me, he immediately ran away a garden to enter the garden I saw and immediately behind me they got there a avul had avuldan jumped jumped tip the hand inside the skin is lifted and my hand was open I am afraid and immediately I ran a poliniğe polinikte I did not take the street in a taxi I saw got up and went to the hospital I immediately urgent than I went alone and the room took my hand wrapped added me after another went to the hospital asked me here, the operation just in my hand my surgery for the anchor or tem hospital have offered us, jul hospitala We went and there I almost chamber placed and the operation took the surgery before I ever moved me olasalığı had I entered my surgery my arm under my anesthesia like Bishi said and my arm numb no Bishi, I did not feel after the operation went successfully passed 3 days in the hospital I was then discharged from the hospital I was every 2 - 3 days to a hospital to go and dress I was my hands inside a wound that had closed was not it 2 months took off were not, and eventually doctors legs, a part of me took my hand surgery olucağını told me I am afraid my mother and my father, me, another doctor took familiar and professor doctor my hand wounds on my 3 closed the day before and was resolved into operation of this business and I was very happy at my now very good.

  • druing summer holiday in 2007, i beat one of my friends. Then he gathered some men to beat me. When i saw them,i escaped immediately to a garden. However they saw me escaping and followed me. I jumped over a fench, and injured my hand while jumping. I then run to a healh center to get my hand looked, however the center did not accept me. Then, i get on a cab and go to the emergency service of a hospital. In the hospital, i was transfered to a room and got my hand checked. Unfortunately, they said that my hand needed surgery and I was recommended to go to Çapa or Tem Hospital. I chose TEM hospital and go there. When ı got there, i was taken to an operation room. They give a local sedative to my arm and done to surgery. The potential risk before the surgery was that my hand might get paralyzed during the operation. Luckily, the surgery was succesful and i was relaesed from the hospital after three days. However, The wound on my hand did not get healed for 2 months. I was said that my hand needs to went into another surgery during that a skin part from my leg would put onto my hand. I got scared and my parents took me professor who fixed my hand in 3 days without surgery. Now, my hand is very well and i am happy that my hand is healed after that unfortunate incident.

    -Hiç inandırıcı bir hikaye değil
    -hoca bu yazıyı yazdığına inansın, tebrik edeceğim seni :D
    -bu arada bir sürü grammer hatası olabilir yazıda.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi HITM@N -- 21 Nisan 2010; 18:03:01 >

  • Year 2007 I am yaz tatilinde, one arkadaşı fight and guy toplamıştı o friend my dövdürcekti me too görünce fast kaçtım as one bahçeye, he's saw bahçeye girdiğimi ve fast comes my peş geldiler me too here as one avul haves avuldan jump, atlarken uç positions my hand içindeki deriyi kaldırdı ve avucumun içi açıktı and I so scared, and I say ; whatsss uppp! ve hemen run as one poliniğe polinikte beni dont accept sonra caddede bir taksi look bindim and hastaneye goes fast acilden girdim alone and bir odaya aldılar ve my hand sardılar after beni başka bir hastaneye wants me goes other hastane, we dont make ameliyat burda diye benim elimim ameliyatı için çapa veya tem hospitalı says we are going to tem hospitala and here me fast odaya yerleştirdiler and accept to ameliyat, before the ameliyata my hands any kıpırdamama olasalığı vardı me girdi ameliyata my kolumun under narkoz gibi as one verdiler and my kol uyuştu after I don't feel any one, after to ameliyattan çıktım success geçmişti 3 day hastanede get up ondan sonra taburcu have been. always 2-3 days one hastaneye goes and pansuman yaptırıyordum hands in, one yara have, don't cloes. this 2 month sürdü, don't close and en sonunda doctor benim legsten bir parça alıp benim handse ameliyat olucağını says. me very scared, my annem and my babam me başka bir doctora götürdüler relation and professor one doctor my elimde ki yaramı 3 day closes and ameliyata dont girmeden çözüldü this thing. me çok sevinmiştim now my hands çok iyi.

    8. sınıfta bu kadar olsa gerek xD xD

  • teşekkürler abiler
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: lawli@

    Year 2007 summer vacation I was a friend beat up was, and he gathered his friends me dövdürcekti see in me, he immediately ran away a garden to enter the garden I saw and immediately behind me they got there a avul had avuldan jumped jumped tip the hand inside the skin is lifted and my hand was open I am afraid and immediately I ran a poliniğe polinikte I did not take the street in a taxi I saw got up and went to the hospital I immediately urgent than I went alone and the room took my hand wrapped added me after another went to the hospital asked me here, the operation just in my hand my surgery for the anchor or tem hospital have offered us, jul hospitala We went and there I almost chamber placed and the operation took the surgery before I ever moved me olasalığı had I entered my surgery my arm under my anesthesia like Bishi said and my arm numb no
    Bishi , I did not feel after the operation went successfully passed 3 days in the hospital I was then discharged from the hospital I was every 2 - 3 days to a hospital to go and dress I was my hands inside a wound that had closed was not it 2 months took off were not, and eventually doctors legs, a part of me took my hand surgery olucağını told me I am afraid my mother and my father, me, another doctor took familiar and professor doctor my hand wounds on my 3 closed the day before and was resolved into operation of this business and I was very happy at my now very good.

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