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  • CoD2 1.0 build win-x86 Oct 6 2005
    ----- FS_Startup -----
    Current language: english
    Current search path:
    C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_14.iwd (4038 files)
    C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_13.iwd (22624 files)
    C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_12.iwd (1016 files)
    C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_11.iwd (1462 files)
    C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_10.iwd (1936 files)
    C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_09.iwd (2142 files)
    C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_08.iwd (2723 files)
    C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_07.iwd (3384 files)
    C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_06.iwd (990 files)
    C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_05.iwd (928 files)
    C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_04.iwd (698 files)
    C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_03.iwd (26 files)
    C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_02.iwd (40 files)
    C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_01.iwd (16 files)
    C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\main\iw_00.iwd (102 files)
    C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2/main
    C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2/raw
    C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2/raw_shared
    C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2/devraw
    C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2/devraw_shared

    File Handles:
    46885 files in iwd files
    execing default.cfg
    couldn't exec language.cfg
    ========= autoconfigure
    configure.csv: using CPU configuration 2 GHz 256 MB
    execing configure.cfg
    configure.csv: using GPU configuration "GeForce 4 MX"
    Measured CPU speed is 1.99 GHz
    System memory is 255 MB (capped at 1 GB)
    Video card is "NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X"
    Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) supported

    ----- Client Initialization -----
    ----- Initializing Renderer ----
    ----- Client Initialization Complete -----
    ----- R_Init -----
    Getting Direct3D 9 interface...
    Pixel shader version is 0.0
    Vertex shader version is 0.0
    Video card or driver doesn't support separate alpha blend, glow will be disabled.
    Video card or driver doesn't support high-quality polygon offset.
    Video card or driver doesn't support enough textures for the DirectX 9 code path.
    DirectX 9 rendering path will not be available.
    Direct3D 7 code path is available.
    Using Direct3D 7 code path because it is the best available path on this hardware.
    Attempting 640 x 480 fullscreen with 32 bpp at 60 hz
    Game window successfully created.
    Creating Direct3D device...
    Com_TouchMemory: 0 msec. Using sum: 0
    Initializing render targets...
    Requested frame buffer to be 24-bit color with 8-bit alpha
    DirectX returned a frame buffer that is 24-bit color with 8-bit alpha
    Initializing static model cache...
    Initializing dynamic buffers...
    Initializing particle cloud buffer...
    Creating Direct3D queries...
    Occlusion query creation failed: Not available (0x8876086a)
    Occlusion query creation failed: Not available (0x8876086a)
    Setting initial state...
    DirectX reports 64 MB of video memory and 99 MB of available texture memory.
    Using video memory size to cap used texture memory at 48 MB.
    Texture detail is set automatically for DirectX 7.
    Using picmip 1 on most textures, 1 on normal maps, and 1 on specular maps
    ERROR: Couldn't open techniqueSet 'materials_dx7/techniquesets/shadowcookieoverlay.techset'
    WARNING: Could not find material 'shadowcookieoverlay'
    ERROR: Couldn't open techniqueSet 'materials_dx7/techniquesets/shadowcookieblur.techset'
    WARNING: Could not find material 'shadowcookieblur'
    ERROR: Couldn't open techniqueSet 'materials_dx7/techniquesets/passthru_vertalpha.techset'
    WARNING: Could not find material 'feedbackblend'
    ERROR: Couldn't open techniqueSet 'materials_dx7/techniquesets/passthru_alpha.techset'
    WARNING: Could not find material 'feedbackreplace'
    ERROR: Couldn't open techniqueSet 'materials_dx7/techniquesets/glow_setup.techset'
    WARNING: Could not find material 'glow_setup'
    ERROR: Couldn't open techniqueSet 'materials_dx7/techniquesets/glow_apply_bloom.techset'
    WARNING: Could not find material 'glow_apply_bloom'
    ERROR: Couldn't open techniqueSet 'materials_dx7/techniquesets/glow_apply_sky_bleed.techset'
    WARNING: Could not find material 'glow_apply_sky_bleed'
    ERROR: Couldn't open techniqueSet 'materials_dx7/techniquesets/filter_symmetric_1.techset'
    WARNING: Could not find material 'filter_symmetric_1'
    ERROR: Couldn't open techniqueSet 'materials_dx7/techniquesets/filter_symmetric_2.techset'
    WARNING: Could not find material 'filter_symmetric_2'
    ERROR: Couldn't open techniqueSet 'materials_dx7/techniquesets/filter_symmetric_3.techset'
    WARNING: Could not find material 'filter_symmetric_3'
    ERROR: Couldn't open techniqueSet 'materials_dx7/techniquesets/filter_symmetric_4.techset'
    WARNING: Could not find material 'filter_symmetric_4'
    ERROR: Couldn't open techniqueSet 'materials_dx7/techniquesets/filter_symmetric_5.techset'
    WARNING: Could not find material 'filter_symmetric_5'
    ERROR: Couldn't open techniqueSet 'materials_dx7/techniquesets/filter_symmetric_6.techset'
    WARNING: Could not find material 'filter_symmetric_6'
    ERROR: Couldn't open techniqueSet 'materials_dx7/techniquesets/filter_symmetric_7.techset'
    WARNING: Could not find material 'filter_symmetric_7'
    ERROR: Couldn't open techniqueSet 'materials_dx7/techniquesets/filter_symmetric_8.techset'
    WARNING: Could not find material 'filter_symmetric_8'

    ------- sound system initialization -------
    Attempting 44 kHz 16 bit stereo sound
    available 3D providers:
    Error during initialization:

    Arkadaşlar oyuna girşte bu hatayı alıyorum yardım edebilecek biri varmı?

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi mkasim_87 -- 18 Nisan 2008; 19:13:01 >

  • Lütfen ama arkadşlar:(
  • ilk defa görüyorum uyarılarda o dosyaları yükeleyemediği yazıyor oyunu bir kaldır baska cd-dvd den kurmayı dene ekran kartın mx440 128 mb mı yoksa altımı ondanda yapabilir
  • bende açılışta hata alıyorum 64 bitmi senin işletim sistemi
  • Direct 3D dedikten sonra hata vermeye başlamış. Ekran kartı sürücüsü ya da directx yazılımından kaynaklanıyor gibi duruyor. Bu iki yazılımın güncel sürümlerini yükleyiniz.
  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    Garip bir sorun yardım lütfen
    9 yıl önce açıldı
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