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  • Kimseye karışmayalım lütfen, silinmek isteyeni sildim. Konuyu saptırmadan yardım edelim lütfen.
  • Bende İngilizce<->Türkçe, Türkçe<->İngilizce çeviri de yardımcı olabilirim.B
    Beni de ekleyebilirsiniz
  • Arkadaslar sizden bisey rica edicektim..
    Salı gunu kursta kur gecme sinavim var (speaking)
    Şöyle bisey dediler, hemen hemen 1 sayfalik ilginizi ceken bi yazi bulun (bu arada pre-intermediate seviyesi) o yaziyi, okuyun, calisin, ustunde degisiklik yapmak isterseniz yapın v.s..
    O yazi uzerinden size sorular soralim, konusturalim dediler ama uygun yazi bi yerde bulamadim.. Ne biliyim elinde boyle bi yazi olan muhakkak vardir diye dusunuyorum, yardimci olursaniz sevinirim.. Mumkunse zor olmasin, yani pre-intermediate seviyesinde, anlayabilecegim, uzerinde calisabilecegim birsey olursa cok sevinirim.. İlgi alanınızla ilgili bulabilirsiniz dediler, hani su an neyle ilgili olabilir bilemiyorum ama yani herseyle ilgili olabilir, hepsini okurum, ustunde calisirim, yardimci olursaniz cok sevinirim, illa 1 sayfa degil yani ama hemen hemen 1 sayfa olsun dediler..Simdiden cok tesekkurler...
  • İngilizce'den Türkçe'ye çevirilerde yardımcı olabilir. Gramerim iyi değil, Türkçe'den İngilizce'ye çevirilerde iyi değilimdir.
  • How have threats to U.S. security changed since the end of the Cold War?

    The entirety of the U.S. defense apparatus during the Cold War was designed to provide a nuclear and conventional weapons counterbalance to the forces of Communism, embodied primarily by the interests and actions of the Soviet Union. Arguably, the United States won the Cold War; the Berlin Wall fell on August 9, 1989, and within two years, the Soviet Union itself had collapsed into a loose federation of democratic republics, the largest of which - Russia - was comparably friendly to the United States given the near-toxic tensions between Soviets and Americans of the previous 40 years.

    The U.S. had spent literally trillions of dollars to check the influence of Communism, real or imagined, over those 40 years, and fought two proxy wars, in Korea and Vietnam, with successively dubious results. In the wake of the Soviet Union's collapse, U.S. president George H.W. Bush declared a 'New World Order' in which the Cold War was declared dead, and the threat of mutually assured nuclear destruction an extinct apparatus of foreign policy. Understated in this declaration, though certainly understood, was the ascendancy of the United States to a position of pre-eminence. With the Soviet Union evaporated, the question became how the U.S. government should (re-) organize its military and diplomatic policies to deduce both current and future threats to its security.

    The threats to the U.S. in the past fifteen years have been threefold: domestic threats due to the U.S. economy being heavily weakened by deficit spending to win the Cold War and the accompanying lack of infrastructure and social spending; the potential threat of Communist China should the U.S. not find a relatively peaceful equilibrium with a nation of over one billion people; and the threat from radical Islamic fundamentalism, manifested generally via terrorist acts against military and civilian targets of both America and its allies.

    With the election of President Ronald Reagan in 1980, the American people sent a clear message to their elected leaders that they wanted tough talk, backed with measurable action, against the perceived threat of Soviet Communism. The American economy was limping along with annual inflation rates near 14%, anemic growth, and high taxes. Its reputation abroad as a potent force was in tatters, particularly given the impotence demonstrated by the United States in allowing hundreds of its citizens to be held hostage for over a year and a half by Iranian fundamentalists. (This event was one of the earliest signs of the clash between the U.S. and Islamic fundamentalists that metastasized into the current global conflict.) President Reagan immediately cut taxes on businesses and wealthy individuals, while simultaneously increasing the U.S. defense budget (military spending during Reagan's eight years in office averaged out to 8% per year). He also espoused an aggressive, tough public stance towards the Soviet Union, famously calling it an evil empire in a March 1983 speech. The combination of tough talk and increased military spending, combined with the fortuitous ascendancy of reform-minded Mikhail Gorbachev to the presidency of the Soviet Union in 1985, helped accelerate the demise of the Soviet Union. However, by 1990, the U.S. government was running staggering annual budget deficits -- of nearly $300 billion a year, threatening to bring the American economy to its knees and imperiling the safety net of social programs built into the American government. So while the U.S. eliminated the threat of Soviet Communism, it created another threat in the process of doing so: The price was much more than the trillions spent on the national defense. The ultimate cost has been the destruction of this nation's social contract with its citizens, especially its promise of a rising standard of living in a secure domestic environment. (Giacolone, 1996) Thus, when President Bill Clinton was elected in 1992, the first order of business was to turn American attention inward to domestic affairs, most notably getting control of the economy, and leave foreign affairs largely on autopilot since the world had largely been made safe for democracy. It is not to say that the Clinton administration played no role in world affairs; noteworthy were its efforts to broker peace in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine, as well as efforts to stop ethnic cleansing in the former Yugoslavia. However, from 1993 to 2001, Clinton's years in office, the United States was overwhelmingly - and contentedly - more focused on internal affairs. So as Clinton was solving the domestic crisis created by eliminating the Cold War threat, the threat of Islamic fundamentalism was developing off the radar screen of most in the American government. More on this later.

    During this time, and in the decades leading up to it, China had quietly become one of the most powerful economies on the planet, implementing a variety of free-market reforms into its Communist systems in order to stoke the fires of the Chinese economic engine. The more aggressive, ideologically-driven Chinese leaders of the Korean and Vietnam War areas gave way to leadership that was more interested in asserting Chinese influence through economic means. This is not to say that there were not tensions between China and the United States; in fact, while Communism was disintegrating in Eastern Europe, China cracked down harshly on its own students who, emboldened by the apparent winds of democratic change around the world, had gathered by the tens of thousands in the ancient Tiananmen Square in the Chinese capital of Beijing to demand democratic reforms. On June 4, after two months of tolerating the protests, the Chinese government cracked down and murdered thousands of protesters, sending a clear message to its population and engendering vociferous global condemnation, particularly from the United States and European Union. Both entities imposed an arms embargo on China and were it not for the eventual internal governmental triumph of pro-free-market bureaucrats, who continued with economic reforms to liberalize China, an even icier state of relations with China may have been reached, perhaps even with a threat of war between the U.S. and China.

    China's military resources in the 1990s and today are not inconsiderable. The Chinese possess over 400 nuclear warheads, and conventional forces consisting of upwards of 2.5 million active-duty troops and over 4,300 combat aircraft. While the Chinese military equipment and technology is nowhere near the level of that of the United States, a sustained non-nuclear conflict with China would be immensely expensive and bloody for both countries; China is the only country on earth that could field a comparable amount of military forces as the United States. Perhaps in recognition of this, and acknowledging the war-weariness of the planet as a whole, U.S. President Bill Clinton passionately argued that the best way to encourage China to evolve beyond its totalitarian ways, particularly with respect to human rights, was to encourage the West to fully engage China both economically and culturally. To 'open' China to the West, the Clinton Administration believed, would have the same long-term effect as another Cold War, with far more salutary effects. To this end, Clinton lobbied heavily, against considerable domestic pressure, for the United States to formally extend Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) with China and to sponsor China's membership into the World Trade Organization (WTO). Both efforts were ultimately successful; the United States Senate ratified the U.S.-China PNTR treaty on September 19, 2000 and China officially entered the WTO in May 2001 after concluding agreements with the U.S. and the European Union in 1999 and 2000, respectively. In doing so, the U.S. had neutralized a potentially grave threat in a new fashion - through economic partnership. U.S. Secretary of State Madeline Albright summed up the American position thusly: China's accession to the WTO and the extension of PNTR to China will serve the long-term interest of all Americans and a China that is more fully part of the international system. (Albright, 1999).

    The final threat post-Cold War threat to U.S. security is one whose history is still unfolding and whose outcome is far from certain - the U.S. clash with forces of Islamic fundamentalism around the world. The epic attacks of September 11, 2001 on American soil in New York City and Washington D.C., as well as their mastermind, Al Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, are well-known, but the factors which galvanized bin Laden and Al Qaida, and which continue to pose a grave threat to the United States, are perhaps not so well-known.

    The roots of Islamic fundamentalist hatred for the United States is four-fold: one, the U.S. represents in many ways a decadent, secular humanist culture which is repugnant to the mores of the deeply conservative fundamentalist sects of Islam, who view the United States as a 'great Satan' for reasons of spiritual corruption as much as anything else. Two, there is deep resentment within the Muslim world - beyond fundamentalist circles - for the United States' obvious historical favoritism for Israel in its territorial dispute with Palestine. Three, many Islamic fundamentalists were deeply offended that the United States placed troops within Muslim holy areas in Saudi Arabia during the 1991 Gulf War against Iraq; despite being invited by the Saudis to do so. Lastly, the Muslim world - again, beyond fundamentalist circles - was deeply opposed to the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq without United Nations Security Council approval, and to the continuing U.S. occupation of Iraq.

    Bin Laden, who as a figurehead is the one person most closely associated with the decentralized, unconventional global terrorist organization Al Qaida, is a Saudi native who ironically enjoyed the benefits of U.S. military support while he was serving as a freedom fighter (mujahedeen) in Afghanistan during the Soviet occupation of that country during the 1980s. Bin Laden was clearly aware that after the demise of the Soviet Empire, no conventional military force could successfully oppose the United States or its allies, so he utilized the lessons learned in the conflict with the Soviets and employed unconventional guerilla tactics in a succession of terrorist attacks on U.S. and Western military and civilian targets worldwide. Either emboldened or frustrated by the somewhat indifferent U.S. response to these attacks, Bin Laden and his minions masterminded the stunning 9/11 attacks on U.S. soil. This awoke the sleeping giant, which promptly obliterated Al Qaida's operational power in Afghanistan and its partnership with the fundamentalist Islamic ruling Taliban.

    Had the United States concentrated its military efforts on focusing on eradicating the vestiges of Al Qaida in Afghanistan and elsewhere, it might have been able to declare at least a temporary victory in the so-called war on terror. However, the U.S. embarked upon a somewhat inexplicable invasion of Iraq in March 2003, ostensibly to stop Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein from using weapons of mass destruction which, it turned out, he had not possessed in many years. This invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq has severely taxed U.S. military and intelligence resources, not only hampering its ability to fight terror in Afghanistan and globally, but it has also inadvertently created a new nexus of terrorist activity and the perfect recruiting tool for Al Qaida, i.e., yet another American occupation of ancient holy lands. With the Iraqi insurgency stronger than ever, and the U.S. death toll standing at over 2,100 and mounting daily, the U.S military is stretched thinner and stands less capable than ever of dealing with the sole remaining legitimate threat to its interest and stability, Islamic fundamentalism.

    The number of Muslims in the world is estimated to be near 1.5 billion, according to the Council on American-Islamic Relations. The more the United States does to inflame the passions of those Muslims who are moderate in ideology, the more Al Qaida will succeed in transforming itself from a fringe terrorist group and into a powerful, mainstream political force. The U.S. cannot combat this threat by continuing to attack countries with no connection to Al Qaida and thereby inflaming Islamic passions. As former U.S. counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke notes, We and our values needed to be more appealing to Muslims than al Qaida is. Far from addressing the popular appeal of the enemy that attacked us, Bush handed that enemy precisely what it wanted and needed, proof that America was at war with Islam, that we were the new Crusaders come to occupy Muslim land. (Clarke, 2004, p. 256)

    Perhaps, then, the most significant threat to U.S. security since the end of the Cold War is the U.S. itself.

    Biraz uzun sanırım ama çevrilmesi lazım tr ye Teşekkürler şimdiden...

  • usta bu ne yaw ? Soğuk savaştan sonra abd nin güvenliğine karşı olan tehlikeler nasıl değişti ?

    yazı basit gibi ama çok uzun yaw....
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: Blitzkrieger

    usta bu ne yaw ? Soğuk savaştan sonra abd nin güvenliğine karşı olan tehlikeler nasıl değişti ?

    yazı basit gibi ama çok uzun yaw....

    Sizin gibi ultra çevirmenler için lafı mı olurmuş?!
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: Millennium


    Orjinalden alıntı: Blitzkrieger

    usta bu ne yaw ? Soğuk savaştan sonra abd nin güvenliğine karşı olan tehlikeler nasıl değişti ?

    yazı basit gibi ama çok uzun yaw....

    Sizin gibi ultra çevirmenler için lafı mı olurmuş?!

    kolay işleri çevirileri berbat olanlara bırakıyoruz genelde ama...
  • Benim ceviriye noldu yaw ?
  • Arkadaşlar 12 sayfalık Almanca bir çevirim olacak ama bunu forumdan isteyemem.Konu emeklilik hakkında ve yardımcı olabilecek arkadaşlar varsa ücreti karsılıgında irtibata geçebilirlerse sevinirim.Teşekkürler.
  • Merhabalar ... Çok güzel bir çalışma gerçekten.Ellerinize sağlık.Benimde çevrilmesi gereken bir kompozisyonum var.Şimdiden teşekkürler...


    Artık hayalleriniz gerçek oluyor.
    Hayal kurmayı herkez sever ama gerçek olmasınıda ister tabiki.Artık hayal diye bir şey yok artık gerçekler var.

    Hayalinizdeki gözlükleri ürettik ve hayallerinizi gerçekleştirdik.Adını da Hayal Gözlüğü koyduk.

    Ürettiğimiz bu gözlük özel cam ve plastikten yapılmıştır.Kırılma tehlikesi yoktur.

    Kullanılışı ;

    1)Bir adet hayal gözlüğüne sahip olduktan sonra hayalinizi gerçekleştirmek için gözlüğü takın.

    2)Taktıktan sonra sadece hayal edin ve gözlüğünüzde hayalinizi gerçek etsin.

    3)Bu gözlüğü taktıktan sonra hayallerinizde sınırlı kalmayın.İstediğinizi hayal edebilirsiniz.Gerisini gözlüğünüze bırakın.Hayal sınırı yoktur.

    4)Hayal kurarken aklınız başka biryerde olmamalıdır ki iyi bir verim alınız.

    5)Hayal kurmaya başladıktan 5 saniye ile 10 saniye sonra uykuya dalmış gibi hissedersiniz ve artık başka bir dünyadasınızdır.

    6)Hayallerinizi bu gözlük ile istediğiniz gibi yönlendirebilirsiniz.Hayal kahramanları ve hayal senaryosu tamamen size aittir.

    7)O güzel hayallerinizi gerçekleştirdikten sonra gözlüğü çıkartabilirsiniz.Ve artık gerçek hayattasınızdır.Ama göreceksiniz ki bu gözlükle hayallerde gerçek …

    Özellikleri ;

    1)Kırılmaz ve kirlenmez.
    2)Bozulmaz ve tamir gerektirmez.

    3)Özel cam ve plastikten üretilmiştir.

    4)Sadece Türkiye’de üretilen bu gözlük bir Türk yapımıdır.

    5)Sağlığa zarar verici hiçbir yanı yoktur.

    6)Garantisi sınırsızdır , memnun kalmayana parasının 2 katı iade edilir.

    7)İstediğiniz renkte üretim yapılır.

    8)Normal güneş gözlüğü ve numaralı gözlük olarakta kullanılabilir.

    9)Hırsızlık olayı yaşandığında üzerindeki küçük güvenlik sistemi ile rahatça bulunabilir.

    10)Deneyin ve görün…

    Bu ürüne nasıl ulaşabilirim diyorsanız ;

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  • arkadaşlar bu şarkının sözlerini çevirebilir misiniz ben biraz anlıyorum ve çok hoşuma gitti


    I remember a meadow one morning in May.
    With a sky full of dreams that sailed in that day.
    I was dancing through green waves of grass like the sea
    For a moment in time I could feel I was free.

    There are waves of forgiveness and waves of regret.
    And the first waves of true love Ill never forget.
    In the meadow that morning as I wandered alone
    There were green waves of yearning for life
    still unknown.

    Take me home to the meadow that cradles my heart
    Where the waves reach as far as you can se.
    Take me home to the meadow weve been too long apart,
    I can still hear you calling for me.

    What Id give to remember that heavenly state
    Just a moment in time all mine to create.
    As Im taking my last breath I know what Ill see
    Therell be green waves forever out there waiting for me.

    Take me home to the meadow that cradles my heart
    Where the waves reach as far as you can se.
    Take me home to the meadow weve been too long apart,
    I can still hear you calling for me.

  • arkadaşlar biraz uzun oldu ama çeviriyi halletmem lazım zaten size göre basit cümlelerden oluşuyo ben çizgi attığım yere kadar yapabildim gerisini halledebilirseniz sevinirim


    yours faithfully

  • benide eklerseeniz
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: pinhani_kurban

    benide eklerseeniz

    tabikide beyfendi sizide eklememiz için ufak bi testten geçmeniz lazım üstteki ceviriyi halledebilirmisiniz :)

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi musty578 -- 28 Nisan 2009; 18:54:50 >
  • Usta sen de direk tüm kitabı scanleyip koymussun, oyle de olmaz ki. Bekleyene kadar kendin cevirsen daha iyi bence.
  • quote:

    Orjinalden alıntı: unpop

    Usta sen de direk tüm kitabı scanleyip koymussun, oyle de olmaz ki. Bekleyene kadar kendin cevirsen daha iyi bence.

    çeviremiyorumki çevirsem niye koyim siteye

    çevirme programı falan önerin bari konu bi işe yarasın
  • http://www.google.com.tr/language_tools?hl=tr
    burda dene sonra üzerinden düzeltirsin. Zaten bildigimiz kül kedisi hikayesi.
  • arkadaşlar..merhaba..iş yerinde bir işle ilgili bir manuel var ingilizceye çevrilcek....dosya linkini versem çeviri için yardım edecek bir arkadaş olurmu? dosyanın içinde orjinal pdf si ve pdf den worde çevrilmiş hali var.... yardım ederseniz sevinirim....

    dosya linki;



    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi nod35 -- 11 Mayıs 2009; 18:39:40 >

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