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2 Misafir - 2 Masaüstü
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  • The king of vendhya was dying. through the hot, stifling night the temple gongs boomed and the conchs roared. their clamor qas a faint echo in the gold-domed chamber where Bunda Chand struggled on the velvet-cushioned dais. beads of sqeat glistened on his dark skin; his fingers twisted the gold-worked fabric beneath him. He was young; no spear had touched him, no poison lurked in his wine. But his veins stoot out like blue cords on his temples, and his eyes dilated with the nearness of death. trembling slave-girls knelt at the foot of the dais. an leaning down to him, watching him with passionate intensity, was his sister, the Devi Yasmina. with her was the wazam, a noble grown old in the royal court.

    She threw up her head in a gusty gesture of wrath and despair as the thunder of the distant drums reached her ears...

    Çeviri istemiyorum ama bunlar zor geldi bana. %70 küsürünü anca anlayabiliyorum. gerçekten zor mu sizcede bunu anlamak? yoksa kitap eski olduğundan biraz eski bir dil mi kullanılmış anlamadım.

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