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C based programlamada 3 tane program yazabilecek var mı acil ?

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Bu Konudaki Kullanıcılar: Daha Az
1 Misafir - 1 Masaüstü
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  • Konu İstatistikleri Yükleniyor
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Sayfa: 1
  • 1. Accept the numbers until the user enters the value “-1”. When user enters “-1”, the
    program prints mean, mode and median values of the given numbers. (Hint: You can
    use an array structure for keeping the numbers.) You must calculate these values with
    using your functions like “find_mean”, “find_mode” and “find_median”.

     The mean value is found by dividing the sum of the numbers by the count of
    the numbers.

     The median value is the middle value of the given numbers. If the given
    numbers’ count is even, the program should calculate the average of two
    middle values.

     The mode value is the count of the the most entered number. (i.e. is the number
    that is repeated more often than any other).

    5, 14, -8, 1, 30, 14, -5, -10, -5, -5, -1
    mean= 3,10
    median= 22,00
    mode= -5

    2. Get the 3 words from user. The program has to decide that these words are palindrome
    or not. You can use array structure for keeping words but you must use a recursive
    function to do this operation. Assume that all words are lowercase and their sizes are
    not bigger than 25. The palindrome is a word, a phrase, or a sequence that reads the
    same backwards as forwards, e.g. “madam” or “nursesrun”. (Assume that every time
    user enters three words.)

    Enter the three words to check if it is a palindrome
    palindrome is not a palindrome
    aibohphobia is a palindrome
    reviver is a palindrome

    3. Get a number from the user and determine that the number is prime or not. After that,
    your program that should convert this decimal number (which is given by the user as
    input) to its binary format. Print the results on the screen.

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