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gtx 1650 düşük fps problemi

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  • merhabalar öncelikle herkese, gtx 1650 ryzen5 1600 8gb 3000mhz donanımlarına sahibim fakat oyunlarda düşük fps alıyorum. valorantta 70-80 fps alıyorum ortalama bazen 30-40 fpslere düştüğü oluyor fakat sebebini çözemedim. nvidia denetim masasında performans ayarlarına çektim oyunu en düşük grafiklerde oynuyorum fakat düzelmiyor. yardımcı olursanız sevinirim.

  • Sürücüler güncel mi? Sıcaklıklar ne durumda? hwinfoyu kullanabilirsin.

  • ekran kartı sürücüsü güncel işlemciyi ve anakartı da güncelledim şimdi oyun içerisindeykenki sıcaklıkları hangi program ile takip edebilirim?

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi Ardosa -- 13 Ağustos 2021; 23:43:52 >
  • msi afterburner ile takip ettim hocam ekran kartım 41 derece işlemciyi ise 57 derece olarak gösteriyor

  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: Ardosa

    msi afterburner ile takip ettim hocam ekran kartım 41 derece işlemciyi ise 57 derece olarak gösteriyor

    Diğer oyunlarda durum nasıl sadece valorant mı sıkıntılı?

  • kime sorsam valorant denen oyunda sorun yaşıyor.oynamayın en iyisi

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  • Nathan Spencer kullanıcısına yanıt
    Diğerleri de problemli bf1i online 1920 1080 orta ayarlarda 30 40 fps veriyor ayni sistem abimde var sadece islemcisi 10100f o hicbir problem yaşamıyor bunun böyle olmasinin sebebini anlayamadım

    < Bu ileti Android uygulamasından atıldı >
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    GT 420 Fps sorunu NVİDİA
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    VALORANT EPISODE 3 FPS increase guide / VALORANT FPS Guide 2021 ✅ Valorant *BEST SETTINGS* 👍 more fps, fix lag, Reduce input latency and stutter✔️ better fps, boost fps within valorant episode 3 2021 including Nvidia Reflex! & New Reduce latency features! Lets try for 5000+ Likes! 👍 For this Extremely helpful tutorial?! Do your part and hit "Like" now! Lag Fix + FPS Drop fix included! and feel free to suggest more & Subscribe! ✔️ This video will teach you guys how to optimize valorant/ valorant 2021 NEW AGENT KAY/O KAYO for the best increases possible to boost fps reduce lag stop stuttering fix spikes and improve visuals with the best competitive settings, reduce input lag within valorant new update which is free to play! - valorant fps boost, valorant stuttering pc, valorant fps boost all in this video! valorant settings / best valorant settings with new valorant config pro settings - helping valorant low end pc, how to increase fps in valorant, fps boost valorant ,how to boost fps in valorant and much more! #valorantfps #Increasefps #valorantsettings 🔽 All links to follow along with this video are below 🔽 📌 Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/panjno 📍 Prefer Shorter Content? 📍 Check out the 2nd channel! Same content, cut down into small bite size videos Panj2 Here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFnS... 🔗🔹Tools, Software and configs to use!🔹🔗 ▫️ Nvidia GPU Drivers: https://www.geforce.com/drivers ▫️ AMD Radeon GPU Drivers: https://www.amd.com/en/support ▫️ NVSlimmer (nvidia debloat): https://www.guru3d.com/files-details/nvidia-driver-slimming-utility.html ▫️ DDU (Display Driver unins): https://www.wagnardsoft.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3513 ▫️ MSI utility: https://forums.guru3d.com/threads/windows-line-based-vs-message-signaled-based-interrupts-msi-tool.378044/ ▫️ Geforce Experience (for shadowplay): https://www.nvidia.com/en-gb/geforce/geforce-experience/download/ ADVANCED SECTION: ▫️ HPET OFF: bcdedit /deletevalue useplatformclock ▫️ HPET ON: bcdedit /set useplatformclock true Timestamps: 0:00 Intro & Benchmarks (Before & After) 0:32 Game Application Fix 1:46 Game Settings (Video, General, mini-map & FPS improvements) 7:11 Windows Optimizations (Reduce Latency) 10:53 USB Fix (Lower CPU load) 11:13 Mouse & Keyboard Tweaks (Reduce input lag) 12:13 GPU Optimizations (Updates, Tweaks & Optimizations) 13:17 Debloating Nvidia Drivers (important, BIG FPS gains) 15:24 Removing old, Bloated Drivers (Nvidia & AMD) 18:07 GPU Tweaks (Reduce latency, Boost fps & best settings) 20:17 Geforce Experience Install & Tweaks 21:43 Advanced Tweaks (Major latency reduction) *ADVANCED USERS ONLY* 23:16 Outro ▶️Other extremely helpful & Effective Optimization guides to follow ▶️ 🔸 How To CLEAR ALL Cache in windows 10, 8, 7! https://youtu.be/X7FObUG1SS8 🔸 How To Clear UPTO 30GB+ Diskspace Quickly & Easily! https://youtu.be/7VsR1xuwmyE 🔸 Ultimate Guide to Improve Performance in windows 10 https://youtu.be/wkJBDEDDS5o 🔸 Ultimate GPU Overclocking Guide: https://youtu.be/k1dGwFOdFLI 🔸 nVidia Geforce Best Settings Guide: https://youtu.be/jZrnfWpENTo 🔸 AMD/Radeon Best Settings Guide: https://youtu.be/K1N4vV5BSoI 🔸 Ultimate GPU Overclocking Guide: https://youtu.be/k1dGwFOdFLI 🔸 Ultimate Guide to Improve Performance in windows 10 https://youtu.be/wkJBDEDDS5o 🔸 nVidia Geforce Best Settings Guide: https://youtu.be/jZrnfWpENTo 🔸 AMD/Radeon Best Settings Guide: https://youtu.be/K1N4vV5BSoI Still getting low fps ? try lowering the resolution ingame i.e Using the Resolution Scale option, Start at 100% then work downwards until viable results are found. Try overclocking both your CPU & GPU, this can help out a TON! just find out what your gpu or cpu is, or both and youtube for overclocking guides, this will help ALOT! - My Equipment - Earphones - KZ-ZST (In ear monitors) Headphones - Logitech G PRO X Disclaimer: Due to factors beyond the control of Panjno/Panjnotutorials, I cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. Panjno / Panjnotutorials assumes no liability for property damage or loss of data as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. Due to factors beyond the control of Panjno, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, programs, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Panjno.
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  • Nathan Spencer kullanıcısına yanıt

    bios güncellemesini yaptım anakartın modeli a320m-k

  • tundra202006 kullanıcısına yanıt

    videodakilerin büyük bölümünü uyguladım. en yakın zamanda eklemeye calısacağım 8gb teşekkür ederim.

  • şuradaki gibi ram mhzsinini arttırın. ekran kartını başka sistemde deneseme imkanın varsa denesene bu arada.

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