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League of Legends Ana Konu (9. sayfa)

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  • iyide bende türkiyedeyim ama herhangi bir sorun yok gayet rahat oynuyorum oyunu. dün bende oyun oynarken birkerede oyun koptu kapatıp tekrar girmeye çalıştığımda aynı şey oldu. ama bugün düzeldi inş. sizinkide hemen düzelir
  • Bende oyundayım şuan
  • gençler noldu düzelmiş im?, proud girdim diyor ama ark aradı girememiş... akşam evde bakacam inş. çalışır zira 3-4 gün oynayamıcam.. bu akşam iyice bi hevesimi almaam lazım

    beetle, kensei, blizz, brst, clammy, vs vs adını yazamadıklarım henüz ekleyemediklerim (takip edemiyorum; siz ekleyiverin size zhmet; Ger0nim0 (0=sıfır)
    akşam gelin de şuraya eli yüzü düzgün packshotlar (ya da ne diyosanız bu fotolara) koyalım.

    coming soon hadin baqam gençlee....
  • kanqa giremiyoruz en azından ben giremiyorum bi kaç arkadas var girebilen ama çoğunluk olarak giremiyoruz sanırım...
  • lol-europe ta kayıt sırasında ülke belirlerken turkiyeyi seçeneklerden kaldırmışlar sanırım türk iplerini engellemişler. Keza siteside aynı şekilde ktunnelle girilebilirken normal yoldan bağlanamıyoruz... us serverına doğru kayma zamanı geldi sanırım...
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: rav3n.

    lol-europe ta kayıt sırasında ülke belirlerken turkiyeyi seçeneklerden kaldırmışlar sanırım türk iplerini engellemişler. Keza siteside aynı şekilde ktunnelle girilebilirken normal yoldan bağlanamıyoruz... us serverına doğru kayma zamanı geldi sanırım...

    Sana %1000 katılıyorum arkadaşlar siteye ktunnelle girebiliyoruz ve news bölümüne üye yapan üyeler sanki hiçbişe olmamış gibi kısacası artık giremiyeceğiz... uzun lafın kısası bizi çekemediler attılar.

    < Bu mesaj bu kişi tarafından değiştirildi BlackButler -- 24 Şubat 2010; 18:26:34 >
  • Ayrıca Bana göre dns felan değiştirmeyin gururunuz varsa türklerin dışlandığı oyunu oynamam şahsen...
  • Evet, ultrasurfle oyunun online olduğunu gördüm. Düşündüğünüz gibi oyun Türklere kapandı.. Sanırım küfürlerimizden yada ezişimizden bunalan bir kaç oyuncu topluluğu şikayet ettiler bizi. Barbar olarak göründüğümüz için de böyle oldu. Yalnız, küçüksediği toplumdaki tek birey onlar gibi bin orduya bedel. Bir kaç domainli foruma yaptım. Şimdi de bir oyuna yapacağım bunu. Umuyorum etkisi diğerlerinden daha fazla olur. Zamanı geldi bunun.. Darbe..
  • Gercekten engellediler büyük şerefsizlik.
  • Ben 1 hafta önce üyelik alırken zaten yoktu orda Türkiye, daha önceden varmıydı ki?
  • Engelleme falan yok ben sorunsuz bağlanıyorum. Birde DNS değiştirip deneyin.
  • Birde neden engellesinler durup dururken o kadar fazla player yok zaten Türkiye den?
  • Bende opendns ip leri mevcut ama genede girmiyor.Bu arada zaman gecirmek için hon a girdim grafikler daha iyi ama oynanabilirlik düşük sıktı 2 oyunda.
  • Bende de dün girmiyordu oyuna, bugün baktım düzelmiş 4-5 oyun attım ama arkadaşlarım hala giremiyor. Bu arada eklemek isteyen eklesin nick: Misanthrope
  • diğer konuda paylaşmıştım belki yarınki bakımdan sonra düzelebilir....

    League of Legends and PVP.net will be updated during scheduled downtime on 2/24/2010

    New skins in the Store
    Infernal Mordekaiser
    Dragon Knight Mordekaiser
    Vandal Jax
    Leopard Nidalee

    PVP.net v 1.06.19
    New LeaverBuster Additions:
    When players leave during Champion Select, they will not be allowed to rejoin the Matchmaking Queue for a period of time. The first time a player leaves, they will not be allowed to requeue for 3 minutes. The second time a player leaves, they will not be allowed to requeue for 10 minutes. This count will reset 8 hours after the last time a player left during Champion Select.
    Removed the "In champ select" message from buddy lists for friends who are in Normal Games (to help with queue dodging)
    The Play Game screen has a new look and feel. When a player presses “Play” they will see a new screen with the same options. Clicking on “Normal Game” or “Arranged Team” will take the player to a “Choose Game Mode” screen which is where the map/game type are selected.
    PVP.net should now support buddy lists up to 200 users more effectively
    Fixed the PVP.net rune list to allow for larger quantities of runes to be displayed
    Fixed a bug where the initial buddy presence was not correct upon login to PVP.net, causing some buddies to appear offline who were not
    Fixed a bug that would allow some players to view other player’s Most Played Champions wins and losses
    Fixed a bug that was causing some security answers on new accounts to not work
    Fixed a bug that was causing some new accounts to not be able to log into the Community Site or PVP.net after registering (if you still cannot log in to the web site but your account works on PVP.net, please contact support@riotgames.com).
    Fixed a bug in the PVP.net client that was causing the client to crash when chat was undocked
    Fixed a bug where online players were sometimes showing up in the “offline” section of the friends list.
    Fixed a bug where PVP.net was not cleaning up game logs more than 5 days old.
    Fixed a bug where sometimes players in the Arranged Team lobby would show as Level 0 with 0 wins.

    League of Legends v1.0.0.75

    Mordekaiser, the Master of Metal
    Mace of Spade: On next hit, Mordekaiser swings his mace with such force that it echoes out, striking up to three nearby targets, dealing his attack damage plus bonus damage. If the target is alone, the bonus damage is doubled.
    Creeping Death: Morderkaiser unleashes a protective cloud of metal shards to surround an ally, increasing their armor and magic resistance, and dealing damage per second to enemies in the cloud.
    Siphon of Destruction: Mordekaiser deals damage to enemies in a cone in front of him. For each unit hit, Mordekaiser’s shield absorbs energy.
    Children of the Grave: Mordekaiser curses an enemy, stealing a percent of their life each second. If the target dies while under the effect of the curse, their soul is enslaved and will follow Mordekaiser for 30 seconds. During this time, Mordekaiser gains 25% of their ability power and attack damage. The soul gains a percentage of Mordekaiser’s adjusted stats.
    Iron Man (passive): 20% of the damage dealt from abilities is converted into a temporary shield, absorbing incoming damage.

    Fixed a bug that allowed Annie to double stun.

    Base attack speed and attack speed per level increased by 25%.
    Barrel Roll missile speed increased by 25%
    Barrel Roll's Cooldown is now decreased by the amount of time the barrel is stopped for
    Barrel Roll's Cooldown increased to 12/11/10/9/8 from 11/10/9/8/7 as a result of the above change
    Body Slam is now location targetable
    Cleaned up the collision detection on Body Slam
    Body Slam's speed increased to 650/750/850/950/1050 from 600/650/700/750/800
    Body Slam's range increased by 50
    Explosive Cask missile speed increased by 25%
    Explosive Cask range increased by 50
    Fixed a bug where casting Explosive Cask out of range could sometimes make it cast to a lesser distance
    Explosive Cask cast radius slightly increased

    Empower (Remake):
    Jax instantly charges his weapon with energy, causing him to deal 45/65/85/105/125 damage to all enemies nearby on his next attack.
    As there is no longer a charge-up time, cooldown increased to 7/6/5/4/3 from 1 second.
    Changed Mana cost to 35 at all levels from 40/35/30/25/20.
    Equipment Mastery (New Passive): Jax's prowess with weapons and armor increase his fortitude as he gains equipment
    Jax gains 5 health per point of Attack Damage received from items.
    Jax gains 3 health per point of Ability Power received from items.
    Leap Strike can now target allies.
    Increased base Mana to 235 from 215.
    Increased Mana per level to 35 from 30.

    Added a new updated particle for Death Lotus.
    Fixed a bug in which Death Lotus would not immediately deal damage.
    Death Lotus channeling time reduced to 2.6 from 3.
    Number of daggers thrown by Death Lotus increased to 10 from 9

    Updated the icon for Death Defied

    Fixed an issue that would cause Aegis to not stun targets if you did not move as part of the skill

    Fixed a bug where Nidalee could pounce while rooted

    On The Hunt movement speed bonus reduced to 25% from 35%

    Fixed a bug in which Wish did not affect all allies

    Fixed a tooltip bug with Bloodlust

    Twisted Fate
    Wild Cards Mana cost increased to 50/65/80/95/110 from 40/55/70/85/100
    Pick a Card Mana cost increased to 60/70/80/90/100 from 40/50/60/70/80
    Pick a Card Gold Card base damage reduced to 40/80/120/160/200 from 50/100/150/200/250
    Pick a Card Gold Card ability power ratio increased to 0.5 from 0.4
    Pick a Card Gold Card no longer slows
    Pick a Card Red Card ability power ratio increased to 0.5 from 0.4
    Gate cooldown increased to 135/120/105/90/75 from 120/105/90/75/60

    Debilitating Poison now slows for 30% + 6% per Deadly Venom from 20% + 10% per Deadly Venom

    Hungering Strike Mana cost reduced to 60/70/80/90/100 from 100 at all levels
    Hungering Strike cooldown reduced by 2 at all levels
    Hunter's Call attack speed bonus increased to 50/55/60/65/70% from 50% at all levels. Allies gain half of this bonus at all levels
    Hunter's Call duration modified to 10 seconds at all levels from 6/9/12/15/18
    Hunter's Call cooldown reduced to 30/27/24/21/18 seconds from 32 seconds at all levels
    Blood Scent now has new particles both for Warwick and his victims
    Infinite Duress
    Decreased cooldown to 90/80/70 from 100 at all levels
    Decreased Mana cost to 100/125/150 from 150 at all levels
    Decreased stun duration to 1.7 from 2.1
    Decreased number of hits to 5 from 6
    Increased bonus damage per hit to 40/60/80 from 30/50/70
    Increased base and attack speed per level by 10%, which also increases attack speed from items and Hunter's Call
    Increased base Mana by 20
    Increased base Mana regen and Mana regen per level by 20%
    Updated PVP.Net champion search tags

    Added new "team color" versions of the Event Horizon particle

    Executioner's Calling no longer causes reduced healing on hit, but the damage over time effect can now hit minions
    Executioner's Calling now has an active ability: for the next 10 seconds, your hits cause 50% reduced healing and regeneration for 7 seconds against champions; 60 sec cooldown
    Phage slow reduced to 30% from 40%
    Fixed a bug in which Phage was slowing for too much on the initial hit
    Sheen spellcast effect reduced to 80% of base damage from 100%
    Trinity Force Slow reduced to 35% from 50%
    Trinity Force's spellcast effect reduced to 130% of base damage from 150%
    Mejai's Soulstealer: Reduced the amount of AP per stack to 9 from 10

    Summoner Spells
    Increased the cooldown of Flash to 240 from 210.

    Baron Nashor now debuffs his target with -50% attack damage rather than 60% attack speed.
    Blessing of the Lizard Elder damage per second reduced by 5 at all levels
    Blessing of the Lizard Elder movement speed debuff reduced by 5% at every level past 5.
    The in-game experience curve was normalized.
    Champion kill experience system reworked. Experience rewards are now calculated on a per-champion basis, with the rewards scaling based on the delta of champion levels. The scaling is based on an S curve so that killing champions three levels and below provide negligible rewards, and kills three levels and above provide almost twice the experience of even level kills.
    Pets should now properly respond to stop orders issued while selected.
    In game chat should no longer accept HTML tags, which were causing chat to exhibit strange behavior
    Fixed several Game Server issues that were occasionally causing crashes
    Fixed a bug where camera lock would sometime turn on while dead
    Fixed several issues with the Animation System, which should improve the visual quality of many abilities
    Fixed a bug that would show your champion under the “Assist” section in Death Recap in some cases
    Changed Death Recap to not report tower damage as champion damage (this will not affect Kill / Assist crediting)
    Fixed several bugs with Death Recap that were causing Udyr’s stances to not report damage correctly
    Pressing the “Esc” key should unselect a controlled pet
    Buff stacks should show the stack count in the HUD now without having to mouse over them
    Karthus's (Lich) passive icon was changed to be more reflective of the ability
    Fixed a bug that was causing /surrender fail for some users in some circumstances
  • Yeni hero Mordekaiser'ın skillerine dikkat eden oldu mu?Hepsinin isimleri metal gruplarının şarkılarından esinlenilmiş.Tam metalci herosu

    Mace of Spades(Ace of Spades)-Motorhead
    Creeping Death-Metallica
    Siphon of Destruction(Symphony of Destruction)-Megadeth
    Children of the Grave-Black Sabbath
    Iron Man-Black Sabbath

    Bu arada arkadaşlarımın da hiçbiri giremiyor,forumda Türkiye'den birisi konu açmış ben de belirttim orada arkadaşlarımın giremediğini.Bakalım ne diyecekler...
  • Kesinlikle bir sorun veya bir engelleme yok. Şu saate kadar defelarca girdim , çıktım , oynadım ,yendim , yenildim :) vs. Giremeyenlerin net bağlantısından ne bilim firewall dan filan kaynaklı olabilir. Bilginize.
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: deepb

    Kesinlikle bir sorun veya bir engelleme yok. Şu saate kadar defelarca girdim , çıktım , oynadım ,yendim , yenildim :) vs. Giremeyenlerin net bağlantısından ne bilim firewall dan filan kaynaklı olabilir. Bilginize.

    Şöyle birşey de olabilir;belli ip-range lerini banlamış olabilirler.Yani belli başlı ipleri banlamış olabilirler.Bu yüzden bazıları girebiliyor,bazıları giremiyor olabilir.
  • "Şu sıralar internet servis sağlayıcımızın (ISP:TTNET) Fransa'daki bazı IP aralıkları ile gerekli bağlantıları kuramadığının bilgisini aldım biraz araştırmadan sonra GOA ve Riot yetkililerine de durumu e-posta ile bildirdim ve ilgileneceklerini söylediler. TTNET sorunun üstesinden gelene kadar yapabileceğimiz pek birşey yok henüz.

    Bu yüzden bu günlerde lol-europe.com ve sunucular sadece Türkiye'den ve sadece TTNET-ADSL kullanıcıları tarafından ulaşılamaz durumda (KabloNet, UyduNet ve QuikNet kullanıcıları bağlanabiliyor sorunsuzca.) şu an için beklemek tek şansımız."

    Alıntı: lol-turkiye.com
  • quote:

    Orijinalden alıntı: _RadagasT_

    "Şu sıralar internet servis sağlayıcımızın (ISP:TTNET) Fransa'daki bazı IP aralıkları ile gerekli bağlantıları kuramadığının bilgisini aldım biraz araştırmadan sonra GOA ve Riot yetkililerine de durumu e-posta ile bildirdim ve ilgileneceklerini söylediler. TTNET sorunun üstesinden gelene kadar yapabileceğimiz pek birşey yok henüz.

    Bu yüzden bu günlerde lol-europe.com ve sunucular sadece Türkiye'den ve sadece TTNET-ADSL kullanıcıları tarafından ulaşılamaz durumda (KabloNet, UyduNet ve QuikNet kullanıcıları bağlanabiliyor sorunsuzca.) şu an için beklemek tek şansımız."

    Alıntı: lol-turkiye.com

    saol kardeş en azından biraz içimiz rahatladı
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