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Dragon's Dogma II | PS5 | ANA KONU (8. sayfa)

Dragon's Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Gameplay | PS Underground
https://store.playstation.com/concept/10005844 Dragon's Dogma 2 director Hideaki Itsuno joins us in-studio to discuss Capcom's upcoming epic adventure, launching March 22 on PS5. We begin with a quick look at a mysterious mercenary and a hostile crowd gathered in the city's alleys, then take on one of the game's many colossal monsters - a very angry griffin - while utilizing the Magick Archer vocation. Finally, we peek inside the Rift to recruit a new Pawn before settling down with some juicy beast steak. #ps5 #ps5games #dragonsdogma Rated Maturehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4JlCd3vAKI -
Dragon's Dogma 2 - Önizlemeler
Dragon's Dogma 2 Has Us Completely Hooked - IGN's Final Impressions
After getting some hands-on time with Dragon's Dogma 2, allowing us to try the Mystic Spearhand and Magik Archer Vocation we are hooked. Our Dragon's Dogma 2 final preview (for real this time) included two of Dragon's Dogma 2 Vocations. This time it was the Mystic Spearhand gameplay and Magik Archer that we had some hands-on time with. And yes, this Dragon's Dogma 2 preview is from Destin, who is new to the series and walked away completely hooked. #IGN #DragonsDogmahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRqrilkfycMDragon's Dogma 2 Gameplay Preview - MAGICK ARCHER AND MYSTIC SPEARHAND WEAPON SKILLS DEEP DIVE
Ian Higton is back with more Dragon's Dogma 2 gameplay in this Dragon's Dogma 2 PS5 Gameplay Preview where he explores in and around the beastren kingdom of Bahtahl and tries out two new vocations, the Mystic Spearhand and the Magick Archer, both of which are available only to the Arisen. In this Dragon's Dogma II gameplay video Ian showcases as many of these Vocation’s unique weapon skills as he was able to try out during his Dragon's Dogma 2 preview hands-on so that you can see exactly what is possible if you choose to imbue your Arisen with these powers. 00:00 - Intro 01:05 - Bonus Amazing Cookery Footage! 02:05 - Magick Archer Section - Frosthunter Bolt 02:49 - Candescent Orb 03:26 - Ricochet Seeker 04:25 - Flamefang Arrow 05:11 - Hailstone Bolt 06:16 - Remedy Arrow 07:05 - Mystic Spearhand Section - Dragoun’s Foin 07:39 - Seching Storm 08:20 - Humble Offringe 08:56 - Skiedragoun’s Fangtooth 09:41 - Mirour Vesture 10:21 - Redoubted Bolt 11:27 - Outro And Pawn Bullying Become a Team Eurogamer member: https://youtube.com/eurogamer/join Subscribe to Eurogamer - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=eurogamer For the latest video game reviews, news and analysis, check out http://www.eurogamer.net and don't forget to follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/eurogamerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrWvcFUU0IADragon's Dogma 2 Is A Gorgeous Makeover That Keeps The Original Spirit | GameSpot Hands-On
Dragon's Dogma 2 is an evolution of everything that made the first one unique, taking its best traits to new heights with a gorgeous RE Engine-powered makeover. #gaming #dragonsdogma #gamespothttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hMK3rsXNlIDragon's Dogma 2 is Punishingly Old-School for the Better - Hands-On Preview
Easy Alliesyoutube
With just a few weeks left before the full game, Isla got the chance to spend 3 more hours with Dragon's Dogma 2, checking out two more classes, trading in forgeries, and tangling with beasts way above her pay grade. Coming to PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S on March 22 Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Merch: https://store.roosterteeth.com/collections/easy-allies One-time donations: https://streamlabs.com/easyallies/tip Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Live streams - https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies Stream archives - https://www.youtube.com/easyalliesplays https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.instagram.com/easyallies https://www.tiktok.com/@easyallies #EasyAllies #Gaming #DragonsDogma2https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Rcn3rq6MXcAustin Walker Played Dragon’s Dogma 2 for Three Hours!
The dream of Dragon’s Dogma 2 is nearly here. Ahead of the game’s release, our friend and yours, Austin Walker, traveled to Capcom’s offices to play the opening hours of Dragon’s Dogma 2. Patrick joined Austin to chat over some footage recorded during his time with the game, and start theorizing about what class they should be playing when the game comes out next month. Remap Radio is audience supported, to help us continue making this content please consider subscribing at https://www.remapradio.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKUt425522Y
Dragon's Dogma 2'nin 3 saatinden sonra, sadece GOTY yarışmacısı olmadığına ikna oldum - tüm zamanların en iyisi olabilir!!
VG247 (@VG247) on Xtwitter
After 3 hours of Dragon’s Dogma 2, I’m convinced it's not just GOTY contender – it may be an all-time great https://t.co/u9Rt2ZNy5rhttps://twitter.com/VG247/status/1765135203968684481 -
Vayy be baya iddialı gelecek o zaman oyun. Tr yaması da çıkınca yapıştırr 😄
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Valla öyle görünüyor hocam. Oynayan herkes memnun ve şaşıracağımız çok şey olduğunu söylüyorlar. :)
Hocam ben ilk oyunu oynamamıştım gerçi. Ama onun underrated bir oyun olduğu,iyi pazarlanamadığı söyleniyordu. Galiba bunda o şanssızlığı kırdılar. Adam gibi open world rpg açlığımızı bastırır umarım 🙂
< Bu ileti Android uygulamasından atıldı > -
Çok şey kaçırmışsınız hocam. Kült denebilecek bir oyun. Görece düşük bütçeli Elden Ring bile denebilir. Ben zaten Elden Ring'i oynarken biraz da ister istemez Dragon's Dogma ile kıyaslayıp duruyordum. Boss savaşları misal özellikle müthiştir ki neresine vurursan ona göre tepki verir bosslar vs.
Bu yıl en çok beklediğim üç beş oyundan biri.
Hocam aslında 20 yıldır neredeyse tüm rpg leri oynamışımdır. Bunu es geçtim. Belki önce ilk oyunu oynarım 🙂
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IGN testine göre oyun 24-32 fps arasındaymış ps5’de. Bir tık üzdü.
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Geçenlerde yazmıştım. Her şeyi çok iyi olacak ama optimizasyondan patlayacak diye. Hatta fps kilidi yok müjde dediler dedim keşke 30 fps e sabitleselerdi dedirtmesinler de diye 😀
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Sinema keyfi
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Meat, Mind Control And 7 More Dragon’s Dogma 2 Features You’ll Love
PlayStation Accessyoutube
Dragon’s Dogma 2 is one of the most enjoyable adventures we’ve played in years: conjuring up huge monsters, fun powers to bring them down, and a beautiful fantasy sandbox to do it all in. Oh, and the meat looks incredible, too. In our new 4K Dragon’s Dogma 2 gameplay we break down seven Dragon’s Dogma 2 features that you’ll love. Our Dragon’s Dogma 2 PS5 gameplay comes from a few hours with a preview build. This isn’t a Dragon’s Dogma 2 review, but we can’t wait to play the full thing. We spent a couple of hours as the Magic Archer, unleashing homing bolts into griffins and causing chaos in a cave with a ricochet bolt. We also tested the Dragon’s Dogma 2 vocations of Mystic Spearhand, who merges close quarters poking with ranged magic and teleportation. Whatever vocation you pick you are in for a good time - a lot of the team behind Devil May Cry work on Dragon’s Dogma, ensuring those weapons hit with real heft. So while this isn’t a final Dragons Dogma 2 review, know that we’re hugely impressed. Not just with the scale of the world and its features, but how playable it all is. If you are the kind of adventurer who usually gets chewed up by the likes of Elden Ring, you’ll last a lot longer in these kingdoms. As you’ll see in our Dragon’s Dogma 2 PS5 gameplay, you’ll survive long enough to go a few rounds with a drake or a golem, and you’ll have the courage to fully explore those dark caves and canyons. If you have any questions about Dragon’s Dogma 2, do pop them in the comments and we’ll do our best to answer them. We’ve got more videos coming up soon, so let us know if there’s parts of the game you’d like to hear more about. Part of the game’s magic is discovering it for yourself, so we’ll understand if you don’t want to see more monsters and magic in our Dragon’s Dogma 2 gameplay. Thanks for listening to our thoughts and please subscribe to PlayStation Access if you enjoyed the video. Here are the chapters for our Dragon’s Dogma 2 gameplay. If you’re looking for specific Dragon’s Dogma 2 impressions, these are some of the topics covered in this video. 00:00 Introduction to Dragon’s Dogma 2 01:31 This meat looks amazing 02:33 You are free to adventure 04:09 Immaculate fantasy vibes 05:51 Dragon’s Dogma 2 monsters 08:35 Drakes are terrifying 09:32 Dragon’s Dogma 2 vocations 11:21 Pawns feel like real friends #DragonsDogma2 #DragonsDogmaII #DragonsDogma PlayStation Access is the official YouTube channel of PlayStation UK - a vibrant, welcoming community celebrating all things PlayStation. Join us for weekly livestreams, list features and in-depth coverage on all your favourite games. All music featured courtesy of epidemicsound.com (http://www.epidemicsound.com) For the latest gaming news and updates, check out PlayStation UK on Facebook (https://bit.ly/PlayStationUKFacebook) and Twitter (https://bit.ly/PlayStationUKTweets)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsy7YKYk1rw -
İlk oyunu oynamak şart değil. Devamı değil bu oyun paralel versiyonu gibi. Kendileri de ilk oyunun olmasını istediğimiz hali gibisinden bir şeyler söylediler.
Fps kısmına gelince, kilit yok dediler ama 30-31 fps veriyor diyorlar ps'te. Normal bence. Pc'de ise sisteminize göre sınırı yok dediler. Dlss 3 ile de gelecekmiş.
Dragon's Dogma 2 - Official Trickster Vocation Trailer
Watch this new Dragon's Dogma 2 Trickster gameplay! Dragon's Dogma 2 is an upcoming action open-world RPG developed by Capcom. Take a look at the gameplay spotlight for the Tricker Vocation, a Vocation exclusive to the Arisen that can conjure illusions through the smoke created by its unique weapon, the Censer. Alongside the ability to turn enemies against their own through the use of illusions, the Tricker can also temporarily increase the power of Pawns beyond their limits. Dragon's Dogma 2 is launching on March 22 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S|X, and PC. #DragonsDogma #Gaming #IGNhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n954Xkahi0 -
Kullanılan motor her ne kadar güzel olsada açık dünya kullanımı için pek iyi değilmiş demek ki
ps5 pro çıksın mayısta kasım çok geç.
1080p de 60 koysalar bari.
Ps5 pro ya ne gerek var diyenlere gelsin bu.
< Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi BlackTower_35 -- 6 Mart 2024; 21:53:34 >
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Dragon's Dogma 2, ana senaryo için ilk oyunla aşağı yukarı aynı uzunlukta olacak.
- Ana hikaye - 37 saat
- 100 Tamamlama - 101 saat
"Her şeyi [...] iyi yapmak isteyen insanlar için, bunun için mümkün olduğunca çok unsur eklemek için çok çaba sarf ettik."
Gpu dan çok cpu sınırlayıcı gibi görünüyor , ps5 proda gelse kurtarmaz gibi , 30 olduğu için bende es geçeceğim
Hocam belli ki oyunun optimizasyonu iyi değil. Yoksa ps5'te 60 fps ne oyunlar oynadık.
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Bu mesaj IP'si ile atılan mesajları ara Bu kullanıcının son IP'si ile atılan mesajları ara Bu mesaj IP'si ile kullanıcı ara Bu kullanıcının son IP'si ile kullanıcı ara