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Oyunları dowland listesine atabildiysen yani paylaşım tamamlandıysa hiç bir sorun olmaz %99 ihtimalle. 200 300 kb oyundan yüklüyse endişe etmene gerek olmayacağı kanısındayım. Benim anladığım ayın 18den önce alınmış paylaşılmış oyunlara diyecek birşeyleri olmadığı ama 18 Kasımdan önce alınmış olsada paylaşılmamış oyunların 2 kullanıcıyla sınırlandırılabilir olması. Bu konuda dikkatli olunmalı bendce
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Aşağıda açıkca belirtmiş. "18 kasım öncesi satın alınan oyunlarda bir sıkıntı yok" diyor
Upcoming Change To PlayStation 3 And PSP Game Content On PlayStation Network
Countries: AE, AU, GB, IE, NZ
We’d like to inform you of some upcoming changes to the usage policies for PlayStation Network game content. As of November 18, 2011, the number of devices that can be activated on one PlayStation Network account for game content purchased from the PlayStation Store will be updated.
For game content purchased after November 18, 2011, a new policy will apply and the number of devices that can be activated will be as follows:
PS3: Users will be able to play the game on up to 2 activated PS3 systems.
PSP: Users will be able to play the game on up to 2 activated PSP systems.
Please note that this update will not affect game content purchased before November 18. The PSP rights include PSP-1000/2000/3000 series as well as the PSPgo system.
PlayStation Network users are able to change the activation setting through each device, and Sony Computer Entertainment plans to provide a new PlayStation Network account management website where users will be able to deactivate particular devices attached to their PlayStation Network account via their PC.
For more details on how to activate/deactivate the devices, please read this guide or contact consumer services.