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Ekran kartlarının çalışma prensibi hk.

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    ekran kartlarının çalışma prensibini anlatan kısa ve açıklayıcı bir video:

    Ekran kartlarının çalışma prensibi hk.Branch Educationyoutube
    Interested in working with Micron to make cutting-edge memory chips? Work at Micron: https://bit.ly/micron-careers Learn more about Micron's Graphic Memory! Explore Here: https://bit.ly/micron-graphic-memory Curious about AI memory and HBM3E? Take a look: https://bit.ly/micron-hbm3e Graphics Cards can run some of the most incredible video games, but how many calculations do they perform every single second? Well, some of the most advanced graphics perform 36 Trillion calculations or more every single second. But how can a single device manage these tens of trillions of calculations? In this video, we explore the architecture inside the 3090 graphics card and the GA102 GPU chip architecture. Note: We chose to feature the 30 series of GPUs because, to create accurate 3D models, we had to tear down a 3090 GPU rather destructively. We typically select a slightly older model because we're able to find broken components on eBay. If you're wondering, the 4090 can perform 82.58 trillion calculations a second, and then we're sure the 5090 will be even more. Table of Contents: 00:00 - How many calculations do Graphics Cards Perform? 02:15 - The Difference between GPUs and CPUs? 04:56 - GPU GA102 Architecture 06:59 - GPU GA102 Manufacturing 08:48 - CUDA Core Design 11:09 - Graphics Cards Components 12:04 - Graphics Memory GDDR6X GDDR7 15:11 - All about Micron 16:51 - Single Instruction Multiple Data Architecture 17:49 - Why GPUs run Video Game Graphics, Object Transformations 20:53 - Thread Architecture 23:31 - Help Branch Education Out! 24:29 - Bitcoin Mining 26:50 - Tensor Cores 27:58 - Outro We're working on more ambitious subjects like computer architecture and graphics cards. Any contribution would greatly help make these videos. https://www.patreon.com/brancheducation Branch Education Website: https://www.branch.education Branch Education Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BranchEducation/ Key Branches from this video are: How do Video Game Graphics Work? https://youtu.be/C8YtdC8mxTU Animation: Mike Radjabov, Sherdil Davronov, Adrei Dulay, Parvesh Khatri Research, Script and Editing: Teddy Tablante Twitter: @teddytablante Modeling: Mike Radjabov, Prakash Kakadiya Voice Over: Phil Lee Sound Design by Drilu: www.drilu.world Sound Design and mix: David Pinete Additional Sound Design: Raúl Núñez Supervising Sound Editor: Luis Huesca Erratum: 04:50 Ubuntu is a type of Linux 08:45 3080 has 10GB, not 12GB. Image Attribution: Williams, George. Jacquard Loom 6/6 https://www.flickr.com/photos/ghwpix/18056523/in/album-72157631870990316/ Eiermann, Georg. A close up of a weaving machine in a room. Jacquard Loom. https://unsplash.com/photos/a-close-up-of-a-weaving-machine-in-a-room--jvBPiva0vc Wikipedia contributors. "Embarrassingly Parallel", "Graphics Processing Unit", "Parallel Computing" , " SIMD", " Single Instruction, Multiple Threads" , "Thread block (CUDA Programming)". Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Visited October 18th 2024 Textbooks and Papers A TON of information was found in Nvidia's white papers. You can find them here: https://research.nvidia.com/publications We recommend the GA102 architecture white paper and the fermi architecture white paper. #GPU #GraphicsCard #Micron

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    Let’s build a video card!
  • Aslında, özünde basit matematiksel işlemler yapan çok sayıda ilkel işlemcinin beraber , paralel çalışmasına GPU yani grafik işlem birimi adını veriyoruz.

    İşlemcinin farkı ise işlemcilerin çok daha kompleks ve sezgisel işleri yapması. Ekran kartı ise çok aşırı sayıda ancak basit işlemleri toplu halde yapıyor.

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