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GeForce Now'ın İstanbul sunucusunun açılış tarihi açıklandı

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  • GeForce Now'ın İstanbul sunucusunun açılış tarihi açıklandı

    Ülkemizde Turkcell GAME+ iş birliği ile faaliyet gösteren GeForce Now’ın ikinci sunucusu açılıyor. İstanbul’an hizmet verecek yeni sunucuların Temmuz ayının ilk haftasında kullanıma sunulacağı duyuruldu.

    Ayrıca Bkz.GeForce Now by Game+'ta indirim: Aylık 59,90TL

    GeForce Now’ın Türkiye’deki ilk sunucuları Ankara’ya konumlandırılmıştı. Ankara'ya ek olarak hizmet verecek İstanbul sunucuları sayesinde İstanbul’a yakın kullanıcıların daha az gecikmeyle bağlanacak. Ankara sunucusundaki kuyruk azalacak. Kullanıcılar, Premium paketteki bekleme sürelerinden rahatsızlıklarını dile getirmişti. İstanbul sunucusu ile birlikte kuyruktaki süretkisi olmazsa Türkiye’nin farklı bölgelerine sunucu açılabilir.

    GeForce Now'ın İstanbul sunucusunun açılış tarihi açıklandı

    GeForce Now by GAME+ fiyatında düzenleme yapıldı. Üç ay kampanyalı Premium üyelik 179,70 TL’ye yani aylık 59,90 TL’ye sunuluyor. GAME+’ın kullanıma sunulduğu ilk günlerde üç aylık kampanyalı paket ayda 49,90 TL’ye denk geliyordu ancak lansman kampanyası tek seferlikti. Bu seferki kampanya kalıcı olarak sunuluyor. Üç ayın sonunda aynı fiyattan üyeliğinizi uzatabileceksiniz. Bir aylık almak isterseniz 74,90 TL ödemeniz gerekiyor. Basic paket ise halen ücretsiz olarak sunuluyor.

    GeForce Now GAME+ platformunda en çok oynananlar

    Türk oyuncular GAMEPUS’ın 15 Mart’taki ticari lansmandan bugüne kadar toplam 1 milyon 800 bin tekil oturumda 2 milyon saat oyun oynadı. Oyuncuların platformda en çok oynadığı oyun League of Legends olurken bunu sırasıyla; Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Rust, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, The Witcher® 3: Wild Hunt, Apex Legends™ ve Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege takip etti.

  • CS GO gibi bir rekabetçi oyunun 2. sırada olması oldukça şaşırtıcı. Server a çok yakın olsam da kendi deneyimim çok kötüydü (CS GO için). Gecikme çok düşük olsa da her online FPS oyuncusunu rahatsız edeceğine eminim.

    < Bu ileti Android uygulamasından atıldı >
  • Nvidia tam iş birliği yapacağı şirketi bulmuş. Onlara iyi şanslar, ihtiyaçları olacak. Bunların kampanyalarından geçilmez artık. Aylık 5 TL olsa bile işin içinde Turkcell olduğu için abone olmam. Diğer bir konu; CS:GO'yu bırak editörün yazdıklarından 1-2 oyun hariç diğerleri bu platform üzerinden oynanacak oyunlar değiller.

  • Lolü buradan oynamak kadar saçma bir şey var mı? Hem her bilgisayar kaldırıyor hem de gecikme önemli

    < Bu ileti Android uygulamasından atıldı >
  • beta aşamasında 50mb hız gorduğum pc de apex legends piksel game gibi denedim.
    en çok oynanan oyunlara bakıyorum her pc zaten açıyor bunları

  • Olay guzel olsada bu internet hızıyla olmaz

    < Bu ileti Android uygulamasından atıldı >
  • X4eros X kullanıcısına yanıt
    Yarış, futbol ya da FPS değil lol: Yani Counter dersen anlarım ama mobada gecikme o kadar da önemli değil; Yıllar evvel Pentium ii 450 mhz 32 mb vodoo 3dfx ekran kartımla 128mb ramimle(sonradan 256 yapmıştım; ben host olmazsam bağlanamıyordum bile 10 dk) Dota oynardım o zamanlar yeni çıkmıştı bu mod, sonuçta 5 vs 5 kişilik bir oyun 1 kişi olmasa da çok fazla etkilemiyor hatta 5 kişiyle 2 kişiyi yenemediğimiz de çok oldu kastıktan sonra :)

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi tobepeople -- 15 Haziran 2021; 20:10:59 >
  • Yapay Zeka’dan İlgili Konular
    Daha Fazla Göster
  • Cok super internet baglantisi olmadan bu tur platformlar anca cocuk kandirmaca :)

    < Bu ileti Android uygulamasından atıldı >
  • Bulut oyun konusunda neden bu kadar geri kafalılık yapan var anlamıyorum. Yok lol oynanmazmış, yok oyunları azmış yok internet hızı süper ötesi olmazsa olmazmış, yok Türkcell olursa olmaz İngiliz Vodafane vermez ise abone olmazmış. Düne kadar 75 lira çok 55 olsa oynanır diyenler 59 olunca yine zırlıyor, 4 liraya ayılıp bayılıyor. Oysa 10 bine konsol alıp 20 bine sistem kuruyor buna da hesaplı sistem diyor!!! Bunların almayacağı var da bahane arıyorlar. Ama bu işin geleceği bulut oyun sisteminde, film izlemek için Netflix alıp oyuna gelince bulut oyun sistemine burun kıvıranlar yarın Netfilix oyun sunsa ilk kendileri abone olacak. Her şey popüler kültür ürünü haline gelmesine bağlı. 12 Mbit ile deneyip 1080P ile akıcı oynadım hem de bedava, sistemde bedava oyun yanında yüzlerce süper oyun da var. Oyunları az diyenlerin tüm oyun listesini okumanın tam 15 dakika tuttuğunu bilmelerini isterim.

    Oyun listesi:

    41 Hours (Steam)
    7 Days to Die (Steam)
    A Plague Tale: Innocence (Steam)
    A Story About My Uncle (Steam)
    A-Train PC Classic (Steam)
    Absolute Drift: Zen Edition (Epic)
    Absolver (Steam)
    Age of Conan: Unchained (Steam)
    Age of Wonders III (Steam)
    Age of Wonders: Planetfall (Steam)
    Ageless (Steam)
    AI: The Somnium Files (Steam)
    Alan Wake (Steam)
    Alan Wake's American Nightmare (Steam)
    Albion Online
    Amazing Cultivation Simulator (Steam)
    American Truck Simulator (Steam)
    AMID EVIL (Steam)
    Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs (Epic)
    Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs (Steam)
    Amnesia: Rebirth (Epic)
    Amnesia: Rebirth (Steam)
    Amnesia: The Dark Descent (Steam)
    Among Us (Epic)
    Among Us (Steam)
    Anno® 1800 (Epic)
    Anno® 1800 (Steam)
    Anno® 1800 (Ubisoft Connect)
    Anno® 2070 (Steam)
    Anno® 2070 (Ubisoft Connect)
    AO Tennis 2 (Steam)
    Apex Legends™ (Origin)
    Apex Legends™ (Steam)
    Apollo 11 Lunar Landing Demo
    Araha: Curse of Yieun Island (Steam)
    Argo (Steam)
    Arise: A Simple Story (Epic)
    ARK: Survival Evolved (Epic)
    ARK: Survival Evolved (Steam)
    ARK: Survival Of The Fittest (Steam)
    Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead (Steam)
    Arma 3 (Steam)
    Armello (Steam)
    Armored Warfare
    Aron's Adventure (Steam)
    Artifact (Steam)
    Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry (Ubisoft Connect)
    Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag - Gold Edition (Ubisoft Connect)
    Assassin's Creed® II (Steam)
    Assassin's Creed® II (Ubisoft Connect)
    Assassin's Creed® Unity (Epic)
    Assassin's Creed® Unity (Steam)
    Assassin's Creed® Unity (Ubisoft Connect)
    Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition (Epic)
    Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition (Steam)
    Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition (Ubisoft Connect)
    Assassin’s Creed® Brotherhood (Steam)
    Assassin’s Creed® Brotherhood (Ubisoft Connect)
    Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: China (Ubisoft Connect)
    Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: India (Ubisoft Connect)
    Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: Russia (Ubisoft Connect)
    Assassin’s Creed® III Remastered (Epic)
    Assassin’s Creed® III Remastered (Steam)
    Assassin’s Creed® III Remastered (Ubisoft Connect)
    Assassin’s Creed® IV Black Flag™ (Steam)
    Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey (Epic)
    Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey (Steam)
    Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey (Ubisoft Connect)
    Assassin’s Creed® Origins (Epic)
    Assassin’s Creed® Origins (Steam)
    Assassin’s Creed® Origins (Ubisoft Connect)
    Assassin’s Creed® Revelations (Steam)
    Assassin’s Creed® Revelations (Ubisoft Connect)
    Assassin’s Creed® Rogue (Epic)
    Assassin’s Creed® Rogue (Steam)
    Assassin’s Creed® Rogue (Ubisoft Connect)
    Assassin’s Creed®: Syndicate (Epic)
    Assassin’s Creed®: Syndicate (Steam)
    Assassin’s Creed®: Syndicate (Ubisoft Connect)
    Assassin’s Creed®: Valhalla (Epic)
    Assassin’s Creed®: Valhalla (Ubisoft Connect)
    Assetto Corsa (Steam)
    Assetto Corsa Competizione (Steam)
    Asterix & Obelix XXL 3 - The Crystal Menhir (Steam)
    ASTRONEER (Steam)
    ATLAS (Steam)
    ATOM RPG (Steam)
    ATOM RPG Trudograd (Steam)
    ATOMEGA™ (Steam)
    Automation - The Car Company Tycoon Game (Steam)
    Autonauts (Steam)
    Aven Colony (Steam)
    AVICII Invector (Steam)
    Avorion (Steam)
    art of rally (Epic)
    art of rally (Steam)
    Backbone (Epic)
    Backbone (Steam)
    Bad North: Jotunn Edition (Epic)
    Bad North: Jotunn Edition (Steam)
    BATTALION 1944 (Steam)
    Battle Chasers: Nightwar (Steam)
    Battlefleet Gothic: Armada (Steam)
    Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 (Steam)
    Battlestar Galactica Deadlock™ (Steam)
    Battletech (Steam)
    BeamNG.drive (Steam)
    Beat Cop (Steam)
    Bee Simulator (Steam)
    Before We Leave (Steam)
    Beholder (Steam)
    Beholder 2 (Steam)
    Besiege (Steam)
    Beyond Good and Evil™ (Steam)
    Beyond Good and Evil™ (Ubisoft Connect)
    BIOMUTANT® (Epic)
    BIOMUTANT® (Steam)
    Black Desert Online
    Black Desert Online (Steam)
    Black Future '88 (Steam)
    Black Mesa (Steam)
    Black Squad (Steam)
    BLACKSAD: Under the Skin (Steam)
    Blair Witch (Epic)
    Blair Witch (Steam)
    Blasphemous (Steam)
    BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle (Steam)
    Blightbound (Steam)
    Blood Bowl 2 (Steam)
    Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition (Steam)
    Blue Fire (Steam)
    Bomber Crew (Steam)
    Boundless (Steam)
    Brawlhalla (Steam)
    Breathedge (Epic)
    Breathedge (Steam)
    Bridge Constructor Portal™ (Steam)
    Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead (Epic)
    Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead (Steam)
    Bright Memory (Steam)
    Bullet Girls Phantasi (Steam)
    Bus Simulator 18 (Steam)
    Cake Bash (Steam)
    Call of Cthulhu® (Steam)
    Call of Juarez® Gunslinger (Steam)
    Call of the Sea (Steam)
    Call to Arms (Steam)
    Car Mechanic Simulator 2015 (Steam)
    Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 (Steam)
    Car Trader Simulator (Steam)
    Cardaclysm (Steam)
    Caves of Qud (Steam)
    Chernobylite (Steam)
    Chess Ultra (Steam)
    Child of Light™ (Ubisoft Connect)
    Children of Morta (Steam)
    Chinese Paladin: Sword and Fairy (Steam)
    Chinese Parents (Steam)
    Chivalry 2 (Epic)
    Chivalry: Medieval Warfare (Steam)
    Chronicon (Steam)
    Cities: Skylines© (Epic)
    Cities: Skylines© (Steam)
    Claybook (Steam)
    Cloudpunk (Steam)
    Clustertruck (Steam)
    CODE2040 (Steam)
    Commandos 2 - HD Remaster (Steam)
    Company of Crime (Steam)
    Conan Exiles (Steam)
    Conan Unconquered (Steam)
    Conception PLUS: Maidens of the Twelve Stars (Steam)
    Conglomerate 451 (Steam)
    Construction Simulator 2 US - Pocket Edition (Steam)
    Construction Simulator 2015 (Steam)
    Control (Epic)
    Control (Steam)
    Control Ultimate Edition (Steam)
    Counter-Strike (Steam)
    Counter-Strike: Condition Zero (Steam)
    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Steam)
    Counter-Strike: Source (Steam)
    Creative Destruction (Steam)
    Creativerse (Steam)
    Crossout (Steam)
    Crown Trick (Steam)
    CRSED: F.O.A.D. (Epic)
    CRSED: F.O.A.D. (Steam)
    Crusader Kings II (Steam)
    Crusader Kings III (Steam)
    Cube World (Steam)
    Cultist Simulator (Steam)
    Cuphead (Steam)
    Curious Expedition 2 (Steam)
    Curse of the Dead Gods (Epic)
    Curse of the Dead Gods (Steam)
    Cyber Hook (Steam)
    Cyberpunk 2077® (Epic)
    Cyberpunk 2077® (GOG)
    Cyberpunk 2077® (Steam)
    Dakar 18 (Steam)
    Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (Steam)
    Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls (Steam)
    Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (Steam)
    Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (Steam)
    Danger Scavenger (Steam)
    Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game (Steam)
    Darksburg (Steam)
    Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition (Epic)
    Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition (Steam)
    Darksiders III (Steam)
    Darksiders: Warmastered Edition (Epic)
    Darksiders: Warmastered Edition (Steam)
    Dauntless (Epic)
    Dawn of Man (Steam)
    Day of Infamy (Steam)
    Days of War: Definitive Edition (Steam)
    DayZ (Steam)
    DCL - The Game (Steam)
    Dead Age (Steam)
    Dead Age 2 (Steam)
    Dead by Daylight (Steam)
    Dead Cells (Epic)
    Dead Cells (Steam)
    Dead In Vinland (Steam)
    Dead Island Definitive Edition (Steam)
    Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition (Steam)
    Deadliest Catch: The Game (Steam)
    Deadside (Steam)
    Death Rally (Steam)
    Deathsmiles (Steam)
    Deceit (Steam)
    Deep Rock Galactic (Steam)
    Deep Sky Derelicts (Steam)
    Deliver Us The Moon: Fortuna (Steam)
    Depth (Steam)
    Descenders (Steam)
    Desperados III (Epic)
    Destiny 2 (Steam)
    Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut (Steam)
    Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™ (Steam)
    Deus Ex: The Fall (Steam)
    Dicey Dungeons (Steam)
    Dirty Bomb® (Steam)
    Disc Room Demo (Steam)
    Disco Elysium (Epic)
    Disco Elysium (Steam)
    Disgaea 4 Complete+ (Steam)
    Disgaea 5 Complete (Steam)
    Disgaea PC (Steam)
    Distance (Steam)
    Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition (Steam)
    Divinity: Original Sin (Classic) (Steam)
    Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition (Steam)
    Do Not Feed the Monkeys (Steam)
    DoDonPachi Resurrectio (Steam)
    Don't Starve (Steam)
    Don't Starve Together (Steam)
    Door Kickers (Steam)
    Door Kickers 2: Task Force North (Steam)
    Door Kickers: Action Squad (Steam)
    Dota 2 (Steam)
    Dota Underlords (Steam)
    Dreadlands (Steam)
    Dreamscaper (Steam)
    Driftland: The Magic Revival (Steam)
    Drone Swarm (Steam)
    Drug Dealer Simulator (Steam)
    Dungeon Defenders (Steam)
    Dungeon Defenders II (Steam)
    Dungeon Defenders: Awakened (Steam)
    Dungeon of the Endless™ - Crystal Edition (Steam)
    Dungeon Siege® (Steam)
    Dungeons 3 (Epic)
    Dungeons 3 (Steam)
    Dungreed (Steam)
    DUSK (Steam)
    Dusk Diver (Steam)
    Dwarrows (Steam)
    Dying Light (Steam)
    Dying Light: Bad Blood (Steam)
    DYSMANTLE (Steam)
    Dyson Sphere Program (Steam)
    Earth 2160 (Steam)
    EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair (Steam)
    Edge Of Eternity (Steam)
    Elite Dangerous (Epic)
    Elite Dangerous (Steam)
    Empire of Angels IV (Steam)
    Empire of Sin (Steam)
    Empyrion - Galactic Survival (Steam)
    Enclave (Steam)
    Endless Legend™ - Emperor Edition (Steam)
    Endless Space® - Collection (Steam)
    Endless Space® 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition (Steam)
    Endless World Idle RPG (Steam)
    Endzone - A World Apart (Steam)
    Enter the Gungeon (Epic)
    Enter the Gungeon (Steam)
    Epistory - Typing Chronicles (Steam)
    Euro Truck Simulator 2 (Steam)
    Europa Universalis III Complete (Steam)
    Europa Universalis IV (Steam)
    EVE Online
    EVE Online (Steam)
    Everreach: Project Eden (Steam)
    EVERSPACE™ (Steam)
    EVERSPACE™ 2 (Steam)
    Evoland Legendary Edition (Steam)
    Exanima (Steam)
    Expeditions: Viking (Steam)
    Factorio (Steam)
    Fade to Silence (Steam)
    Fantasy General II (Steam)
    Far Cry 3: Kan Ejderhası (Epic)
    Far Cry 3: Kan Ejderhası (Ubisoft Connect)
    Far Cry® (Steam)
    Far Cry® (Ubisoft Connect)
    Far Cry® 2: Fortune's Edition (Epic)
    Far Cry® 2: Fortune's Edition (Steam)
    Far Cry® 2: Fortune's Edition (Ubisoft Connect)
    Far Cry® 3 (Epic)
    Far Cry® 3 (Steam)
    Far Cry® 3 (Ubisoft Connect)
    Far Cry® 4 (Epic)
    Far Cry® 4 (Steam)
    Far Cry® 4 (Ubisoft Connect)
    Far Cry® 5 (Epic)
    Far Cry® 5 (Steam)
    Far Cry® 5 (Ubisoft Connect)
    Far Cry® New Dawn (Epic)
    Far Cry® New Dawn (Steam)
    Far Cry® New Dawn (Ubisoft Connect)
    Far Cry® Primal (Epic)
    Far Cry® Primal (Steam)
    Far Cry® Primal (Ubisoft Connect)
    Farm Manager 2018 (Steam)
    Farm Together (Steam)
    Farmer's Dynasty (Steam)
    Farming Simulator 15 (Steam)
    Farming Simulator 17 (Steam)
    Farming Simulator 19 (Epic)
    Farming Simulator 19 (Steam)
    Fate Seeker (Steam)
    Fear The Wolves (Steam)
    FIA European Truck Racing Championship (Steam)
    Fire Pro Wrestling World (Steam)
    Firewatch (Steam)
    For Honor™ (Epic)
    For Honor™ (Steam)
    For Honor™ (Ubisoft Connect)
    For The King (Epic)
    For The King (Steam)
    Forged Battalion (Steam)
    Fortnite (Epic)
    Forts (Steam)
    Foundation (Steam)
    Friday the 13th: The Game (Steam)
    FrostPunk (Epic)
    FrostPunk (Steam)
    FTL: Faster Than Light (Epic)
    FTL: Faster Than Light (Steam)
    Furi (Steam)
    Garry's Mod (Steam)
    Generation Zero (Steam)
    Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition (Steam)
    Ghostrunner (Steam)
    Ghostrunner Demo
    Gloomhaven (Steam)
    God's Trigger (Epic)
    Gods Will Fall (Epic)
    Gods Will Fall (Steam)
    Going Under (Steam)
    Golf With Your Friends (Steam)
    GoNNER (Epic)
    GoNNER (Steam)
    GONNER2 (Steam)
    Gothic® 3 (Steam)
    Granado Espada (Steam)
    Granblue Fantasy: Versus (Steam)
    Gravel (Steam)
    GreedFall (Steam)
    Green Hell (Steam)
    GRIP: Combat Racing (Steam)
    Griftlands (Steam)
    Grim Dawn (Steam)
    Groove Coaster (Steam)
    GTFO (Steam)
    GUILTY GEAR Xrd -SIGN- (Steam)
    Guild Wars 2
    Guild Wars® Game of the Year Edition (Steam)
    Gujian3 (Steam)
    Gunfire Reborn (Steam)
    GWENT®: The Witcher Card Game (Steam)
    Hacknet (Steam)
    Half-Life 2: Deathmatch (Steam)
    Half-Life® (Steam)
    Half-Life® 2 (Steam)
    Half-Life® 2: Episode Two (Steam)
    Hammerting (Steam)
    Hardspace: Shipbreaker (Steam)
    Headsnatchers (Steam)
    Hearts of Iron II: Complete (Steam)
    Hearts of Iron IV (Steam)
    Hell Let Loose (Steam)
    Hellish Quart (Steam)
    Hellpoint (Epic)
    Hellpoint (Steam)
    Heroes & Generals (Epic)
    Heroes & Generals (Steam)
    Heroes of Might & Magic V (Steam)
    Heroes of Might & Magic V (Ubisoft Connect)
    Heroes of Might & Magic V: Tribes of the East (Steam)
    Heroes of Might & Magic V: Tribes of the East (Ubisoft Connect)
    Heroes of the Three Kingdoms 8 (Steam)
    Heroes® of Might & Magic® III - HD Edition (Steam)
    HITMAN 3 (Epic)
    HITMAN™ (Epic)
    HITMAN™ (Steam)
    HITMAN™2 (Steam)
    Hitman 2: Silent Assassin (Steam)
    Hitman: Absolution™ (Steam)
    Hitman: Blood Money (Steam)
    Ho Tu Lo Shu: The Books of Dragon (Steam)
    Hobo: Tough Life (Steam)
    Hokko Life (Steam)
    Holdfast: Nations At War (Steam)
    Hollow Knight (Steam)
    Home Behind 2 (Steam)
    Homefront®: The Revolution (Steam)
    Hood: Outlaws & Legends (Epic)
    Hood: Outlaws & Legends (Steam)
    Hotshot Racing (Steam)
    Hue (Epic)
    Hue (Steam)
    Human: Fall Flat (Steam)
    HUMANKIND™ Closed Beta (Steam)
    Hunt: Showdown (Steam)
    HUNTDOWN (Epic)
    Hunting Simulator 2 (Steam)
    Hydroneer (Steam)
    Hyper Scape™ (Epic)
    Hyper Scape™ (Ubisoft Connect)
    Hyperdrive Massacre (Steam)
    I’m not a Monster (Steam)
    Idle Big Devil (Steam)
    Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms (Steam)
    Imagine Earth (Steam)
    Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars (Steam)
    Immortals Fenyx Rising™ (Epic)
    Immortals Fenyx Rising™ (Ubisoft Connect)
    Immortals Fenyx Rising™ Demo (Epic)
    Immortals Fenyx Rising™ Demo (Ubisoft Connect)
    Imperator: Rome (Steam)
    Infliction (Steam)
    INSOMNIA: The Ark (Steam)
    Insurgency (Steam)
    Insurgency: Sandstorm (Steam)
    Into the Breach (Epic)
    Into the Breach (Steam)
    Iron Conflict (Steam)
    Iron Harvest (Steam)
    Iron Sky: Invasion (Steam)
    Jack Orlando: Director's Cut (Steam)
    Jagged Alliance - Back in Action (Steam)
    Jagged Alliance 2 - Wildfire (Steam)
    Jurassic World Evolution™ (Epic)
    Jurassic World Evolution™ (Steam)
    Just Cause 2 (Steam)
    Just Cause 4 Reloaded (Epic)
    Just Cause 4 Reloaded (Steam)
    Just Cause™ 3 (Steam)
    Just Die Already (Epic)
    Just Die Already (Steam)
    Kathy Rain (Steam)
    Keçi Simülatörü (Steam)
    Kenshi (Steam)
    Kholat (Steam)
    Kill It With Fire (Steam)
    Killing Floor 2 (Epic)
    Killing Floor 2 (Steam)
    King of Seas (Steam)
    King's Bounty: The Legend (Steam)
    King's Bounty: Warriors of the North (Steam)
    Kingdom Come: Deliverance (Epic)
    Kingdom Come: Deliverance (Steam)
    Kingdom Two Crowns (Steam)
    Kingdom: Classic (Steam)
    Kingdom: New Lands (Epic)
    Kingdom: New Lands (Steam)
    Knights and Merchants (Steam)
    Kona (Steam)
    KurtzPel (Steam)
    Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk (Steam)
    Last Epoch (Steam)
    Last Oasis (Steam)
    Last Tide (Steam)
    League of Legends
    Left 4 Dead (Steam)
    Left 4 Dead 2 (Steam)
    Legends of Aria (Steam)
    Legends of Runeterra
    Lethal League (Steam)
    Lethal League Blaze (Steam)
    Liberated (Steam)
    Life Is Strange™ 2 (Steam)
    Life is Strange - Before the Storm (Steam)
    Life is Strange (Steam)
    Little Big Workshop (Steam)
    Lonely Mountains: Downhill (Steam)
    Loop Hero (Epic)
    Loop Hero (Steam)
    Lords Of The Fallen™ (Steam)
    Lost Castle (Steam)
    Lumberjack's Dynasty (Steam)
    Magic the Gathering: Arena
    Magic the Gathering: Arena (Epic)
    Magicka (Steam)
    Magicka 2 (Steam)
    Main Assembly (Steam)
    Maneater (Epic)
    Maneater (Steam)
    Marvel's Avengers (Steam)
    Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries (Epic)
    Medieval Dynasty (Epic)
    Medieval Dynasty (Steam)
    Medieval Engineers (Steam)
    Men of War: Assault Squad (Steam)
    Men of War: Assault Squad 2 (Steam)
    Metamorphosis (Steam)
    Metin2 (Steam)
    Metro Exodus (Epic)
    Metro Exodus (Steam)
    Metro: 2033 Redux (Epic)
    Metro: 2033 Redux (Steam)
    Metro: Last Light Redux (Epic)
    Metro: Last Light Redux (Steam)
    Might & Magic® Heroes® VI (Ubisoft Connect)
    Might & Magic® Heroes® VII – Trial by Fire (Steam)
    Might & Magic® Heroes® VII – Trial by Fire (Ubisoft Connect)
    Might & Magic® Heroes® VII (Steam)
    Might & Magic® Heroes® VII (Ubisoft Connect)
    Might & Magic® X Legacy (Ubisoft Connect)
    Mini Ninjas (Steam)
    Minion Masters (Steam)
    MONOPOLY® PLUS (Steam)
    MONOPOLY® PLUS (Ubisoft Connect)
    Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 2 (Steam)
    Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 3 (Steam)
    Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 4 (Steam)
    Monster Prom (Steam)
    Monster Sanctuary (Steam)
    Monster Train (Steam)
    Moonlighter (Steam)
    Moons of Madness™ (Steam)
    Morbid: The Seven Acolytes (Steam)
    MORDHAU (Steam)
    Mordheim: City of the Damned (Steam)
    Mortal Shell (Epic)
    Mosaic (Steam)
    MotoGP™ 20 (Steam)
    MotoGP™19 (Steam)
    MotoGP™21 (Epic)
    MotoGP™21 (Steam)
    Mount & Blade (Steam)
    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord (Epic)
    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord (Steam)
    Mount & Blade: Warband (Steam)
    Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword (Steam)
    Move or Die (Steam)
    Moving Out (Steam)
    Mr. Prepper (Steam)
    MudRunner (Epic)
    MudRunner (Steam)
    MUSYNX (Steam)
    Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden (Steam)
    MXGP 2019 - The Official Motocross Videogame (Steam)
    MXGP 2020 - The Official Motocross Videogame (Steam)
    My Memory of Us (Steam)
    My Summer Car (Steam)
    My Time at Portia (Epic)
    My Time at Portia (Steam)
    Narita Boy (Steam)
    NASCAR Heat 3 (Steam)
    Necromunda: Hired Gun (Epic)
    Necromunda: Hired Gun (Steam)
    Necromunda: Underhive Wars (Steam)
    Neo Cab (Steam)
    Neon Abyss (Epic)
    Neon Abyss (Steam)
    Neptunia Virtual Stars (Steam)
    Neverwinter (Steam)
    Nex Machina (Steam)
    Nigate Tale (Steam)
    Night in the Woods (Epic)
    Night of Full Moon (Steam)
    Nine Parchments (Steam)
    No Man's Sky (Steam)
    Northgard (Steam)
    Not The Robots (Steam)
    Observation (Epic)
    Observation (Steam)
    Observer: System Redux (Epic)
    Observer: System Redux (Steam)
    Occupy White Walls (Steam)
    Old School RuneScape (Steam)
    OneShot (Steam)
    Onmyoji (Steam)
    Orange Cast: Sci-Fi Space Action Game (Steam)
    Order of Battle: World War II (Steam)
    Oriental Empires (Steam)
    Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You (Steam)
    Ostriv (Steam)
    Othercide (Steam)
    Out of Reach: Treasure Royale (Steam)
    Outland (Steam)
    Outlast (Steam)
    Outlast 2 (Steam)
    OUTRIDERS (Epic)
    OUTRIDERS (Steam)
    OUTRIDERS Demo (Steam)
    Outward (Steam)
    Overcooked (Epic)
    Overcooked (Steam)
    Overcooked! 2 (Steam)
    Overcooked! All You Can Eat (Steam)
    OVERPASS™ (Epic)
    Owlboy (Steam)
    Oxygen Not Included (Steam)
    Pacify (Steam)
    Paladins® (Epic)
    Paladins® (Steam)
    Panzer Corps 2 (Steam)
    Papers, Please (Steam)
    Paradise Lost (Steam)
    Parkitect (Steam)
    Party Hard (Steam)
    Pascal's Wager: Definitive Edition (Steam)
    Path of Exile
    Path of Exile (Epic)
    Path of Exile (Steam)
    Path Of Wuxia (Steam)
    Pathfinder: Kingmaker® - Enhanced Plus Edition (Steam)
    Pathologic 2 (Steam)
    Pax Nova (Steam)
    PAYDAY 2 (Steam)
    PC Building Simulator (Steam)
    Peaky Blinders: Mastermind (Steam)
    Per Aspera (Steam)
    Phantom Doctrine (Steam)
    Phasmophobia (Steam)
    Phoenix Point: Year One Edition (Steam)
    Pillars of Eternity - Definitive Edition (Epic)
    Pillars of Eternity (Steam)
    Pine (Epic)
    PixARK (Steam)
    PLANET ALPHA (Steam)
    Planet Coaster® (Steam)
    Planet Zoo (Steam)
    Planetbase (Steam)
    Planets Under Attack (Steam)
    PlanetSide 2 (Steam)
    Poker Club (Steam)
    Population Zero (Steam)
    Port Royale 4 (Epic)
    Port Royale 4 (Steam)
    Portal 2 (Steam)
    Portal™ (Steam)
    Post Scriptum (Steam)
    POSTAL 2 (Steam)
    POSTAL 4: No Regerts (Steam)
    Power Of Seasons (Steam)
    Praetorians - HD Remaster (Steam)
    Praey for the Gods (Steam)
    Prison Architect (Steam)
    Pro Cycling Manager 2017 (Steam)
    Pro Cycling Manager 2018 (Steam)
    Pro Cycling Manager 2019 (Steam)
    Pro Cycling Manager 2020 (Steam)
    Pro Cycling Manager 2021 (Steam)
    Project Highrise (Steam)
    Project Winter (Steam)
    Project: Gorgon (Steam)
    Pumpkin Jack (Steam)
    Pure Farming 2018 (Steam)
    Q.U.B.E. 2 (Steam)
    Quest Hunter (Steam)
    R-Type Final 2 (Steam)
    Raft (Steam)
    RAID: World War II (Steam)
    Railroad Corporation (Steam)
    Railway Empire (Epic)
    Railway Empire (Steam)
    RAM Pressure (Steam)
    Ratropolis (Steam)
    Ravenfield (Steam)
    Rayman® Legends (Epic)
    Rayman® Legends (Steam)
    Rayman® Legends (Ubisoft Connect)
    Rayman® Origins (Ubisoft Connect)
    Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- The Prophecy of the Throne (Steam)
    Realm Grinder (Steam)
    Realm Royale (Steam)
    Red Wings: Aces of the Sky (Steam)
    Redout: Enhanced Edition (Steam)
    Redout: Space Assault (Steam)
    Reigns: Game of Thrones (Steam)
    Remnant: From the Ashes (Epic)
    Remnant: From the Ashes (Steam)
    REZ PLZ (Steam)
    Rhythm Doctor (Steam)
    RIDE 3 (Steam)
    RIFT® (Steam)
    Richman10 (Steam)
    Ride 4 (Steam)
    RiME (Steam)
    RimWorld (Steam)
    Ring of Elysium (Steam)
    Rise of Industry (Steam)
    Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration (Steam)
    Risen 2: Dark Waters (Steam)
    Risen 3 - Titan Lords (Steam)
    Rising Storm 2: Vietnam (Epic)
    Rising Storm 2: Vietnam (Steam)
    Rocket League® (Epic)
    Rocket League® (Steam)
    Rogue Company (Epic)
    Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos (Steam)
    RollerCoaster Tycoon® 3: Complete Edition (Epic)
    RollerCoaster Tycoon® 3: Complete Edition (Steam)
    Rugby 20 (Steam)
    Rune 2 (Steam)
    RuneScape® (Steam)
    Russian Fishing 4 (Steam)
    Rust (Steam)
    S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat (Steam)
    S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky (Steam)
    S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (Steam)
    Sabotaj (Steam)
    Sacred 2 Gold (Steam)
    Sacred 3 (Steam)
    Saints Row 2 (Steam)
    Saints Row IV (Steam)
    Saints Row: The Third (Steam)
    Saints Row®: The Third™ Remastered (Epic)
    Saints Row®: The Third™ Remastered (Steam)
    Salt and Sanctuary (Steam)
    Sanctum 2 (Steam)
    Satisfactory (Epic)
    Satisfactory (Steam)
    Saviors of Sapphire Wings / Stranger of Sword City Revisited (Steam)
    Scott Pilgrim vs. The World™: The Game - Complete Edition (Epic)
    Scott Pilgrim vs. The World™: The Game - Complete Edition (Ubisoft Connect)
    ScourgeBringer (Steam)
    SCP: Secret Laboratory (Steam)
    Scrap Mechanic (Steam)
    SCUM (Steam)
    Second Extinction™ (Steam)
    Secret World Legends (Steam)
    Semblance (Steam)
    Serial Cleaner (Steam)
    Session: Skateboarding Sim Game (Steam)
    Shadow of the Tomb Raider?™ Definitive Edition (Steam)
    Shadow Warrior 2 (Steam)
    Shadowrun Returns (Epic)
    Shadowrun Returns (Steam)
    Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director’s Cut (Epic)
    Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director’s Cut (Steam)
    Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition (Epic)
    Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition (Steam)
    Sheltered (Steam)
    Shenmue III (Epic)
    Shio (Steam)
    Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate (Steam)
    Siege Survival: Gloria Victis (Steam)
    Silent Hunter® III (Ubisoft Connect)
    Silver Chains (Steam)
    Skullgirls (Steam)
    Skybolt Zack (Steam)
    Skyborn (Steam)
    Skyforge (Steam)
    Slay the Spire (Steam)
    Sleeping Dogs™: Definitive Edition (Steam)
    SMITE® (Epic)
    SMITE® (Steam)
    Snake Pass (Steam)
    Sniper Elite 3 (Steam)
    Sniper Elite 4 (Steam)
    Sniper Elite V2 Remastered (Steam)
    Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 (Steam)
    Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts (Steam)
    Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 (Steam)
    Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 (Steam)
    Snooker 19 (Steam)
    SnowRunner (Epic)
    SnowRunner (Steam)
    SOMA (Epic)
    SOMA (Steam)
    South Park™: The Fractured But Whole™ (Epic)
    South Park™: The Fractured But Whole™ (Steam)
    South Park™: The Fractured But Whole™ (Ubisoft Connect)
    South Park™: The Stick of Truth™ (Epic)
    South Park™: The Stick of Truth™ (Steam)
    South Park™: The Stick of Truth™ (Ubisoft Connect)
    Space Crew (Steam)
    Space Engineers (Steam)
    Space Hulk: Deathwing - Enhanced Edition (Steam)
    Space Hulk: Tactics (Steam)
    Space Invaders Extreme™ (Steam)
    Space Rangers HD: A War Apart (Steam)
    Spacebase Startopia (Epic)
    Spacebase Startopia (Steam)
    Spacelords (Steam)
    SpeedRunners (Steam)
    Spellbreak (Epic)
    Spellbreak (Steam)
    SpellForce - Platinum Edition (Steam)
    SpellForce 3 (Steam)
    SpellForce 3: Soul Harvest (Steam)
    Spintires® (Steam)
    Splitgate: Arena Warfare (Steam)
    SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated (Epic)
    SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated (Steam)
    Squad (Steam)
    Star Control®: Origins (Steam)
    Star Renegades (Steam)
    Star Trek Online (Steam)
    Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005) (Steam)
    STAR WARS™ - Knights of the Old Republic™ (Steam)
    Starbound (Steam)
    Stardew Valley (Steam)
    Starpoint Gemini Warlords (Steam)
    Startup Company (Steam)
    Stationeers (Steam)
    Stay Out (Steam)
    Steel Division 2 (Steam)
    Steel Division: Normandy 44 (Steam)
    Steep™ (Epic)
    Steep™ (Steam)
    Steep™ (Ubisoft Connect)
    STEINS;GATE (Steam)
    Stellaris (Steam)
    Stick Fight: The Game (Steam)
    Stick It to The Man! (Epic)
    Still There (Steam)
    Stoneshard (Steam)
    STORY OF SEASONS: Friends of Mineral Town (Steam)
    Strange Brigade (Steam)
    Stranger Things 3: The Game (Epic)
    Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg (Steam)
    Streets of Rage 4 (Steam)
    Streets of Rogue (Steam)
    Stronghold 2: Steam Edition (Steam)
    Stronghold 3 Gold (Steam)
    Stronghold Crusader 2 (Steam)
    Stronghold Crusader HD (Steam)
    Stronghold HD (Steam)
    Stronghold Kingdoms (Steam)
    Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition (Steam)
    Stronghold: Warlords (Steam)
    Struggling (Steam)
    Styx: Master of Shadows (Steam)
    Styx: Shards of Darkness (Steam)
    Subnautica (Epic)
    Subnautica (Steam)
    Subnautica: Below Zero (Epic)
    Subnautica: Below Zero (Steam)
    Sudden Strike 4 (Steam)
    Super Mega Baseball 2 (Steam)
    Super Mega Baseball 3 (Steam)
    SUPERHOT (Steam)
    Supreme Commander 2 (Steam)
    Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance (Steam)
    Surgeon Simulator (Steam)
    Surgeon Simulator 2 (Epic)
    Surviving Mars (Epic)
    Surviving Mars (Steam)
    Surviving The Aftermath (Epic)
    Surviving The Aftermath (Steam)
    Sword and Fairy 7 Trial (Steam)
    Syberia 3 (Steam)
    System Shock Demo (Steam)
    System Shock: Enhanced Edition (Steam)
    Tabletop Simulator (Steam)
    Tacoma (Epic)
    Tacoma (Steam)
    Tale of Wuxia (?????) (Steam)
    Tale of Wuxia: The Pre-Sequel (Steam)
    Tales of the Neon Sea (Epic)
    Tank Mechanic Simulator (Steam)
    Team Fortress 2 (Steam)
    TERA (Steam)
    Terminator: Resistance (Steam)
    Terraria (Steam)
    The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit (Steam)
    The Bradwell Conspiracy (Steam)
    The Council - Episode 1 (Steam)
    The Crew® 2 (Epic)
    The Crew® 2 (Steam)
    The Crew® 2 (Ubisoft Connect)
    The Crew™ (Steam)
    The Crew™ (Ubisoft Connect)
    The Cycle (Epic)
    The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics (Steam)
    The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos (Epic)
    The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos (Steam)
    The Escapists (Steam)
    The Escapists 2 (Steam)
    The Falconeer (Steam)
    The Fisherman - Fishing Planet (Steam)
    The Forest (Steam)
    The Guild 3 (Steam)
    The Guild II: Renaissance (Steam)
    The Isle (Steam)
    The King of Fighters XIV (Steam)
    The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky (Steam)
    The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC (Steam)
    The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd (Steam)
    The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (Steam)
    The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III (Epic)
    The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III (Steam)
    The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV (Epic)
    The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV (Steam)
    The Long Dark® (Steam)
    The Medium (Epic)
    The Medium (Steam)
    The Pedestrian (Steam)
    The Settlers® 7: History Edition (Ubisoft Connect)
    The Shattering (Steam)
    THE SHORE (Steam)
    The Surge (Steam)
    The Surge 2 (Steam)
    The Survivalists (Steam)
    The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia (Epic)
    The Wild Eight (Steam)
    The Wind Road (Steam)
    The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition (GOG)
    The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition (Steam)
    The Witcher® 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year (Epic)
    The Witcher® 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year (GOG)
    The Witcher® 3: Wild Hunt (Steam)
    The Witcher® Adventure Game (GOG)
    The Witcher®: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut (Steam)
    The Wonderful 101: Remastered (Steam)
    Thea 2: The Shattering (Steam)
    Thea: The Awakening (Steam)
    They Are Billions (Steam)
    Thief (Steam)
    Thief Simulator (Steam)
    Thief: Deadly Shadows (Steam)
    Thief™ Gold (Steam)
    This Is the Police (Steam)
    This Is the Police 2 (Steam)
    This War of Mine: Final Cut (Epic)
    This War of Mine: Final Cut (Steam)
    Those Who Remain (Steam)
    Three Kingdoms: The Last Warlord (Steam)
    Thronebreaker: The Witcher® Tales (GOG)
    Thronebreaker: The Witcher® Tales (Steam)
    Titan Quest Anniversary Edition (Steam)
    Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier™ (Ubisoft Connect)
    Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® (Ubisoft Connect)
    Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Wildlands (Epic)
    Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Wildlands (Steam)
    Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Wildlands (Ubisoft Connect)
    Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Lockdown™ (Ubisoft Connect)
    Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege (Epic)
    Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege (Steam)
    Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege (Ubisoft Connect)
    Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory® (Ubisoft Connect)
    Tom Clancy's The Division™ (Steam)
    Tom Clancy's The Division™ (Ubisoft Connect)
    Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint (Epic)
    Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint (Ubisoft Connect)
    Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell® Blacklist™ (Steam)
    Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell® Blacklist™ (Ubisoft Connect)
    Tom Clancy’s The Division® 2 (Epic)
    Tom Clancy’s The Division® 2 (Ubisoft Connect)
    Tomb Raider (Steam)
    Tomb Raider I (Steam)
    Tomb Raider II (Steam)
    Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation (Steam)
    Tomb Raider: Underworld (Steam)
    Torchlight (Epic)
    Torchlight (Steam)
    Torchlight II (Epic)
    Torchlight II (Steam)
    Torchlight III (Steam)
    Totally Accurate Battle Simulator (Epic)
    Totally Accurate Battle Simulator (Steam)
    Totally Accurate Battlegrounds (Steam)
    Totally Reliable Delivery Service (Epic)
    Tour de France 2020 (Steam)
    Tour de France 2021 (Steam)
    Tower of Time (Steam)
    Tower Unite (Steam)
    Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt (Steam)
    TrackMania United Forever (Steam)
    Trackmania® (Epic)
    Trackmania® (Ubisoft Connect)
    Trackmania® Turbo (Ubisoft Connect)
    TrackMania² Stadium (Steam)
    TrackMania² Stadium (Ubisoft Connect)
    Trailmakers (Steam)
    Train Fever (Steam)
    Train Station Renovation (Steam)
    Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019 (Steam)
    Trainz: A New Era (Steam)
    Transport Fever (Steam)
    Transport Fever 2 (Steam)
    Tree of Savior (Steam)
    Trials® Rising (Epic)
    Trials® Rising (Steam)
    Trials® Rising (Ubisoft Connect)
    Tricky Towers (Steam)
    Trine 2: Complete Story (Steam)
    Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince (Steam)
    Trine Enchanted Edition (Steam)
    Triton Survival (Steam)
    Tropico 4 (Steam)
    Tropico 5 (Epic)
    Tropico 5 (Steam)
    Tropico 6 (Steam)
    Trove (Steam)
    Trover Saves The Universe (Steam)
    TT Isle of Man Ride on the Edge (Steam)
    TT Isle of Man Ride on the Edge 2 (Steam)
    Tunshi Kongming Legends ????? (Steam)
    Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion (Steam)
    Two Point Hospital (Steam)
    Tyranny - Gold Edition (Epic)
    Tyranny (Steam)
    theHunter: Call of the Wild™ (Steam)
    UBOAT (Steam)
    Ultimate Chicken Horse (Steam)
    Ultimate Fishing Simulator (Steam)
    ULTRAKILL (Steam)
    UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[cl-r] (Steam)
    Unfortunate Spacemen (Steam)
    Unknown Fate (Steam)
    UNO (Steam)
    UNO (Ubisoft Connect)
    Untitled Goose Game (Steam)
    Unturned (Steam)
    V-Rally 4 (Steam)
    Valheim (Steam)
    Valiant Hearts: The Great War™ (Ubisoft Connect)
    Vampyr (Epic)
    Vampyr (Steam)
    Victoria II (Steam)
    Vigil: The Longest Night (Steam)
    Vikings – Wolves of Midgard (Steam)
    Wanba Warriors (Steam)
    War of Rights (Steam)
    War Robots (Steam)
    War Thunder
    War Thunder (Steam)
    Warface (Steam)
    Warframe (Epic)
    Warframe (Steam)
    Wargame: Airland Battle (Steam)
    Wargame: Red Dragon (Epic)
    Wargame: Red Dragon (Steam)
    Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War (Epic)
    Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War (Steam)
    Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr (Steam)
    Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Prophecy (Steam)
    Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus (Steam)
    Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Storm Ground (Steam)
    Warhammer Underworlds Online (Steam)
    Warhammer: Chaosbane (Steam)
    Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide (Steam)
    Warhammer: Vermintide 2 (Steam)
    Warlock: Master of the Arcane Complete Collection (Steam)
    Watch Dogs®: Legion (Epic)
    Watch Dogs®: Legion (Ubisoft Connect)
    Watch_Dogs® 2 (Epic)
    Watch_Dogs® 2 (Steam)
    Watch_Dogs® 2 (Ubisoft Connect)
    Watch_Dogs™ (Steam)
    Watch_Dogs™ (Ubisoft Connect)
    Welcome to the Game II (Steam)
    Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Earthblood (Epic)
    Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Heart of the Forest (Steam)
    West of Dead (Steam)
    When Ski Lifts Go Wrong (Steam)
    Where The Water Tastes Like Wine (Epic)
    Will To Live Online (Steam)
    Windbound (Epic)
    Windbound (Steam)
    Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem (Steam)
    Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic (Steam)
    World of Tanks
    World of Tanks Blitz (Steam)
    World of Warplanes
    World of Warships
    World of Warships (Steam)
    World War Z - GOTY Edition (Epic)
    Worms Rumble (Steam)
    Worms W.M.D (Steam)
    Worms™ Armageddon (Steam)
    Worms™ Clan Wars (Steam)
    Worms™ Reloaded (Steam)
    WRC 7 FIA World Rally Championship (Steam)
    WRC 8 FIA World Rally Championship (Epic)
    WRC 8 FIA World Rally Championship (Steam)
    WRC 9 FIA World Rally Championship (Epic)
    Wreckfest (Steam)
    Wrench (Steam)
    Wurm Unlimited (Steam)
    X Rebirth (Steam)
    X-Morph: Defense (Steam)
    X3: Reunion (Steam)
    X3: Terran Conflict (Steam)
    X4: Foundations (Steam)
    XERA: Survival (Steam)
    XIII (Steam)
    Xuan Yuan Sword: The Gate of Firmament (Steam)
    Xuan-Yuan Sword VII (Steam)
    Yes, Your Grace (Epic)
    Yes, Your Grace (Steam)
    Ylands (Steam)
    Yoku's Island Express (Steam)
    Yooka-Laylee (Steam)
    Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair (Epic)
    Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair (Steam)
    Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA (Steam)
    Yuppie Psycho: Executive Edition (Steam)
    Zelter (Steam)
    Zero Escape: The Nonary Games (Steam)
    Zombie Army Trilogy (Steam)
    ???? The Scroll Of Taiwu (Steam)

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