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battlefield 3 bu hatayı alan varmı?

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2 Misafir (1 Mobil) - 1 Masaüstü1 Mobil
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  • arkadaşlar ne yaptıysam oyuna giremiyorum daha önce bu hatayı alan oldumu cevap yazabilirmi lütfen?

    Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster permanent ban issued on this Game Server for player 'KaKaRoTTo89' ... GLOBAL PunkBuster GUID BAN 03dae06c

  • http://www.pbbans.com/

    ea ve PB ile iletişime geç ..
    hile kullanmadıysan sana yardım ederler
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: 1x4n


    ea ve PB ile iletişime geç ..
    hile kullanmadıysan sana yardım ederler

    bu sorun yazılımsal kaynaklı değilmi pb güncellesem filan düzelmez mi ki?
  • hralde ban yemissin arkadaşim ama emin değilim pb sil tekrar yükle olmassa ea ile iletişime geç
  • Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster permanent ban issued on this Game Server for player 'KaKaRoTTo89' ... GLOBAL PunkBuster GUID BAN 03dae06c

    Yani oyundan banlanmışsın kardeşim oyun PunkBuster yani hileleri engelleyen program seni bilinmeyen bir nedenle banlamış .
  • Ban filan yok ya korkma :Dhttp://forum.donanimhaber.com/m_57068510/tm.htm : Bir bak istersen
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: ozcn123

    Ban filan yok ya korkma :Dhttp://forum.donanimhaber.com/m_57068510/tm.htm : Bir bak istersen

    ordakilerin hepsini denedim başka pc de indirip denedim sonuş aynı anlaşılan banlamışlar itraz edebilirmiyiz peki yeni almıştım premiumu :(
  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    Eski PES'ler Steam'de Var mı
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  • http://www.pbbans.com/ iletişime geçtim cevap olarak bunu atmışlar ama ne yapmam gerektiğini anlamadım anlayabilen varsa bakabilir mi lütfen

    Note #3: The supplied GUID has been associated with hacking or interfering with the normal operation of our PunkBuster software and has therefore been compromised resulting in a global ban from PunkBuster enabled game servers. We have no way of knowing who was actually playing with this GUID at the time the violation was triggered. We also have no way to know if the violation was triggered on your specific computer. Our system does not collect personal information and furthermore we have no way to attach a cheat/hack violation to a specific person. This ban will not be lifted as then the person who did trigger the violation would again be able to join PunkBuster Servers using this GUID.

    To be clear: we are not saying that you cheated as we have no way to know who triggered the violation. If it is certain that no one playing on your computer ever had a cheat/hack violation triggered by PunkBuster, then your GUID (cdkey and/or game account password) has been stolen by or leaked to someone who has used it on a different computer to trigger the violation. We do not have the means to help you find out who is responsible for compromising your GUID.

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