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Armored Warfare-ANA KONU (23. sayfa)

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  • Wot'u 5 yıl 90-120 arası pingle oynadım. Tabi hepimizin sık sık yaşadığımız artışları saymıyorum. 200'ün üzerine çıktığı zaman oyunu kapatıyordum.

    Aw'da 3 aydır 40-60 pingle oynuyorum. Şimdiye kadar hiç ani ping artışı yaşamadım.

    Medium ayarlarda 60fps. High'a getirince 25'e düşüyor. Ciddi bir grafik optimizasyonuna ihtiyaç var.

    Az önceki güncellemede bu konuda iyileştirme yapılıp yapılmadığını bilmiyorum. Umarım yapılmıştır.
  • Eklentiler + commander ve consumables kullanarak abartı reload sürelerine ulaşılıyordu, mesela ben ERC 90 ile 2,5 saniye, VFM ile 4 saniye reload sürelerine ulaşmıştım onların önüne geçmişler

    Yama notları: Spoiler butonu kalkmış sanırım, biraz uzun olacak.

    Retrofit and Skill rebalance
    After reevaluating our reload speed and crew statistic bonuses, we've realized that some players are achieving very fast reload times using a certain combination of retrofits, crew skills, and consumables. This means that we've had to reduce many of these bonuses to help address this situation while we work on a long term solution for stacking reload and crew statistic bonuses. The full changes are as follows:
    Air Conditioner technology upgrades have been lowered to a 2% crew statistic bonus on all vehicles that have this upgrade
    The Commander skill "Leadership" has been lowered to a 4% bonus to crew statistics
    The Commander passive skills "Fire When Ready" and "Fire at Will" have both been reduced to a 6% bonus to reload speed
    The Commander active skills "Strength in Numbers", "Giant Killer", "Fired Up", "Fire at Will", "Brawler", "Determination", and "Watch It Burn" have all been cut in half, resulting in a reload speed bonus of 6 - 10%
    The Commander active skill "Feed the Flames" has been reduced to a 20% reload speed bonus
    The Loader crew skill "Rapid Fire" has been reduced to a 2.5% bonus to reload speed
    Consumables related to crew statistics (Protein Bars and Energy Drinks) are now mutually exclusive, and will not be able to stack with each other

    Other changes

    Drawing distance of shadows reduced in order to increase game performance
    Drawing distance of vegetation on „Ultra“, „Very High“ and „High“ settings reduced in order to increase performance
    Entering a platoon with a player who is on your ignore list will cause this player to be immediately removed from from the ignore list


    The Akatsiya has been consistently under-performing in terms of average revenue, win rates, and reputation - but only slightly. We're giving it a minor buff and we'll continue to evaluate it over time.
    Salvo reload time decreased from 20 seconds to 18 seconds
    Targeting Time reduced from 7 seconds to 6.5 seconds

    Compared to the CRAB, the BMPT-72 is has been under-performing. To help improve this and keep it distinct from the other AFVs in the line, we're primarily improved its Hit Points, but we've also improved its weaponry where appropriate.
    Hit Points increased from 1760 to 2000
    ATGM salvo reload decreased from 24 seconds to 20 seconds
    AP round penetration increased from 177 to 201
    Accuracy bloom rate from movement decreased from 0.25 to 0.2
    Accuracy bloom rate from hull traverse decreased from 0.75 to 0.6

    B1 DRACO
    The Draco is doing considerably better than pre-patch, but still generally feels underwhelming. To help this vehicle have a special niche and feel like a good competitor to the CRAB, we're improving its weapon.
    Clip size increased from 8 to 12
    Ammo capacity increased from 160 to 240
    Stock AP round penetration increased from 293 to 331
    Upgraded AP round penetration increased from 308 to 348

    While most TDs are performing well with the changes in the last patch, the LAV-600 has fallen behind the curve. To improve this, we're upgrading its gun performance. If these changes prove insufficient, we'll continue to evaluate further changes as needed.
    Targeting Time decreased from 3.4 seconds to 3.0 seconds
    Peak accuracy improved from 0.122 to 0.099
    Maximum reticule size improved from 1.47 to 1.191
    Reload time decreased from 6.4 seconds to 5.82 seconds

    Leopard 2A6
    The Leopard 2A6 is underperforming in both win rate and reputation earnings compared to other Tier 9 vehicles. We're giving it some simple improvements to help bring it up to par.
    Hit Points increased from 2635 to 2770
    ATGM reload time decreased from 20 seconds to 10.53 seconds
    Targeting Time decreased from 3.5 seconds to 3.1 seconds
    Accuracy bloom from movement decreased from 0.35 to 0.25
    Accuracy bloom from hull traverse decreased from 1.5 to 1
    Accuracy bloom from turret traverse decreased from 0.19 to 0.15

    M2 Bradley
    Like many of the more direct combat focused AFVs, the M2 Bradley has been tough to get perfect. We're focusing our current series of improvements on its weapon systems, and we'll continue to iterate on it as needed.
    Stock AP damage increased from 41 to 45
    Upgraded AP damage increased from 46 to 48
    Second AP upgraded damage increased from 48 to 51
    Stock HE damage increased from 31 to 33
    Upgraded HE damage increased from 34 to 37
    Stock ATGM damage increased from 371 to 420
    Upgraded ATGM damage increased from 389 to 441
    ATGM salvo reload time decreased from 24 seconds to 18 seconds
    Stock ATGM penetration increased from 668 to 702
    Upgraded ATGM penetration increased from 699 to 734

    M48 Patton
    The M48 is performing slightly below standards, and its upgraded cannon wasn't very impressive. We're giving some boosts to the second cannon to help make the upgrade feel meaningful and improve the vehicle's overall performance.
    Upgraded cannon stock AP damage increased from 194 to 213
    Upgraded cannon stock AP penetration increased from 165 to 174
    Upgraded cannon first AP upgrade damage increased from 199 to 219
    Upgraded cannon first AP upgrade penetration increased from 169 to 178
    Upgraded cannon second AP upgrade damage increased from 208 to 229
    Upgraded cannon second AP upgrade penetration increased from 177 to 186
    Upgraded cannon HE damage increased from 146 to 164
    Upgraded cannon stock HEAT damage increased from 230 to 248
    Upgraded cannon upgraded HEAT damage increased from 235 to 254

    T-Series Vehicles
    Several vehicles in the T-series have been performing below standards for quite some time. We're making some general improvements to the majority of the line. Some of the vehicles are only receiving small improvements, while the ones that are suffering the most will receive larger changes.

    Hit Points increased from 1220 to 1310
    Base vision range increased from 320 to 330

    Hit Points increased from 1405 to 1510
    Base vision range increased from 320 to 330

    Hit Points increased from 1415 to 1555
    Base vision range increased from 320 to 330

    Hit Points increased from 1510 to 1705
    Base vision range increased from 320 to 330
    Reload time for standard shells decreased from 9.52 seconds to 9.09 seconds
    ATGM reload time decreased from 16.67 seconds to 13.33 seconds

    Hit Points increased from 1875 to 1995
    Reload time for standard shells decreased from 8.7 seconds to 8.4 seconds
    Reload time for ATGMs decreased from 12.9 seconds to 12.12 seconds

    Hit Points increased from 2195 to 2290
    ATGM reload time decreased from 11.76 seconds to 11.11 seconds

    Fixed an issue where the thickness of the T-90MS lower front plate had been reverted to pre-0.12 values. The lower-frontal plate should now be properly penetrable by similarly tiered vehicles with enough penetration

    Zhalo-S MERC
    Fixed an issue where the MERC edition of the Zhalo-S would not become highlighted when targeted

    Cold Strike
    Fixed an issue with the bus station in cell E5 which could be shot through.
    Removed the shadows from power lines as they were too imposing

    Fixed a VFX issue when destroying oil pumps at cell C0

    Performed a major optimization and visual pass. Upon evaluating the map's performance after releasing the 0.12 update and determining it to be sub-par, we disabled the map Reactor in order to perform a major optimization pass. We've since noticeably improved the performance of the map and have now re-enabled Reactor

    Player versus Environment
    A pass has been done across several PvE maps to fix numerous visual and collision bugs present

    Fixed an issue where AI would fail to enter the map and would instead engage players from off-map locations
    Fixed an issue where AI would spawn in improper locations, causing them to get stuck on objects
    Fixed an issue where AI would sometimes spawn right around players
    Increased artillery boundaries so that players can hit enemies that spawn beyond the map borders Fixed an issue where the mission would randomly fail before the mission had been completed
    Fixed an issue where the mission would display the 'DEFEAT' banner after players destroyed all enemy AI.
    Fixed an issue where audio VO would restart when a player entered the cap zone
    Fixed an issue where the downed plane did not have sound effects

    Red Opossum
    Performed an optimization pass to improve the performance of the map

    Added missing sound to oil pumps

    Adjusted the lighting on the map so it was a bit easier to see enemies
    Fixed an issue where a large, white square would appear after destroying a secondary objective inside a bunker

    Fixed an issue where the victory cut-scene would not display at the end of the mission

    Issues and Corrections
    Fixed an issue where vehicles with two Loaders received two full, individual bonuses to their crew statistics from any source which modifies crew skills (Consumables or Retrofits, for example). The result is that each Loader now only contributes to half of the bonus. If both Loaders have the same Crew Skills selected, the resulting bonuses will be the equivalent to a single Loader. If each Loader has a different set of Crew Skills selected, the player will be able to have more bonuses just with lower individual stats
    Fixed an issue where new players attempting to complete the 'Basic Training' tutorial would be temporarily unable to if they pressed F1
    Fixed an issue where the penalty for dealing friendly damage would be doubled - resulting in the system taking more credits than intended
    Fixed an issue where secondary weapon systems would not work if the player reconnected to a battle during the countdown
    Removed cannon collision on destroyed tanks so players would no longer get their vehicles stuck under them
    Fixed an issue where a standard vehicle would change color if there was an equivalent ICE vehicle on the enemy team
    Fixed an issue where a new player account would still receive rewards after deserting their first PvE mission
    Fixed an issue where, after pressing ALT+Enter, some UI elements would become shifted in AW
    Fixed various issues with resizing the Armored Warfare client in both windowed and fullscreen mode
    Fixed an issue where reputation bonuses provided by certain Commander skills were displaying 1% instead of 10%. This bug did not affect the actual amount of reputation being provided by the bonus
    Fixed an issue where a player who had been banned by the owner of a Custom Match would not be automatically un-banned when re-invited to the match by the owner
    Fixed an issue where the host of a Custom Match would receive a notification of being banned from the match lobby after banning another player
    Updated the UI to properly display the halved Crew Skill values when using a vehicle with two Loaders
    Fixed an issue where a slide during the 'Basic Training' tutorial pointed to the wrong section in the post-match screen
    Fixed an issue where dossier privacy settings would be reset when pressing 'default' in the settings menu
    Updated the description of the Armor Piercing Ballistic Cap round
    Slightly adjusted how minor bonus multipliers are displayed on the Details tab in the post-match screen
    Fixed an issue where emoticons would sometimes display in the post-match screen
    Changed unspent and free xp to no longer show in the upgrade screen and vehicle tool-tips unless there are parts to unlock. Additionally, we've modified the tool-tips on locked reputation, free reputation, credits, gold, and progression bar elements to direct the player's attention towards the locked reputation pool
    Fixed an issue where the Custom Match lobby could lag if too many players continuously press the 'Ready' button
    Fixed an issue where Battalion Officers were not able to cancel a Battalion invite
    Fixed an issue where players could use decals for free
    Fixed an issue where players would be able to join a Custom Match while still being in queue for PvP or PvE
    Fixed an issue where the lighting in the garage would display black lines over the vehicle based on the player's shadow settings
    Fixed a rare issue where players could sometimes accrue more than 1000 base materials.
    Fixed an issue where players could sometimes collect base materials twice a day
    Fixed an issue where selling an ICE vehicle dropped the players into an empty Dealer branch

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi GunsNBeer -- 21 Ocak 2016; 17:12:43 >

  • Tank Renk-Kamo sistemi beklediğimden farklı geldi

    1-Tek Renk haritalara uygun araç boyaları (Farklı haritalarda belli sayılarda oynayarak achievment alımı ile gelen ve tüm araçlarınıza bedelsiz kulllabileceğiniz)
    2-3 farklı renk içeren Kamuflaj araç boyaları (Credit ve Gold ile alabileceğiniz sadece 1 tank için satın alınabilinen Boyalar örnek: Tier 7 Snow haritalar için 2milyon credit ya da 150 gold süre kısıtsız full satın alma)

    Çeşitli haritalarda kullanılırken otomatik değişim için yine 3 tane almak lazım dolayısıyla 3 renkliler için Tier 7 için 6 milyon credit yada 450 gold tek tank için diğer Düz renkler bedava zaten.

    Her iki rengi aynı anda kullanabiliyorsunuz daha da bir farklı bir kamo oluyor aracın üstünde

    Çok az miktarda bir kamuflaj katkısı oluyor bu 2 farklı türde renklerin.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi mczaga -- 21 Ocak 2016; 18:36:27 >
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: GunsNBeer

    Eklentiler + commander ve consumables kullanarak abartı reload sürelerine ulaşılıyordu, mesela ben ERC 90 ile 2,5 saniye, VFM ile 4 saniye reload sürelerine ulaşmıştım onların önüne geçmişler

    Şimdi kaç oldu Erc?
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: thales_


    Orijinalden alıntı: GunsNBeer

    Eklentiler + commander ve consumables kullanarak abartı reload sürelerine ulaşılıyordu, mesela ben ERC 90 ile 2,5 saniye, VFM ile 4 saniye reload sürelerine ulaşmıştım onların önüne geçmişler

    Şimdi kaç oldu Erc?

    Yamadan sonra 3,43 saniye ama istenirse biraz daha (%3,5) geliştirilebilir.

     Armored Warfare-ANA KONU

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi GunsNBeer -- 22 Ocak 2016; 2:38:44 >

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: GunsNBeer
    Yamadan sonra 3,43 saniye ama istenirse biraz daha (%3,5) geliştirilebilir.

    Makul seviyeye getirmişler, iyi olmuş.
  • Alman tankları neden bu kadar eziliyor her oyunda?

    misal aynı seviyedeki alman tankı 500 vururken
    aynı seviyedeki rus tankı 700 vuruyor

    kim karar veriyor buna kardeşim rusların alfa hasarının yüksek olmasına?
  • Bugün ilk defa oynadım daha önce 2-3 sene önce wot oynamıştım hatırlamıyorum naısldı ama bu oyunu sevdim bu oyunda mı devam etsem yoksa wotttramı başlasam tavsiyelerinix nelerdir?
  • Biraz deneme şansım oldu yılbaşında type 59 verdiklerinde zırh açıları vb wot a çok benzettim modern tanklar sadece bir +

    < Bu ileti mobil sürüm kullanılarak atıldı >
  • Aw'in temel dinamikler açısından Wot'a benzediği ortada olan bir durum. Zaten açıkça benzetmişler, gizlememişler. Bu açıdan Aw ilk bakışta Wot'un yavan bir kopyası gibi gelebilir. Ama zamanla basit bir kopya olmadığını göreceksiniz. Ben 6 yıllık Wot oyuncusu olarak Aw'i daha çok beğendim. Wot'a göre eksileri az, artıları saymakla bitmez. Obsidian olması bile başlı başına tercih sebebidir. Tavsiye ederim.
  • Teknik ekip M8 tankını tasarlıyor:)

  • Bu Hafta sonu çok büyük bir Bonus var oyunda kaçırmayın derim

    Armored Warfare yazın google'a göreceksiniz sitesinden
  • 1 saat bekledim hd versiyonu indirsin diye 20 küsür gb neyse yükledi oyuna girdim girer girmez bu yukleme ekranı sonrada failed server dedi bu ekrandan sonra oyundan çıktı

    3. kez oyundan soğudum toplamda 2 3 kere sd versiyonda oynamıştım beğenmemiştim

    hd versiyonu indirdim oyuna giremiyorum

     Armored Warfare-ANA KONU

     Armored Warfare-ANA KONU

  • na servera geçtim yenı uyelık alıp burdada pıng yuksek eu açılmıyor
    Bu mesaja eklenen görseller:

     Armored Warfare-ANA KONU
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: padrino86

    2 mac yaptim..ping 200ms den aşağı düşmedi,hemen sildim

    sorun oyunda degil senin nette :)
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: kingtiger61


    Orijinalden alıntı: padrino86

    2 mac yaptim..ping 200ms den aşağı düşmedi,hemen sildim

    sorun oyunda degil senin nette :)

    wot'ta 50-60 ile oynarkende bu neti kullanıyorum canikom
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: padrino86


    Orijinalden alıntı: kingtiger61


    Orijinalden alıntı: padrino86

    2 mac yaptim..ping 200ms den aşağı düşmedi,hemen sildim

    sorun oyunda degil senin nette :)

    wot'ta 50-60 ile oynarkende bu neti kullanıyorum canikom

    benimki de her ikisinde ayni bu nasi olucak canikosu:) belki bi anlik olmustur ama 2 3 oyun oynayip 20 gb lik oyunu hemen silmek nasi istir
  • Bugün aktif olacak Büyük bir yama olan 0.13 yaması(SD 2.48gb HD 3.70gb) ile birlikte Çin tankları öncelikli içeren 3.Araç Satıcısı ekleniyor

    bu yama içinde ki çok zor olmayan bir görev ile Tier 4 Premium AFV aracı hediye olarak verilecek

    İlgili arkadaşlara duyurulur daha fazla detay için kendi sitesine bakabilir ya da forumu üzerindeki Genel Sohbet ismindeki Türkçe bölümünden bilgi alabilirsiniz.

    Edit : Bu arada oyuna giriş sıkıntıları vs. tarzı herhangi bir sıkıntınız var ise bu konu üzerinden bilgi alamıyorsanız yine "Genel Sohbet" kısmından daha detaylı bilgi kesin alırsınız.

    Ping dir FPS dir yok oyuna girememektir ne ise artık sıkıntı.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi mczaga -- 25 Şubat 2016; 16:43:14 >
  • Sd ile hd arasında ne kadar bir fark var acaba?
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: enoiciyiz

    Sd ile hd arasında ne kadar bir fark var acaba?

    bilmiyorum ama tahmini Grafik kalitesidir büyük ihtimal keza aralarında oyuna başka bir etken olarak etki etse çok saçma olurdu kimse SD indirmezdi.
Sayfa: önceki 2122232425
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