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Porgramı kurdum! serial yanlış!? Şimdiki sorunum şu: DVD'deki VOB ları WAV'a çevirdi. Yanlız tek tek yaptı. Halbuki ben Tek bir dosya yapmasını beklerdim. Bunun için neyapmam lazım? Ayrıca programı yetersiz lisanımla Türkçeleştirmeye çalıştım. Bir kontrol eder misin? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // This file will be read by video-encoder if it is put inside \lang folder // of dvd-audio-ripper root directory. It also must have the .lang extension // yielding something like my_language.lang // // // To define a string follow this format: // // number "my_string" // // number is the identification of the following string. Each number is related // with a string that will appear inside dvd-audio-ripper. Padding spaces are not // important. Inside menu definitions use & to give access to the keyboard menu shortcut. // You can use returns inside string. They will be preserved in the program. // // dvd-audio-ripper loads the strings on startup. It won't perceive any changes in this file // if you don't reload the program. // // PLEASE, CHECK THAT STRINGS WON'T BE CLIPPED IN THE PROGRAM. The reserved space // for every string is limited and must be suitable for all languages. If some // of your strings are clipped try shortening the phrase while keeping its // significance // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#0068# "Waiting" #0067# "Encoding..." #0069# "Pause" #0079# "Pending" #007E# "Are you sure to stop encoding?" #007C# "Abort" #007B# "Fail" #D27150000# "File Overwrite Warning" #D27150065# "No" #D27150066# "No to A&ll" #D27150067# "Yes" #D27150068# "Yes to &All" #D27150069# "The file" #D2715006A# "already exists. Replace the existing file?" #007A# "Completed"
#007F# "Some of items had been encoded successfully. Do you want to re-encode them?" #0066# "Preferences" #0083# "Too many simultaneous running processes may cause each process slower except more CPUs are installed.\n Are you want to continue?" #0081# "Please select output folder" #0082# "This function is only for preview purpose. \nThe quality of output file may differ from what you see here."
#2F44# "Invalid registration info!" #2F45# "Registered successfully!" #0094# "The limitation of the trial version is to encode only %d minutes each file. \nThe 'Duration' setting isn't in effect." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // This file will be read by video-encoder if it is put inside \lang folder // of dvd-audio-ripper root directory. It also must have the .lang extension // yielding something like my_language.lang // // // To define a string follow this format: // // number "my_string" // // number is the identification of the following string. Each number is related // with a string that will appear inside dvd-audio-ripper. Padding spaces are not // important. Inside menu definitions use & to give access to the keyboard menu shortcut. // You can use returns inside string. They will be preserved in the program. // // dvd-audio-ripper loads the strings on startup. It won't perceive any changes in this file // if you don't reload the program. // // PLEASE, CHECK THAT STRINGS WON'T BE CLIPPED IN THE PROGRAM. The reserved space // for every string is limited and must be suitable for all languages. If some // of your strings are clipped try shortening the phrase while keeping its // significance // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#0068# "Hazırlanıyor" #0067# "Çeviriyor..." #0069# "Duraklat" #0079# "Pending" #007E# "Are you sure to stop encoding?" #007C# "Vazgeç" #007B# "Bitti" #D27150000# "File Overwrite Warning" #D27150065# "Hayır" #D27150066# "Hepsi için &Hayır" #D27150067# "Evet" #D27150068# "Hepsi için &Evet" #D27150069# "Dosya" #D2715006A# "already exists. Replace the existing file?" #007A# "Tamamlandı"
#007F# "Some of items had been encoded successfully. Do you want to re-encode them?" #0066# "Preferences" #0083# "Too many simultaneous running processes may cause each process slower except more CPUs are installed.\n Are you want to continue?" #0081# "Please select output folder" #0082# "This function is only for preview purpose. \nThe quality of output file may differ from what you see here."
#2F44# "Invalid registration info!" #2F45# "Registered successfully!" #0094# "The limitation of the trial version is to encode only %d minutes each file. \nThe 'Duration' setting isn't in effect." Sevgiyle kal